Topic: Was 9/11 an 'inside job?' - Poll | |
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Fri 10/26/12 03:22 PM
Conrad: so who is Alexander Baron and why would his opinion mean anything?
That long article you posted is a bunch of nonsense written by a poet/writer who is not an expert of any kind, nor a scientist. The fact that he wrote a very long and boring article spouting his unqualified personal opinion is supposed to mean what? |
Conrad: so who is Alexander Baron and why would his opinion mean anything? ![]() I can see,as usual,you haven't read anything! ![]() Actually you should like him,he is a Leftie! ![]() |
Conrad: so who is Alexander Baron and why would his opinion mean anything? ![]() I can see,as usual,you haven't read anything! ![]() Actually you should like him,he is a Leftie! ![]() Unfortunately I read the entire boring article. Its just another opinion. He has no credibility at all. His opinion means nothing. Just because you are a writer and have a blog does not make you an expert. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 10/26/12 03:45 PM
Conrad: so who is Alexander Baron and why would his opinion mean anything? ![]() I can see,as usual,you haven't read anything! ![]() Actually you should like him,he is a Leftie! ![]() Unfortunately I read the entire boring article. Its just another opinion. He has no credibility at all. His opinion means nothing. Just because you are a writer and have a blog does not make you an expert. ![]() ![]() ![]() Nope,you haven't read a thing! And that nano-Thermite is pure Bunk! It doesn't fly! Seems he is enough of an Expert to suss out Lunacies! |
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Fri 10/26/12 03:52 PM
Conrad: so who is Alexander Baron and why would his opinion mean anything? ![]() I can see,as usual,you haven't read anything! ![]() Actually you should like him,he is a Leftie! ![]() Unfortunately I read the entire boring article. Its just another opinion. He has no credibility at all. His opinion means nothing. Just because you are a writer and have a blog does not make you an expert. ![]() ![]() ![]() Nope,you haven't read a thing! And that nano-Thermite is pure Bunk! It doesn't fly! Seems he is enough of an Expert to suss out Lunacies! What ever, its your opinion. It does not matter either. The point I am making is that there is no evidence to support the official story of 9-11 and there are too many flags on the field and unanswered questions about what is going on. The system is corrupt and confusing and if you are a person who still believes the government, I feel sorry for you. I am glad there are people out there who are asking the hard questions and investigating where the government failed to do. |
Conrad: so who is Alexander Baron and why would his opinion mean anything? ![]() I can see,as usual,you haven't read anything! ![]() Actually you should like him,he is a Leftie! ![]() Unfortunately I read the entire boring article. Its just another opinion. He has no credibility at all. His opinion means nothing. Just because you are a writer and have a blog does not make you an expert. ![]() ![]() ![]() Nope,you haven't read a thing! And that nano-Thermite is pure Bunk! It doesn't fly! Seems he is enough of an Expert to suss out Lunacies! What ever, its your opinion. It does not matter either. The point I am making is that there is no evidence to support the official story of 9-11 and there are too many flags on the field and unanswered questions about what is going on. The system is corrupt and confusing and if you are a person who still believes the government, I feel sorry for you. I am glad there are people out there who are asking the hard questions and investigating where the government failed to do. |
People should never stop asking questions and demanding government accountability.
Never. |
from the Article!
