Topic: What is going on with people... | |
It's called POPULATION CONTROL. 7 billion people and still growing, with 1 billion in the last decade alone. They are consuming the precious dwindling resources of this finite planet, thanks to the industrial revolution of the past 150 years, which has made people's lives less laborous. People are living longer, adding to the burden on the planet's resources. The only answer for the side effects of overpopulation from the industrial revolution is overpopulation reversal, which includes the deliberate poisoning of air, water, food, and medicine with chemicals to shorten human life span. You have children on meds to tame them and poison them at the same time, the side effects of which can be violence and aggression leading to death, which helps in the population control. It's all part of the master plan, eventually eliminating 90% of the population by 2025, disguised as a necessary war, which will whittle the human numbers to a manageable 1 billion. Welcome to the matrix.
As for the public fool system, the teachers are doing an excellent job. They are contributing to the dumbing down of the masses so we can continue to be slaves on the plantation and will never have the intelligence to organize against an unjust system protected under the police state. Have a nice day, minions. |
Good point, Ms Iam.
Got me thinking. What groups would need killing off first? Young who would statistically wind up being burdens on society as adults. Cutting care to elderly and making the option to pass on painlessly. I don't see them messing with gangs. They help in populalion control. They might promote homosexing as normal. If I had a say in it, I would offer cash incentives to non-contributors to get neutered and have abortions. Can't afford to raise 'em? Take out the factory. The would still have the box it came in. Elimination of those who consume without contributing would be a plan I could imagine them going with. |
It sells, check the statistics, the incidents of such cases is actually down. The news media has taken to the theme . . . Exactly. |
The culture is SICK yes, yes it is :( people should be educated to benifit the world Speaking of which. I have to get off here soon. Some of us have to go out and make sure the ghetto rats and their mamas get their welfare benefits. We didn't do that, they might have to pick up a damn shovel. The gall!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() was that directed in a way to me? kinda was out of place maybe? its an m.o. be prepared to see 'ferals', or 'OBama' or 'NOI' or 'ghetto rats', interjected as the negative element in almost every political conversation,,,, So True !!! |
Good point, Ms Iam. Got me thinking. What groups would need killing off first? Young who would statistically wind up being burdens on society as adults. Cutting care to elderly and making the option to pass on painlessly. I don't see them messing with gangs. They help in populalion control. They might promote homosexing as normal. If I had a say in it, I would offer cash incentives to non-contributors to get neutered and have abortions. Can't afford to raise 'em? Take out the factory. The would still have the box it came in. Elimination of those who consume without contributing would be a plan I could imagine them going with. The elderly are at the top of the list, since most are retired and not contributing anymore/are no longer productive. The young would not be targeted since they have the highest potential for productivity and can be forced into labor, unless they are mentally and physically unfit. Those will be the next group to be eliminated since they are a burden on society. Homosexuals do not reproduce at high rates so they may get a pass. |
Good point, Ms Iam. Got me thinking. What groups would need killing off first? Young who would statistically wind up being burdens on society as adults. Cutting care to elderly and making the option to pass on painlessly. I don't see them messing with gangs. They help in populalion control. They might promote homosexing as normal. If I had a say in it, I would offer cash incentives to non-contributors to get neutered and have abortions. Can't afford to raise 'em? Take out the factory. The would still have the box it came in. Elimination of those who consume without contributing would be a plan I could imagine them going with. The elderly are at the top of the list, since most are retired and not contributing anymore/are no longer productive. The young would not be targeted since they have the highest potential for productivity and can be forced into labor, unless they are mentally and physically unfit. Those will be the next group to be eliminated since they are a burden on society. Homosexuals do not reproduce at high rates so they may get a pass. What are your thoughts on those who only populate and consume without contributing? |
Gangs keep breaking the established laws of society and are violent, therefore difficult to control by the establishment. They would be another targeted group because the police state likes people as sheep.
Gangsters are actually more American than apple pie. They have been here since before the wild west vigilante type "group" "justice".
They will not stop being a part of the social structure until the mind set changes of what it means to be American. As long as intimidation is a way of getting your way for the right of all.... |
What are your thoughts on those who only populate and consume without contributing?
