Topic: What have you done lately? | |
I have come to terms with my illness and accept my fate whatever It made be and am trying to guide others in my situation to find inner peace and to be as happy as they can possibly be (((Mikey))) We all have the same fate. Death comes to us all. Whether its from Cancer or something else. I see people who spend the whole second half of their lives fearing it and fighting it. What a waste. (I'm not talking about fighting a disease with medicine). In my opinion it is better to focus on enjoying what we have and are now rather than worrying about what may or may not happen tomorrow. |
Put away five old girlfriends, the place (...) of circumstances. I stopped Skyping with my mom so much. Not only am I not dead, but I am much happier. That's very good! Really, I think you are doing well. When you are becoming much cheaper, too, please do let me know without any wait. I'll pounce on you like a love-lion. I am not lion, just doing some hyperbolizing. Sorry. I won't do it again. Unless you encourage me to, of course. I'm very cheap. It's travel costs that are expensive. I watched a movie recently where this guy hitchhiked from West Virginia to California, took a paddle boat down to Mexico and then walked and hitchhiked up the west coast to Alaska. I was thinking how awesome that was and how many Minglers I could meet if I did that. But, then he died of starvation and accidentally eating a poisonous plant in Alaska and that kind of discouraged me from pursuing the idea. Back in the early 90's I worked with a guy who before working where we were at took a year and drove around the United States- driving through all of the outlying states. Of course back then you could actually afford to do that. |
Back in the early 90's I worked with a guy who before working where we were at took a year and drove around the United States- driving through all of the outlying states. Of course back then you could actually afford to do that. Yeah, gas prices pretty much make that impossible now. |
Edited by
Tue 10/30/12 06:49 AM
I'm in the middle of moving house and have decided that I am not unpacking any boxes, think we will just live with no clutter until I decide if I actually need anything in the house, well beside the very basic stuff like dunny paper
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I have distance myself from two destructive people. It saddens me to do so, I love them both.
I'm in the middle of moving house and have decided that I am not unpacking any boxes, think we will just live with no clutter until I decide if I actually need anything in the house, well beside the very basic stuff like dunny paper ![]() It's amazing how little we have that we actually need. Don't get me wrong. I like making my home a comfortable and visually appealing place to be. It's just so easy to become emotionally attached to our belongings. It seems to be the beginning of the cycle of always needing more stuff. |
I have distance myself from two destructive people. It saddens me to do so, I love them both. That will pay off greatly in the long run. In the meantime....(((((hugs))))) ![]() ![]() |
I have distance myself from two destructive people. It saddens me to do so, I love them both. That will pay off greatly in the long run. In the meantime....(((((hugs))))) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Actually I live a pretty simple life.. My goal is to go through each room and get rid of all the items that I don't need and my kids have no desire to have.........
As well as the two sheds I have out back... ![]() |
Me, I totally organized my garage using all available space. Then I went through every room in the house and got rid of clutter. I organized all my paperwork in the filing cabinet and all my storage bins are labeled with what is in them. I also do spot cleaning every day so my housecleaning is minimal on the weekend. I do laundry while I do my workouts so I can do dual duties. I also plan two weeks ahead for classes that I teach so I am not up late working on lesson plans. All my bills are on automatic debt with the bank so I don't have to worry about late payments.
I complained in consumer forum & made telephone company return my money
Just before two days,I told a wish to god & yesterday I noticed an opportunity...tomorrow I'll be will give me great mental peace & satisfaction if I succeed .... Another instance last week...I realized...I'm really so I always feel....god likes me very much...he loves me....he knows prashant is a man with minimum he often gives me much coveted things that I even never wished & always gifts me things that I wished & worked honestly for... |
Put away five old girlfriends, the place looks much more liveable now. No girls sitting randomly on sitting moebeln randomly, no matter where I go in the house. I also got rid of my debts. It was getting to be a drag, you know, typing all those letters to answer "final notices", and stuff. Somebody at church suggested I get rid of my debt, so I did. It pays to go to church. Some people give you good advice there. Like "respect your elders to have a long life on earth." All one who wants to die young needs to know is that. Call dad an azzole, call mom a two-bit hooker, and bang, you don't have to haul a long life and drag out your miserable existence. Good advice. Oh, and I discontinued my Readers' Digest subscription. That was a huge time saver. Another thing I did, was I got rid of my back issues of Victoria's Secret catalogues. I noticed my eyesight was getting worse, so selling those catalogues on eBay was not that much of a voluntary choice, but a force of circumstances. |
A year after losing my husband I decided to move to Montana but my son got sick, drs weren't sure what was wrong , so I changed my plans. Having not much time to move, I was finally able to find a place on one floor.. Well, moving from a 3 bdrm house w/basement to an apartment is a big move.. Got rid of a lot of things then but had some nice things that I didn't want to let go of..Had no idea where I was going to end up.
I'm still in the apartment so decided its time to clean Have sold some things, and given a lot to Goodwill, cleaned out closets and cupboards.. It's looking good...I even put my white xmas lights up outside the other day when it was 80 degrees..I'm usually out there when it is The apartment looks better, fresher and less work for me...yea! |
Edited by
Tue 10/30/12 12:44 PM
I pi$$ed a lot of folks off!!
Usually I do that on purpose!!! This time it just kinda.... Happened!!! My work is done !!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I like the way your mind works Ruth, you are very in the now.Its refreshing stress kills, Im trying to overcome this
Congrats on ditching Facebook
I'm trying so hard to find peace, I hope I will find some inspiration here. Thanks! |
lol.. I always wonder if your for real. Seriously I'm so real, that it's almost unreal. I am on Wickedpaedia, under the entry "Inexplicable world miracles that happened by mistake, and for no apparent rhyme or reason." I'm the seventh entry from the bottom. |
Congrats on ditching Facebook I'm trying so hard to find peace, I hope I will find some inspiration here. Thanks! I quit facebook, too. My face is an open book, and my sandwitches are open face... my books open where I marked the place by inserting there a sandwitch. My life circle therefore is complete... I need no more props any more to feel complete. Buddha, eat yer heart out. |
I am learning to..accept. To bring down the stresses of life. Breathe deeply often, during the day. Stop rolling my eyes :-) I stopped rolling my eyes and replaced it by staring at the source of exasperation and blinking slowly 4 or 5 times....waiting for the comprehension to kick in. It usually works after 4 or 5 blinks. I can just see how it affects the sources of your exasperation... like a kid, a mother or a lover, or a waitress or co-worker. *blink blink* Shux...that only took 2 |
I stopped having meaningless sex. Now not only have I saved money from not needing condoms, I'm also proud I have de-whored myself.
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