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Topic: Is it a sin?
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Mon 10/08/12 01:47 PM

And Eve was not made a "baby". She was made "woman" eg., life bearing.

Cowboy...now you're sounding like a Child Molester

how old was Eve when she was born?

?? Eve was not "born". And there is no indication to specifically how she was when she was created, would be irrelevant for God to include that bit of information.

But we know she was a full grown woman, just from her title "Eve". Eve means life bearing. A child is not life bearing.

a child can bear children and a Child Molestor will use the excuse that she looks like a full grown woman

so again how old was Eve ..

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 05:40 PM

And Eve was not made a "baby". She was made "woman" eg., life bearing.

Cowboy...now you're sounding like a Child Molester

how old was Eve when she was born?

?? Eve was not "born". And there is no indication to specifically how she was when she was created, would be irrelevant for God to include that bit of information.

But we know she was a full grown woman, just from her title "Eve". Eve means life bearing. A child is not life bearing.

a child can bear children and a Child Molestor will use the excuse that she looks like a full grown woman

so again how old was Eve ..

A "child" can not bare a child lol. A child is a toddler kind of person. Thus you have the signs that say "No children allowed" and so forth.

And besides that, it couldn't be child molestation in any form way or shape. God did not have sex with Adam to create eve. He took Adam's side and created Eve from Adams side.

God doesn't have to "procreate" God creates. He doesn't have to have sex to make life, he just wills it done and it's done.

We are God's creation, he can do with us what he wills.

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Tue 10/09/12 06:03 AM
Edited by funches on Tue 10/09/12 06:03 AM

A "child" can not bare a child lol. A child is a toddler kind of person. Thus you have the signs that say "No children allowed" and so forth.

a child would be someone under legal age, how old was Eve before God told Adam and Eve to committ incest? ...a couple of hours old?...she wasn't even older than an embryo or older than her own embryos

And besides that, it couldn't be child molestation in any form way or shape. God did not have sex with Adam to create eve.

any form of physical reproduction or being fruitful and multiplying is sex,

He took Adam's side and created Eve from Adams side.

Cowboy, you just admitted that God took a rib from Adam's side which is an indication that Adam is only one person and not a multitude of Men which is proof that Adam and Eve were of the same blood and spawned mankind from incest

God doesn't have to "procreate" God creates. He doesn't have to have sex to make life, he just wills it done and it's done.

nope, according to the bible he didn't "Will" Adam into existence, he had to physically blow into the dirt, which is only one of the many ways God has sex

We are God's creation, he can do with us what he wills.

well I can't dispute that, so far God got Adam and Eve to commit incest and pedohilia, he have and had sex with his creations, etc etc.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 10/09/12 11:44 AM

A "child" can not bare a child lol. A child is a toddler kind of person. Thus you have the signs that say "No children allowed" and so forth.

a child would be someone under legal age, how old was Eve before God told Adam and Eve to committ incest? ...a couple of hours old?...she wasn't even older than an embryo or older than her own embryos

And besides that, it couldn't be child molestation in any form way or shape. God did not have sex with Adam to create eve.

any form of physical reproduction or being fruitful and multiplying is sex,

He took Adam's side and created Eve from Adams side.

Cowboy, you just admitted that God took a rib from Adam's side which is an indication that Adam is only one person and not a multitude of Men which is proof that Adam and Eve were of the same blood and spawned mankind from incest

God doesn't have to "procreate" God creates. He doesn't have to have sex to make life, he just wills it done and it's done.

nope, according to the bible he didn't "Will" Adam into existence, he had to physically blow into the dirt, which is only one of the many ways God has sex

We are God's creation, he can do with us what he wills.

well I can't dispute that, so far God got Adam and Eve to commit incest and pedohilia, he have and had sex with his creations, etc etc.

Again there was no incest or anything of such. Adam and Eve were not related. I never admitted to anything along any lines. Did I specifically just say Adam and Eve were specifically single people? No I did not, I can't help it the way you perceive things on the way people talk.

