Topic: The Lie That Should Sink Obama
no photo
Fri 07/27/12 03:35 PM

sorry, i have to kill this post, it's not worth it

I hear that brother...

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 07/27/12 04:54 PM

No worries. Obozo will kill the internet, then take our guns with Hillary's help, then invade our homes with drone manufactured evidence and proof of gun registration, label us terrorists for owning them, and give the media a story to sell to the rest of the masses to justify it.

Of course, when the public doesn't fall for it, there is always his martial law option.....

Extreme thinking? Perhaps.... but why make a law if you don't plan to use or implement it?

He's lied about everything else, broken every promise, even killed US citizens before....WITHOUT A TRIAL!

Can you honestly put anything past this criminal fascist? How blind does someone have to be to support such a USA hating, terrorist, murdering, racist, maniac? slaphead

msharmony's photo
Fri 07/27/12 05:29 PM
Extreme thinking? Perhaps.... but why make a law if you don't plan to use or implement it?

because 'laws' are passed in bills that contain MANY conditions and serve several purposes

military SPENDING bills include many conditions on military operations, some bills have an urgency that cant WAIT untill all conditions meet one persons expectations,,,,

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 05:59 PM

Extreme thinking? Perhaps.... but why make a law if you don't plan to use or implement it?

because 'laws' are passed in bills that contain MANY conditions and serve several purposes

military SPENDING bills include many conditions on military operations, some bills have an urgency that cant WAIT untill all conditions meet one persons expectations,,,,

slaphead That is reaching....

SGVtech's photo
Fri 07/27/12 07:09 PM
Having created a few businesses and helping to launch/support many more, I found that whole tact to be sad.

In most cases anyone who assisted was paid for their input if not handsomely. Government was nothing but a drag on the process(I can provide examples). Customers receive a product/service for their money. The business provides the best quality to obtain loyalty not the other way around. We generated massive sales tax, income tax and payroll which trickles outward. Employee loyalty and hard work vaporizes if you run a crappy company if they have any self worth.

As for gun control, the president and his cabinet/appointments have been pretty passive. Its yet to be seen what will happen if he is a lame duck. But so far with the exception of Eric Holder being a nozzle they haven't made too many sounds about the 2nd amendment. Besides that issue does not go via party lines. Plenty of libs/dems are in the NRA or support their cause. The registration laws have tended to deepen at the state level the last four years worse. Watch the EPA angle more than the control angle. Ammo is the next big problem.

I am pretty ok with zapping anyone who is polarized against the US and planning to do harm even if they are a citizen. If they are stateside, due process is usually in order. If they are abroad and involved with combatants then treat them like they are acting. Please do not waste my tax money on due process. This is all assuming "safeguards" are in place to prevent Executive abuse. I don't like the uber surveillance on citizens that don't match the "profile" for real.

I hate the class warfare junk. Its been used since the beginning of time when people get desperate as leaders or their subjects are small thinkers. You strive to reach a point and then get right across a line where you can catch your breath and poof you're a 1%'r and should be taxed at a higher rate. No thanks. I been well off and not so much and I didn't want anyone to pay anything other than a equal percentage as me. Even if they earned $100/yr or $100mil.

I think a lot of conservative libertarians/independents voted for Obama last time. Although they don't see him as an anti-patriot, hes definably not what most people "HOPED" for. You cant expect a prez to accomplish everything they promise in their first term. But blowing off fundamental promises like "transparency" in both his admin and how the "stimulus" was deployed.. attacking business just for votes, he knows better. I'll take a successful, fairly well thought of, boring but professional business man over a ******** artist anytime to lead the country.

Unfortunately Romney is a Mexican nationalhuh

I'm just kidding, he has a birth certificate from the US. Just a little birth-er joke there.offtopic

I apologize for my rant, we had Dell Taco for dinner. sick

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 07:32 PM

Having created a few businesses and helping to launch/support many more, I found that whole tact to be sad.

In most cases anyone who assisted was paid for their input if not handsomely. Government was nothing but a drag on the process(I can provide examples). Customers receive a product/service for their money. The business provides the best quality to obtain loyalty not the other way around. We generated massive sales tax, income tax and payroll which trickles outward. Employee loyalty and hard work vaporizes if you run a crappy company if they have any self worth.

As for gun control, the president and his cabinet/appointments have been pretty passive. Its yet to be seen what will happen if he is a lame duck. But so far with the exception of Eric Holder being a nozzle they haven't made too many sounds about the 2nd amendment. Besides that issue does not go via party lines. Plenty of libs/dems are in the NRA or support their cause. The registration laws have tended to deepen at the state level the last four years worse. Watch the EPA angle more than the control angle. Ammo is the next big problem.

