Topic: nostradamus..third antichrist..and mabus...2012 is really an | |
"i do firm believe on him as a great astrologer who saw the future through divine vision..." Are you a follower of Antichrist? Because only followers of Satan or the DEVIL believe in the validity of Astrological predictions and Astrological typology of learning- and personality preference inventories. BECAUSE!!! has been written, that's impossible to see astrology through devine vision. Because astrology is banned in all religions, which decry it as a faith of false craven images. Really. Astrology is evil, a device of the devil, a device of Satan, and has no prediction value, if you ask ANY priest of ANY religion. So god will NEVER be caught dead talking to Astrologists. Or showing them photographs (for a vision or two.) Maybe Astrologists, such as Nostradamus, customarily talk to the DEVIL, <<-& That, is, to Satan <<-& and that is How nostradamuS got his special knowledge of the future. He was indeed a visionary, but he failed all the spelling bees he had partaken of as a school kid. He would spell Hitler as Hister, and Bush as Mabus. Nostradamuologists of the modern sciences are convinced he suffered of dyslexia. Nostradamus was given the special skill of seeing the future, but the special skill of spelling, and also the skill or talent of casting spells, were taken from him, to compensate for his other gifts. This explains many mysteries of the future and the past, like how come you are such an avid beleiver of Nostradamus' predictions -- well, a cast stone will always bounce into the bosom of its own brethren, so bad spellers of the world unite, since they got nothing to do, and nothing to gain. He nevertheless cast a spell as a first step into his prophetness, he cast his grade 6 Latin grammar and speller into the lake of Hades, from which the river Styx flows, forteen hundred miles, exactly as many as years between his predictions and the predicted events, into the Ocean of Abyss, which surrounds Jerusalem at equal distances, and at the edge of which Ocean the water falls down into the Void of Ursrpungen. This is also in N.'s book of "Predictions", volume VIXLMCCDXII, which talks about Geographical Anomalies and why the world is the crteation of an Unintelligent Designer. ROFL Wux, I love how you take the mickey out of some things |
About the Mayan calendar... many state it`s accurate.
As compared to what. A watch made in the twentieth century is on a 24-hour day. A watch made in the 7th century BC, in Mainland China, is on a 13-hour day. Which is accurate, and which is false? Same with the so very accurate Mayan calendar. It says that in 2342 days, the world will be 2342 days older. And lo and behold, 2342 days later we are really not 2667 days ahead or behind it, we are exactly 2342 days after. Which means that one day follows the next. To say that the Inkas made an accurate calendar is to say that they counted the days after a certain day, and they wrote down the number of each day after that, in consecutive order, and NEVER MISSED A DAY, that is, the numbers are truly consecutive, and not missing a day or duplicating it. Just like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... 2340, 2341, 2342. They did not make a mistake like ... 345, 345, 347, 371, 372 373, ... And we call the calendar accurate, therefore, because the calendar accounts for each day of some start date to December whatever. Nobody even knows what day in December, because originally it was supposed to be May, but the Inkan Calednarians would rather eat Liebfraumilch choclates than admit to failure, so they pushed the target date out to ''Dezember sometime'', and thereby destroying any evidence of the accuracy part. ''Sometime'' in a given month is not accurate, I am sorry. |
so,how was the End Of The world for you Guys?
Had any Fun? |
I'll see everyone the day after the predicted end of the world. There have been scardycats for hundreds of years. I ain't skeered I hear ya'. I went and fell asleep during the end of the world. I tried, I really did try to stay awake to see it, I promise. Want a good indication of the ending of humans-who-give-a-rat's-***-about the value of life? The bible is pretty on que. As of a number of years ago, we, the US are the new Babylon. |
I guess, for some it was the end of the world....Re: The demise of Twinkies and Home Pride wheat bread..