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Topic: Who's The Coolest?
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Fri 10/19/12 01:42 PM

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Coolest Prez Of All?

September 5, 2012
By Susan Stamper Brown

Barack Obama is probably one of the coolest presidents in American history. He reaches rock star status when cameras catch him sporting his Ray-Ban 3217′s, which are, for all you squares out there, designer sunglasses.

That Obama owns the word “cool” is nothing new, but it is quite unbecoming of the office he holds. If his “coolness” is authentic, the best thing the most powerful man on the planet could do is tone it down a bit, so the rest of us can feel better about ourselves. But he cannot help himself, or so it seems, which makes one wonder if his attempt to act hip is a thinly-veiled intentional act distracting us from an exceptionally small man who is in over his head.

I am reminded of a story about a man named Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs — much better known as, “Oz” — in author L. Frank Baum’s multiple-book series on the Land of Oz. A circus magician by occupation and supreme leader by chance, Diggs was raised to extra-super-cool status when fate allowed his hot air balloon to get caught in a jet stream and touch down in the Land of Oz.

First impressions are lasting. As the story is told, the people in the Land of Oz quickly elevated Diggs to top potentate because they thought Diggs’ grand entrance was divine, and worshipped him as such. Understanding he had large shoes to fill, and desperately desiring to look the part, Diggs shortened his name to an acronym using his initials: OZPINHEAD. Obviously, the acronym did not serve him well, so Diggs made the astute marketing decision to steer away from any references of “pinhead” by retaining just the first two initials; thereafter being fondly known as the great wizard of “Oz”.

The aspiring politician he was, Oz desperately desired to be all things to all people. Oz became a master of disguise — appearing as balls of fire, big heads, and disembodied voices. Before long, people realized this wonderful wizard wasn’t as wonderful or as wizardly as they once thought he was, but rather a lovely little man more fit for the circus than political leader.

The crackpot left town the same way he arrived, floating beneath a bag of hot air, which brings us to our current and very cool president. You see, fairy tales are for big people too because they have an allegorical way of teaching us life lessons without all the drama. To be clear, America needs a lot of things in a president, but “cool” is not necessarily one of them. Authenticity would be a refreshing start. Cool is better left to cucumbers and drinks, not politics and presidents.

To be frank, something is not… quite right… that the leader of the free world feels the need to puff himself up. That he uses media gossip outlets like People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight to beef up his own “star wattage” as it is called, probably tells us more than we really want to know about the president’s psyche. Really.

While at an “NBA Heroes” fundraiser in New York City on August 22, Obama seemed, shall we say, visibly troubled that he was not the center of attention. “It is very rare,” Obama jokingly poked, “I come to an event where I’m like the fifth or sixth most interesting person. Usually, the folks want to take a picture with me, sit next to me…talk to me.”

Soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan, unemployment is historically high, the national debt swells, and gas and food prices are on the rise; yet our president ponders puerile questions like “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the coolest guy of all?” You are, Mr. President. Now step aside to make way for some dull grown-ups to come in and clean up your mess.

willing2's photo
Fri 10/19/12 01:46 PM

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/19/12 01:48 PM
this paragraph is sad and hilarious at the same time

If his “coolness” is authentic, the best thing the most powerful man on the planet could do is tone it down a bit, so the rest of us can feel better about ourselves. But he cannot help himself, or so it seems, which makes one wonder if his attempt to act hip is a thinly-veiled intentional act distracting us from an exceptionally small man who is in over his head

try more to be like everyone else so they can feel better about themself,,thats a very sad philosophy whether its about a leader or an average joe/jill

his 'coolness' doesnt make me feel the least bit worse about myself,,,

he is a man, first and foremost, and he is just as entitled to be 'cool' as any other man

kennedy wasnt expected to be less of a ladies man, bush wasnt expected to be less of a cowboy, and I doubt romney would be expected to be less religious

why should this president be less 'cool'?

willing2's photo
Fri 10/19/12 01:53 PM
Yes. You are right. He is a joke.

Everyone in the world is laughing AT him.

It is sad.

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 10/19/12 01:54 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Fri 10/19/12 01:54 PM
Obama is the coolest man on the planet.

Mr charismatic himself.

JFK had a lot of things going for him but Obama tops the Bill.

Then again, the Blacks and the Paddies...need I say more bigsmile

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/19/12 01:55 PM

Obama is the coolest man on the planet.

Mr charismatic himself.

JFK had a lot of things going for him but Obama top the Bill.

