Topic: Petition to Try Sen. Feinstein for Treason | |
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Sat 12/29/12 02:51 AM
As some of you may know, Senator Feinstein has proposed some rather draconian anti-gun legislation clearly at odds with the Second Amendment. There is now a petition up to have her Tried for treason: This may be the chance for the people to get redress for their grievances. |
Apparently, someone has a warped idea of what treason is.
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Sat 12/29/12 06:51 PM
Apparently, someone has a warped idea of what treason is. You don't think advocating legislation that contravenes the land's highest law, the Constitution (to which she took an oath), is treason? If that isn't, what is? I guess you're partly right. It will only be treason if the legislation is passed...until then, I guess it would be sedition. |
The Second Amendment is vague enough and the proposed legislation is narrow enough so that it's not unconstitutional. There may be a case for it to be overturned by the SCOTUS, but that's unlikely, since similar legislation was on the books until it expired a few years back.
Good luck with your petition, though. |
The Second Amendment is vague enough and the proposed legislation is narrow enough so that it's not unconstitutional. There may be a case for it to be overturned by the SCOTUS, but that's unlikely, since similar legislation was on the books until it expired a few years back. Good luck with your petition, though. How is the second amendment vague? The intent was clear. There should be a civil militia (the people) able to possess and bear the arms of any competent army. In mymind, that means a helluva lot more than semi-autos. People have the right to by any armaments that a modern soldier can carry. |
a good case can be made that the militia cited in the amendment is moot because we have civil partrols, the National Guard, local and state police and a standing army. Not that some kind of gun ownership would not be possible. The ammendment is probably intentionally vague in order to be flexible and organic we will do our own constitutional measurement of ms feinstein's proposal, thank you I wish people from other countries would mind their own backyards and stay out of ours |
I wish people from other countries would mind their own backyards and stay out of ours I think the people in a lot of "other countries" are saying that the US government should mind its own backyard & stay out of theirs. (or haven't you noticed that it has 800 manned military bases and several wars of aggression going all over the world?) I'm upset because you have a constitution that any nation would give its eyeteeth for, and you have let your government turn it into toilet paper before your eyes. The second amendment is all that stands between you and a complete gestapo state that a Hitler or Stalin could only dream of. |
a good case can be made that the militia cited in the amendment is moot because we have civil partrols, the National Guard, local and state police and a standing army. Not that some kind of gun ownership would not be possible. The ammendment is probably intentionally vague in order to be flexible and organic we will do our own constitutional measurement of ms feinstein's proposal, thank you I wish people from other countries would mind their own backyards and stay out of ours Actually, a very poor case can be made the the militia is what you say. The intent from many writings from that era by the framers of the Constitution make it clear that the purpose was to keep all the population armed to protect against the government reaching for power. The Bill of Rights is intentionally NOT vague to prevent the government from stripping the powers given to the citizens and was added for specifically for that purpose. The basic rights of the people given in the bill of rights was everything but flexible and organic. |
Only about 5000 signature needed to reach the threshold where Obama has to make a public comment on the petition!
I think these petitions are a GREAT idea. Not being an American, I can't start or sign one, but boy!... I can think of a whole mess of petitions that Obama wouldn't want to comment on to save his life that would be bound to get a PILE of signatures.... A petition to sign on to the ICC and ICJ (thus placing the administration in the jurisdiction of international law). A petition to end the drone attacks in countries with which the US is not at war. A petition to repeal the NDAA as unconstitutional (and therefore a violation of the nation's highest law). A petition to repeal the Patriot act. A petition to restore the Insurrection Act and Posse Comitatus to their pre-2001 wordings (repeal the changes). ...The list goes on and on and on... |
Obama also needs to be tried for treason for being on the un board which is very clealy stated in law that no american office holder can be an active member of such a group, and there is nothing vague about the second amendment wake up people we lose our guns then we are slaves
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"Reread that pesky first clause of the Second Amendment. It doesn't say what any of us thought it said. What it says is that infringing the right of the people to keep and bear arms is treason. What else do you call an act that endangers "the security of a free state"? And if it's treason, then it's punishable by death.
