Topic: Anyone Willing To Admit They will Vote for Romney | |
I have said in the past that there is no difference between political parties these days and I continue to believe that.
I also believe that if one could sit down with Obama on his own and spoke off the record he would reveal his true self and that true self would include the welfare of the vast majority of Americans. We already know what Romney thinks of the less well-off. Politics is a nasty Businessbut I believe that Obama is more human than Romney. Obama will still have to carry out his masters biding. Not enough people have awoken from their dreams yet. |
OMG,the Illuminati will get us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dont know what presidential candidate has actually disemboweled anyone,,,,,, but anyhow I just hope people use their vote however sound or unsound their reasoning,, its still their vote,,, History lesson 101. Long time ago, when Mormons first started their cult, anyone who took the Mormon vow then changed religions or went against some of their stricter rules their throats were cut and then they were disemboweled. It was a part of the oath. Helps to be knowledgeable. We don't need more years of Muslim rule. years ago, there was St Augustine, killing those who didnt convert to christianity years ago, there was a mormon BRigham young (sp?) who had those accused of theivery beheaded and none of that has anything to do with our[ modern religions or presidential candidates either,,,, Great big BS on that. Just the other day a modern religion killed two young homosexers. Barry and fairican support those types of modern religions. Oh, Brigham Young joke. Hi, I'm Brigham Young. I don't care how ya' bring 'em, just bring 'em young. religion didnt kill anyone two fanatics did, in a region where they are possibly in the ruling class that doesnt condemn ALL muslims, anymore than the actions of tyrants in West AFrica condemns ALL west africans I support West AFrica, I dont support West African tyrants I support Islam, I dont support murder in the NAME of islam A vote for Hussein is a vote that supports legal murder in the name of islam. ridiculous... Oh, and your modern Muslim religion still cuts off hands for thievery. Hussein will stand with the Muslims. ![]() yep, he stands with ALL americans, whatever their origin,,,unlike others who support only segments Reality Obama = class warfare a subjective reality class warfare has existed long before OBAMA and has helped the rich get exponentially richer while the poor and middle class got poorer we know who has the backing, weapons, and resources in THAT war,,, Class warfare is going on NOW. Obama is the primary player. He is using every weapon in his arsenal, including you. |
I have said in the past that there is no difference between political parties these days and I continue to believe that. (True) Politics is a nasty Businessbut I believe that Obama is more Muslim than Romney. (Fixed) |
Romney is anything that money can buy.
He makes George Bush look intelligent. ![]() |
Romney is anything that money can buy. He makes George Bush look intelligent. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It is with 100% unadulterated glee that I say NO! I will; however,check his name in a vote AGAINST Premier King Ayatollah Barack Hussein Obama A$$ahola I agree. I will also be voting against Obama. It just happens to mean that that person is Romney. You are voting FOR Romney... ![]() Yes, as a non American I am sure you could care less about America so I can see how you could be confused. |
All who are pro-islamist extremists are o'bummernites.
It is with 100% unadulterated glee that I say NO! I will; however,check his name in a vote AGAINST Premier King Ayatollah Barack Hussein Obama A$$ahola I agree. I will also be voting against Obama. It just happens to mean that that person is Romney. You are voting FOR Romney... ![]() Yes, as a non American I am sure you could care less about America so I can see how you could be confused. I think you are the one that is confused. Voting against a candidate?????????? |
dont know what presidential candidate has actually disemboweled anyone,,,,,, but anyhow I just hope people use their vote however sound or unsound their reasoning,, its still their vote,,, History lesson 101. Long time ago, when Mormons first started their cult, anyone who took the Mormon vow then changed religions or went against some of their stricter rules their throats were cut and then they were disemboweled. It was a part of the oath. Helps to be knowledgeable. We don't need more years of Muslim rule. years ago, there was St Augustine, killing those who didnt convert to christianity years ago, there was a mormon BRigham young (sp?) who had those accused of theivery beheaded and none of that has anything to do with our[ modern religions or presidential candidates either,,,, Great big BS on that. Just the other day a modern religion killed two young homosexers. Barry and fairican support those types of modern religions. Oh, Brigham Young joke. Hi, I'm Brigham Young. I don't care how ya' bring 'em, just bring 'em young. religion didnt kill anyone two fanatics did, in a region where they are possibly in the ruling class that doesnt condemn ALL muslims, anymore than the actions of tyrants in West AFrica condemns ALL west africans I support West AFrica, I dont support West African tyrants I support Islam, I dont support murder in the NAME of islam A vote for Hussein is a vote that supports legal murder in the name of islam. ridiculous... Oh, and your modern Muslim religion still cuts off hands for thievery. Hussein will stand with the Muslims. ![]() yep, he stands with ALL americans, whatever their origin,,,unlike others who support only segments Reality Obama = class warfare a subjective reality class warfare has existed long before OBAMA and has helped the rich get exponentially richer while the poor and middle class got poorer we know who has the backing, weapons, and resources in THAT war,,, Class warfare is going on NOW. Obama is the primary player. He is using every weapon in his arsenal, including you. really, class warfare has been going on BEFORE now ,and wasnt begun or implemented by Obama, nor would it stop with Romney the most popular president in the world, Raegan, who began the folklore legend about the welfare queen ,, ,he engaged in highlighting and legitimizing class warfare but it was going on even before him,,,,, |
