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Topic: Is it a sin?
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Sun 10/07/12 04:21 PM

Those aren't just the things that influence MY dreams lol. Those are some of the things that influence ALL dreams lol. And again, how could one be out of control in their dreams? They are not choosing specifically what they are dreaming about lol.

so God enter dreams...yes or no

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 10/07/12 05:06 PM

Those aren't just the things that influence MY dreams lol. Those are some of the things that influence ALL dreams lol. And again, how could one be out of control in their dreams? They are not choosing specifically what they are dreaming about lol.

so God enter dreams...yes or no

Yes of course.

Yamin's photo
Sun 10/07/12 09:15 PM
If u cannot control this it is not a sinoops

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 05:34 AM

Those aren't just the things that influence MY dreams lol. Those are some of the things that influence ALL dreams lol. And again, how could one be out of control in their dreams? They are not choosing specifically what they are dreaming about lol.

so God enter dreams...yes or no

Yes of course.

then God is in control of your wet dreams and responsible for you shooting off your holy spirit

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 07:15 AM

Those aren't just the things that influence MY dreams lol. Those are some of the things that influence ALL dreams lol. And again, how could one be out of control in their dreams? They are not choosing specifically what they are dreaming about lol.

so God enter dreams...yes or no

Yes of course.

then God is in control of your wet dreams and responsible for you shooting off your holy spirit

No, you're comparing apples and oranges again. You just asked if God entered into dreams. You did not specify what kind of dream.

Again, God has told us to not spill our seed. What would be the point of him entering one's dream and making them spill their seed?

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 07:51 AM

No, you're comparing apples and oranges again. You just asked if God entered into dreams. You did not specify what kind of dream.

a dream doesn't stop being a dream because a believer shot their beaver

Again, God has told us to not spill our seed. What would be the point of him entering one's dream and making them spill their seed?

didn't you tell me that God works in mysterious ways? ...

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 08:24 AM

No, you're comparing apples and oranges again. You just asked if God entered into dreams. You did not specify what kind of dream.

a dream doesn't stop being a dream because a believer shot their beaver

Again, God has told us to not spill our seed. What would be the point of him entering one's dream and making them spill their seed?

didn't you tell me that God works in mysterious ways? ...

didn't you tell me that God works in mysterious ways? ...

Mysterious ways and going completely against God's instructions are two totally different things. You always compare apples and oranges and take things out of context.

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 09:14 AM

Mysterious ways and going completely against God's instructions are two totally different things. You always compare apples and oranges and take things out of context.

sorry Cowboy...but working in mysterious way is what God does..he did command Adam to committ incest with his sister,wife and daughter Eve in order to spawn ManKind and then had the nerve to deem incest a sin thus condemning all of mankind (except the Jews) into the lake of fire

isn't that more mysterious?

which is why God coming (no pun intended) into a believers dream to get them to commit the sin of spilling their seed doesn't seen that mysterious in comparison to incest

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 09:19 AM

Mysterious ways and going completely against God's instructions are two totally different things. You always compare apples and oranges and take things out of context.

sorry Cowboy...but working in mysterious way is what God does..he did command Adam to committ incest with his sister,wife and daughter Eve in order to spawn ManKind and then had the nerve to deem incest a sin thus condemning all of mankind (except the Jews) into the lake of fire

isn't that more mysterious?

which is why God coming (no pun intended) into a believers dream to get them to commit the sin of spilling their seed doesn't seen that mysterious in comparison to incest

You do realize "Adam" is not a singular noun right? Adam means mankind. We didn't spawn from two singular people.

"Eve" means source of life.

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 09:37 AM

You do realize "Adam" is not a singular noun right? Adam means mankind. We didn't spawn from two singular people.

"Eve" means source of life.

"Funches" in Hebrew means "The God Creator"

so what do you say we cut out the name games

the bible said that God needed a "Man" to tend the Garden..nohing about him needing a crew

God had sex with only one of Adam's Rib and made one woman Eve, there were nothing about him making a harem

in fact God put Adam to sleep and when Adam awoke he had a daughter sister and spouse ...sure sounds like someone split some seeds

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 10:42 AM

You do realize "Adam" is not a singular noun right? Adam means mankind. We didn't spawn from two singular people.

