Topic: "Tarot" represents The Royal Road | |
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Wed 09/19/12 07:43 PM
Tarot: A Tool to Reveal Secrets.
All things and events are created and sustained by mind. As an individual thinking center, you participate in the creation of reality itself. The tarot is a tool that communicates to your conscious mind with the use of images where a language is not spoken. They are symbols, signs and reflections of energies present within the events of the moment. If you learn to read the cards according to your perceptions of reality, they will reveal secrets that are hidden from you, secrets that remain in your own subconscious. If a card is drawn with thought and feeling or with a question in mind, the result will be in keeping with the energy present. Our thoughts and perceptions create our personal reality. The law of vibration insures that nothing comes into your perception or experience that you did not create or invite via your vibrational energy. You invite your experiences with your thoughts, emotions, attitudes and intentions. These are the energies and vibrations that surround you. Tarot: A Tool For Divination All future events and outcomes are probabilities and exist only within an order of reality and mind that has not yet unfolded. David Bohm, a physicist, calls these orders of reality the "implicate" or "enfolded" order, and the "explicate" or "unfolded" order. In the enfolded [or implicate] order, space and time are no longer the dominant factors determining the relationships of dependence or independence of different elements. The tarot cards will reveal a story of what appears to be the past, present and future because an event is intertwined within what we consider to be these three aspects of time. But the past, present and future are intimately connected and are one and the same. What drives an event forward and gives the impression that we move through time, is cause and effect. The two orders of reality are the "enfolded" and the "unfolded." The enfolded has not happened yet. The unfolded is the reality that we see and experience. It has manifested or unfolded. Because of the entanglement of these two orders of reality it would be difficult for the tarot cards [the signs] to not to reveal the flow of these events, especially if certain vibrations and causes are operating and still firmly in place, particularly intentions and attitudes. Sometimes the course of an unfolding event can be altered and the outcome changed instantly if an intention and/or attitude change occurs. This does not happen very often however. There are some events that are past the point of no return. They have already been created and have just not completely manifested. This is when the cards will reveal a future event. They are revealing an event that has already been created, but simply has not unfolded. Most events that can be changed, will not be changed. When you learn to read the energy of your deck accurately, you will be more proficient in interpreting the nature of future events and the strength to which they may or may not be changeable or preventable. When the cards do reveal a future event in the making and no course of action or intention is taken to alter that event, the event will unfold according to the law. While we do create and participate in the events in our lives there are some that are beyond our control and some that are not, simply because cause originates from thought and thought comes from all thinking centers. It is important to remember that events can only happen in the present moment because reality only exists in the present moment. There is no actual future, there are only intentions, probabilities and causal momentum. Sometimes a reader will want to know about an event that is currently in progress, not knowing what or when the outcome of the event will be. So they will turn to the tarot cards for a look beyond the distractions occuring in their outer reality. This is what we call divination. It is not that we couldn't all see what lies ahead if we are paying attention, it is that we are distracted with the current momet. |
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Tue 05/21/13 09:36 PM
"Tarot" represents The Royal Road The actual word Tarot is made up of the two Egyptian words, 'Tar' meaning 'royal' and 'ot' meaning 'road' – the Royal Road (Destiny or Spiritual Pathway).The Royal Road is represented by the Major Arcana which depicts the different stages we, as soul, go through in our life journey within this galaxy and on this earth. Throughout this journey there are many stories, and each has a beginning, middle and end. The main character of these stories is always the fool, even of he does not show up in a spread. He blunders onto the royal road as an untried soul, not having a clue about what the earth ride is all about, and he plays the parts of all the characters in the Tarot eventually. One thing is certain. He came here voluntarily. There are an infinite number of stories to be told about the journey of the fool and they are written and experienced by an infinite number of points of view. Each story is seen and experienced through a different and new perspective. These perspectives are the souls who animate the bodies living on the earth world. These are the individual souls who came from the ethers to experience the earth ride, which will transform them. Bold is the soul who chooses to come here. It is a royal road. Even though in our modern society we seem to have abandoned the idea of Kings and Queens, that idea will never leave our collective consciousness. The idea of royalty that embodies Kings and Queens, will forever be at the root of this galaxy consciousness. The Major Arcana represents the