Hi hun , just wanted to ask if you have seen Romneys tax return?? I dont think you have hun ,becouse he donated to charrity 1000 times more than Joe Biden Or Obama????? Although I dont agree with the mormans bible. I think he is a very generous person and will turn our economy around. just sayin ![]() You are fighting a lost cause againt Obummers biggest cheerleader on this website. there is no 'fight' or 'cause' I am curious to see this tax return though that backs up the statement about how much more charitable Romney is,,, can you imagine the backlash if Obama had said he wasnt concerned about the 47 percent who are voting for Romney because they have no experience with what its like to struggle in a downed economy? ,,,,class warfare indeed,,,, ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 10/02/12 08:53 AM
Hi hun , just wanted to ask if you have seen Romneys tax return?? I dont think you have hun ,becouse he donated to charrity 1000 times more than Joe Biden Or Obama????? Although I dont agree with the mormans bible. I think he is a very generous person and will turn our economy around. just sayin I dont think ANYONE Has seen romneys returns,,, if they have, Id be delighted for them to point me to the source where I Can see for myself as to my point, I wasnt concerned about his personal giving (which Im not sure will be what is claimed here), my point was that he sees people who need help as 'victims' and feeling 'entitled' does he view those who benefit from whatever his charity is as also feeling 'entitled'? Your not concerned because you know that Romney gives more to charity in one day then Obama and Biden together has given in their entire lifes! I take it there is still no answer,,,lol btw, Romney could donate OBamas entire net worth and still be giving only 10 percent of his own to charity I certainly hope the RAW number is more,,,but I wouldnt be so sure about the percentage of actual net worth,,, the percentage of income will probably vary by year and is most likely not as much different in the past three years as in the years prior |
Have you read the Romney-Ryan tax plan? These guys must be COMMUNISTS! They want to redistribute a massive amount of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy class! That just shows you haven't read the plan. If you look into it and don't buy into the MSM propaganda you would learn it cuts taxes 20% for everyone and closes loopholes for the rich. Why some of us refuse to face facts (yes, 'birthers,' that includes you) John Moore / Getty Images Even state records aren't enough to deter some in their beliefs, as evidenced by this billboard. By Bill Briggs, NBC News contributor Here’s the delicious irony of this post: Some of you will disagree with the content. Strongly. Vehemently. Passionately. Angrily. You are wrong, according to the facts. Yet you maintain a death-grip mental hold on some untrue myths. And you refuse to surrender your unshakable belief – even when evidence is presented to the contrary. Why? Well, it’s basically how our brains work when it comes to persuasive urban legends and fabrications that perfectly suit our worldviews, according to a new report published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a journal for the Association for Psychological Science. Simply put: it’s cognitively easier for our minds to trust a lie – if it supports our deepest convictions – than it is to reject information that requires some mental sweat to assess. Advertise | AdChoices The report, which explains why some pieces of misinformation are so “sticky,” was authored by a cognitive scientist and three psychology professors. Let’s jump right in, shall we? President Barack Obama was born in the United States. We don’t have to take Obama’s word for this. In late May, Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett – who has served on Republican Mitt Romney’s campaign – received state records from Hawaii. The information verified that on Aug. 4, 1961, a young woman gave birth to a baby boy in a hospital at 1611 Bingham St. in Honolulu, and that boy grew up to be elected the 44th president. The documentation, in turn, convinced Bennett to allow the president’s name to be placed on the November ballot in Arizona. But the doubters – “birthers” – still call it crap. This is the authors' first example of misinformation that, for some, cannot be unstuck. “You can look at it from the point of view of the people that first raised the question: They want something that would invalidate this candidate,” said Colleen Seifert, an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, and one of the report’s authors. “So if it were true, they say it would be so great because it would solve this problem for them. But it’s really not true. So they keep clinging to it because they don’t have an alternative that is