Topic: Gun ownership rates are inversely correlated with educationa | |
By the way: People (citizens) who are protecting their homes and businesses by necessity, with guns is not a "civilian police state."
Police usually do not protect people while a crime is happening, most of the time they show up after the crime has been reported and look around and then have to fill out a bunch of paper work and reports and interview witnesses etc. |
Oh yes what the NRA wants to their stooges profits and the suckers downfall is a civilian police state.
A civilian police state is no better than a state one. I prefer neither. |
Oh yes what the NRA wants to their stooges profits and the suckers downfall is a civilian police state. A civilian police state is no better than a state one. I prefer neither. You seem to be the only one. |
There are lots like me at least on this subject. Some more intense than I am about the out of control gun problem.
There are lots like me at least on this subject. Some more intense than I am about the out of control gun problem. A few, but ...nah. It won't fly. |
Edited by
Fri 12/21/12 06:56 PM
America fought for independence and freedom from the evil Queen of England (and the Elite Royalty and the banksters) and many good men died.
The wimps in England and Britain gave up their guns too easily, and now they regret it big time. I don't think the decedents of our forefathers who died for this country are going to be such wimps. |
There are lots like me at least on this subject. Some more intense than I am about the out of control gun problem. Hmmmm... guess they're all sleeping huh? ![]() |
"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
- Adolf Hitler 1935 |
Actually, you don't have a "right not to get shot." You have an inalienable right to "life," but it doesn't say a long life, a happy life, or even a pain free life. That is just something an individual implies because of an over inflated feeling of self worth. Grow up. Bad things happen, evil people exist, but the majority of the people walking this planet are mainly harmless. We have to stop making our laws and regulations as an adjustment for the least common denominator. Beg to disagree with part of it and that part is that WE AS A PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY DO OWE THE CHILDREN THE RIGHT NOT TO BE MOWED DOWN IN CLASS. It is a right our children should have. And the least common denominator is the gun owner. 40 percent of the country are legally armed. They are the lessor fearful ones. We need to stop the availability of guns to those who are not mentally capable of having one and sadly because they are scared enough to need a gun most gun owners would be mentally not well enough to have one. The right not to be shot should supersede the right to fearful shooters to shoot. You can't believe that one yourself! Government screwed up,not the Legal Gunowners nor the NRA nor any other Organization defending Gunrights! |
Edited by
Sat 12/29/12 02:39 AM
Actually, you don't have a "right not to get shot." You have an inalienable right to "life," but it doesn't say a long life, a happy life, or even a pain free life. That is just something an individual implies because of an over inflated feeling of self worth. Grow up. Bad things happen, evil people exist, but the majority of the people walking this planet are mainly harmless. We have to stop making our laws and regulations as an adjustment for the least common denominator. yes we do have a right not to get shot - to shoot someone is attempted murder, manslaughter or homicide (in the absence of any need for self defense)all of which are illegal. so legally you can;t just shoot someone - we have a right to be free from that kind of tyranny radical gun owner/NRA types so totally overreact to any type of reasonable controls they to an objective observer they sound completely insane. and to overreact to that degree makes it seems like they are hiding something if not totally insane (or both) - comparisons to hitler is no more than an uneducated knee jerk reactionary scare tactic. Hitler also ate toast so I guess if we eat toast we are nazis ownership regulations are not going to go away and get ready because they will probably be tightening up - finally, thankfully |
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Sat 12/29/12 02:44 AM
yes we do have a right not to get shot - to shoot someone is attempted murder, manslaughter or homicide (in the absence of any need for self defense)all of which are illegal. so legally you can;t just shoot someone - we have a right to be free from that kind of tyranny You'll have to earn back the right to be free from tyranny. Obama already claims the right to shoot & kill American citizens without arrest or trial. Worse, he has already done so (a well documented fact). He also claims the right to "disappear" you, just like the old KGB under Stalin. It is not known how many that has been done to yet, as the people just disappear and nobody knows where they went, so it's pretty hard to say whether or not the disappearance is your president's doing. I know you find this impossible to believe, but I'm telling you the truth...Read the NDAA. |
Oh yes what the NRA wants to their stooges profits and the suckers downfall is a civilian police state. A civilian police state is no better than a state one. I prefer neither. Contradiction in Terms! Civilians do not have Police-Powers,beyond the Right to Selfdefense,which isn't a Policepower,but a Right inherent in the Citizen! Citizen's Arrest is about as far as a Citizen's Policepowers go! To say that armed Citizens will lead to a Civilian "Policestate",is laughable! It's unfounded Rumor and Alarmism! Another Ruse by the anti-Gunners! ![]() It's so transparent,I wonder why someone even bothers to bring it up as an Argument! It's patently false! |
All this absurd nonsense about taking away weapons is going to do is create another mafia/drug cartel style black market.
The government couldn't stop alcohol from being served with prohibition, it can't stop drugs from being sold in high schools and it won't stop guns from being used by deranged people when they feel like killing someone. The porous southern border will turn into a haven for gun runners and the tens of thousands already murdered in Mexico thanks to the drug cartels will escalate exponentially. |
Next time one you anti-self defens loons gets robbed or raped at gun-point, make sure to tell them they can't shoot you cuz you gots yer right not to be shot.