"Eve" means source of life.

"Funches" in Hebrew means "The God Creator"

so what do you say we cut out the name games

the bible said that God needed a "Man" to tend the Garden..nohing about him needing a crew

God had sex with only one of Adam's Rib and made one woman Eve, there were nothing about him making a harem

in fact God put Adam to sleep and when Adam awoke he had a daughter sister and spouse ...sure sounds like someone split some seeds

No name games going on lol, what are you talking about?

Again, "Adam" is not a name. It means "mankind". And why do you think of God having sex with Adam's rib? Sometimes you're really out there Funches.

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 10:56 AM

Again, "Adam" is not a name. It means "mankind".

his full name was "Adam Mankind"

And why do you think of God having sex with Adam's rib?

didn't he make a baby with it

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 11:00 AM

Again, "Adam" is not a name. It means "mankind".

his full name was "Adam Mankind"

And why do you think of God having sex with Adam's rib?

didn't he make a baby with it

No it wasn't lol. The Hebrew word for "Adam" means mankind. We do not know his name like joe, tom, dick, or harry.

And no he didn't make a baby out of the rib or with the rib. God formed a woman out of the rib.

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 11:14 AM

No it wasn't lol. The Hebrew word for "Adam" means mankind. We do not know his name like joe, tom, dick, or harry.

And no he didn't make a baby out of the rib or with the rib. God formed a woman out of the rib.

thanks for admitting that God made only one "woman" out of that rib...,

I can't believe you fell for that trick

and with that is the proof that there were only one woman and one man both of the same blood that God commanded to commit incest

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 11:18 AM

No it wasn't lol. The Hebrew word for "Adam" means mankind. We do not know his name like joe, tom, dick, or harry.

And no he didn't make a baby out of the rib or with the rib. God formed a woman out of the rib.

thanks for admitting that God made only one "woman" out of that rib...,

I can't believe you fell for that trick

and with that is the proof that there were only one woman and one man both of the same blood that God commanded to commit incest

I didn't admit to anything. The word "woman" was a general word. Not necassarily a singular noun. He made "life bearing" out of that rib.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 11:21 AM

No it wasn't lol. The Hebrew word for "Adam" means mankind. We do not know his name like joe, tom, dick, or harry.

And no he didn't make a baby out of the rib or with the rib. God formed a woman out of the rib.

thanks for admitting that God made only one "woman" out of that rib...,

I can't believe you fell for that trick

and with that is the proof that there were only one woman and one man both of the same blood that God commanded to commit incest

I didn't admit to anything. The word "woman" was a general word. Not necassarily a singular noun. He made "life bearing" out of that rib.

I see where the confusion came from. Sorry for saying "a woman". I ment, God made "woman" out of the rib. Not specifically singular.

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 11:34 AM

I see where the confusion came from. Sorry for saying "a woman". I ment, God made "woman" out of the rib. Not specifically singular.

Cowboy...it's called a "Freudian Slip" ....that's why I said "baby" because I knew it would stop your attempt at deception and force you to admit the Truth...that it was only one "woman" that came from that rib

Like I've always try to teach you my young jedi padawan...think before you post

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 11:38 AM

I see where the confusion came from. Sorry for saying "a woman". I ment, God made "woman" out of the rib. Not specifically singular.

Cowboy...it's called a "Freudian Slip" ....that's why I said "baby" because I knew it would stop your attempt at deception and force you to admit the Truth...that it was only one "woman" that came from that rib

Like I've always try to teach you my young jedi padawan...think before you post

And Eve was not made a "baby". She was made "woman" eg., life bearing.

no photo
Mon 10/08/12 11:48 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 10/08/12 11:58 AM

And Eve was not made a "baby". She was made "woman" eg., life bearing.

Cowboy...now you're sounding like a Child Molester

how old was Eve when she was born?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 10/08/12 12:42 PM

And Eve was not made a "baby". She was made "woman" eg., life bearing.

Cowboy...now you're sounding like a Child Molester

how old was Eve when she was born?

?? Eve was not "born". And there is no indication to specifically how she was when she was created, would be irrelevant for God to include that bit of information.

But we know she was a full grown woman, just from her title "Eve". Eve means life bearing. A child is not life bearing.

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