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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 38
no photo
Mon 01/14/13 03:43 AM
Thinking another cup of hot coffee. drinker drinker drinker

alookat101's photo
Mon 01/14/13 06:42 AM
The next time I pass on important information I'll first check my facts before reporting that information. drinker

no photo
Mon 01/14/13 06:48 AM

Thinking ... Mingle down? Really? Ummm I missed that ... Oh well

Stop reminding us that you have a life.

AmandaXoxox's photo
Mon 01/14/13 06:51 AM

People are confusing. Why would someone try to push someone away if they truly love them? Insecurity? Hmmmmmm. Or just making up excuses to get rid of them? Either way, I don't understand. :/ *shrug*

Maybe fear?
Probably :) But then why be in a relationship? I guess some will always want it all. Just something I was wondering really.

Im thinking why am i meeting all the freakin morons on this site! LOL

Traumer's photo
Mon 01/14/13 05:40 PM
I'm wondering why with all the photographers catering to Weddings why aren't any doing Divorce photographs, after all those are worth remembering as well as celebrating...setting up a Divorce Photography business...do dead people watch you shower is another...did Don Bolognese and Camillo Ravioli ever write an Italian cookbook...did people, anyone, ever buy or read the book "Defensive Tactics with Flashlights,(by John G. Peters,1983 Calibre Press)?Did anyone follow the instructions in the book,"Living Without Eating",by Herbert Thurston, 1931 and if so, did they ask for their money back?
Lots of things to think about and question...frown

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 01/14/13 07:50 PM
Thinking just thinking.

alookat101's photo
Tue 01/15/13 06:31 AM
No Refunds.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:26 PM
eight years?

galendgirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 03:29 PM
Dinner...almost ready and so am I!

Traumer's photo
Tue 01/15/13 06:37 PM

Dinner...almost ready and so am I!

Perfect timing, so am I! Speaking of food, I collect all sorts of "weird books", even cookbooks. The other day I got one called "Unmentionable Cuisine" by a Calvin W. Schwabe, Charlottesville, Va. University Press, 1979; It contains recipes for stewed cat, silk-worm omelette and red-ant chutney among others...and her I thought roasted Armadillo was strange...Along with the above, I also couldn't resist "How To Cook Husbands" by Elizabeth Strong Worthington, New York; Dodge Publishing Co, 1899 and a companion volume "The Gentle Art of Cooking Wives", NY same as above, 1900...lots of food for thought, I dare say...:smile:

no photo
Wed 01/16/13 06:15 AM
Thinking it was a beautiful sunrise, a grand start to the day. More Coffee.
drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Thu 01/17/13 05:08 PM
Thinking it was a beautiful warm day. bigsmile

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 01/17/13 08:00 PM

Thinking ... Mingle down? Really? Ummm I missed that ... Oh well

Stop reminding us that you have a life.

I'm sorry , my bad! :/

Traumer's photo
Thu 01/17/13 08:20 PM
short poems by a crazy person should be or ought to be called Haiku-ku...the name of Mankind as in 'Humanzees' should really be Bozosapiens!:smile:

no photo
Fri 01/18/13 03:51 AM
Thinking warmer weather is nice. drinker

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 01/18/13 03:52 AM
Spring is the next season!

alookat101's photo
Fri 01/18/13 04:23 AM
Time for a hot cup of coffee.drinker

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 01/18/13 09:16 AM

alookat101's photo
Fri 01/18/13 09:21 AM
I'm Hungry

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 01/18/13 09:31 AM

I'm Hungry

You'd best eat something!

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