I am pretty ok with zapping anyone who is polarized against the US and planning to do harm even if they are a citizen. If they are stateside, due process is usually in order. If they are abroad and involved with combatants then treat them like they are acting. Please do not waste my tax money on due process. This is all assuming "safeguards" are in place to prevent Executive abuse. I don't like the uber surveillance on citizens that don't match the "profile" for real.

I hate the class warfare junk. Its been used since the beginning of time when people get desperate as leaders or their subjects are small thinkers. You strive to reach a point and then get right across a line where you can catch your breath and poof you're a 1%'r and should be taxed at a higher rate. No thanks. I been well off and not so much and I didn't want anyone to pay anything other than a equal percentage as me. Even if they earned $100/yr or $100mil.

I think a lot of conservative libertarians/independents voted for Obama last time. Although they don't see him as an anti-patriot, hes definably not what most people "HOPED" for. You cant expect a prez to accomplish everything they promise in their first term. But blowing off fundamental promises like "transparency" in both his admin and how the "stimulus" was deployed.. attacking business just for votes, he knows better. I'll take a successful, fairly well thought of, boring but professional business man over a ******** artist anytime to lead the country.

Unfortunately Romney is a Mexican nationalhuh

I'm just kidding, he has a birth certificate from the US. Just a little birth-er joke there.offtopic

I apologize for my rant, we had Dell Taco for dinner. sick

Never, ever apologize for stating your mindbigsmile and what is Dell Taco?what ...Is it like Taco Bell?

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 07/27/12 07:37 PM
Better than taco bell.

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:02 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 07/27/12 08:05 PM
Every time I ever tried to start a small business I was constantly bombarded with higher fees and higher taxes from every government agency you can think of.

The phone company, the power company, all of them.

And starting on a shoe string budget, I found fees and taxes almost doubled if I tried to call what I was doing "a business."

The "government" did not help me one lick. I don't feel I own a debt of gratitude to them for anything. All they ever did was come after me for taxes that my X-husband owed for a single tax return he had put my name on. Then they hounded me for my student loan until I had to borrow money to pay that back.

Try selling your ART in the park or on the street and see how long someone comes by and asks you to pay a fee of some kind or a licence for their permission.

Screw them.

The Elite boys (banksters) keep stealing money and they are not being arrested.

REALIST NEWS - Now we know why Jon Corzine has not and will not be arrested. (He stole 1.6 Billion dollars from MF Global and used TO work for and bundle money for Obama.)

He's one of the boys. He is a thief. He is above the law, protected by the cabal.

Why? Because he is one of the Elite who are ABOVE THE LAW.

We don't need them.

They need us.

We are the power, we are the people.


no photo
Fri 07/27/12 08:17 PM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Fri 07/27/12 08:18 PM
Friday, July 27, 2012

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney attracting 49% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Fri 07/27/12 09:20 PM
Mitt Romney, I'm afraid, is just the same thing in a different package.

We are doomed with either of these clowns.

no photo
Sat 07/28/12 04:47 AM

Mitt Romney, I'm afraid, is just the same thing in a different package.

We are doomed with either of these clowns.

I have to agree about the clown thing:smile: ...Romney is just the lesser of two clowns....or, as I prefer to call them, azzholes....ohwell

s1owhand's photo
Sat 07/28/12 07:34 AM

I went back and listened to his speech. Honestly, and I say this
as someone who has never been an ardent Obama supporter, Obama
did not say anything dastardly or mendacious in this speech.

It was a dumb comment - and one I am sure he would take back and
he certainly has not repeated it - but he was actually trying to
say we are all in this together and that small business owners
do not do it alone and in a vacuum.

He shouldn't have minimized the role of management and owners but
it is hardly the lie that will sink him. Frankly I don't see how
he could possibly lose this election since the GOP has handed it
to him on a silver platter.

What he should have said and I predict you will here him say this
in the near future is: "No one is more important to the success
or failure of a business than the owner and management."

Listen for it. He will claim that this does not conflict with his
other statements that the customers and government are also
important to helping small business to succeed. It's coming. You
heard it first here!



I expect that Romney will come out and support extending the Bush
tax cuts for those earning $250K or less also. But it won't do him
much good - he's hopeless.


Conrad_73's photo
Sat 07/28/12 07:44 AM

Having created a few businesses and helping to launch/support many more, I found that whole tact to be sad.

In most cases anyone who assisted was paid for their input if not handsomely. Government was nothing but a drag on the process(I can provide examples). Customers receive a product/service for their money. The business provides the best quality to obtain loyalty not the other way around. We generated massive sales tax, income tax and payroll which trickles outward. Employee loyalty and hard work vaporizes if you run a crappy company if they have any self worth.

As for gun control, the president and his cabinet/appointments have been pretty passive. Its yet to be seen what will happen if he is a lame duck. But so far with the exception of Eric Holder being a nozzle they haven't made too many sounds about the 2nd amendment. Besides that issue does not go via party lines. Plenty of libs/dems are in the NRA or support their cause. The registration laws have tended to deepen at the state level the last four years worse. Watch the EPA angle more than the control angle. Ammo is the next big problem.