Eve was taken from Adam, this much is true. But that does not mean they had the same DNA or anything. In altering the DNA from male to female God changed other DNA as well I'm sure.

no photo
Tue 10/09/12 12:37 PM

Again there was no incest or anything of such. Adam and Eve were not related. I never admitted to anything along any lines. Did I specifically just say Adam and Eve were specifically single people? No I did not, I can't help it the way you perceive things on the way people talk

why would I need you to specifically state anything ,once you claim that Eve was from Adam's rib...that's an admission that they are only two people....

Eve was taken from Adam, this much is true. But that does not mean they had the same DNA or anything. In altering the DNA from male to female God changed other DNA as well I'm sure.

when DNA gets alter from Male to Female...they are called Brother and Sisters, or Father and Daughter, or in this case Adam and God was Eve's Mother and Father

if believer insist on claiming that God is the creator of everything,then he created Incest, pedohilia and child molestation sometime during the six days of Creation

proof of this is your refusal to tell how old Eve was

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 10/09/12 01:25 PM

Again there was no incest or anything of such. Adam and Eve were not related. I never admitted to anything along any lines. Did I specifically just say Adam and Eve were specifically single people? No I did not, I can't help it the way you perceive things on the way people talk

why would I need you to specifically state anything ,once you claim that Eve was from Adam's rib...that's an admission that they are only two people....

Eve was taken from Adam, this much is true. But that does not mean they had the same DNA or anything. In altering the DNA from male to female God changed other DNA as well I'm sure.

when DNA gets alter from Male to Female...they are called Brother and Sisters, or Father and Daughter, or in this case Adam and God was Eve's Mother and Father

if believer insist on claiming that God is the creator of everything,then he created Incest, pedohilia and child molestation sometime during the six days of Creation

proof of this is your refusal to tell how old Eve was

So when DNA gets altered from male to female, they are called brother and sister? So why are you on this site looking for a sister to date? They DNA is different them being a female, so with how you're talking here she would be your sister.

God did not have sex with Adam to cause the creation of Eve nor was Eve "born", so no you statement is entirely false.

I don't refuse anything, why do you make false accusations? She was born at age one... age is determined how long you been alive. But we do know she was created a woman and not a baby because the term "woman". We know neither one was created as a child, for again they had to till the land to make food and provide for themselves and to multiply. This could not be done as a child.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 10/09/12 01:29 PM

Again there was no incest or anything of such. Adam and Eve were not related. I never admitted to anything along any lines. Did I specifically just say Adam and Eve were specifically single people? No I did not, I can't help it the way you perceive things on the way people talk

why would I need you to specifically state anything ,once you claim that Eve was from Adam's rib...that's an admission that they are only two people....

Eve was taken from Adam, this much is true. But that does not mean they had the same DNA or anything. In altering the DNA from male to female God changed other DNA as well I'm sure.

when DNA gets alter from Male to Female...they are called Brother and Sisters, or Father and Daughter, or in this case Adam and God was Eve's Mother and Father

if believer insist on claiming that God is the creator of everything,then he created Incest, pedohilia and child molestation sometime during the six days of Creation

proof of this is your refusal to tell how old Eve was

So when DNA gets altered from male to female, they are called brother and sister? So why are you on this site looking for a sister to date? They DNA is different them being a female, so with how you're talking here she would be your sister.

God did not have sex with Adam to cause the creation of Eve nor was Eve "born", so no you statement is entirely false.

I don't refuse anything, why do you make false accusations? She was born at age one... age is determined how long you been alive. But we do know she was created a woman and not a baby because the term "woman". We know neither one was created as a child, for again they had to till the land to make food and provide for themselves and to multiply. This could not be done as a child.

why would I need you to specifically state anything ,once you claim that Eve was from Adam's rib...that's an admission that they are only two people

How is that so? There is no numerical number there. "Adam" in itself is a plural word. It is not referring to one person. God could have originally made it where Adam was 5 men, or 10 men, or even 1000 men, or even possibly more.