archetypes we experience and encounter in our journey down the royal road. We may begin as the fool, but on this road we will experience all of the archetypes throughout our many lives many times over. We may return as the fool time and time again as we find and desire [ask for] new experiences. The Major Arcana represent the deeper issues that play a more important roll in our spiritual awakening. They represent matters relating to the journey of the higher self and the challenges we encounter by way of the spiritual laws we live under. They are the karmic lessons that we, as soul, have created for ourselves. The Major Arcana are known as "the greater secrets" and they depict matters relating to the soul, and the purpose of our lives on earth that often utilize universal or karmic lessons and themes that we must experience in order to transform to higher dimensions of conscious reality. The Major Arcana points out issues that are occurring within our psyche, and on all levels, rather than our external day to day events, as depicted in the Minor Arcana. The stories told by the tarot are stories of our journey to realize our true and individual self. The Major Arcana, or trump cards, normally consist of 22 cards without suits: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, The World and The Fool. I will do a single card reading for the world. Next post. In other words, they (the Arcana) represent archetypes within the human psyche (ie.the collective unconsiousness proposed by Carl Jung)? Is that what you mean, Jeanniebean? ![]() |
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Wed 05/22/13 02:03 PM
"Tarot" represents The Royal Road The actual word Tarot is made up of the two Egyptian words, 'Tar' meaning 'royal' and 'ot' meaning 'road' – the Royal Road (Destiny or Spiritual Pathway).The Royal Road is represented by the Major Arcana which depicts the different stages we, as soul, go through in our life journey within this galaxy and on this earth. Throughout this journey there are many stories, and each has a beginning, middle and end. The main character of these stories is always the fool, even of he does not show up in a spread. He blunders onto the royal road as an untried soul, not having a clue about what the earth ride is all about, and he plays the parts of all the characters in the Tarot eventually. One thing is certain. He came here voluntarily. There are an infinite number of stories to be told about the journey of the fool and they are written and experienced by an infinite number of points of view. Each story is seen and experienced through a different and new perspective. These perspectives are the souls who animate the bodies living on the earth world. These are the individual souls who came from the ethers to experience the earth ride, which will transform them. Bold is the soul who chooses to come here. It is a royal road. Even though in our modern society we seem to have abandoned the idea of Kings and Queens, that idea will never leave our collective consciousness. The idea of royalty that embodies Kings and Queens, will forever be at the root of this galaxy consciousness. The Major Arcana represents the archetypes we experience and encounter in our journey down the royal road. We may begin as the fool, but on this road we will experience all of the archetypes throughout our many lives many times over. We may return as the fool time and time again as we find and desire [ask for] new experiences. The Major Arcana represent the deeper issues that play a more important roll in our spiritual awakening. They represent matters relating to the journey of the higher self and the challenges we encounter by way of the spiritual laws we live under. They are the karmic lessons that we, as soul, have created for ourselves. The Major Arcana are known as "the greater secrets" and they depict matters relating to the soul, and the purpose of our lives on earth that often utilize universal or karmic lessons and themes that we must experience in order to transform to higher dimensions of conscious reality. The Major Arcana points out issues that are occurring within our psyche, and on all levels, rather than our external day to day events, as depicted in the Minor Arcana. The stories told by the tarot are stories of our journey to realize our true and individual self. The Major Arcana, or trump cards, normally consist of 22 cards without suits: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, The World and The Fool. I will do a single card reading for the world. Next post. In other words, they (the Arcana) represent archetypes within the human psyche (ie.the collective unconsiousness proposed by Carl Jung)? Is that what you mean, Jeanniebean? ![]() The human psche in this particular galaxy I believe. I can't say it would be the same for other worlds or other galaxies. I am sure the human form has manifested in other places in the universe. This manifestation may be similar and it may not. |
Yes the daily draw for the world is a lot of information because there is so much going on in the world. I try to skim the energy cream off the top layer. LOL I need to focus on a more specific subject. When I draw daily for myself, or someone in the family I will tend to draw the same cards a lot. It is so nice to do a reading from a "new" person or a total stranger... wow do the cards sing then! Exactly! I really enjoy doing readings for strangers. I have had similar experiences. When reading for someone else, I start speed talking. The words just flow out, as if someone turned on the tap! |
Cool ive nvr had a Tarot reading done...but my ancestors practiced white magic n known a witches n healers but would like to try the Tarot thing sometime :)
can you do a tarot reading on me please.??
