Topic: How to seduce a woman???? :p
TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/28/12 09:40 AM

Cook better than her, then wash the dishes

Another good suggestion....hahah last one I had could BBQ darn good bad *** ribs. But that was his only assest shshsh or maybe I would have keep him around longer...bigsmile

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/28/12 09:42 AM

List few really wonderful ways to seduce a womanflowerforyou :tongue: ....

Doing the dishes
Doing the laundry

They go nuts when they see a guy do this stuff. :p

Now see this is what I'm talking about!!! I mean come on now days we work just like the guys do so do your share of the house work too...slaphead It makes it so much easier and gets done so much faster in order to go do other things together...bigsmile

SGVtech's photo
Sat 07/28/12 10:37 AM

Step 1: Drop one of these on the floor and say... OOPS! real loud

Step 2: Ask for directions to Rodeo Dr.

Step 3:.....

What? you want ALL my secrets?

Ahh.. you've lived in California?

no photo
Sat 07/28/12 10:39 AM

no photo
Sat 07/28/12 10:41 AM


And keep it clean!:angry:


no photo
Sat 07/28/12 10:43 AM
good hygiene is essential.

misswright's photo
Sat 07/28/12 11:24 AM

Step 1: Drop one of these on the floor and say... OOPS! real loud

Step 2: Ask for directions to Rodeo Dr.

Step 3:.....

What? you want ALL my secrets?

rofl rofl rofl

That only works for the gold diggers!

Now in my case if you threw a couple of Sox-Yankee green monster tickets down and asked for directions to Fenway like Flynn baby! bigsmile shades

indianadave4's photo
Sat 07/28/12 02:03 PM
Know who and what you are capable of then let confidence (not aroggance) and positive body language be displayed.

Then add some comedy, flirting and the other characteristics women like.

If there is no attrction to start with all of the lists put men in the "friend zone".

blueeyes2000's photo
Sat 07/28/12 02:10 PM
Put on a pair of chaps and play cowboys and indians

play connect the dots with her freckles with chocolate syrup

Give her a good, old fashioned lap dance.

Dance in the rain to some good rock music

If none of those work, you could try the old fashioned way. A bottle of wine, rug on the floor in front of a fire with some pillows, and a mushy movie on tv or some slow music.

And if that doesn't work either, slap her azz, scream her name, and yell get me a beer!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 07/28/12 02:24 PM

Put on a pair of chaps and play cowboys and indians

play connect the dots with her freckles with chocolate syrup

Give her a good, old fashioned lap dance.

Dance in the rain to some good rock music

If none of those work, you could try the old fashioned way. A bottle of wine, rug on the floor in front of a fire with some pillows, and a mushy movie on tv or some slow music.

And if that doesn't work either, slap her azz, scream her name, and yell get me a beer!

Hahah too funny:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: But better then the line he is using :laughing: :laughing:

kc0003's photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:13 PM
Edited by kc0003 on Sat 07/28/12 08:15 PM
this should do the trick...

i was talking about the tequila "in" the bottle....pervs!

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:14 PM

List few really wonderful ways to seduce a womanflowerforyou :tongue: ....

First off, catch woman.

Then work on seducing...

veevee6's photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:19 PM
Show her how caring you're
Give her sense of security

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:45 PM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Sat 07/28/12 08:46 PM
Here is a tip ~~~ Not all women want to be seduced, so have respect for women and you are halfway there.

hot_engine620's photo
Sun 07/29/12 01:02 AM

Kaleijoscope's photo
Sun 07/29/12 01:30 AM
im cheap..just have a great smile and an endless cup of great brewed love dont cost a thing...

no photo
Sun 07/29/12 11:09 AM
I'm glad someone finally post this. Could some of you help me figure out how to get the attention of a sexy woman? I'm very much on the shy side but love listening to easy going music in candle light. Sometimes I think about barely touching her bottom lip with my lips and gentling moving my tounge against her lip while running my hair down the front of her body and inbetween her legs while she sits in my soft bamboo listening chair, but I'm not sure this would be pleasing to her. Oops, she got a little moist. Now I did it, here let me sit on the floor in front of you and see if I can do something about this. I'm not sure she liked this cause her leg muscles sure got tight and all this sweet juice came out. She is breathing hard and perspiration is on her breast. I tried lightly blowing on them but it only made her nipples hard so I better pick her up and take her to the shower where maybe I can help rinse her off. Think I'm going to have to hold her up in here cause hers legs are shaking. That's it, just wrap your legs around me while I support you.

Ok while I'm doing this maybe you guys can help me get over my inexperience. I look forward to your helpful hints.

no photo
Sun 07/29/12 12:11 PM

Put on a pair of chaps and play cowboys and indians

play connect the dots with her freckles with chocolate syrup

Give her a good, old fashioned lap dance.

Dance in the rain to some good rock music

If none of those work, you could try the old fashioned way. A bottle of wine, rug on the floor in front of a fire with some pillows, and a mushy movie on tv or some slow music.

And if that doesn't work either, slap her azz, scream her name, and yell get me a beer!


While yer up............

laugh :wink: laugh

blueeyes2000's photo
Sun 07/29/12 06:34 PM

Put on a pair of chaps and play cowboys and indians

play connect the dots with her freckles with chocolate syrup

Give her a good, old fashioned lap dance.

Dance in the rain to some good rock music

If none of those work, you could try the old fashioned way. A bottle of wine, rug on the floor in front of a fire with some pillows, and a mushy movie on tv or some slow music.

And if that doesn't work either, slap her azz, scream her name, and yell get me a beer!


While yer up............

laugh :wink: laugh


no photo
Sun 07/29/12 06:47 PM
