Topic: Poets | |
I wish to start a poem that we can all add to and build on. Sometimes I am poetically playful. I hope you are too.
Well this is of interest
I hope not to offend To take part on your journey Words we'll play and bend |
oooh i love it
let's give it a go find the wordsmith inside we all have one, you know :) ((awesome idea ladywind! ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 08/19/12 02:43 PM
Have we started?
Or am I ahead Please tell me I'm confused Oh well Like a good cooks broth Our lines, we'll infuse |
In a fiery field of wildflowers we frollic, we play. We throw back our heads, laughing our joy. Our freedom betrayed? Never, the poets' blood beats hardest in the cruel, the kind. Of living we do with a passion unseen, in words written we breathe, we bind.
The poem has begun, It can flow any which way it chooses...
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where a whisper transcends, evolved from tears, cupid leaves footprints,
escaped from his bow; ink is mightier than the sharpest of sword, the sweetest of kisses from the lips of a poe. |
But for your beauty in words
I'd fall on my sword If not I'd give you my world And in return My queen You would have my hand A pair Before now Not seen... |
My King, my knight! Upon my knees I beseech thee. Return thy sweet kisses to me. I look up to see such hardened eyes, my demise is chains to you. Free my sacred devotion to serve and love you. This broken queen is now but a shadow of what was meant to be.
By dragons fire
My dear sweet queen I'll place you on your throne Arthur, Merlin Lady of the lake I'm returned The sword from the stone. |
when through castles window peek, moonlight beckons a stirring chill;
restless are the howling wolves, bloods beating heart falls blackened, still. |
Shadows rest
This castle looms Twilight Echoed Doom. Blue light figures Flit through The night Transparent Mirrors Teeth sunk deep I'm groomed. |
And I sense you behind me. Your haunted embrace enfolds my emotions in nostalgic carresses. Your breath and kisses upon my neck weaken my knees. I turn and see you not.
I will catch you as you fall
While I take And yet I give You will learn now Not to sleep from here A moonlight Beckoned Vow |
In the rise of morning star glory, I open my eyes to see a dove on my windowsill. Sun rays as a crystal rainbow silohuete the story It sings in gentle, hypnotic coos. At will I listen spellbound by the beauty, tis Avalon once more calling me to her magick.
Tis the crows I send with messages to call here for support
My castle is my empire, this pigeon a witches retort We must shed here this evil. Like a werewolf within Just now throw those blinds and let the sunlight in. |
the mist makes clear the river wide, the hillside blooms on shadows peak;
call unto air, water, earth and fire, elixirs of life, eternal drink. |
Tis my curse to see magick everywhere. Crows do the bidding of a king I dost care. The call is too much to bear. I sail the lake to free my soul. Only here with witches can my nakedness be whole.
I whisper and weave unassuming
As I stagger with my cane My wrinkled fingers show no strength But have poison of wolfBain Threaten not my king and queen As my wonders come unseen Like a thief in the night I quell any evil plight |
Merlin, thy kingdom is being torn in two. The King, the Queen are victims of witches' brew. Torn apart their love, the wooings of a deceptive dove. Can excalibur save them now? The plot is clever, they do unwitting bow. A kingdom divided surely will fall