"Adam" again is not a name of a person. It translates from the original language to mean "mankind". We know not how many that originally consisted of. Would be pointless to inform us of such a figure.

no photo
Tue 10/09/12 02:00 PM

How is that so? There is no numerical number there. "Adam" in itself is a plural word. It is not referring to one person. God could have originally made it where Adam was 5 men, or 10 men, or even 1000 men, or even possibly more.

"Adam" again is not a name of a person. It translates from the original language to mean "mankind". We know not how many that originally consisted of. Would be pointless to inform us of such a figure.

The Bible tells of how the serpent talked to Eve and she took from the fruit and that God spoke to Adam about the situation and Adam blamed Eve

that's two people and a talking serpent..so why you keep trying to act delusional like it's more than two people

Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel...according to The Theory of Creation mankind was spawn from two incestous people

God gave them the command to perform incest

no photo
Tue 10/09/12 03:48 PM

How is that so? There is no numerical number there. "Adam" in itself is a plural word. It is not referring to one person. God could have originally made it where Adam was 5 men, or 10 men, or even 1000 men, or even possibly more.

"Adam" again is not a name of a person. It translates from the original language to mean "mankind". We know not how many that originally consisted of. Would be pointless to inform us of such a figure.

The Bible tells of how the serpent talked to Eve and she took from the fruit and that God spoke to Adam about the situation and Adam blamed Eve

that's two people and a talking serpent..so why you keep trying to act delusional like it's more than two people

Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel...according to The Theory of Creation mankind was spawn from two incestous people

God gave them the command to perform incest

You know I love picking on factual errors, funches.

So, do you really want to specify you knew how many humans were on the Earth at the creation of Eve? I will state that there were at least 3 from the Genesis account when Eve was created. Care to refute that???

no photo
Tue 10/09/12 05:12 PM

You know I love picking on factual errors, funches.

So, do you really want to specify you knew how many humans were on the Earth at the creation of Eve? I will state that there were at least 3 from the Genesis account when Eve was created. Care to refute that???

no need to refute it, it doesn't matter how many people there was in the beginning due to the fact that later on God drown everyone in the Great Flood except for Noah and his family and the only way the Earth could be repopulated was by Incestous imbreeding

but anyway, the point I was trying to get across was since believers claim that God is the creator of Everything, therefore God is also the Creator of Incest which had to take place during the six days of Creation when God gave the command to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 10/09/12 06:54 PM

How is that so? There is no numerical number there. "Adam" in itself is a plural word. It is not referring to one person. God could have originally made it where Adam was 5 men, or 10 men, or even 1000 men, or even possibly more.

"Adam" again is not a name of a person. It translates from the original language to mean "mankind". We know not how many that originally consisted of. Would be pointless to inform us of such a figure.

The Bible tells of how the serpent talked to Eve and she took from the fruit and that God spoke to Adam about the situation and Adam blamed Eve

that's two people and a talking serpent..so why you keep trying to act delusional like it's more than two people

Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel...according to The Theory of Creation mankind was spawn from two incestous people

God gave them the command to perform incest

Ok, if you wish to continue thinking they were singular people. Where did Cain's wife come from? Adam and Eve had those two "children" in the literal sense of the scriptures, so where did the other woman come from?

Genesis 4:16-17
16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

There is no contradiction here either. Only misunderstanding and thinking there might be. But if we look at the true things being said here, "Adam" and "Eve" were not singular people.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 10/09/12 06:59 PM

How is that so? There is no numerical number there. "Adam" in itself is a plural word. It is not referring to one person. God could have originally made it where Adam was 5 men, or 10 men, or even 1000 men, or even possibly more.

"Adam" again is not a name of a person. It translates from the original language to mean "mankind". We know not how many that originally consisted of. Would be pointless to inform us of such a figure.

