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Topic: Who was least repectful, Biden or Ryan?
willing2's photo
Thu 10/11/12 08:11 PM
Who did the most interrupting and why did they feel the need to?

IMO, seems every time Ryan hit a nerve, Biden interrupted.

The moderator friend of Bidens rarely stopped him and allowed him to ramble.

I believe it was the last question, Biden complained Ryan got more time, Factcheckers say Biden got 41 seconds and Ryan got 40.

What do ya'll say about who was the rudest?

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 10/11/12 08:17 PM

Were the green and libertarian veeps invited to this "debate"?

If not than this whole thing is a sham and does not matter who shot who in the what now!

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 10/11/12 08:27 PM

Were the green and libertarian veeps invited to this "debate"?

If not than this whole thing is a sham and does not matter who shot who in the what now!

Wow, what a "sour grapes" analogy. The participants in the debate are the only two vice-presidential candidates who have any real chance of winning in November.

no photo
Thu 10/11/12 08:49 PM
Very intense debate.

GreenEyes48's photo
Thu 10/11/12 09:13 PM
I enjoyed watching Joe Biden!.. I get tired of phony and plastic politicians!.. Joe Biden is real and authentic! Go Joe!

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 10/11/12 09:56 PM

Were the green and libertarian veeps invited to this "debate"?

If not than this whole thing is a sham and does not matter who shot who in the what now!

Wow, what a "sour grapes" analogy. The participants in the debate are the only two vice-presidential candidates who have any real chance of winning in November.

That's exactly how the two parties and corporate owned media want you think. you've been conditioned well.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/11/12 10:12 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 10/11/12 10:14 PM
Once again, the only losers in this debate were the American people! We heard the one guy interupting and criticizing the others policy without even hearing what his policy was.

Every time we got to that point, the other would interupt, thereby saving each other the need to explain it in any detail.

We learned nothing, but got a good idea how the gov't atually works!

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with rhetorical BS!

no photo
Thu 10/11/12 10:45 PM

I enjoyed watching Joe Biden!.. I get tired of phony and plastic politicians!.. Joe Biden is real and authentic! Go Joe!

is any politician real and authentic?

comment made about the youtube video below:
He is a politician, they lie.
Vote him out for bringing Hillary Clinton into his administration and for the NDAA.
Vote Obama, all our Senators, and all our Represenatives out.
If their replacements do not get rid of the NDAA and get us the Bill of Rights and the Constitution back and get our freedoms and rights back, vote them out, too.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 10/11/12 11:32 PM

Who did the most interrupting and why did they feel the need to?

IMO, seems every time Ryan hit a nerve, Biden interrupted.

The moderator friend of Bidens rarely stopped him and allowed him to ramble.

I believe it was the last question, Biden complained Ryan got more time, Factcheckers say Biden got 41 seconds and Ryan got 40.

What do ya'll say about who was the rudest?

Biden was by far. Even his Looney Left media allies were commenting about it.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 10/12/12 12:25 AM
was he really able to keep his Foot out of his Mouth to speak at all?laugh

s1owhand's photo
Fri 10/12/12 01:46 AM
I think it was close. Both of them started to interrupt on several
occasions but were kept in check by a combination of self-control and
the moderator.

Biden was slightly more polite in his replies and so I give him the
edge but there was not much there really one way or the other.

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 10/12/12 07:58 AM
There was definitely an age and generational gap and even a cultural gap between Biden and Ryan last night...Watching the debate brought back memories of discussions I had with my parents when I was younger...My parents jumped in (like Biden) if they felt I was being idealist or "off-base" or inaccurate in my "talking points."...Later I played the "Biden role" at times with my older son when he felt he "knew everything" and I should be put out to "pasture."...It all seemed "familiar" to me...Biden didn't go through the "Stepford machine" and become "homogenized." (And "slick" and overly "polished.")....Romney seems fake and phony at times. Obama should have accused him of being "full of baloney" in the last debate and called him on his "malarky!"...Romney could have pointed out that Obama was too idealist when he took office and lacking in "practicalities" and common sense...Obama could have "owned-up" to it and said that he had to "come down to earth" and learn some lessons the "hard way" and he was "sorry" about it...Romney could have admitted that he has a tendency to "flip-flop" and "change his tune" at times.

no photo
Fri 10/12/12 08:13 AM

I enjoyed watching Joe Biden!.. I get tired of phony and plastic politicians!.. Joe Biden is real and authentic! Go Joe!