equally damning or that equally would change the playing field.” Unbelievers: We are not nearly finished grinding your gears. The report next cites two more pieces of information as incontrovertible facts: climate change is occurring and vaccines do not cause autism. Some parents of autistic children are sure that childhood shots changed their kids’ brains. That has led other parents to become wary of inoculations. “You can imagine (vaccines) as a cause and it fits really well with the situation because that’s when they had the shots and that’s when you started noticing your child was different,” Seifert said. “It all kind of makes sense. It’s a great package. “But if they look at the statistics and ask themselves: Well, every child gets a vaccine, why is it only some of them would get autism from it? That has got to cause some cognitive conflict in order for those parents to recognize that and believe it’s not true,” Seifert said. “But it’s so good, it should be true. And they don’t have an alternative that would completely fit it so well." Her research has shown that unless you can give people an alternative fact “that fills that causal hole,” they will cling to the old belief. Sometimes, however, even cold facts won’t budge some folks off their stubborn perch. Earth is warming – and we’re doing it. Need confirmation? In late June, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson acknowledged that burning of fossil fuels is heating the planet. If an oil guy is going to own it, well, it seems sort of tough to keep your head buried in the oil shale on this issue. Skeptics, however, call all this hot-and-bothered talk “junk science.” According to the authors of the “sticky misinformation” report, that’s partly because the doubters all get around in vehicles. “As you can imagine,” Seifert said, “there would be inconsistencies in their own lives: I drive a combustion car so I don’t want to admit that what we’re doing is causing harm to the earth. It’s the maintaining of this inconsistency internally – if my value is that I want to keep doing what I’m doing then anything that threatens that world view, I reject.” Now back to even more delicate ground, the election, where this past summer Romney used Obama’s birth heritage as a stump speech quip. Advertise | AdChoices If hospital records won’t quell the “birthers” – won’t, as the psychologists like to say, “fill the hole” of truth – what in the name of science will it take to satisfy them? What will allow the president’s opponents to say, in Seifert’s words: “Now, we’ve got something on him; he’s caught cold and it fits our view of him that he’s not fit for the presidency.” What would that be? You already know one answer. “A blue dress,” Seifert said, “hanging in some intern’s office.” Generally when you quote someone you respond to what was said. I have no idea how that relates to anything in this thread. It was my polite way of saying that you appear to be as balanced as Linsey Lohan walking home from Snoop Dogg's house at 3am. The Nobel winner in economics has a new book out why don't you read it, or is that too MSM for you? |
![]() how are birthers and economics related? |
![]() how are birthers and economics related? I have no idea. Glad to see I'm not the only one he confused. |
![]() how are birthers and economics related? I have no idea. Glad to see I'm not the only one he confused. |
![]() how are birthers and economics related? The point is about the general concept of people and false beliefs not in the specific examples used to demonstrate the general concept. For example, if you believe that Obama is a communist, then you demonstrate your ignorance of what Communism is and have a false belief (either that or you do not have the guts to admit that you are in fact a bourgeoisie, like that British politician who just got in trouble for calling someone a prolly-proletratian). I am sorry but some of this stuff is starting to give me the right royal red-azz. |
Have you read the Romney-Ryan tax plan? These guys must be COMMUNISTS! They want to redistribute a massive amount of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy class! That just shows you haven't read the plan. If you look into it and don't buy into the MSM propaganda you would learn it cuts taxes 20% for everyone and closes loopholes for the rich. Why some of us refuse to face facts (yes, 'birthers,' that includes you) John Moore / Getty Images Even state records aren't enough to deter some in their beliefs, as evidenced by this billboard. By Bill Briggs, NBC News contributor Here’s the delicious irony of this post: Some of you will disagree with the content. Strongly. Vehemently. Passionately. Angrily. You are wrong, according to the facts. Yet you maintain a death-grip mental hold on some untrue myths. And you refuse to surrender your unshakable belief – even when evidence is presented to the contrary. Why? Well, it’s basically how our brains work when it comes to persuasive urban legends and fabrications that perfectly suit our worldviews, according to a new report published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a journal for the Association for Psychological Science. Simply put: it’s cognitively easier for our minds to trust a lie – if it supports our deepest convictions – than it is to reject information that requires some mental sweat to assess. Advertise | AdChoices The report, which explains why some pieces of misinformation are so “sticky,” was authored by a cognitive scientist and three psychology professors. Let’s jump right in, shall we? President Barack Obama was born in the United States. We don’t have to take Obama’s