kev 06/18/59 born at 7:45 pm male my quote or question is ((my wealth and future wealth after I complete this stupid job in 3 days , will I get bonus pay or just a regular pay check.???))what is my outcome on my completion of job in three days by the owner of home? |
comecharmme, I do tarot readings from images, not astrology so I don't need birth dates. Also, I post the readings in the forum here, I don't send the via email. That said, while shuffling the deck three cards literally fell out of the deck. These three cards are being used in this reading. What you should do now is to focus on your past victory and on your recent successes. What you focus on will improve your outcomes for the future. A negative attitude in the moment will create a negative outcome. Also, be grateful for the good things in your life and acknowledge your power. You created them. You also create the not so good things. Embracing change will empower you and you will move forward. Resistance will only increase your suffering. You can make the hard decisions yourself and have it your way, or they will be made for you. Your future outcome has been set. You cannot prevent the inevitable. Cooperation and moderation are vital in this situation. Do what it takes to eliminate stress and clear the body of harmful toxic emotions. If you can't seem to change a negative situation use your will to place your attention on something that gives you joy and peace. Except the outcome no matter what it is, and change your attention and attitude and you will move forward to that which you create. There is no past, and no future. There is only the present moment. Outcomes are what you create. |
Tarot-card History: Are They Really That Ancient?
According to Tarot historian Tom Tadfor Little, traditional playing cards were first seen in Europe in 1375, having been brought over from the Islamic societies where they had been used for centuries before that. These cards were not, however, Tarot cards. At this point, he says, there is no evidence to show that Tarot cards had yet been created, which goes against many claims that ordinary playing cards evolved from the original Tarot deck. It wasn't until 1440 that the cards that were most likely the origin of Tarot cards were first mentioned. In a letter from the Duke of Milan, there was a request for several decks of "triumph" cards to be used at a special event. The letter differentiated triumph cards from regular "playing" cards. It does appear, however, that the first Tarot decks were created as a game. There were four suits with cards numbered one through ten and also court cards that included a queen, king, knight and page. The deck also included 22 symbolic picture cards that did not belong to any suit. The decks were used to play a game called triumph that was similar to bridge. In triumph, 21 of the 22 special picture cards were permanent trump cards. The game spread quickly to all parts of Europe. People began referring to as tarocchi, which is an Italian version of the French word tarot, around 1530. In 1781, in France and England, followers of the occult discovered Tarot cards. They saw the symbolic pictures of the cards as having more meaning than the simple trump cards they were used for at the time. They used the cards as a divination tool, and occult writers wrote about "the Tarot." After this, the Tarot became a part of occult philosophy. There are also those who believe that Tarot cards originated in Egypt. In some circles, they are thought to be the sole surviving "book" from the great fire that burned the libraries of ancient Egypt. In this theory, the cards are considered to be the hieroglyphical keys to life. For more information on Tarot cards, Tarot-card reading and related topics, check out the links on the next page. |
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Wed 07/17/13 08:47 PM
Origin of the Tarot
By jeanniebean It's all about games. Mankind has forever been drawn to the playing of games. Games of chance, games of skill and gambling. Tarot cards evolved from ancient playing cards and they differ from standard playing cards only in the fact that more cards were added to a deck of regular playing cards. The added cards were the trumps known as "trionfi" which means triumps. Also added were four queens and the fool. (Yes there is a Tarot game, but I have never played it. It is complicated like bridge, but not like bridge.) Tarot Cards Evolved from ancient playing cards. Probably China had them first. ![]() When looking for the origin of tarot cards themselves, you will find that most historians agree that the first deck of tarot cards was created in Milan (northern Italy) sometime in the early 15th century. These cards were designed as playing cards. The thing that set this new card deck apart from others was the addition of the four queens, the fool, and 21 trump cards. If we are looking for the origin of what we know as the traditional occult tarot decks we see today, then we have to look to the origin of regular playing cards in general. If you insist on drawing a hard line between regular playing cards and occult tarot cards, it might be hard to draw such a line because regular playing cards have been and are still used for occult purposes and divination, and tarot cards have been and are still used for playing card games. There is no real hard line between the two. It is all in how they are used and in how you think of them. Occult Tarot Cards ~ Okay so it started with the French Occult Tarot: The nature of the images on the Tarot trumps have led people to read occult meanings into the cards. This practice goes back to the 18th century. Although the first known Tarot fortune tellers were from Bologna (and used the Bolognese pack), the currently popular mystical interpretations of the cards originated in France in the last quarter of the century, and use the Tarot de Marseilles and packs derived from it. ![]() |