The Bible tells of how the serpent talked to Eve and she took from the fruit and that God spoke to Adam about the situation and Adam blamed Eve

that's two people and a talking serpent..so why you keep trying to act delusional like it's more than two people

Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel...according to The Theory of Creation mankind was spawn from two incestous people

God gave them the command to perform incest

Ok, if you wish to continue thinking they were singular people. Where did Cain's wife come from? Adam and Eve had those two "children" in the literal sense of the scriptures, so where did the other woman come from?

Genesis 4:16-17
16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

There is no contradiction here either. Only misunderstanding and thinking there might be. But if we look at the true things being said here, "Adam" and "Eve" were not singular people.

And besides that, the "serpent" was not a literal snake. "Serpent" is used because of what he did to Adam and Eve.

Snakes are seen as "shrewd"
That's why they have the saying "As shrewd as a snake".

Shrewd - marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen

That's also where the saying "sneaky as a snake" came from.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 10/09/12 07:44 PM

How is that so? There is no numerical number there. "Adam" in itself is a plural word. It is not referring to one person. God could have originally made it where Adam was 5 men, or 10 men, or even 1000 men, or even possibly more.

"Adam" again is not a name of a person. It translates from the original language to mean "mankind". We know not how many that originally consisted of. Would be pointless to inform us of such a figure.

The Bible tells of how the serpent talked to Eve and she took from the fruit and that God spoke to Adam about the situation and Adam blamed Eve

that's two people and a talking serpent..so why you keep trying to act delusional like it's more than two people

Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel...according to The Theory of Creation mankind was spawn from two incestous people

God gave them the command to perform incest

Ok, if you wish to continue thinking they were singular people. Where did Cain's wife come from? Adam and Eve had those two "children" in the literal sense of the scriptures, so where did the other woman come from?

Genesis 4:16-17
16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

There is no contradiction here either. Only misunderstanding and thinking there might be. But if we look at the true things being said here, "Adam" and "Eve" were not singular people.

And besides that, the "serpent" was not a literal snake. "Serpent" is used because of what he did to Adam and Eve.

Snakes are seen as "shrewd"
That's why they have the saying "As shrewd as a snake".

Shrewd - marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen

That's also where the saying "sneaky as a snake" came from.

A little light on the "serpent" in genesis.

The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Genesis 3:1 is Nachash (from the root Nachash, to shine, and means a shinning one. Hence, in Chaldee it means brass or copper, because of its shining. Hence also, the word Nehushtan, a piece of brass, in 2Kings 18:4.

In the same way Saraph, in Isaiah 6:2,6, means a burning one, and, because the serpents mentioned in Numbers 21 were burning, in the poison of their bite, they were called Saraphim, or Seraphs.

But when the LORD said unto Moses, "Make thee a fiery serpent" (Numbers 21:8), He said, "Make thee a Saraph", and, in obeying this command, we read in verse 9, "Moses made a Nachash of brass". Nachash is thus used as being interchangeable with Saraph.

Now, if Saraph is used of a serpent because its bite was burning, and is also used of a celestial or spirit-being (a burning one)

no photo
Tue 10/09/12 07:54 PM

You know I love picking on factual errors, funches.

So, do you really want to specify you knew how many humans were on the Earth at the creation of Eve? I will state that there were at least 3 from the Genesis account when Eve was created. Care to refute that???

no need to refute it, it doesn't matter how many people there was in the beginning due to the fact that later on God drown everyone in the Great Flood except for Noah and his family and the only way the Earth could be repopulated was by Incestous imbreeding

but anyway, the point I was trying to get across was since believers claim that God is the creator of Everything, therefore God is also the Creator of Incest which had to take place during the six days of Creation when God gave the command to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply

Where did Cain get his wife?

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 10/09/12 07:59 PM

You know I love picking on factual errors, funches.

So, do you really want to specify you knew how many humans were on the Earth at the creation of Eve? I will state that there were at least 3 from the Genesis account when Eve was created. Care to refute that???

no need to refute it, it doesn't matter how many people there was in the beginning due to the fact that later on God drown everyone in the Great Flood except for Noah and his family and the only way the Earth could be repopulated was by Incestous imbreeding

but anyway, the point I was trying to get across was since believers claim that God is the creator of Everything, therefore God is also the Creator of Incest which had to take place during the six days of Creation when God gave the command to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply

Where did Cain get his wife?


