Topic: "Tarot" represents The Royal Road | |
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Wed 09/12/12 10:23 AM
"Tarot" represents The Royal Road
The actual word Tarot is made up of the two Egyptian words, 'Tar' meaning 'royal' and 'ot' meaning 'road' – the Royal Road (Destiny or Spiritual Pathway).The Royal Road is represented by the Major Arcana which depicts the different stages we, as soul, go through in our life journey within this galaxy and on this earth. Throughout this journey there are many stories, and each has a beginning, middle and end. The main character of these stories is always the fool, even of he does not show up in a spread. He blunders onto the royal road as an untried soul, not having a clue about what the earth ride is all about, and he plays the parts of all the characters in the Tarot eventually. One thing is certain. He came here voluntarily. There are an infinite number of stories to be told about the journey of the fool and they are written and experienced by an infinite number of points of view. Each story is seen and experienced through a different and new perspective. These perspectives are the souls who animate the bodies living on the earth world. These are the individual souls who came from the ethers to experience the earth ride, which will transform them. Bold is the soul who chooses to come here. It is a royal road. Even though in our modern society we seem to have abandoned the idea of Kings and Queens, that idea will never leave our collective consciousness. The idea of royalty that embodies Kings and Queens, will forever be at the root of this galaxy consciousness. The Major Arcana represents the archetypes we experience and encounter in our journey down the royal road. We may begin as the fool, but on this road we will experience all of the archetypes throughout our many lives many times over. We may return as the fool time and time again as we find and desire [ask for] new experiences. The Major Arcana represent the deeper issues that play a more important roll in our spiritual awakening. They represent matters relating to the journey of the higher self and the challenges we encounter by way of the spiritual laws we live under. They are the karmic lessons that we, as soul, have created for ourselves. The Major Arcana are known as "the greater secrets" and they depict matters relating to the soul, and the purpose of our lives on earth that often utilize universal or karmic lessons and themes that we must experience in order to transform to higher dimensions of conscious reality. The Major Arcana points out issues that are occurring within our psyche, and on all levels, rather than our external day to day events, as depicted in the Minor Arcana. The stories told by the tarot are stories of our journey to realize our true and individual self. The Major Arcana, or trump cards, normally consist of 22 cards without suits: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, The World and The Fool. I will do a single card reading for the world. Next post. |
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Wed 09/12/12 10:14 AM
The world's card for today is: THE DARK MAGICIAN REVERSED
![]() (I said "wow" when I drew this card.) The dark magician reversed. I don't shuffle for reversed cards and I checked the deck and most of the cards were upright. This was a ninth card draw after cutting the deck, so I checked the eight cards that came before the Dark Magician for clues to this reading. They began with the ten of swords, which is the end of a situation that looks worse than it really is. The cards are the ten of swords, page of pentacles, ten of cups reversed, strength reversed, temperance, six of pentacles, the devil and the nine of wands reversed. The reading: This is a group reading for the world. The dark magician tells us that people in general are angry and afraid. This is the underlying energy and has not yet unfolded into the obvious reality. It is like a stillness of dark foreboding. In the first three cards, there are two tens. Tens represent the ending of events or stories. The ten of swords is the "woe is me" card of the person who has lost the game, lost their house, lost their loved one etc. They are in despair. Page of Pentacles is about learning. This crisis is a huge learning experience. The ten of cups reversed could represent the break up of happy families or the end of "happiness" in family groups. Next we have strength reversed, temperance and the six of pentacles. In times of stress, soft persuasion of the strength card is weak and ineffective. Temperance is the remedy of balance and the application of solutions in the objective world. This means that people will have to stop talking and start actually taking action to solve day to day problems in the coming months. The six of pentacles denotes the need for helping each other through crisis. The devil represents those things we cling to that place us in bondage, be it material possessions, our lifestyles or addictive substances. In times of fear, depressions and crisis people will cling tighter to their possessions and addictions. This will be painful for those who will lose them or can no longer hang on to them. The nine of wands reversed indicates that people will be caught off guard and they will not be prepared for the changes that come into their lives. |
I don't believe in such crap.
I don't believe in such crap. Thank you for that useless information. ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 09/13/12 03:20 PM
THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE: ![]() This is a much better card today than the one I drew on September 11th. It indicates new opportunities for change in the world. Fate is tempting the people in a new direction because they are ready for a change. This will be a spiritual change and you will see people who have long been on opposite sides come together in agreement of some things. This was a ninth card draw and I will look at the previous 8 cards to see what energy brought this to the front. The first four cards are: King of Swords, Two of Pentacles, The Knight of Swords and The Ten of Wands. The King of swords represents an intelligent leader who steps forward to offer help and advice to businesses (two of pentacles) The Knight of Swords is the energy of coming to the rescue and trying to "fix" things and situations. That sort of activity is going on behind the scenes and some of the people involved are burned out with all the responsibility and they have lost their creative edge. The next four cards are the Ace of Cups, the high Priestess, the hanged man and the Ace of pentacles. These energies are from the heart and spiritual realm. They speak of giving and self sacrifice and unconditional love. The result of this kind of energy is a new beginning of prosperity for those who chose this path. |
Thank you. Really do enjoy this.
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You are welcome.
