Topic: Was 9/11 an 'inside job?' - Poll | |
Latest poll results. Was 911 an inside job? Yes at 78.2 No 11.8% Depends on how you define inside at 8.7% None of the above at 1.3% All this despite a 24/7 11 year propaganda campaign. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Latest poll results. Was 911 an inside job? Yes at 78.2 No 11.8% Depends on how you define inside at 8.7% None of the above at 1.3% All this despite a 24/7 11 year propaganda campaign. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
my vote is 78.2% of the people on that site are retarded.
my vote is 78.2% of the people on that site are retarded. That would be 78.4% |
my vote is 78.2% of the people on that site are retarded. That would be 78.4% Indeed. ![]() |
Nobody really knows who is responsible for 9-11 and most people don't believe the government's account of it.
I strongly suspect the evil doers are not Arabs, and if any Arabs were involved, they were supported and paid by a global wealthy cabal of rich dudes. |
Latest poll results.
Was 911 an inside job? Yes at 78.6 No 11.5% Depends on how you define inside at 8.6% None of the above at 1.2% All this despite a 24/7 11 year propaganda campaign. |
LOL......this survey amazes me! 1.2% said none of the above, either the government did or didn't. What was the sample size and where was it done?
It happened, the investigation was a farce....just like the Warren commission.... Says a lot, proves nothing! |
It happened, the investigation was a farce....just like the Warren commission.... Says a lot, proves nothing! |
I wouldnt believe nothing coming from my goverment. After all mans heart and what lies in it makes the devil jealous.
It happened, the investigation was a farce....just like the Warren commission.... Says a lot, proves nothing! As this poll indicates, morons frequent truther websites. |
It happened, the investigation was a farce....just like the Warren commission.... Says a lot, proves nothing! As this poll indicates, morons frequent truther websites. ![]() |
It happened, the investigation was a farce....just like the Warren commission.... Says a lot, proves nothing! As this poll indicates, morons frequent truther websites. ![]() No, I'm mingling! ![]() |
Latest poll results.
Was 911 an inside job? Yes at 78.8 No 11.4% Depends on how you define inside at 8.6% None of the above at 1.2% All this despite a 24/7 11 year propaganda campaign. |
Latest poll results.
Was 911 an inside job? 79% say yes 11.3% say no 8.4% say it depends how you" define inside job" 1.2% say none of the above. cast your vote at. |
WOW it get's better all the time just when I thought the entire country was Zombied out watching american idle or meaningless sport I check the poll and...........
Was 911 an inside job? 79.3% say yes 11.2% say no 8.3% say it depends how you" define inside job" 1.2% say none of the above. cast your vote at. Glad to see most of us are waking up and seeing the betrayal. |
I went to the page... and I found this comment to be most interesting: Number of structural engineers who posit bombs in the towers: 0 Number of engineering classes taken by the guys who are absolutely sure there were bombs in the towers: 0 Number of scientific polls showing a significant number of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job: 0 Number of architects who pos it bombs in the towers: 0 Number of explosions registered by seismologists when the towers fell: 0 Number of materials specialists who posit bombs in the towers: 0 Number of engineering conferences held to discuss bombs in the towers: 0 Number of engineering reports discussing bombs in the towers: 0 Number of seismologists who pos it bombs in the towers: 0 Number of demolition experts who pos it bombs in the towers: 0 Number of documents revealing the secret plan: 0 Number of NORAD people who said they stood down on 9/11: 0 Number of NORAD people who said they were confused by drills on 9/11: 0 Number of defense experts who say NORAD standing down was inexplicable: 0 Number of eye witnesses in the Pentagon who believe that a missile hit the building on 9/11: 0 Number of firemen at the scene who say there really were bombs in the buildings (i.e., not just saying it SOUNDED like bombs): 0 Number of commercial airline pilots who say the NORAD thing sounds fishy: 0 Number of journalists (mainstream or otherwise—but NOT wingnuts posing as journalists) who write seriously about 9/11 conspiracy theories: 0 Number of people who say they were actually involved in the plan: 0 Number of FBI agents, ex-agents, or whistle blowers who say 9/11 was an inside job (as opposed to mere incompetence): 0 Number of people who might know anything who have come forward (as opposed to people who wouldn't know anything—like a former German Defense Minister): 0 Number of clips of the buildings falling (used by conspiracists to bolster their theory) that have been authenticated by experts: 0 Number of items in the Northwoods document that were actually pulled off: 0 Number of intelligence specialists who think 9/11 was an inside job: 0 Number of historians who subscribe to the inside-job hypothesis: 0 Number of sane people who think Bush used his family friends to bring off 9/11: 0 Number of sane people who think international bankers financed a plan to close down Wall Street: 0 Number of sane people who think the most incompetent administration in galactic history pulled off the most complex subterfuge in history...fooling everyone except a few creepy guys who got on the web: 0 Number of follow-up domestic terror attacks after 9/11 (as confidently predicted by most inside-job theorists): 0 Now I don't claim to actually know if it was an inside job or not, but it's been years know as well as I do that people wouldn't keep a secret this big if they knew anything. |
I went to the page... and I found this comment to be most interesting: Number of structural engineers who posit bombs in the towers: 0 Number of engineering classes taken by the guys who are absolutely sure there were bombs in the towers: 0 Number of scientific polls showing a significant number of Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job: 0 Number of architects who pos it bombs in the towers: 0 Number of explosions registered by seismologists when the towers fell: 0 Number of materials specialists who posit bombs in the towers: 0 Number of engineering conferences held to discuss bombs in the towers: 0 Number of engineering reports discussing bombs in the towers: 0 Number of seismologists who pos it bombs in the towers: 0 Number of demolition experts who pos it bombs in the towers: 0 Number of documents revealing the secret plan: 0 Number of NORAD people who said they stood down on 9/11: 0 Number of NORAD people who said they were confused by drills on 9/11: 0 Number of defense experts who say NORAD standing down was inexplicable: 0 Number of eye witnesses in the Pentagon who believe that a missile hit the building on 9/11: 0 Number of firemen at the scene who say there really were bombs in the buildings (i.e., not just saying it SOUNDED like bombs): 0 Number of commercial airline pilots who say the NORAD thing sounds fishy: 0 Number of journalists (mainstream or otherwise—but NOT wingnuts posing as journalists) who write seriously about 9/11 conspiracy theories: 0 Number of people who say they were actually involved in the plan: 0 Number of FBI agents, ex-agents, or whistle blowers who say 9/11 was an inside job (as opposed to mere incompetence): 0 Number of people who might know anything who have come forward (as opposed to people who wouldn't know anything—like a former German Defense Minister): 0 Number of clips of the buildings falling (used by conspiracists to bolster their theory) that have been authenticated by experts: 0 Number of items in the Northwoods document that were actually pulled off: 0 Number of intelligence specialists who think 9/11 was an inside job: 0 Number of historians who subscribe to the inside-job hypothesis: 0 Number of sane people who think Bush used his family friends to bring off 9/11: 0 Number of sane people who think international bankers financed a plan to close down Wall Street: 0 Number of sane people who think the most incompetent administration in galactic history pulled off the most complex subterfuge in history...fooling everyone except a few creepy guys who got on the web: 0 Number of follow-up domestic terror attacks after 9/11 (as confidently predicted by most inside-job theorists): 0 Now I don't claim to actually know if it was an inside job or not, but it's been years know as well as I do that people wouldn't keep a secret this big if they knew anything. Good post! ![]() |