The very latest nonsense is a film that has been broadcast on public television in the run up to the 11th anniversary of the atrocities, the grandly titled 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. The kindest thing that can be said about this film is that it confuses cause and effect, which is hardly surprising when one considers that the man behind it is none other than Richard Gage. I won't review it here because it contains nothing new, though it has been reviewed elsewhere on this site by someone who is both a little more intelligent than me, and a great deal more gullible. One of the things die hard truthers advise us to do is follow the money. Okay, let's start by asking how much Mr Gage makes from his "not-for-profit". Some information about this can be found here and here. Try not to laugh. Unless I'm missing something, according to this film, the Twin Towers collapsed from the top down by controlled explosion, both of them, while Building 7 (which no one has heard about), collapsed from the bottom. What was that I said about logistics? This means that Mohamed Atta and his fellow mass murderer Marwan al-Shehhi had to crash these planes precisely where they did, between floors 93 and 99, and between floors 77 and 85 respectively, because by an amazing coincidence, the controlled explosions began at those floors. ![]() ![]() ![]() At the moment, I am being chased across the web by Dan Noel, a highly qualified well-meaning fruitcake, an engineer with a fixation about Building 7, and who has apparently developed "a new, exciting system that allows virtually every human being, starting at a very young age, to learn to use telepathy to automatically realign any target with the Divine purpose". Somebody should introduce him to Judy Wood; they'd make a lovely couple. One other point that needs to be mentioned is that not all the people peddling alternative versions of what happened on 9/11 are either well-meaning or cranks; there is a considerable amount of blatantly spurious analysis out there including doctored videos. One of the most sophisticated such hoaxes is what has been called "The Ball Theory". Don't be deceived by such nonsense, and always bear in mind that the governments of the world are not the only liars out there, and much of the time they are not even the biggest liars. I will go further than that and say that as far as the logistics of 9/11 go, we can believe probably 99.9% of the official version up to the events of that day. The American Government and the British Government lied about the so-called weapons of mass destruction - the very same weapons they have - and they lied about, or rather attempted to cover up, the professed motives for the attacks - but the investigations carried out by the FBI and other agencies were thorough, reliable, honest and probably as accurate as we can expect. |
IF you care just a little about the truth you will listen to what this man, Kevin Ryan, is saying in this video. He is an expert. He had been promoted into top management, but was fired for writing a letter saying that the facts need to be clarified. He was fired simply for writing a letter, asking a question. That alone raises a lot of red flags pointing to a gross coverup. That clown is about as far from being an expert as you can get. He didn't even know the right terminology to describe the testing procedure. He didn't even understand the test results. You should go back to alien beam dustification. At least it was funny. He has the qualifications you don't have. Besides attacking all the messengers by calling them "clowns" should be getting old by now. The number of professionals who are debunking the official story are growing and growing and nothing can be done about that. It is inevitable. The chain of events for unveiling the truth of this corrupt system we are living in cannot be stopped now. Bankers are in deep deep trouble. They cannot save themselves with false flags and terrorism. People are getting wise to their game. There you go again with the lies. He actually has none of the qualifications that I have. He can't even discuss the topic intelligently and if you watched the video, why don't you know about the test results. You didn't even watch it or you don't know enough to even know what they are talking about? All you talk about are lies while telling more than everyone else put together. |
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Fri 10/26/12 06:31 PM
You are missing the whole point.
I would think that attacking all the messengers by calling them "clowns" should be getting old by now. and The number of professionals who are debunking the official story are growing and growing and nothing can be done about that. and It is inevitable. The chain of events for unveiling the truth of this corrupt system we are living in cannot be stopped now. and Bankers are in deep deep trouble. They cannot save themselves with false flags and terrorism. People are getting wise to their game. ** As far as your own qualifications, I would not know anything about that since you are basically anonymous. The people I refer to are at least real people with real names and verifiable qualifications. They are brave enough to put themselves out there and say what they think and I respect that. And they have to subject themselves to countless abuse from nameless and anonymous unknowns all over cyber space. |
You are missing the whole point. I would think that attacking all the messengers by calling them "clowns" should be getting old by now. and The number of professionals who are debunking the official story are growing and growing and nothing can be done about that. and It is inevitable. The chain of events for unveiling the truth of this corrupt system we are living in cannot be stopped now. and Bankers are in deep deep trouble. They cannot save themselves with false flags and terrorism. People are getting wise to their game. ** As far as your own qualifications, I would not know anything about that since you are basically anonymous. The people I refer to are at least real people with real names and verifiable qualifications. They are brave enough to put themselves out there and say what they think and I respect that. And they have to subject themselves to countless abuse from nameless and anonymous unknowns all over cyber space. You are missing the point. You post lies constantly and try to sell them as the truth. You don't understand any of the facts so you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you on the head. Your credibility and that of the clowns you post is zero as all have been debunked. You say that many professionals are joining your bandwagon which is just another lie. I am a professional and I know of no one who does anything but laugh at the crap you sell as the truth. Unlike you, quite a few minglers know me outside of cyberspace so my credibility isn't in question. |
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Fri 10/26/12 07:42 PM
I don't think you have debunked anything. I don't lie. I post links to sites and information that is not written by me, so anyone who follows those links can be their own judge. This is not about me and what you think I understand and I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to make it personal.
