Topic: Is it a sin?
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Mon 10/15/12 07:08 AM

If we are all descendants of adam n eve, then who the hell, allowed incest among their kids? Lol

"Adam" and "Eve" are not singular people. They are not "names".

Adam = Mankind
Eve = Life

ok.let's go with your theory that Adam and Eve wasn't singular....

according to the bible God formed all women (Eve) from one rib making them all sisters of the same blood and the sisters and daughters of (Adam/Mankind)

therefore the only way they or their offsprings could be fruitful and multiply was by having sex with their Fathers, Mothers, Brothers,Sisters or Clones

so now matter how you try to spin it...your religion makes you a product of incestous imbreeding

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:13 AM

Context Funches, CONTEXT.

Contradictions Cowboys, Contradictions

The first post was in reference to specifically my actions.

your choice not to follow the commands of your so called Savior is not due to you not being perfect, it's due to you not being a Christian

The second post was in reference to specifically how we are made physically.

if God made you so "perfect" physically, then why isn't Flesh and Bone allowed in Heaven,

Why do you continue playing silly games here?

if I was playing silly games, then I would be in the forums playing like I was a you are doing

your choice not to follow the commands of your so called Savior is not due to you not being perfect, it's due to you not being a Christian

My choice to not follow my Christ is my problem. That lays where I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I screw up. But physically, I was made perfect, I was made perfect because I am made exactly how God wanted me made.

if God made you so "perfect" physically, then why isn't Flesh and Bone allowed in Heaven,

God has to renew it first and perfect it.

Philippians 3:21
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:15 AM

If we are all descendants of adam n eve, then who the hell, allowed incest among their kids? Lol

"Adam" and "Eve" are not singular people. They are not "names".

Adam = Mankind
Eve = Life

ok.let's go with your theory that Adam and Eve wasn't singular....

according to the bible God formed all women (Eve) from one rib making them all sisters of the same blood and the sisters and daughters of (Adam/Mankind)

therefore the only way they or their offsprings could be fruitful and multiply was by having sex with their Fathers, Mothers, Brothers,Sisters or Clones

so now matter how you try to spin it...your religion makes you a product of incestous imbreeding

Aye, but that is incorrect.

With the alteration from male to female, who knows what other alterations God would have possibly done to the DNA.

Eve is not an offspring of Adam, they are not even technically related. Eve was an entirely new creation of God, again not an offspring of Adam.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:23 AM

My choice to not follow my Christ is my problem. That lays where I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I screw up. But physically, I was made perfect, I was made perfect because I am made exactly how God wanted me made.

Cowboy... if you are in the forums posting things that are not in the bible because you claim that you are too lazy to study the bible, then you as a believer are aiding and abetting Satan to receive souls by leading other believers down a false path, which is why you not following the commands of your Savior is you making your problems other believer's problems

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Mon 10/15/12 07:25 AM

God has to renew it first and perfect it.

Philippians 3:21
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

if the bible claim that your body is vile and not allowed in Heaven...that would be an indication that God didn't create it physically perfect

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:28 AM

My choice to not follow my Christ is my problem. That lays where I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I screw up. But physically, I was made perfect, I was made perfect because I am made exactly how God wanted me made.

Cowboy... if you are in the forums posting things that are not in the bible because you claim that you are too lazy to study the bible, then you as a believer are aiding and abetting Satan to receive souls by leading other believers down a false path, which is why you not following the commands of your Savior is you making your problems other believer's problems

Aye, but you are incorrect. I do not intentionally say false things. And again, they are correct by either me or a third party in the forum. They are mistakes, and sorry you have so much hatred in your heart you can not see that.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:29 AM

Aye, but that is incorrect.

With the alteration from male to female, who knows what other alterations God would have possibly done to the DNA.

Eve is not an offspring of Adam, they are not even technically related. Eve was an entirely new creation of God, again not an offspring of Adam.

where in the bible is there any mention of DNA's amazing how believers run to science

Eve is actually Adam's Rib...that makes them related

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:32 AM

God has to renew it first and perfect it.

Philippians 3:21
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

if the bible claim that your body is vile and not allowed in Heaven...that would be an indication that God didn't create it physically perfect

It is perfect, it is perfectly how God wished for it to be. God didn't make our bodies to be glorious. God has made this world to where their will be troubles, sorrows, and bad times. He has done that intentionally, so that we won't take his paradise for granted as Adam and Eve did. That is why they partook of the Tree of Life, they thought their could be more. They wanted more, more power, more knowledge. That is what Satan offered them if they ate of the tree. Now we go through life with these diseases, pains, and sorrows, so we will be grateful for the glories of Heaven.

