Wouldn't it kind of be like the definition of Narcissistic to want
to fall in love with someone just like yourself? ![]() |
Is this subject about appearance only? No, I would never date myself.
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Most of you understood the question. I am talking about the qualities which you see in yourself. Would you consider yourself attractive to date, even to yourself? I see some amusing answers but you are dodging the question...
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Most of you understood the question. I am talking about the qualities which you see in yourself. Would you consider yourself attractive to date, even to yourself? I see some amusing answers but you are dodging the question... ![]() ![]() |
You have to start somewhere.
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You have to start somewhere. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I wouldn't date myself. I'm too "tortured artist". I already dated an only-child poet; it was fun... but we're kinda high maintenance emotionally.
I would, however, have an elicit affair with myself that would cripple my first marriage. |
Yes, and I would take myself to a seedy movie theater to watch depraved horror movies and grope myself in the dark. Hey! I do that already.
Short answer, no.
Long answer, no, but I do find many qualities within myself that I would go for in a mate. As an artist and a Cancer with Scorpio traits, I'd end up driving myself absolutely mad. I've been there, dating a man that was literally myself with male genitals. It was hell. This topic is quite hilarious. On one hand yes, you must look for similar qualities because a friendship must be the foundation of a lasting relationship, but at the exact same time, a lasting relationship is one that you complete eachother. For example, I love artistic men. Poets, ect, but I tend to go more for my opposite. The men of science and logic. And as far as associating being overweight with not working out and not being attractive, that is one opinion ;) |
Oh hell yeah, I'd go out with me!! I'm awesome!
Of course I'd of also taken things to fast, broken my own heart, and then, when I came knocking on my own door three weeks later, I wouldn't have taken myself back. Something about I should of realized how great I was then, before I hurt myself. Dammit!! Why don't these things ever work out!!! ![]() |
The question just confused me is all :). Oh well, if it's about personality traits, then I guess I would. I like being who I am, so I guess I would. If I ever break my heart, then I'm outta here. Also, I would avoid having one night stands with myself. Yeah. I feel a tad narcissistic saying that. lol.
Yes, and I would take myself to a seedy movie theater to watch depraved horror movies and grope myself in the dark. Hey! I do that already. ![]() |
Nope. And I don't expect anyone else to either.
I never thought about this. Interesting question. I need to think about it.
I would date myself....I love who I am and the person I'm growing to curvy appearance does not bother me I love the way I look...I'm not lazy I work out to keep myself healthy and able to keep up with my mini mes.
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Edited by
Mon 12/31/12 09:24 AM
Yes I would date myself because I'm the only person who understands me.
In fact, I am currently dating myself. No, actually to be honest, I live with myself. We don't actually go out that often. We don't always get along with each other and I can see a lot of room for improvement but we know how to forgive our imperfections. In fact, I am somewhat of a multiple personality but we are all totally conscious of each other. We each have different interests and some even have different opinions but we respect all points of view. When ever there is a problem we will have what I call a committee meeting to work it out. |
Yes I would date myself because I'm the only person who understands me. In fact, I am currently dating myself. No, actually to be honest, I live with myself. We don't actually go out that often. We don't always get along with each other and I can see a lot of room for improvement but we know how to forgive our imperfections. In fact, I am somewhat of a multiple personality but we are all totally conscious of each other. We each have different interests and some even have different opinions but we respect all points of view. When ever there is a problem we will have what I call a committee meeting to work it out. ![]() Ditto. |
Excellent question the OP asked.
After pondering it for a bit. If I were a man who liked an intelligent, honest, unpretentious, strong willed, fair minded, sexual, unconventional, positive, unneedy and attractive not thin woman, then yea, I would date me. Because of tastes and preferences I will not be the cup of tea for all men but the ones who I have let close are always glad for the time we share and sad to see it end when it does or so they say. They all tell me they would gladly come back if I want them again. I am rough around the edges so his ego can't be fragile. |
Just the thought if this excites me. However, I still would doubly need someone to clean up after me and myself.
I really need to go out on a date with myself...
I love to go to lunch at Quiz-no's. Wow their sandwiches are ten times better than Subway. Where would you take yourself on a date? |