word for this. In late May, Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett – who has served on Republican Mitt Romney’s campaign – received state records from Hawaii. The information verified that on Aug. 4, 1961, a young woman gave birth to a baby boy in a hospital at 1611 Bingham St. in Honolulu, and that boy grew up to be elected the 44th president. The documentation, in turn, convinced Bennett to allow the president’s name to be placed on the November ballot in Arizona. But the doubters – “birthers” – still call it crap. This is the authors' first example of misinformation that, for some, cannot be unstuck. “You can look at it from the point of view of the people that first raised the question: They want something that would invalidate this candidate,” said Colleen Seifert, an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, and one of the report’s authors. “So if it were true, they say it would be so great because it would solve this problem for them. But it’s really not true. So they keep clinging to it because they don’t have an alternative that is equally damning or that equally would change the playing field.” Unbelievers: We are not nearly finished grinding your gears. The report next cites two more pieces of information as incontrovertible facts: climate change is occurring and vaccines do not cause autism. Some parents of autistic children are sure that childhood shots changed their kids’ brains. That has led other parents to become wary of inoculations. “You can imagine (vaccines) as a cause and it fits really well with the situation because that’s when they had the shots and that’s when you started noticing your child was different,” Seifert said. “It all kind of makes sense. It’s a great package. “But if they look at the statistics and ask themselves: Well, every child gets a vaccine, why is it only some of them would get autism from it? That has got to cause some cognitive conflict in order for those parents to recognize that and believe it’s not true,” Seifert said. “But it’s so good, it should be true. And they don’t have an alternative that would completely fit it so well." Her research has shown that unless you can give people an alternative fact “that fills that causal hole,” they will cling to the old belief. Sometimes, however, even cold facts won’t budge some folks off their stubborn perch. Earth is warming – and we’re doing it. Need confirmation? In late June, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson acknowledged that burning of fossil fuels is heating the planet. If an oil guy is going to own it, well, it seems sort of tough to keep your head buried in the oil shale on this issue. Skeptics, however, call all this hot-and-bothered talk “junk science.” According to the authors of the “sticky misinformation” report, that’s partly because the doubters all get around in vehicles. “As you can imagine,” Seifert said, “there would be inconsistencies in their own lives: I drive a combustion car so I don’t want to admit that what we’re doing is causing harm to the earth. It’s the maintaining of this inconsistency internally – if my value is that I want to keep doing what I’m doing then anything that threatens that world view, I reject.” Now back to even more delicate ground, the election, where this past summer Romney used Obama’s birth heritage as a stump speech quip. Advertise | AdChoices If hospital records won’t quell the “birthers” – won’t, as the psychologists like to say, “fill the hole” of truth – what in the name of science will it take to satisfy them? What will allow the president’s opponents to say, in Seifert’s words: “Now, we’ve got something on him; he’s caught cold and it fits our view of him that he’s not fit for the presidency.” What would that be? You already know one answer. “A blue dress,” Seifert said, “hanging in some intern’s office.” Generally when you quote someone you respond to what was said. I have no idea how that relates to anything in this thread. It was my polite way of saying that you appear to be as balanced as Linsey Lohan walking home from Snoop Dogg's house at 3am. The Nobel winner in economics has a new book out why don't you read it, or is that too MSM for you? Thanks for the personal attack. I could read 4 books from 4 diferent economists and and have 4 diferent outcomes. Post a link to the book and maybe I'll read it. |
![]() how are birthers and economics related? The point is about the general concept of people and false beliefs not in the specific examples used to demonstrate the general concept. For example, if you believe that Obama is a communist, then you demonstrate your ignorance of what Communism is and have a false belief (either that or you do not have the guts to admit that you are in fact a bourgeoisie, like that British politician who just got in trouble for calling someone a prolly-proletratian). I am sorry but some of this stuff is starting to give me the right royal red-azz. Then instead of attacking people post facts that are related to the topic and enlighten us. |
It is with 100% unadulterated glee that I say NO! I will; however,check his name in a vote AGAINST Premier King Ayatollah Barack Hussein Obama A$$ahola I agree. I will also be voting against Obama. It just happens to mean that that person is Romney. You are voting FOR Romney... ![]() Yes, as a non American I am sure you could care less about America so I can see how you could be confused. I think you are the one that is confused. Voting against a candidate?????????? Yes as I would rather see Romney then Obama. At least some of his political stands are similar unlike Obama who has a lot of polar opposites. |