Except for targeting the elderly, since they are still healthy and have life and wisdom in them, even if they are considered socially unproductive, targeting the other groups seems like an ideal plan. Unfortunately, going by history, it won't take long for the plan to spiral out of control and for healthy, contributing people to become targeted as well, for racist or other contrived reasons. If we can avoid the wrongful targeting, I am for the plan but it seems diabolical. Right to life groups will be up in arms about keeping sick, useless people around. And what if it's close to home and my child is sick or becomes sick later or I become sick? Imagine the anguish for me. It's always easier to dismiss others when you don't think that the same situation will affect or befall you. Plus, we end up losing compassion for others and learn to become heartless. It's a double edged sword but it's going to eventually happen regardless of my feelings on the issue. |
Except for targeting the elderly, since they are still healthy and have life and wisdom in them, even if they are considered socially unproductive, targeting the other groups seems like an ideal plan. Unfortunately, going by history, it won't take long for the plan to spiral out of control and for healthy, contributing people to become targeted as well, for racist or other contrived reasons. If we can avoid the wrongful targeting, I am for the plan but it seems diabolical. Right to life groups will be up in arms about keeping sick, useless people around. And what if it's close to home and my child is sick or becomes sick later or I become sick? Imagine the anguish for me. It's always easier to dismiss others when you don't think that the same situation will affect or befall you. Plus, we end up losing compassion for others and learn to become heartless. It's a double edged sword but it's going to eventually happen regardless of my feelings on the issue. That is exactly what I see in the posts some make about abhorring some child killers and adoring others. It's almost as if one is doing a very evil deed and the other is saving a planet. Hypocrisy, IMO. |
Let's face it, we are all selfish hypocrites. We want what's best for us and screw everyone else. Survival of the fittest philosophy. But when we become unfit, then it's a different story because we want everyone to show us compassion. lol It's human nature.
Let's face it, we are all selfish hypocrites. We want what's best for us and screw everyone else. Survival of the fittest philosophy. But when we become unfit, then it's a different story because we want everyone to show us compassion. lol It's human nature. I dont think its something that cant be 'unlearned' though,, many of us try to every day many seek a combination of compassion and self accountability,,a balance thats not simple to find |
Edited by
Sat 01/05/13 05:34 PM
Let's face it, we are all selfish hypocrites. We want what's best for us and screw everyone else. Survival of the fittest philosophy. But when we become unfit, then it's a different story because we want everyone to show us compassion. lol It's human nature. Reminds me of an old, unselfish, Aboriginal dude. He was getting so weak, he was holding everyone back. He told them to leave him and go on. Before they left, they surrounded him with a very thick layer of thorny bushes so the jackals and hyenas couldn't get to him and make him suffer. Me, if I know I'm getting ready to die, would love to die like the old man. The animals eventually got to him but, by that time, he was naturally dead and he became sustenance for them. Time for me to sign off. Some of us have to get up in the morning and do for those who chose not to. Thanks, Ms Iam. You are a very interesting and deep person. Hope to see you again. Be well. |
But think about it, Ms Harmony, why would you want to unlearn that? Humans are driven by ego. We have good in us but boy, can we be evil. Sometimes, it feels good to be evil or mean. That's why it's so much easier to be bad than good. In movies, the fascinating people are the evil ones. You know why? We secretly wish that we could cut loose on our baser urges and be evil, too, and get away with it.
Thanks, Ms Iam. You are a very interesting and deep person. Hope to see you again. Be well.
You are good for my ego, sir. ![]() |
But think about it, Ms Harmony, why would you want to unlearn that? Humans are driven by ego. We have good in us but boy, can we be evil. Sometimes, it feels good to be evil or mean. That's why it's so much easier to be bad than good. In movies, the fascinating people are the evil ones. You know why? We secretly wish that we could cut loose on our baser urges and be evil, too, and get away with it. I wish to unlearn hypocrisy. I dont feel ,as a parent, I can set examples for my kids without being consistent in my actions. I also dont wish to give in to 'being evil',,especially not just for an immediate gratification. |
That's very noble of you but it boxes you in, all that goodness and accountability. It makes one feel like a prisoner. We all need to cut loose and give in to our baser urges sometimes because it's liberating. Society has too many rules and laws.
That's very noble of you but it boxes you in, all that goodness and accountability. It makes one feel like a prisoner. We all need to cut loose and give in to our baser urges sometimes because it's liberating. Society has too many rules and laws. my box is large enough for me to sleep with a clear conscious, it makes me feel more like a 'civilized' human than a 'prisoner',, life without rule or law is chos,,,direction and focus are more rewarding and liberating to me but , in the end, its the balance being neither totally selfish or totally selfless,,but something in the middle,,, thats the ultimate achievement |
I have a new years resolution. I'm turning my life around. I'm going to stop taking any of that bad news seriously. Most of it is spin and all of it is out of my control. In fact, I'm going to stop taking anything seriously. I'm tired of the media whores attempting to manipulate the public's shock and horror at some story that may not even be true or accurate. |
I have a new years resolution. I'm turning my life around. I'm going to stop taking any of that bad news seriously. Most of it is spin and all of it is out of my control. In fact, I'm going to stop taking anything seriously. I'm tired of the media whores attempting to manipulate the public's shock and horror at some story that may not even be true or accurate. I have done this for the most part. I don't have cable and I only listen to the radio when I'm in the car. Which is only 15 to 30 minutes per day. On the weekend it can be 0 minutes. I highly recommend it. |