If you don't agree with what I post or the links I post that's fine, just say so. You have a perfect right to your opinions. But stop making it personal. It does not matter to me what you believe. (It is not about me or you.) It is about the questions still unanswered surrounding 9-11. If you don't want to discuss the topic, you don't have to. |
I don't think you have debunked anything. I don't lie. I post links to sites and information that is not written by me, so anyone who follows those links can be their own judge. This is not about me and what you think I understand and I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to make it personal. If you don't agree with what I post or the links I post that's fine, just say so. You have a perfect right to your opinions. But stop making it personal. It does not matter to me what you believe. (It is not about me or you.) It is about the questions still unanswered surrounding 9-11. If you don't want to discuss the topic, you don't have to. "The number of professionals who are debunking the official story are growing and growing and nothing can be done about that." This isn't a link, it is just one of the incredible number of lies you post. You even lie about lying. ![]() |
Yep.... the banksters are in deep deep doo doo. So now ask what any of this has to do with 9-11. |
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Fri 10/26/12 08:57 PM
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This is for people to read and evaluate on their own.
Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics By David Chandler B.S., physics, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA M.A., education, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA M.S., mathematics, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA Running Title: Downward Acceleration of WTC The roof line of the North Tower of the World Trade Center is shown to have been in constant downward acceleration until it disappeared. A downward acceleration of the falling upper block implies a downward net force, which requires that the upward resistive force was less than the weight of the block. Therefore the downward force exerted by the falling block must also have been less than its weight. Since the lower section of the building was designed to support several times the weight of the upper block, the reduced force exerted by the falling block was insufficient to crush the lower section of the building. Therefore the falling block could not have acted as a "pile driver." The downward acceleration of the upper block can be understood as a consequence of, not the cause of, the disintegration of the lower section of the building. |
This is for people to read and evaluate on their own. Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics By David Chandler B.S., physics, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA M.A., education, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA M.S., mathematics, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA Running Title: Downward Acceleration of WTC The roof line of the North Tower of the World Trade Center is shown to have been in constant downward acceleration until it disappeared. A downward acceleration of the falling upper block implies a downward net force, which requires that the upward resistive force was less than the weight of the block. Therefore the downward force exerted by the falling block must also have been less than its weight. Since the lower section of the building was designed to support several times the weight of the upper block, the reduced force exerted by the falling block was insufficient to crush the lower section of the building. Therefore the falling block could not have acted as a "pile driver." The downward acceleration of the upper block can be understood as a consequence of, not the cause of, the disintegration of the lower section of the building. It shows he doesn't know what he is talking about (besides not being a structural engineer). The cause of the constant acceleration is called "gravity". |
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I don't think you have debunked anything. I don't lie. I post links to sites and information that is not written by me, so anyone who follows those links can be their own judge. This is not about me and what you think I understand and I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to make it personal. If you don't agree with what I post or the links I post that's fine, just say so. You have a perfect right to your opinions. But stop making it personal. It does not matter to me what you believe. (It is not about me or you.) It is about the questions still unanswered surrounding 9-11. If you don't want to discuss the topic, you don't have to. "The number of professionals who are debunking the official story are growing and growing and nothing can be done about that." This isn't a link, it is just one of the incredible number of lies you post. You even lie about lying. ![]() It's sad and I feel bad for the truthers. Only about half of a one percent of the population believes it was an inside job and 98% of those people have some sort of diagnosed mental ilness or some sort of paranoid personality disorder and the other two percent live in a fantasy world who are very gulliable and they would tend to believe anything. It is sad that there are people who would prey on and take advantage of people with such a severe mental illness and get them to believe their political attacks and hatred of the United States of America. |
I do not think really any president of either party would want to see the death and destruction of that day. I would define it more of a laziness and a belief that something like that could happen. How ever the military suppliers and war hawks jumped on the fear like a bunch of starving dogs.