Then again, the Blacks and the Paddies...need I say more bigsmile


why did you have to take it there,,,,

cool folks like that he is cool, just like cowboys liked that bush was a cowboy

lets not bait the uncool folks,,,,:wink:

lilott's photo
Fri 10/19/12 02:02 PM
He is only the celebrity in chief.

italianman4u's photo
Fri 10/19/12 02:12 PM
Edited by italianman4u on Fri 10/19/12 02:13 PM
the only positive thing he did for our country was promise if he didnt make great improvements he would be a one term president,, i see the country is holding him to that promise, although hes kicking and screaming about being ousted like a 5 yr whos celebrity flavored taffy just got pulled out of his mouth..but dont worry folks,, he can be number on welfare soon.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:00 AM

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Coolest Prez Of All?

September 5, 2012
By Susan Stamper Brown

Barack Obama is probably one of the coolest presidents in American history. He reaches rock star status when cameras catch him sporting his Ray-Ban 3217′s, which are, for all you squares out there, designer sunglasses.

That Obama owns the word “cool” is nothing new, but it is quite unbecoming of the office he holds. If his “coolness” is authentic, the best thing the most powerful man on the planet could do is tone it down a bit, so the rest of us can feel better about ourselves. But he cannot help himself, or so it seems, which makes one wonder if his attempt to act hip is a thinly-veiled intentional act distracting us from an exceptionally small man who is in over his head.

I am reminded of a story about a man named Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs — much better known as, “Oz” — in author L. Frank Baum’s multiple-book series on the Land of Oz. A circus magician by occupation and supreme leader by chance, Diggs was raised to extra-super-cool status when fate allowed his hot air balloon to get caught in a jet stream and touch down in the Land of Oz.

First impressions are lasting. As the story is told, the people in the Land of Oz quickly elevated Diggs to top potentate because they thought Diggs’ grand entrance was divine, and worshipped him as such. Understanding he had large shoes to fill, and desperately desiring to look the part, Diggs shortened his name to an acronym using his initials: OZPINHEAD. Obviously, the acronym did not serve him well, so Diggs made the astute marketing decision to steer away from any references of “pinhead” by retaining just the first two initials; thereafter being fondly known as the great wizard of “Oz”.

The aspiring politician he was, Oz desperately desired to be all things to all people. Oz became a master of disguise — appearing as balls of fire, big heads, and disembodied voices. Before long, people realized this wonderful wizard wasn’t as wonderful or as wizardly as they once thought he was, but rather a lovely little man more fit for the circus than political leader.

The crackpot left town the same way he arrived, floating beneath a bag of hot air, which brings us to our current and very cool president. You see, fairy tales are for big people too because they have an allegorical way of teaching us life lessons without all the drama. To be clear, America needs a lot of things in a president, but “cool” is not necessarily one of them. Authenticity would be a refreshing start. Cool is better left to cucumbers and drinks, not politics and presidents.

To be frank, something is not… quite right… that the leader of the free world feels the need to puff himself up. That he uses media gossip outlets like People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight to beef up his own “star wattage” as it is called, probably tells us more than we really want to know about the president’s psyche. Really.

While at an “NBA Heroes” fundraiser in New York City on August 22, Obama seemed, shall we say, visibly troubled that he was not the center of attention. “It is very rare,” Obama jokingly poked, “I come to an event where I’m like the fifth or sixth most interesting person. Usually, the folks want to take a picture with me, sit next to me…talk to me.”

Soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan, unemployment is historically high, the national debt swells, and gas and food prices are on the rise; yet our president ponders puerile questions like “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the coolest guy of all?” You are, Mr. President. Now step aside to make way for some dull grown-ups to come in and clean up your mess.

He is a text book Narcicist with a god complex who I am guessing has performance issues.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:02 AM

Yes. You are right. He is a joke.

Everyone in the world is laughing AT him.

It is sad.

He isn't a joke, jokes are funny and there is nothing funy about that a$$hole.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:03 AM

the only positive thing he did for our country was promise if he didnt make great improvements he would be a one term president,, i see the country is holding him to that promise, although hes kicking and screaming about being ousted like a 5 yr whos celebrity flavored taffy just got pulled out of his mouth..but dont worry folks,, he can be number on welfare soon.