WOW! What you been smokin?smokin
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 08:49 AM

There was definitely an age and generational gap and even a cultural gap between Biden and Ryan last night...Watching the debate brought back memories of discussions I had with my parents when I was younger...My parents jumped in (like Biden) if they felt I was being idealist or "off-base" or inaccurate in my "talking points."...Later I played the "Biden role" at times with my older son when he felt he "knew everything" and I should be put out to "pasture."...It all seemed "familiar" to me...Biden didn't go through the "Stepford machine" and become "homogenized." (And "slick" and overly "polished.")....Romney seems fake and phony at times. Obama should have accused him of being "full of baloney" in the last debate and called him on his "malarky!"...Romney could have pointed out that Obama was too idealist when he took office and lacking in "practicalities" and common sense...Obama could have "owned-up" to it and said that he had to "come down to earth" and learn some lessons the "hard way" and he was "sorry" about it...Romney could have admitted that he has a tendency to "flip-flop" and "change his tune" at times.


great points as usual Green

yeah, it is interesting to me this campaign to watch the different assessments

I saw some of the same weaknesses on both sides, but how they are played up totally depends upon who we listen to

I thought Romney was quite 'rude' in how he dismissed the rules of the debate and the moderator, but he was classified as strong instead

and yet, in the VP debate, I have to admit I saw Biden as Strong for calling out what he thought were lies before Ryan got a chance to cement them in peoples minds ( I kind of wish OBama had done that because either way people are gonna pin him as weak or bully so he may as well fare for bully and put a dimmer on the misinformation as soon as it is spoken)

and I didnt quite view Biden as rude, how about that? but I think his constant reference to Ryan as his friend and his polite and friendly banter with the moderator,,, just made him seem more strong than rude,,,

no photo
Fri 10/12/12 08:57 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Fri 10/12/12 09:00 AM
I thought it was a pretty good debate,,,,much better than I expected....BUT!!laugh I had a hard time with Biden's facial expressions ( eye rolls, frowns, & laughter) ...I saw it as immature, rude, and lacking self control...I thought his explanation about what happened in Libya was BS...Thought he scored pretty well on the subject of abortion and liked his personal reasons better than Ryan's...Ryan was just OK for me...I figured he would do OK with the economic questions; he did better than I expected on foreign affairs....As to a clear winner, I don't think there was one but I will say this, both men way out shined Obama's debate performance, so once again Obama comes out looking like the loser he is....

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 10/12/12 09:59 AM
Msharmony..I agree with all you wrote too...I thought about how we all have a "bias" after watching the debate last night.. But this is to be expected. Don't you think?...We don't all go out and buy the same type of car or clothes or homes etc...We all have our own individual "tastes" and preferences and views and "takes" on everything...It's weird to hear Republicans cry "foul play" concerning Biden's behavior in the debate last night when they are fond of throwing out snide-remarks and "slurs" towards Obama and the Dems at the "drop of a hat."...Romney seemed arrogant and "full of himself" to me in the debate last week and a "phony baloney." But as you mentioned others had a different "take" concerning his performance...Obama seemed like a big "wash-out" with no "fire" in his "belly" at all!...If he tries to go the "other way" and overcompensate in the next debate he has to be careful so he won't be accused of having a "split-personality." (Like Romney!)

willing2's photo
Fri 10/12/12 10:04 AM
Loud and rude.

The Liberal way.

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 10/12/12 10:11 AM

I thought it was a pretty good debate,,,,much better than I expected....BUT!!laugh I had a hard time with Biden's facial expressions ( eye rolls, frowns, & laughter) ...I saw it as immature, rude, and lacking self control...I thought his explanation about what happened in Libya was BS...Thought he scored pretty well on the subject of abortion and liked his personal reasons better than Ryan's...Ryan was just OK for me...I figured he would do OK with the economic questions; he did better than I expected on foreign affairs....As to a clear winner, I don't think there was one but I will say this, both men way out shined Obama's debate performance, so once again Obama comes out looking like the loser he is....
I am eager to hear more and learn more about the situation in Libya...I want a fair and bipartisan investigation. Right now the Reps in Congress seem like a pack of wolves or dogs with rabies...Their so-called "concern" does come across as political bantering to some people....But I'm all for a fair investigation and more "answers" and accountability.

willing2's photo
Fri 10/12/12 10:15 AM
You want the Whitehouse version or the truth?

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 10/12/12 10:15 AM

Loud and rude.

The Liberal way.
Obama definitely wasn't loud or rude in the debate last week!..There are some "loud-mouth" and obnoxious people in both parties.

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