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Wed 07/17/13 10:49 PM
Now i'll also get a reading......i've not even seen a tarot card reader in real life! Actually,i doubt we have any in Uganda?! |
Eeeeeeeiiiiiiii Now i'll also get a reading......i've not even seen a tarot card reader in real life! Actually,i doubt we have any in Uganda?! Do you want a reading? What is your question? |
Eeeeeeeiiiiiiii Now i'll also get a reading......i've not even seen a tarot card reader in real life! Actually,i doubt we have any in Uganda?! Do you want a reading? What is your question? Ofcourse J-if its doable!? I've not been read before,so,i wouldnt know how to phrase the questions......especially after reading the this thread!! But hey,let me try this way! Question; Whats in my path in regard to love/money/family/travel,etc?? |
Eeeeeeeiiiiiiii Now i'll also get a reading......i've not even seen a tarot card reader in real life! Actually,i doubt we have any in Uganda?! Do you want a reading? What is your question? Ofcourse J-if its doable!? I've not been read before,so,i wouldnt know how to phrase the questions......especially after reading the this thread!! But hey,let me try this way! Question; Whats in my path in regard to love/money/family/travel,etc?? I can't get a clear reading on you right now. It is as if you don't know what you want and your attention is all over the place. Focus for a bit on where you are and where you want to be. Don't make decisions under stress or fear. You seem to be one who is torn when it comes to making a decision between an exciting path vs a secure one. |
Ha ha ha haaaaa...... This is exacly whats been going on-well,for sometime now!!! A choice between this-security wise-and that-exciting wise........ Not sure which is which(for now)!! Focusing...mmmmmm,ok,right there too,especially given some situation(love/work)! Thank You! |
Omg!!! Ha ha ha haaaaa...... This is exacly whats been going on-well,for sometime now!!! A choice between this-security wise-and that-exciting wise........ Not sure which is which(for now)!! Focusing...mmmmmm,ok,right there too,especially given some situation(love/work)! Thank You! Remember that the future does not exist and that you are creating it in this moment. You have to decide what you really want before you can create it. |
I will do my best!
I know where i want to be and am doing groundwork to get there....thats why am all over the place in all senses!! Thank you J! Btw; Nice pic!! |
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Sat 07/20/13 02:25 AM
I did a one card reading for Romance for you and got judgment. This card says you are at a crossroad in your life. The card itself was created from a painting called "Crossroad." This is a time when you will look at your past life and decide that it is time to make changes. You want to change your life. If you are uncommitted you won't be for long. Follow your heart and passion for an improvement in your income. There will be no need to look for love because it will find you as you go about your business or job. He will be the king of cups, emotional and talented. Don't let the dark priestess distract you from your purpose. She is the one who drains you, and always wants a favor or some gossip or something else. Her loyalty is not with you, she follows her own master. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Now you hit last nail in the head!!!
I DO want to change my life-for the better,as better as i can...thats the groundwork i mentioned before!! Mmmmm, Love!! Now i sit tight! Just know that i'll def update you on what happens-in regard to your reading!! Big Hug as a Thank You!! Goodmorning! |
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Sat 07/20/13 12:23 PM
Now you hit last nail in the head!!! I DO want to change my life-for the better,as better as i can...thats the groundwork i mentioned before!! Mmmmm, Love!! Now i sit tight! Just know that i'll def update you on what happens-in regard to your reading!! Big Hug as a Thank You!! Goodmorning! Note this: The judgement card is more than just a "desire" to change your life for the better. Your life must change because you have changed. Your current life does not match with the person you have become. It is no longer you. You have outgrown it. You have changed and that is why your life will change. But it is a complete turn-around. You are a different person now. You realize that your entire life must change to match who you are now. You are a new person completely. It is like you have been reborn. These feelings will hit you many times as you become more conscious of who you are. Follow that feeling and be true to yourself. |
Now,this is deep......
I dont know what to say!!??!! But,reading it several times,''listenning'' and digesting it,i see what you mean!! A literal change?? Yes.....i do know what you mean now!! Will try to stay true to myself! |