Genesis 4:16-17
16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch

no photo
Wed 10/10/12 06:02 AM
Genesis 4:16
16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

Cowboy can either you or Peter_Pan or perhaps anyone explain how anyone can go out of the presence of your Lord Almighty.....I thought the guy was omnipresent and existed everywhere?...is this wrong?

so lets face it, you guys won't be able to explain that Genesis passage unless you are willing to admit that Cain walked into another dimension to the Land of Nod which only allow those of Flesh and Blood but not "the presence of God" ...unless you are willing to admit to this, then Genesis 4:16 is useless in this debate

but anyway according to "The Theory of Creation" Cain got his wife the same place Adam got Eve...from their family reunion...Cain's Wife was either his sister or a niece or perhaps his Mother...

no matter how you guys try to spin it, according to your beliefs and The Theory of Creation, God condemned Mankind to the sinful destiny of being a bunch of three-eyed incestous imbreds

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 10/10/12 06:25 AM

Genesis 4:16
16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

Cowboy can either you or Peter_Pan or perhaps anyone explain how anyone can go out of the presence of your Lord Almighty.....I thought the guy was omnipresent and existed everywhere?...is this wrong?

so lets face it, you guys won't be able to explain that Genesis passage unless you are willing to admit that Cain walked into another dimension to the Land of Nod which only allow those of Flesh and Blood but not "the presence of God" ...unless you are willing to admit to this, then Genesis 4:16 is useless in this debate

but anyway according to "The Theory of Creation" Cain got his wife the same place Adam got Eve...from their family reunion...Cain's Wife was either his sister or a niece or perhaps his Mother...

no matter how you guys try to spin it, according to your beliefs and The Theory of Creation, God condemned Mankind to the sinful destiny of being a bunch of three-eyed incestous imbreds

Cowboy can either you or Peter_Pan or perhaps anyone explain how anyone can go out of the presence of your Lord Almighty.....I thought the guy was omnipresent and existed everywhere?...is this wrong?

The "lord" is not omnipresent. What are you talking about? "God" is, but not the "lord". When Jesus is in the flesh eg., lord Jesus he is not omnipresent.

but anyway according to "The Theory of Creation" Cain got his wife the same place Adam got Eve...from their family reunion...Cain's Wife was either his sister or a niece or perhaps his Mother

Please show where Adam got his wife from a family reunion Funches, enlighten us all. Since it would technically be impossible since Adam was there first and there was no other "person(s)" there. Until God formed Eve. Adam and Eve were not created on the same day.

no photo
Wed 10/10/12 08:00 AM

The "lord" is not omnipresent. What are you talking about? "God" is, but not the "lord". When Jesus is in the flesh eg., lord Jesus he is not omnipresent.

Cowboy..your attempt at deflection instead of answering questions displays a lack of faith

since Cain was "abel"(no pun intended)to leave out of the presence of your God, lord or whatever when he entered into the land of Nod.. therefore that is an indication that all of your Gods lack omnipresence and are fake

to be a God you have to be Omnipresent...union rules

no photo
Wed 10/10/12 08:05 AM

Please show where Adam got his wife from a family reunion Funches, enlighten us all. Since it would technically be impossible since Adam was there first and there was no other "person(s)" there. Until God formed Eve. Adam and Eve were not created on the same day.

according the believers and the bible these biblical guys lived to be 900 years old(give or take a century or two)

Cain simply walked around in a "Nod" and horny for 75 years until he ran into one of his female relatives and imbred with her

perhaps "in the land of Nod" means "horny wet dream" in Hebrew

wux's photo
Wed 10/10/12 09:38 AM

Does the bible speak against wet dreams? And is it a sin? Again what cause it?

No, would not be a sin. That is not something "you" did. You do not control what you dream about, they just happen.

Okay. So I did not do it.

Then who the f did it?

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