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Topic: Now they're removing your property rights
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Tue 01/08/13 12:46 PM

Well, the source says it all really. 'From the Trenches'? More like 'From the Looneybin'.

The source is irrelevant.

The source is never irrelevant. Excuse me for not falling for the hyperbole and hysteria. huh

I dont understand the skepticism. Have you not taken the time to read what is being proposed?


Of course, but compare the language of the proposal to that of the OP, and the hyperbole and hysteria becomes apparent. Note how a paranoia site employed prosaic fear-mongering to inflame the very passions we are seeing in this thread. Remember, it is only a proposal and it is not immune from being amended, nor altered. I'm sure you recognise the procedures, therefore this bill will debated endlessly taking into account the interests of various lobby groups and constituents before being ratified by the appropriate house. You're one of the more intelligent individuals on Mingle, therefore, you must be aware of how these stories are sensationalised long before they are even voted upon.
I agree, however we must take it seriously to battle it properly. Ill take help even from the likes of Alex Jones, doesn't mean I wont correct him when he is wrong.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 01/08/13 12:59 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Tue 01/08/13 01:00 PM

Well, the source says it all really. 'From the Trenches'? More like 'From the Looneybin'.

The source is irrelevant.

The source is never irrelevant. Excuse me for not falling for the hyperbole and hysteria. huh

I dont understand the skepticism. Have you not taken the time to read what is being proposed?


Of course, but compare the language of the proposal to that of the OP, and the hyperbole and hysteria becomes apparent. Note how a paranoia site employed prosaic fear-mongering to inflame the very passions we are seeing in this thread. Remember, it is only a proposal and it is not immune from being amended, nor altered. I'm sure you recognise the procedures, therefore this bill will debated endlessly taking into account the interests of various lobby groups and constituents before being ratified by the appropriate house. You're one of the more intelligent individuals on Mingle, therefore, you must be aware of how these stories are sensationalised long before they are even voted upon.
I agree, however we must take it seriously to battle it properly. Ill take help even from the likes of Alex Jones, doesn't mean I wont correct him when he is wrong.

I really wonder about ol' Alex. If you saw the "debate" he had with Fears Morgan, it was clear he lost it in more ways than one. He actually made Morgan look like the reasonable & rational one and that's not easy to do! It makes me wonder whose side Alex is really on.


no photo
Tue 01/08/13 01:05 PM
whose side Alex is really on.
His own. Anything anti authority. Which strangely enough sometimes means he hits the nail on the head. Even a broke watch is right twice a day.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 01/08/13 07:49 PM

Well, the source says it all really. 'From the Trenches'? More like 'From the Looneybin'.

The source is irrelevant.

The source is never irrelevant. Excuse me for not falling for the hyperbole and hysteria. huh

I dont understand the skepticism. Have you not taken the time to read what is being proposed?


Of course, but compare the language of the proposal to that of the OP, and the hyperbole and hysteria becomes apparent. Note how a paranoia site employed prosaic fear-mongering to inflame the very passions we are seeing in this thread. Remember, it is only a proposal and it is not immune from being amended, nor altered. I'm sure you recognise the procedures, therefore this bill will debated endlessly taking into account the interests of various lobby groups and constituents before being ratified by the appropriate house. You're one of the more intelligent individuals on Mingle, therefore, you must be aware of how these stories are sensationalised long before they are even voted upon.
I agree, however we must take it seriously to battle it properly. Ill take help even from the likes of Alex Jones, doesn't mean I wont correct him when he is wrong.

I really wonder about ol' Alex. If you saw the "debate" he had with Fears Morgan, it was clear he lost it in more ways than one. He actually made Morgan look like the reasonable & rational one and that's not easy to do! It makes me wonder whose side Alex is really on.


I must admit Alex made quite the fool of himself in front of Piers. He was quite irrational and hysterical.

no photo
Tue 01/08/13 08:09 PM
I think Alex is loosing it.

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