Topic: God the creator of everything? .. | |
This is nonesence funches. I am done with this thread. You have clearly been shown what you seek, but as always just here to stir up things. So I have answered your question, I will now leave this thread alone. wow need to have a conniption fit ....the thread simply asked for you to provide a passage from those 6 creation days in Genesis to back up what you are talking about.....sorry that you were incapable of performing that one simple task... but anyway...Go in peace my son |
so then what is ur thread about if the bible is fake (facts say it is)... since im sure nobody knows anything about the real truth and god.. was maybe just storys on how one should be by the first authors? so then are we all going to hell because what is gods true words or things..? not the bible... so your asking a question that cant be answered and evil creates itself because we all have different minds? u cant take it out of ones mind, its in us all? maybe evil was "created" to filter out the bad people in the world and to filter heaven or whatever of the true bad people, its there for one to take the path if there mind and body wants it? the bible may or may not be fake....but to be fair with our "believer" friends here on will lessen their wrath to play like the bible is the true word of God even though they don't act like it is its fake, u can reasearch.. but people need something to follow... i think they are weak in life... cause if the words of a book can help them with problems then why not just read inspiring books and things that will benifit them in there life in real time. the are fake followers becuase all those people would not be the person they are if they listened to the bible.. maybe the world would be better if everyone listened to there religion.. and i dont think ur question can be answered... evil is in us all.. who says god wasnt evil? why would a god make evil "possible"? maybe a test? who knows and a book cannot tell why. |
its fake, u can reasearch.. but people need something to follow... i think they are weak in life... cause if the words of a book can help them with problems then why not just read inspiring books and things that will benifit them in there life in real time. the are fake followers becuase all those people would not be the person they are if they listened to the bible.. maybe the world would be better if everyone listened to there religion.. and i dont think ur question can be answered... evil is in us all.. who says god wasnt evil? why would a god make evil "possible"? maybe a test? who knows and a book cannot tell why. let's say that we were debating about the "Book of Unicorns" ..would the book be fake because one didn't believe that unicorns exist or is the book true because it tells everything about unicorns according to the belief this is why to debate the bible one do not have to believe that it is true or not, but the fun part is the way believers put things into the bible that are not there and they know that they are lying about it.... it's the same as claiming that a unicorn has three seperate horns when "the book of unicorns" clearly say that the unicorn has only one horn, then they will claim that the three seperate horns are parts of one horn becomes a shell game of deception ... also I wouldn't say that believers are weak....perhaps the best term is scared....if you are tormented from birth that an invisible entity is going to burn you forever in a lake of fire if you don't worship follow or love them telling what type of toll if can take on the mind... but anyway the question where and when in Genesis did God create evil is answerable ...just think about it logically.....when is the only time in those 6 days of Creation could God have possibly created Evil...the answer is very logical |
its fake, u can reasearch.. but people need something to follow... i think they are weak in life... cause if the words of a book can help them with problems then why not just read inspiring books and things that will benifit them in there life in real time. the are fake followers becuase all those people would not be the person they are if they listened to the bible.. maybe the world would be better if everyone listened to there religion.. and i dont think ur question can be answered... evil is in us all.. who says god wasnt evil? why would a god make evil "possible"? maybe a test? who knows and a book cannot tell why. let's say that we were debating about the "Book of Unicorns" ..would the book be fake because one didn't believe that unicorns exist or is the book true because it tells everything about unicorns according to the belief this is why to debate the bible one do not have to believe that it is true or not, but the fun part is the way believers put things into the bible that are not there and they know that they are lying about it.... it's the same as claiming that a unicorn has three seperate horns when "the book of unicorns" clearly say that the unicorn has only one horn, then they will claim that the three seperate horns are parts of one horn becomes a shell game of deception ... also I wouldn't say that believers are weak....perhaps the best term is scared....if you are tormented from birth that an invisible entity is going to burn you forever in a lake of fire if you don't worship follow or love them telling what type of toll if can take on the mind... but anyway the question where and when in Genesis did God create evil is answerable ...just think about it logically.....when is the only time in those 6 days of Creation could God have possibly created Evil...the answer is very logical haha very true.. i shall keep some of those words :) so then tell me sir, what is the logical answer? cause i dont really know Genesis or the bible lol! |