I will be posting in this forum often, and I put it in my favorites so I don't loose track of it. I am doing some writing for a new website that will be for people who are doing readings with my deck. It will be pretty detailed and give my personal basic interpretations of the cards. |
Looking forward to further postings.
The first reading is exactly how I would describe the situation we humans are finding ourselves in right now. To me, the Devil card also shows people desperately clinging to their old way of thinking. A way that is no longer beneficial but they can't let go.
Great thread, JB! ![]() |
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Fri 09/14/12 05:43 PM
Four of Pentacles, the Miser. ![]() In the wake of the Federal Reserve's Ben Bernanke announcing plans to buy mortgage bonds as long as it feels necessary - (a policy known as "quantitative easing," or QE) - this card, THE MISER, indicates that this ploy will do little to increase the public's confidence in the economy and as it stands, people are still clinging to their money and possessions and will be spending less. The idea is for the Fed's $40 billion-a-month in bond purchases to lower interest rates and cause stock and home prices to rise, creating a "wealth effect" that would boost the economy. So do you feel any wealthier yet? Are you planning to go out and spend more? That is what the Federal Reserve wants you to do. According to the four of Pentacles, people are going to need more convincing before they start feeling confident enough to go into debt more, or to buy a new home. So lets look at the rest of the cards in this nine card draw: The first four are: The five of cups, The Sun, the Nine of Pentacles, and the six of swords. The five of cups means a loss that hurts emotionally. Often the clinging energy of the Miser will lead directly to the loss of the thing you cling to the most. The Sun indicates that people will turn their attention away from the problems of the world and focus it on their faith or on things that seem to restore some some happiness in their lives. The Nine of Pentacles is appreciating, enjoying and having gratitude for what has been accomplished. The six of swords, shows people slowly changing their direction and making the move towards a different and perhaps better future. The next four cards: Four of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Eight of Swords and Page of Swords. Although on the surface, things seem to be fine, there is the uncomfortable feeling that something is wrong and hidden. Yet, business and life goes on as usual, (six of Pentacles) and we wonder why we feel trapped in our ruts (eight of swords) and we stand ready to do what we think is necessary. (page of swords.) ![]() ![]() |
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sat 09/15/12 08:37 PM
CARD DRAWN: THREE OF WANDS. ![]() This card is a group energy where individuals begin to take initiative on their own and within small groups. Each person brings a crucial contribution to the table and the groups add and create power and synergy when they join together for a common cause or purpose. They ignite within each other creative sparks and feelings of worthiness that goes a long way to boost individual self esteem and power. There will be those who have been followers who are realizing that they have chosen wrongly and followed poorly and now it is time for them to strike out on their own path and take command of their own destiny. If they follow through and find the courage to do this, they will draw to them individuals who will look to them for leadership and who will also contribute a valuable attribute to the group. The eight cards that come before this ninth card draw show the feminine aspect of women to be the inspiration for change and strong persuasive leaders will be discovered as women who will be looked upon with awe and even a kind of worship by the most macho of men, for these women will be both strong and beautiful and they will command respect and give comfort, confidence and inspiration to all they know. The women and the men who serve them... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Do indeed like the art work. Thanks.
Loving the history and meanings of this thread. I think there's is some truth to each wheither it applies to us or not.
Global Energy: READING FOR SEPTEMBER 17, 2012
Card Drawn: The Hanged Man reversed. ![]() Self sacrifice and martyrdom is the global energy coming from people who are over whelmed with the obstacles and situations they face. They will let go of fear and hesitation and boldly take action. There will be people who will proceed to do what they believe to be right at great cost, and they will find peace in doing so because they will let go of all the things that have kept them in bondage. Eight supporting cards: The sacrifice is for love and the things they love. They will walk away from what is not working and set out into the unknown with creative power to face the Emperor or to become him with resolve. The talk will be about prosperity and wealth and people will take a break from worry to seek out new adventures with less caution than normal and those who are bold will find what they seek, be it wealth or adventure. |
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Tue 09/18/12 06:49 AM
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![]() I know...right?!? Actually, I find the daily draw to be too much information. Even for me personally. I did a daily draw for years, but that was mainly to help me learn the cards (which turns out not to work so well since a person will tend to draw the same few cards over and over, but I digress). A weekly draw actually gives me better insight and allows me time to work with the energies. |
I do in fact enjoy reading. I know I'm a card and I should be dealt with.
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Tue 09/18/12 01:26 PM
![]() I know...right?!? Actually, I find the daily draw to be too much information. Even for me personally. I did a daily draw for years, but that was mainly to help me learn the cards (which turns out not to work so well since a person will tend to draw the same few cards over and over, but I digress). A weekly draw actually gives me better insight and allows me time to work with the energies. Yes the daily draw for the world is a lot of information because there is so much going on in the world. I try to skim the energy cream off the top layer. LOL I need to focus on a more specific subject. When I draw daily for myself, or someone in the family I will tend to draw the same cards a lot. It is so nice to do a reading from a "new" person or a total stranger... wow do the cards sing then! |
Yes the daily draw for the world is a lot of information because there is so much going on in the world. I try to skim the energy cream off the top layer. LOL I need to focus on a more specific subject. When I draw daily for myself, or someone in the family I will tend to draw the same cards a lot. It is so nice to do a reading from a "new" person or a total stranger... wow do the cards sing then! Exactly! I really enjoy doing readings for strangers. |