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Topic: Man drives car into students
JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 12/28/12 11:08 AM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Fri 12/28/12 11:14 AM

a ten year old cannot buy a car, they are not legally able to enter into a contract. (they can buy one ILLEGALLY, just like anyone can find a way to break laws)

So a ten-year-old in your country can't even legally buy jellybeans from a grocery store?…That's just sad.

yes, you should have to be licensed to buy and sell things INTENDED for dangerous use

So, if I sold cars for a living, I should have to be licensed the same as someone who sold dynamite or guns?

How do you define "dangerous"?…Capable of causing great harm if not used wisely and prudently?…Wouldn't driving a car then be considered "dangerous"?

Considering the number of fatal car accidents, suicides & homicides, I'd say that driving a car is "dangerous" and should be kept to an absolute minimum if driven at all. Further to that, I think that all parked cars should have a wheel lock attached so they can't be stolen and driven away by homicidal maniacs (to do less would be a failure in your due diligence to prevent the dangerous items from falling into the wrong hands)

noone knows who a 'regular' citizen is until they CHECK their information and if they are indeed a 'regular' citizen they still should have training required to obtain the weapon

So a regular citizen has no right to privacy and must carry ID?…Isn't that a lot like the famous "Papers Please!" that we used to laugh about in all those "unfree countries like the USSR and Nazi Germany?

laws dont stop people from doing things but they do deter many who may have otherwise considered it,, just like I dont smoke weed,, mainly because its illegal,, if it was legal, I may consider it

and it being illegal still doesnt stop those who want to take the risk from doing it,,,but it does deter others who dont feel its worth it

Clearly, smoking weed is not a crime, so how can someone who does so possibly be arrested, tried and sent to prison because he doesn't abide by the "laws" passed to "criminalize" a harmless activity by corporate interests? Any country that would do that has no respect for individual rights and certainly doesn't sound like a free country to me. Why do you obey stupid (and unlawful) "laws" just because some greedy rich people got them passed so as not to interfere with their drive for profit?…Is it possible you don't want "Massa" punishing you for not doing as you're told?...Wouldn't you call that "living in fear?"...If you live in fear (and you have a human right not to), your country obviously isn't a free one.

banning a car bans peoples ability to be mobile, depending upon where they live and what family/friends/income they have, and what their schedules are

I would be extremely restricted in my movement if not for a car, the busses dont run regular and the bus stops are magnets for danger in the evenings , I have children and if there is an illness or accident, waiting around on the bus and taking the long trip to the hospital is likely not gonna work for me,, nor is asking an ambulance which will later add thousands of debt to my finances

Obviously. So are you saying that it's OK for others to drive a car (with all the documented mayhem that entails) because you enjoy the convenience yourself, but not OK for others to have & use guns because you don't like them?

I have no serious restriction or inconvenience on my life by not having a gun

So you ARE only thinking of yourself then, and not concerned with the inconvenience or restrictions imposed on others who may wish to have the right to defend themselves, or to dutifully protect their nation (including you) from all enemies foreign and domestic as the second amendment mandates?

its as asinine to suspect EVERYONE of thought crimes as it is to ignore the scores of violence in our culture that is so much more likely to end in death (not just of 'nut cases' either) when guns are in the picture

I agree that suspecting everyone of thought crimes is asinine, and so is ignoring the violence in your culture, but I disagree that guns are the problem and would suggest that arming citizens is part of the solution. The BIG problem is your decadent culture itself, that has murdered critical thinking, promoted militarism and murder worldwide, glorified violence, and promoted fear instead of love. THAT is what your government should be trying to change and it could start by unilaterally disarming to a level reasonable for its own self defence (It has more arms than the rest of the world COMBINED), making peace overtures to its "enemies", withdrawing its forces from its 800+ military bases around the world, becoming a ratified signatory to the ICC & ICJ, rescinding the Patriot Act & NDAA, repealing the changes made to the Insurrection Act and Posse Comitatus Act, abolishing the Fed and giving Congress back the right to print the money through the Treasury (as Lincoln did), shutting down the drone program, re-allocating some of the money from the military expenditures to actually doing something for its citizens like absolutely free and adequate medical care for EVERYONE, etc.

Maybe if your government could do some of those things, people around the world wouldn't hate the US so much. You might even find a lot of "disgruntled" Americans, currently classed as "extremists" and "domestic terrorists" (like the Occupy movement) would actually become patriotic American citizens.

no photo
Fri 12/28/12 04:36 PM
next thing they will ban egg rolls. For gods sake.

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Fri 12/28/12 04:39 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 12/28/12 04:41 PM

Well, an automobile was the weapon that a man chose to use to attack a group of children, and the automobile may have had an automatic transmission.

So, I'm waiting for someone to promote automobile control, such as eliminating automatic transmissions.

After all, if a weapon is to blame for whatever crime it is used for, then automobile control is logical in light of what happened in China.

Irresponsible people, Criminals or some mental ill people are the Cause of Crimes.

SeaWInd777's photo
Sat 12/29/12 11:00 AM
Totally agree Toodygirl5

willing2's photo
Sat 12/29/12 04:56 PM

Totally agree Toodygirl5

Then, there should be no paranoia or calls to ban weapons or autos, no?

no photo
Mon 12/31/12 11:48 AM
An update: There have been no recent incidents from the Hebei Province in China.However, reporters are standing by should there be a further development.

no photo
Tue 01/01/13 01:00 PM
So far , so good here. no chineese stuff to report. real quiet.

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