its fake, u can reasearch.. but people need something to follow... i think they are weak in life... cause if the words of a book can help them with problems then why not just read inspiring books and things that will benifit them in there life in real time. the are fake followers becuase all those people would not be the person they are if they listened to the bible.. maybe the world would be better if everyone listened to there religion.. and i dont think ur question can be answered... evil is in us all.. who says god wasnt evil? why would a god make evil "possible"? maybe a test? who knows and a book cannot tell why. let's say that we were debating about the "Book of Unicorns" ..would the book be fake because one didn't believe that unicorns exist or is the book true because it tells everything about unicorns according to the belief this is why to debate the bible one do not have to believe that it is true or not, but the fun part is the way believers put things into the bible that are not there and they know that they are lying about it.... it's the same as claiming that a unicorn has three seperate horns when "the book of unicorns" clearly say that the unicorn has only one horn, then they will claim that the three seperate horns are parts of one horn becomes a shell game of deception ... also I wouldn't say that believers are weak....perhaps the best term is scared....if you are tormented from birth that an invisible entity is going to burn you forever in a lake of fire if you don't worship follow or love them telling what type of toll if can take on the mind... but anyway the question where and when in Genesis did God create evil is answerable ...just think about it logically.....when is the only time in those 6 days of Creation could God have possibly created Evil...the answer is very logical haha very true.. i shall keep some of those words :) so then tell me sir, what is the logical answer? cause i dont really know Genesis or the bible lol! The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... |
its fake, u can reasearch.. but people need something to follow... i think they are weak in life... cause if the words of a book can help them with problems then why not just read inspiring books and things that will benifit them in there life in real time. the are fake followers becuase all those people would not be the person they are if they listened to the bible.. maybe the world would be better if everyone listened to there religion.. and i dont think ur question can be answered... evil is in us all.. who says god wasnt evil? why would a god make evil "possible"? maybe a test? who knows and a book cannot tell why. let's say that we were debating about the "Book of Unicorns" ..would the book be fake because one didn't believe that unicorns exist or is the book true because it tells everything about unicorns according to the belief this is why to debate the bible one do not have to believe that it is true or not, but the fun part is the way believers put things into the bible that are not there and they know that they are lying about it.... it's the same as claiming that a unicorn has three seperate horns when "the book of unicorns" clearly say that the unicorn has only one horn, then they will claim that the three seperate horns are parts of one horn becomes a shell game of deception ... also I wouldn't say that believers are weak....perhaps the best term is scared....if you are tormented from birth that an invisible entity is going to burn you forever in a lake of fire if you don't worship follow or love them telling what type of toll if can take on the mind... but anyway the question where and when in Genesis did God create evil is answerable ...just think about it logically.....when is the only time in those 6 days of Creation could God have possibly created Evil...the answer is very logical haha very true.. i shall keep some of those words :) so then tell me sir, what is the logical answer? cause i dont really know Genesis or the bible lol! The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. Nor do we fear him in that exact sense. We don't worship out of fear, we worship out of love. The only "fear" there is fear in disappointing him, not fear of the punishment, but just the fear of disappointing him out of love. |
The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... But I don't fear Him, I love Him and worship Him. I fear his wrath, much like I would fear my father's wrath. Otherwise it is a good question, as he already had angels for companions. |
God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. LUKE 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Cowboy...but if you bother to read the would know this |
The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... But I don't fear Him, I love Him and worship Him. I fear his wrath, much like I would fear my father's wrath. Otherwise it is a good question, as he already had angels for companions. well you are supposed to fear God ...perhaps your worshipping the wrong one as for angels being companions...isn't Satan an angel |
God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. LUKE 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Cowboy...but if you bother to read the would know this Context Funches, context. Luke 12 4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. It is not straight out saying fear him as a commandment. But saying do not fear those that can kill the body over the fear of the Lord. Yes there is fear there, because there is love there. If there is no fear, there is no love. If you do not fear loosing your spouse, you do not love your spouse, and so on. That's the kinda fear it's speaking of put in context, fear of upsetting, disappointing God. Not just flat out fear of him. Again, we are to love him, and with loving him, we would then fear doing the wrong thing. Not out of sake for ourselves, but just fear of disappointing him in general. |
God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. LUKE 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Cowboy...but if you bother to read the would know this Context Funches, context. Luke 12 4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. It is not straight out saying fear him as a commandment. But saying do not fear those that can kill the body over the fear of the Lord. Yes there is fear there, because there is love there. If there is no fear, there is no love. If you do not fear loosing your spouse, you do not love your spouse, and so on. That's the kinda fear it's speaking of put in context, fear of upsetting, disappointing God. Not just flat out fear of him. Again, we are to love him, and with loving him, we would then fear doing the wrong thing. Not out of sake for ourselves, but just fear of disappointing him in general. Telling us to put more thought into what God wants, not what man wants. |