Conrad_73's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:16 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 10/20/12 01:17 AM
Here is a Pink Slip that will really benefit ALL OF AMERICA (And The World)...The one we are giving to Barack H. Obama in November
And here is the deal Obama...YOU DID MAKE THIS HAPPEN...
You made it happen with your failed stimulus, you made it happen with your $6T in new debt, you made it happen with your attacks on Stay At Home Moms, Businesses, Religion and values. You did it with your job killing policies and your Trillion dollar deficits. You made it happen with your horrendous job. YES OBAMA YOU MADE THIS PINK SLIP HAPPEN...and America is going to deliver it to you in November!!

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:19 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 10/20/12 01:22 AM
the trillions in debt was 'made' before he took office,,,,thats verifiable numbers,,,,

as to the rest,, everyone has their opinion,,,,

:banana: :banana: election 2012

Lpdon's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:42 AM

the trillions in debt was 'made' before he took office,,,,thats verifiable numbers,,,,

as to the rest,, everyone has their opinion,,,,

:banana: :banana: election 2012

Yea, we had 16 trillion in debt four years ago...........slaphead whoa Not to mention the worst unemployment numbers in history almost 13% and growing in Nevada, the worst in the Nation.

What an a$$hole, November 6th cant come fast enough.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:51 AM

the trillions in debt was 'made' before he took office,,,,thats verifiable numbers,,,,

as to the rest,, everyone has their opinion,,,,

:banana: :banana: election 2012

Yea, we had 16 trillion in debt four years ago...........slaphead whoa Not to mention the worst unemployment numbers in history almost 13% and growing in Nevada, the worst in the Nation.

What an a$$hole, November 6th cant come fast enough.

nope we had 10.6 trillion, up from 5.6 trillion when Bush took office

and 4.1 when clinton took office

and 2.9 when bush sr took office

and 1.0 when Reagan took office

,,the TRILLIONS originally mentioned have been in the making for several administrations,,,

TJN's photo
Sat 10/20/12 07:53 AM

the trillions in debt was 'made' before he took office,,,,thats verifiable numbers,,,,

as to the rest,, everyone has their opinion,,,,

:banana: :banana: election 2012

Yea, we had 16 trillion in debt four years ago...........slaphead whoa Not to mention the worst unemployment numbers in history almost 13% and growing in Nevada, the worst in the Nation.

What an a$$hole, November 6th cant come fast enough.

nope we had 10.6 trillion, up from 5.6 trillion when Bush took office

and 4.1 when clinton took office

and 2.9 when bush sr took office

and 1.0 when Reagan took office

,,the TRILLIONS originally mentioned have been in the making for several administrations,,,

Ok so Bush raised it 5 trillion in 8 years
It only took Obama 3 years to add 6 trillion and that's ok?

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/20/12 08:51 AM

the trillions in debt was 'made' before he took office,,,,thats verifiable numbers,,,,

as to the rest,, everyone has their opinion,,,,

:banana: :banana: election 2012

Yea, we had 16 trillion in debt four years ago...........slaphead whoa Not to mention the worst unemployment numbers in history almost 13% and growing in Nevada, the worst in the Nation.

What an a$$hole, November 6th cant come fast enough.

nope we had 10.6 trillion, up from 5.6 trillion when Bush took office

and 4.1 when clinton took office

and 2.9 when bush sr took office

and 1.0 when Reagan took office

,,the TRILLIONS originally mentioned have been in the making for several administrations,,,

Ok so Bush raised it 5 trillion in 8 years
It only took Obama 3 years to add 6 trillion and that's ok?

the rising debt is not ok, its also not unique to this president

its been in the trillions LONG before obama or even bush and in terms of increase , it rose by 100 percent under bush, its risen 60 percent under Obama and back when raegan was in office it rose 188 percent

basically, obama could be in office four more years and would still hve done better than the revered raegan even if it rises another 120 percent (ending at roughly 28 trillion)

TJN's photo
Sat 10/20/12 08:56 AM
So because the % is smaller he's not spending as much?
Even though the % is smaller the amount is still larger.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/20/12 09:01 AM

So because the % is smaller he's not spending as much?
Even though the % is smaller the amount is still larger.

numbers,, use whichever ones you want,,,,

Id say having 600 tagged onto a 1000 dollar loan wouldnt upset me as much as having 500 added to a 500 dollar loan

but thats just me

TJN's photo
Sat 10/20/12 09:23 AM

So because the % is smaller he's not spending as much?
Even though the % is smaller the amount is still larger.

numbers,, use whichever ones you want,,,,

Id say having 600 tagged onto a 1000 dollar loan wouldnt upset me as much as having 500 added to a 500 dollar loan

but thats just me

You'd rather be 1600 in debt over 3 years than 1000 in debt over 8 years.

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