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Topic: Need help with quick meals
navygirl's photo
Sun 11/04/12 08:59 PM

Got a crockpot? Make some homemade soup. My favorite is beef barley. An easy way to make any homemade soup is to start with canned soup and just add more stuff to it, whatever you like. That cuts down on the sodium content, too. Then store the soup in individual servings in things like jelly jars or yogurt containers. They freeze very well. Microwave them when ready to eat. A nice hunk of french bread or a biscuit, and you've got a good meal.

I see you're more thinking about eating in your car? Hm. Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread? Put peanut butter on both slices of bread so the banana doesn't slide around.

I used to make CAT sandwiches: cheese, avocado, and tomato. Preslice the cheese and they're very quick to make.

One of my favorite car meals is sharp cheddar cheese and apples cut up and put in a plastic container. Add some walnuts for even more protein.

You've gotten some good ideas, those are my two cents. Can't let you starve yourself!

Thanks Bravalady. I think the walnuts are a good idea as I can eat them without the police seeing me. Sandwiches would be too obvious and the police would pull me over and fine me. I bought some protein drinks today to that should tie me over for the nights that I can't have supper. I do make soups and stews and freeze them for my lunches but too hard to eat for supper. Thanks for your concern about my health. flowerforyou

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 11/05/12 09:44 AM
I am sorry to hear you are so time crunched. I would hope you rethink your priorities and maybe par down a little from your schedule, squeezeing a few polite "no's" in your vocabulary, so you are actually being kinder to yourself and your health.

You are such a nice person but I do think you are forgetting a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON....YOU!

If you are feeling hassled and looseing weight and breaking excellent driving saftey precautions it is time to slow down a little, recalculate, and maybe do some "weekend cooking" that allows you to pull some healthy meals out of the fridge, zap, and take at least 30 minutes to eat, BEFORE you get back out on the road. A Tired, Starving, stressed driver is a MAJOR saftey hazzard to others but it can be KILLER for You Dearheart.

You are an important person to our community here at Mingle, and I am sure elsewhere!

We sure don't want you to push yourself faster than your angels can fly by skipping meals or thinking that you just can't take enough time to rest, refuel, and have a normal meal time.

((((NAVY GIRL)))) Take Care of YOU!!!

Supper's waiting for You from Pre-cooking on a less hectic day was always my get to it solution.

Setting the table up as I empty the dishwasher is a time saver for me.

Having my salad dressing,butter,and a mug of various condiment packets in a small plastic tote basket means I can set it all on the table in one "step".

A stand up freezer is as much a cooking essential in my home as a single as was with kids because I cook once and generally eat at least four times. Putting a dated list on the freezer door of what you put in then flat lineing as you take it out helps you see what is in the "goodie" box and saves freezer burn and makes writting a shopping list a breeze. Useing labeled covered shoe box size bins for various staples and single servings means I can dive in and out quick for a baggie or seal a meal of this or that.

Boneing meats,sliceing, diceing, shredding, or sissor cutting veggies, bread crumbs, or larger pieces of meat while I watch TV or movie lets me multi task and enjoy a guilty pleasure.

Useing a plug in timer on several appliances helps me do food prep another part of the day rather than in crunch times.

I found a 1/2 pound butter dish is the same size as my small size crock pot and I can cut up meat, veggies, and herbs as they go in the freezer.

Make lower calorie Meat loaf mix by adding ground turkey and whole grain bread with egg white to bind. Scoop with and icecream scoop and freeze in "monster" meatballs then freeze in ziplock bag and thaw as needed for individual meals. These mini meatloaf cook much quicker.

I mix and freeze cookie dough mini balls "off season" because holiday season is sooooh crazy. Then I can generally bake a mix of "home made" cookies in a few minutes. If I make the cookies smaller size I can stack them in prewrapped chip or powder drink canisters I stockpile all year with paper I bought on clearance. Saves me a paniced run to the store for a hostess gift.

Pre-cook and keep rice or whole grain pasta in ice water in the fridge makes for faster meal preps.

Precooked rice chilled in yogurt one night means you can add drained fruit cocktail and coconut for a quick fruit salad.

"Bakeing" a whole pound of bacon on parchment paper in the oven when you do it means some to pop in the freezer for a quich grab and less clean up.

Foil packets are an often fogotten ready to bake way to store food.

Baking an extra potatoe is a quick start for a breakfast mini skillet of scrambled eggs and diced veggies.

If you divide Pasta sauces into ice cube trays or a muffin tin you can freeze in a gallon ziplock and zap individual servings on a plate with a dollar store microwave cover.

Putting 3-4 individual servings of poultry or chunks of roasting pork or beef in small size ziplocks dividing the marinade and freezeing means you can pop a ready to cook meal in the crock pot in the AM on low so it is thawed and cooked when you get home. Great way to prevent wasteing 1/2 bottles of sauce or all those little half ounce pinch packs they put in fast food. The new smaller Sauce size crock pots are great for solo chefs.

Buttering and assembleing grill cheeze sandwiches or garlic toast and popping a few in the freezer when I get a fresh loaf of bread saves me pitching out the last third+ of the moldy loaf and saves me precious prep time when I am crunched.

My Magic Bullet blender is my go to it time saving tool because I can make 1/4cup cream soup sauce in the microwave proof blender cup toss in veggies and have several varieties of drinkable soup. Cutting inserts from a milk jug makes lids out of all the mugs.

Useing the large Parmesan containers for envelopes of powdered gravey mix, mashed potatoes, pancake mix, muffin mix, flour, powdered sugar and koolaid/sugar mix saves me time and waste. I write the scale down individual size recipes on the container.

My most used recipes I tape on the inside of my cabinet doors. A small can of chalk board paint in your favorite color on the inside of the door makes it easy to write lists for easy reference.

Clear shoe bag on my pantry door is a huge time saver for me.

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