Topic: Romney Campaign bus to take Donated Supplies to Sandy Victim
willing2's photo
Mon 10/29/12 06:26 PM
Stolen from somewhere else.

'Mitt Romney's campaign has sent its bus to collect and distribute donated supplies for those in the path of Hurricane Sandy, aides said Monday.

Romney was originally slated to campaign over the weekend in Virginia, but canceled plans there and joined running mate Paul Ryan in Ohio. Curt Cashour, Romney's Virginia communications director, tweeted Monday that the campaign bus will instead be used to transport basic supplies to local storm-relief centers.


I hear Barry is going to the Boardwalk in Atlantic City wearing a robe and carrying a staff to stop the storm, much like Moses parting the Red Sea, stay tuned for live coverage at MSNBC!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/29/12 08:43 PM
I am sure the Looney Left on here will find a way to spin this badly.

no photo
Tue 10/30/12 11:58 AM
Whatever help the Victums of Sandy can receive
will be a Blessing.
It is an election year, so we know politics is playing a
part on both sides.

no photo
Tue 10/30/12 08:04 PM
What a JOKE! Romney takes a photo op to show him loding cans of beans on a truck.

Give me a freakin' break!

And why does that SOB always walk like he has a cob stuck up his azz?