Topic: Really bad spelling
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Thu 08/02/07 01:16 PM

Which also happen to be the names of my cousins from Kentucky.

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/02/07 02:41 PM
well, i bugs the living crap out of me. i try and ignore...but if a post is rife with incorrect spellings and grammar usage, i'm like as not to skip it.

it's not just that,'s the general formatting. if there's a suuuuuuper long paragraph with no breaks, it bugs me.

when you have people posting who claim to be lawyers and doctors, but can't seem to spell an elementary sentence (and i'm NOT talking about typos), it makes you wonder.


at work, there's this lady who comes over the loud-speaker and announces "such-and-such, your service has been COMPLETE." it drives me it looks badly on my company, and's a BIG mistake. my friends happen to be over that department...

i told them about how crazy it was driving me; i mentioned that i might pull out my hair and scream from one side to the other...

today, every time my friends got on the speaker, they said the same thing. "has been complete." grrrr....

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Thu 08/02/07 02:56 PM

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:02 PM

thierz a phew pointz bn made herre eye sea

YeaBigsexy's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:03 PM
well i cant spell for crap!!
so sorry if it bugs you tremendously
your ungracious attitude and unhurried gestures
of said ignorant people
warrant unhallowed actions!!
just cuz sume of us didnt listen to
well in scool doesnt mean that we have no
Some people......huh

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:10 PM
i'm not sure why this bothers you so much. i try and ignore...i remember that this is a fast-paced medium...and it's not like i'm trying to date you.

it bugs me, as does...well...many things. the color purple bugs me, too. oh, and people that hawk up a big ol' spitball. *shrugs*

but how that should transmit into my suddenly having power over YOUR feelings...i'm not quite sure. i mean...there's things that bother YOU, as well, right?

i do admit...if you can't spell, punctuate, and use grammar properly, i'd never date you. but since i'm not even HERE to date...who cares?

uk1971's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:20 PM
Eye dunno wot u meen:tongue:

YeaBigsexy's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:21 PM
lulu i wasnt speaking to you!!!happy
it was for the topic
to call people ignorant
even if they are
is just slanderous
why even do that?
whats what im saying!!
and as for me
i could give a flyin F!ck
what people think about me!!
so please dont take to heart what i said
it wasnt about you and what you wrote k?flowerforyou

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:25 PM

i don't think she was saying that they WERE ignorant...but that they APPEARED to be. it's a snap judgment, something that we make each and every day.

it can be, however, deceiving. there are some VERY intelligent people who, for whatever reason, can't spell worth a damn.

my brother is one...he has an IQ of 186, but he's also dyslexic. ergo, he uses spell-check and little sis.

YeaBigsexy's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:30 PM
im always for the masses in a debate
i was debating champ in collage so
and plus im always stickin up for the little guy
its just my nature!!
i love a good fight if it warrants it!!
sorry if we misunderstood one another!
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:34 PM
lol...i'm not being argumentative. and i really don't think SHE was, either. i read through the entire thread...and it looked as if everyone was attacking RIVERGIRL, and not the other way around.

we're quick to point out what we like in bed, what traits are important to us, what drives us crazy...and yet, for something so simple and honest, she was eaten alive.

and handled it beautifully.

no photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:39 PM
I think we all get in a bit of a hurry to get out stuff posted, especially in forums like "would you (blank) the person above you?". We've all been guilty of misspelled words from time to time. Could be for any # of reasons. Me, I'm a (self-admitted) lousy typist-one of the hunt 'n' peck types, and proud of it. As long as the meaning of the post is clear, I don't worry about misspelled words.

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Thu 08/02/07 03:41 PM



Sorry, couldn't resist, have a great rest of the day.


lulu24's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:43 PM

thank you for the biggest laugh of the day, heh...

TheShadow's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:53 PM
Hell I don't give a ______ what my spelling looks like. Nothing ment agants anyone one hear but some don't know how to spell that good and I'm one of them. Hm, if your to judge a person by the spelling it shows to me how closed minded you are. I'm pointing fingers I'm just saying. Although there has been a couple people that have been on this site that it does bother and I kinda laugh at it because it's such a small thing in life to get all worked up lol But then there are the people that will use one letter Like some will use U,you or C,see Or shorten the word for room to tex. So it not all about spelling at times

Native_Grl39's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:55 PM
I wasn't attacking rivergirl...I spoke about me and my own perspective on things...the way I normally do...Everyone is entitled to their opinion and who am I to say hers is wrong for her!!!!!!!

flowerforyou drinker

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 08/02/07 03:58 PM
I dont know about you guys but what really annoys me is when people just keep writting a run on sentence and never use a period or a comma or and apostrophy and really if it bothers you you could just copy it all into your word and then run spell check and then paste it back to the reply box and then you wouldnt bother any one and every thing that needs to be capatalized or spelled right would be and the world would be a perfect place except for the scary yard gnomes surrounding my house as I write this whew laugh

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Thu 08/02/07 04:02 PM
People just talk **** just to make them feel better about them selves........GET A LIFElaugh

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Thu 08/02/07 04:03 PM
I have no problem with misspelled words, nor do I have a problem with puncuation. What I do have a problem with is the hip hop way of writting things. The slang words for words.

Karensmiles's photo
Thu 08/02/07 04:05 PM
Oh go get a dictionary!laugh