I am pretty ok with zapping anyone who is polarized against the US and planning to do harm even if they are a citizen. If they are stateside, due process is usually in order. If they are abroad and involved with combatants then treat them like they are acting. Please do not waste my tax money on due process. This is all assuming "safeguards" are in place to prevent Executive abuse. I don't like the uber surveillance on citizens that don't match the "profile" for real.

I hate the class warfare junk. Its been used since the beginning of time when people get desperate as leaders or their subjects are small thinkers. You strive to reach a point and then get right across a line where you can catch your breath and poof you're a 1%'r and should be taxed at a higher rate. No thanks. I been well off and not so much and I didn't want anyone to pay anything other than a equal percentage as me. Even if they earned $100/yr or $100mil.

I think a lot of conservative libertarians/independents voted for Obama last time. Although they don't see him as an anti-patriot, hes definably not what most people "HOPED" for. You cant expect a prez to accomplish everything they promise in their first term. But blowing off fundamental promises like "transparency" in both his admin and how the "stimulus" was deployed.. attacking business just for votes, he knows better. I'll take a successful, fairly well thought of, boring but professional business man over a ******** artist anytime to lead the country.

Unfortunately Romney is a Mexican nationalhuh

I'm just kidding, he has a birth certificate from the US. Just a little birth-er joke there.offtopic

I apologize for my rant, we had Dell Taco for dinner. sick


But Obama is going to change that!
Forthwith it will all be declared a collective Effort!
Makes LOOTING easier if there is no clear Owner!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 07/28/12 07:45 AM


I went back and listened to his speech. Honestly, and I say this
as someone who has never been an ardent Obama supporter, Obama
did not say anything dastardly or mendacious in this speech.

It was a dumb comment - and one I am sure he would take back and
he certainly has not repeated it - but he was actually trying to
say we are all in this together and that small business owners
do not do it alone and in a vacuum.

He shouldn't have minimized the role of management and owners but
it is hardly the lie that will sink him. Frankly I don't see how
he could possibly lose this election since the GOP has handed it
to him on a silver platter.

What he should have said and I predict you will here him say this
in the near future is: "No one is more important to the success
or failure of a business than the owner and management."

Listen for it. He will claim that this does not conflict with his
other statements that the customers and government are also
important to helping small business to succeed. It's coming. You
heard it first here!



I expect that Romney will come out and support extending the Bush
tax cuts for those earning $250K or less also. But it won't do him
much good - he's hopeless.

TOTUS made POTUS say it!:laughing:

no photo
Sat 07/28/12 07:57 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sat 07/28/12 07:59 AM


I went back and listened to his speech. Honestly, and I say this
as someone who has never been an ardent Obama supporter, Obama
did not say anything dastardly or mendacious in this speech.

It was a dumb comment - and one I am sure he would take back and
he certainly has not repeated it - but he was actually trying to
say we are all in this together and that small business owners
do not do it alone and in a vacuum.

He shouldn't have minimized the role of management and owners but
it is hardly the lie that will sink him. Frankly I don't see how
he could possibly lose this election since the GOP has handed it
to him on a silver platter.

What he should have said and I predict you will here him say this
in the near future is: "No one is more important to the success
or failure of a business than the owner and management."

Listen for it. He will claim that this does not conflict with his
other statements that the customers and government are also
important to helping small business to succeed. It's coming. You
heard it first here!



I expect that Romney will come out and support extending the Bush
tax cuts for those earning $250K or less also. But it won't do him
much good - he's hopeless.


This is all well and good my friend...It is well thought out, much of it is accurate....BUTlaugh laugh Dumbazz comments in an election this tight are foolish, they show a lack of control, this one reaked of arrogance and poor concept, and, speaking for small business owners nationwide, a total disregard for the current state of our economy and the heightened challenges small business owners face on a daily basis...This combined with his track record tells me it will be very bad for our country if he is re-elected...Romney has been mucking up the works for long enough, I say let him have his four years and be done with him...No way can he do more to set us back than current administration.....No way...grumble

Unfortunately you are probably right, most likely he will be re-elected but one can hope....smokin

no photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:00 AM


I went back and listened to his speech. Honestly, and I say this
as someone who has never been an ardent Obama supporter, Obama
did not say anything dastardly or mendacious in this speech.

It was a dumb comment - and one I am sure he would take back and
he certainly has not repeated it - but he was actually trying to
say we are all in this together and that small business owners
do not do it alone and in a vacuum.

He shouldn't have minimized the role of management and owners but
it is hardly the lie that will sink him. Frankly I don't see how
he could possibly lose this election since the GOP has handed it
to him on a silver platter.