See how dat works out fer ya'. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 12/29/12 08:20 AM
Nate Silver: “Gun ownership rates are inversely correlated with educational attainment” Posted by icarus on 19 Dec 2012 / 1 Comment Not only is there an inverse relationship between gun ownership rates and educational achievement, interestingly – people who are unaffiliated with religion are more likely NOT to own a gun. That’s right – atheist heathens are less likely to own a firearm. That makes me think of this picture HERE. Now when we acknowledge the relationship between education and gun ownership … that is not to be interpreted as saying only smart people choose not to buy guns or that only stupid people buy guns. That is not what that means. I haven’t quite absorbed the correlation but it does stand out and it is interesting. The obvious point by Nate Silver is that if you own a gun the more likely you are to be a Republican. Plenty of Democrats own guns naturally but the statistics find a tremendous correlation to guns and conservatism. Silver writes HERE: It might seem strange that ownership of a single household object is so strongly tied to voting behavior and broader political attitudes in America. But America is an outlier relative to other industrialized nations in its gun ownership rates. Whatever makes this country so different from the rest of the world must surely be reflected in the differences in how Democrats and Republicans see the nation. Silver says that for those who consider themselves religious … there is no correlation between “more religious” and “more guns”: In other respects, the profile of gun owners defies some of the stereotypes that urban liberals might assign to them. For example, despite President Obama’s comments in 2008 about voters who “cling to guns and religion,” the two qualities are not strongly correlated. Slightly more than 40 percent of voters who said they attended church weekly or more often reported having a gun in their home, about the same percentage as among those who attend religious services just a few times a month or a few times a year. And gun ownership rates are highest among the middle class, rather than the poor. Households making $50,000 to $100,000 per year were slightly more likely to own guns than those that made a little bit less or a little more. (However, gun ownership rates are inversely correlated with educational attainment.) I can't get the graphs to transfer but they are interesting..... interesting correlations,,,remembering of course that correlation and causation arent the same I think there is just no way to truly seperate a gun owner from a non gun owner the likelihood of them using those guns on human beings or the type of destruction they choose their guns capable of,,, ,,,,lots of variables that just seem pretty random, with strongest correlation being tendency towards anxiety,,,,, which may correlate with the OP,,,not many of those inclined to anxiety can muster the stamina and focus that a formal education often requires maybe many republicans feel anxiety about losing 'freedom' and maybe many christians feel anxiety about becoming persecuted,,, |
I must have missed my survey form <--- Masters Degree, Athiest, Owns 7 guns Grandpa had 6 guns and a Masters Dad had a doctorate and 2 guns Aunt has One gun and a Masters Strange, all the gun toters I know have Bachelor's or better. Did they forget to ask us? I dropped out of college so I guess I'm the one bringing the stats down. Sorry everyone. ![]() |
Now when we acknowledge the relationship between education and gun ownership … that is not to be interpreted as saying only smart people choose not to buy guns or that only stupid people buy guns. That is not what that means. I haven’t quite absorbed the correlation but it does stand out and it is interesting. The obvious point by Nate Silver is that if you own a gun the more likely you are to be a Republican. Plenty of Democrats own guns naturally but the statistics find a tremendous correlation to guns and conservatism.
Now when we acknowledge the relationship between education and gun ownership … that is not to be interpreted as saying only smart people choose not to buy guns or that only stupid people buy guns. That is not what that means. I haven’t quite absorbed the correlation but it does stand out and it is interesting. The obvious point by Nate Silver is that if you own a gun the more likely you are to be a Republican. Plenty of Democrats own guns naturally but the statistics find a tremendous correlation to guns and conservatism. From my perspective, I think fewer liberals own guns because they tend to be less realistic in their beliefs about people, behavior and society. Most liberals believe a kind of utopia can be forced upon society if enough laws are passed. Conservatives don't tend to believe this and are more realistic about people. |
Now when we acknowledge the relationship between education and gun ownership … that is not to be interpreted as saying only smart people choose not to buy guns or that only stupid people buy guns. That is not what that means. I haven’t quite absorbed the correlation but it does stand out and it is interesting. The obvious point by Nate Silver is that if you own a gun the more likely you are to be a Republican. Plenty of Democrats own guns naturally but the statistics find a tremendous correlation to guns and conservatism. 42% of households and 34 % of Adult Americans are gun owners. That group is just as diverse as the other 58 %, and 66%. This entire line of reasoning is an attempt to use poison the well tactics and shame instead of a reasonable argument. Sad . . . shows the lack of honor, integrity, and to be honest intelligence . . . intelligent people know better than to try to sell such a bad study as anything but trash. |
Now when we acknowledge the relationship between education and gun ownership … that is not to be interpreted as saying only smart people choose not to buy guns or that only stupid people buy guns. That is not what that means. I haven’t quite absorbed the correlation but it does stand out and it is interesting. The obvious point by Nate Silver is that if you own a gun the more likely you are to be a Republican. Plenty of Democrats own guns naturally but the statistics find a tremendous correlation to guns and conservatism. And the same can be said for murders and liberals.. Chicago.. 500 murders.. liberal city LA DC NYC Baltimore Detroit.. All former murder capitals and all liberal cities.. Liberalism is a mental disease and maybe if we just focus removing weapons from the possession of these people living in liberal cities and states we can start to reduce these kinds of mass shootings.. |