Topic: terrorism didn't start with iraq | |
..Right, knoxman -
There's collaborators with any occupation - people who lick the boots of the occupiers for personal gain - anything that happens in the green zone by decree is NOT the will of the Iraqi people, (though I daresay many Iraqis despised Saddam - but remember - "We" put him in power, funded and armed him and condoned and gave "our"blessing for his decades of murderous rule..) Surely, by whatever Saddam was guilty of, Bush and Cheney are at LEAST as guilty, and if "justice" is to be blind, and murdering murderers makes you happy, then you must support hanging them, too. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
According to Bush and 'some' others, everyone received the same reports from the CIA. The reports were not correct and that is why we entered the war. OK OK - THAT'S just one side, the Bush side. Sort of like, the Bush side of the election.
But, there are also members of Congress who voted against the war, in spite of the faulty CIA reports. Those reports indicated that there were weapons of MD and biological agents available and of course many terrorists ready to carry out using all of these. ANYWAY, the reports also said, according to many of the Congress, something like "but we could be wrong". And at the time there were many other sources including the UN who had totally differing information that what the CIA reported. NOW, yes, according to our constitution, we are at war legally, HOWEVER, according to the rest of the world, we have entered this war illegally and against advise, and wishes of the UN. SO- after all that this President has done, beginning with the way he won the election, through all the signing statements more than 750 new laws, declaring that he has the power to set aside the laws when they conflict with his legal interpretation of the Constitution, and up to through July 17 when he took away, by his law, our right to protest (against the war), whose view of why we entered this war do you believe???????? |
Red, I missed it when did congress delare war on Iraq?