What he should have said and I predict you will here him say this
in the near future is: "No one is more important to the success
or failure of a business than the owner and management."

Listen for it. He will claim that this does not conflict with his
other statements that the customers and government are also
important to helping small business to succeed. It's coming. You
heard it first here!



I expect that Romney will come out and support extending the Bush
tax cuts for those earning $250K or less also. But it won't do him
much good - he's hopeless.

TOTUS made POTUS say it!:laughing:


msharmony's photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:38 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 07/28/12 08:39 AM
elections depend upon who turns up to vote

I have observed mostly that people vote based upon their personal interests,,,and what affects THEM most directly

so for instance, take two statements

Obama saying amongst other things that 'you didnt build that'
will piss some people off who believe they actually did BUILD something

Romney saying he isnt concerned about the very poor will piss off some people who are very poor

there are so many issues and 'details' that any of us can nitpick to support or oppose and mostly we will be drawn to those things that are most affecting us during the election season and vote for the one who appears to be most aware and concerned with those issues and will therefore be good for 'us'

in reality, its our congress that is mostly going to affect the issues that we face each day, but (in opposition to a 'community' philosophy), we mostly as a nation assume its going to be "ALL" about who is president

there were 27.5 million businesses in 2009 , almost ten percent of americans if we assume each business is owned by a different individual

there are 15.1 percent of americans living below poverty levels

adjusting for businesses owned by the same person, and adjusting for the americans who are voting age,,,its going to be a tight race,,,

no photo
Sat 07/28/12 08:48 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Sat 07/28/12 08:48 AM

elections depend upon who turns up to vote

I have observed mostly that people vote based upon their personal interests,,,and what affects THEM most directly

so for instance, take two statements

Obama saying amongst other things that 'you didnt build that'
will piss some people off who believe they actually did BUILD something

Romney saying he isnt concerned about the very poor will piss off some people who are very poor

there are so many issues and 'details' that any of us can nitpick to support or oppose and mostly we will be drawn to those things that are most affecting us during the election season and vote for the one who appears to be most aware and concerned with those issues and will therefore be good for 'us'

in reality, its our congress that is mostly going to affect the issues that we face each day, but (in opposition to a 'community' philosophy), we mostly as a nation assume its going to be "ALL" about who is president

there were 27.5 million businesses in 2009 , almost ten percent of americans if we assume each business is owned by a different individual

there are 15.1 percent of americans living below poverty levels

adjusting for businesses owned by the same person, and adjusting for the americans who are voting age,,,its going to be a tight race,,,

But I was going to vote Obama before Roanokesmokin

JUST KIDDING!!:tongue: Good post Harmony!!


msharmony's photo
Sat 07/28/12 09:12 AM

elections depend upon who turns up to vote

I have observed mostly that people vote based upon their personal interests,,,and what affects THEM most directly

so for instance, take two statements

Obama saying amongst other things that 'you didnt build that'
will piss some people off who believe they actually did BUILD something

Romney saying he isnt concerned about the very poor will piss off some people who are very poor

there are so many issues and 'details' that any of us can nitpick to support or oppose and mostly we will be drawn to those things that are most affecting us during the election season and vote for the one who appears to be most aware and concerned with those issues and will therefore be good for 'us'

in reality, its our congress that is mostly going to affect the issues that we face each day, but (in opposition to a 'community' philosophy), we mostly as a nation assume its going to be "ALL" about who is president

there were 27.5 million businesses in 2009 , almost ten percent of americans if we assume each business is owned by a different individual

there are 15.1 percent of americans living below poverty levels

adjusting for businesses owned by the same person, and adjusting for the americans who are voting age,,,its going to be a tight race,,,

But I was going to vote Obama before Roanokesmokin

JUST KIDDING!!:tongue: Good post Harmony!!



Conrad_73's photo
Sat 07/28/12 10:00 AM
yet another one!

The Liberty and Freedom Foundation
OBAMA CAUGHT IN AN OUTRIGHT LIE...SAYS HE DIDN'T RETURN BUST OF WINSTON CHURCHILL..UK GOVT SAYS HE ABSOLUTELY DID - Barack Obama has been caught in another lie he has told to cover up the shabby way he's treated our allied. This time it was the British Govt that called him out. With the London games going on the subject of Obama's slap in the face to England came up. Within days of taking the oval office he sent back the bust of Churchill given after 9/11. Yesterday he denied it, saying, "The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room." GUESS WHAT...IT ISN'T. The British Embassy said this, “The new President decided not to continue this loan (given to America after 9/11) and the bust has now been returned. It is on display at the Ambassador’s Residence.“ BUSTED. Yet another Obama lie.

Click like if you are SICK AND TIRED OF OBAMA LYING TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, and also tired of the way he treats our allies, yet bows down to our enemies.

by FB