But since our bodies are vile and filled with diseases, germs, ect, God will renew our bodies and make them glorious for Heaven.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:33 AM

Aye, but you are incorrect. I do not intentionally say false things.

ok, in that case let's call your posting false things a complusion

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:35 AM

It is perfect, it is perfectly how God wished for it to be. God didn't make our bodies to be glorious.

right...he made it vile

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:37 AM

Aye, but that is incorrect.

With the alteration from male to female, who knows what other alterations God would have possibly done to the DNA.

Eve is not an offspring of Adam, they are not even technically related. Eve was an entirely new creation of God, again not an offspring of Adam.

where in the bible is there any mention of DNA's amazing how believers run to science

Eve is actually Adam's Rib...that makes them related

Genesis 2
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

We all have the same DNA Funches. Male, Female, Asian, Mexican, ect. We call this the "Human" DNA. Do you have any other form of DNA in you that we do not know about?

And if they were "related" please share with us the relation between the two. Were they brother and sister? Cause I know not of one sister that came from their brother's rib. Where they dad and daughter? Cause I know not of one man that can give birth to a child. So, again what relation would they have if they were related?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:39 AM

It is perfect, it is perfectly how God wished for it to be. God didn't make our bodies to be glorious.

right...he made it vile

Not originally. When we were in the Garden of Eden we were made perfect in every way. Then with the fall of man, it allowed us exposer to diseases and other foul substances. Peoples incest, didn't eat right, ect which then brought more "deformities" to the DNA.

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:43 AM

Genesis 2
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

We all have the same DNA Funches. Male, Female, Asian, Mexican, ect. We call this the "Human" DNA. Do you have any other form of DNA in you that we do not know about?

And if they were "related" please share with us the relation between the two. Were they brother and sister? Cause I know not of one sister that came from their brother's rib. Where they dad and daughter? Cause I know not of one man that can give birth to a child. So, again what relation would they have if they were related?

Cowboy...a person made only from your rib would be your clone of twin

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:46 AM

Genesis 2
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

We all have the same DNA Funches. Male, Female, Asian, Mexican, ect. We call this the "Human" DNA. Do you have any other form of DNA in you that we do not know about?

And if they were "related" please share with us the relation between the two. Were they brother and sister? Cause I know not of one sister that came from their brother's rib. Where they dad and daughter? Cause I know not of one man that can give birth to a child. So, again what relation would they have if they were related?

Cowboy...a person made only from your rib would be your clone of twin

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:47 AM

Not originally. When we were in the Garden of Eden we were made perfect in every way. Then with the fall of man, it allowed us exposer to diseases and other foul substances. Peoples incest, didn't eat right, ect which then brought more "deformities" to the DNA.

if Man was created perfect he would be incapable of contracting diseases or have the need to eat.....

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:50 AM

Not originally. When we were in the Garden of Eden we were made perfect in every way. Then with the fall of man, it allowed us exposer to diseases and other foul substances. Peoples incest, didn't eat right, ect which then brought more "deformities" to the DNA.

if Man was created perfect he would be incapable of contracting diseases or have the need to eat.....

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:51 AM

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

come on Cowboy.....pretty sure Moses and the crew didn't sit around the fire chatting about DNA ....see this is the point when you start what do you say that you stick to what is written in the bible and not try and hide behind the science of Satan ..

the bible states that God took "one" of Adam's Ribs and made Eve....that makes them related

no photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:52 AM

There was no diseases in the Garden of Eden. It is pure and perfect. And why would they not have to eat? What does eating and perfection have anything to do with one another?

did God have to eat?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:52 AM

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

come on Cowboy.....pretty sure Moses and the crew didn't sit around the fire chatting about DNA ....see this is the point when you start what do you say that you stick to what is written in the bible and not try and hide behind the science of Satan ..

the bible states that God took "one" of Adam's Ribs and made Eve....that makes them related

How so? And what relation would that be?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/15/12 07:55 AM

??? How many do you know this has happened to?

And they would only be a clone if they were exactly the same, which they weren't. At the very least of alterations we can grasp would be one was male, one was female. This would not be done in a "clone".

And they could not possibly be twins, as they weren't born at the same time, nor were they even "born".

come on Cowboy.....pretty sure Moses and the crew didn't sit around the fire chatting about DNA ....see this is the point when you start what do you say that you stick to what is written in the bible and not try and hide behind the science of Satan ..

the bible states that God took "one" of Adam's Ribs and made Eve....that makes them related

How so? And what relation would that be?

Incest - Incest is sexual intercourse between family members and close relatives.

They were not family members, nor were they "related". They were two separated creations of God.