I suggest due process, speedy trials, and public hangings." -L. Neil Smith |
I saw an interview with Feinstien last week where she raved about the assault weapon used in the recent slayings and how assault weapons had no "hunting" purpose. (hunting was not the purpose of the second amendment)
What appears to be coming out slowly is the fact that the AR15 style (Bushmaster) rifle claimed to be used against the teachers and children never left the trunk of the car. This would appear to be big news but seems to escape the attention of the mass media. |
Apparently, someone has a warped idea of what treason is. You don't think advocating legislation that contravenes the land's highest law, the Constitution (to which she took an oath), is treason? If that isn't, what is? I guess you're partly right. It will only be treason if the legislation is passed...until then, I guess it would be sedition. Thank you JustDukkyMkll! Your input in greatly appreciated! ![]() |
the constitution is written to be AMENDED
proposing an amendment is not a treasonous act it invites a VOTE |
Apparently, someone has a warped idea of what treason is. You don't think advocating legislation that contravenes the land's highest law, the Constitution (to which she took an oath), is treason? If that isn't, what is? I guess you're partly right. It will only be treason if the legislation is passed...until then, I guess it would be sedition. I think those petitioning for treason should be charged with treason, for trying to violate ones freedom of speech,,,,also in the constitution ,,,wonder how long THIS game can be played,,,lol ,,doesnt qualify as a treasonous act people,,,,,, |
Article Five of the Constitution spells it out: "The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses [the House and the Senate] shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution . . ." States were also given a chance to propose changes, or amendments. Three-fourths of the states have to approve the amendment for it to become law.
In the past 200 years, the Constitution has been amended 27 times. The 13th Amendment, in 1865, forever banned the practice of slavery. The 15th Amendment, in 1870, gave all citizens the right to vote, regardless of their race. Americans have added laws only to take them back. In 1919, the 18th Amendment was passed. It banned the making and selling of alcohol. But it was impossible to get all people to stop drinking. Many people felt the government had no right to make laws about their private habits. So in 1933, the 21st Amendment was adopted. It repealed, or canceled, the 18th Amendment. |
As much as I don't like Feinstein, if she is the same who ran with Walter Mondale, I only see a liberal introducing a bill that may or may not become law.
Edited by
Tue 01/01/13 11:51 AM
proposing an amendment is not a treasonous act Feinstein is NOT proposing an amendment. She is proposing legislation clearly at odds with the Constitution and therefore TREASONOUS, unlawful legislation. I think those petitioning for treason should be charged with treason Then you agree that Feinstein should be charged with treason…Are you signing the petition? doesnt qualify as a treasonous act people What doesn't?…The proposed legislation? Right now its only sedition. It will only be an act of treason when it hits the house floor. |
proposing an amendment is not a treasonous act Feinstein is NOT proposing an amendment. She is proposing legislation clearly at odds with the Constitution and therefore TREASONOUS, unlawful legislation. I think those petitioning for treason should be charged with treason Then you agree that Feinstein should be charged with treason…Are you signing the petition? doesnt qualify as a treasonous act people What doesn't?…The proposed legislation? Right now its only sedition. It will only be an act of treason when it hits the house floor. its a proposal to have a VOTE,, its not a treasonous act and if it is amended, it will have to have passed the CONSTITUTIONAL requirements to do so which will also, by definition, not be treasonous |
proposing an amendment is not a treasonous act Feinstein is NOT proposing an amendment. She is proposing legislation clearly at odds with the Constitution and therefore TREASONOUS, unlawful legislation. I think those petitioning for treason should be charged with treason Then you agree that Feinstein should be charged with treason…Are you signing the petition? doesnt qualify as a treasonous act people What doesn't?…The proposed legislation? Right now its only sedition. It will only be an act of treason when it hits the house floor. its a proposal to have a VOTE,, its not a treasonous act and if it is amended, it will have to have passed the CONSTITUTIONAL requirements to do so which will also, by definition, not be treasonous I will accept that Feinstein is proposing an amendment to the US constitution upon PROOF OF your CLAIM that she is, or that the proposed legislation will be reviewed by the Supreme court for a ruling on its constitutionality before it can possibly be passed...Please provide me with the information that justifies your claim. You failure to do so will be taken as your agreement that you are in fact lying in an effort to deceive people about treason occurring in the US government. |