The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... But I don't fear Him, I love Him and worship Him. I fear his wrath, much like I would fear my father's wrath. Otherwise it is a good question, as he already had angels for companions. well you are supposed to fear God ...perhaps your worshipping the wrong one as for angels being companions...isn't Satan an angel He was an angel, he no longer is now. |
The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... But I don't fear Him, I love Him and worship Him. I fear his wrath, much like I would fear my father's wrath. Otherwise it is a good question, as he already had angels for companions. well you are supposed to fear God ...perhaps your worshipping the wrong one as for angels being companions...isn't Satan an angel You should fear his wrath in my beliefs. Satan, aka Lucifer, was the brightest angel of all until his downfall. AS for why He created, maybe he is playing? I mean, who knows? |
God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. LUKE 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Cowboy...but if you bother to read the would know this Context Funches, context. Luke 12 4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. context Cowboy Context the passage states that it is God that will kill your body and cast you into Hell and that is why you should fear him |
The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... But I don't fear Him, I love Him and worship Him. I fear his wrath, much like I would fear my father's wrath. Otherwise it is a good question, as he already had angels for companions. well you are supposed to fear God ...perhaps your worshipping the wrong one as for angels being companions...isn't Satan an angel You should fear his wrath in my beliefs. Satan, aka Lucifer, was the brightest angel of all until his downfall. AS for why He created, maybe he is playing? I mean, who knows? so Jesus being crucified is God playing around.... |
God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. LUKE 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Cowboy...but if you bother to read the would know this Context Funches, context. Luke 12 4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. context Cowboy Context the passage states that it is God that will kill your body and cast you into Hell and that is why you should fear him No, says he can. Does not say he will. If he does, it was only brought on that person by themselves in the judgement they received from our righteous God's righteous judgement. |
The only Logical answer is Genesis 1:1 In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth why would an Entity that suposedly "need" for naught have the "need" to create things that are to fear and worship him? ... But I don't fear Him, I love Him and worship Him. I fear his wrath, much like I would fear my father's wrath. Otherwise it is a good question, as he already had angels for companions. well you are supposed to fear God ...perhaps your worshipping the wrong one as for angels being companions...isn't Satan an angel You should fear his wrath in my beliefs. Satan, aka Lucifer, was the brightest angel of all until his downfall. AS for why He created, maybe he is playing? I mean, who knows? so Jesus being crucified is God playing around.... I would say yes as it aligns with his plan. You have to remember it is the soul that counts, not the flesh. I profess I do not know the mind of God. |
God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. LUKE 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Cowboy...but if you bother to read the would know this Context Funches, context. Luke 12 4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. context Cowboy Context the passage states that it is God that will kill your body and cast you into Hell and that is why you should fear him No, says he can. Does not say he will. If he does, it was only brought on that person by themselves in the judgement they received from our righteous God's righteous judgement. and that is why you are suppose to fear him |
God doesn't need anything, nor does he need us to fear him. LUKE 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear: Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him. Cowboy...but if you bother to read the would know this Context Funches, context. Luke 12 4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. context Cowboy Context the passage states that it is God that will kill your body and cast you into Hell and that is why you should fear him No, says he can. Does not say he will. If he does, it was only brought on that person by themselves in the judgement they received from our righteous God's righteous judgement. and that is why you are suppose to fear him No, we are to do it out of love. If something is done for only the reward of oneself it is done in vein. If it is done in vein, it is pointless, meaningless. What is there to fear about God? He offers eternal love and well being. What more could one ask for? What is there to fear in that? |
yeah cause think about it... if u do not fear god then nobody would take him serious or the bible.. because lets see for example me.. i do not read the bible i do not know much at all about it but the false things about it so i dont want to waist my time.. but so does that mean i am to go to hell?
so there is a fear in all us because even if you think u will be accepted in heaven then your wrong because nobody can follow all he says.. so does this mean we all go to hell? i know it say we will be forgiven right? so what about those who dont know or educate themselves in this bible.. so does that mean hell is packed and heaven only takes those legit followers? cause im sure none follows all here (could be wrong but it would be very hard in the world we live in) |