Topic: terrorism didn't start with iraq | |
iraq was not the start of muslim/arab terrorism. america is not the only target of terrorism. i personally can go back to the early '80's in europe when it was going on.
i can remember the marine barracks bombing in bierut and having to cut the skin off the fingers of the dead in germany and put it over mine in order to finger print them and identify who they were. there is still muslim/arab terrorism against each other in thier own countries. its just like arafat, people were saying we needed to talk with him to resolve the problem up until he died. i know we had been talking with him openly, it was reported on the news, since the '70's. how long do you talk with them before you have to do something to get thier attention??? it worked with lebanon. sorry momars daughter died in the bombing but he has quietted down since then. violence is what they know and understand. we better take it to them before the bring it back to us. |
Don, I can't even post a responce because of my ignorance on these things..
I'm sure you will get plenty of responces on this, when everybody wakes up.. I'm sure you've met my friend "Fanta" ![]() ![]() |
Mornin' Catch!
![]() Don, I have a Email I'll send you I haven't even read it it's too deep for me. Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq.. |
ok catch, send it on. hell it might be above me.
there is 2 points to my 1st post here: 1) trrorism isn't new 2) theres lots the average american don't know because they missed it in the news or they weren't there when it happened and no one that wasn't isn't gonna know about it. |
That's very true! It's not new.. I had got a Email about the things Jane Fonda did & that totally sent me for a loop..
I had to step back & say to myself you can't go out & find her & beat her for the things she did back then.. Things like that that aren't publisized... & when I read this thread, I remember Momars daughter dieing... I thought at the time, Now you B*stards might realize death is for ever when it hits home.. But hell, it was just a female to them. |
I understand your post. But tell me: Why are we in Iraq?! The Iraqis had nothing to do with 9/11/01! This is simply a vendetta started by this 'illegitimate president' we have in the White House! Had his father (Idiot Bush the First) finished the job during the first Gulf War, Idiot Bush the Second wouldn't have gotten the idea that he had to go in and "rekindle" it! Hell! We would have already captured Osama Bin Laden by now, had the "War in Iraq!" not sidetracked our armed forces! He just wanted to get revenge for 'Diddy's' sake! Have we not learned from our mistakes? Evidently not! Near the end of WW2, General George S. Patton (Who my Father, and Stepfather served under)suggested that we roll on into Moscow and take it because of the Russian army's weakened status from their battle with the Nazis. They were vulnerable, and we could have ended the Communist regime then and there with very few American casualties. The powers that be nixed the idea and we had a 'Cold War' with them for over a 50 year period! In the first Gulf War we were up against nothing! Saddam's so called "Elite Republican Guard" was so diminished by the Iran/Iraq War, that we could have walked right in and taken the country with very little, if any, American casualties. A friend of mine was in that 1st Gulf War and said that his company was less than 25 miles from the Presidential Palace when they were called to retreat! That was just plain STUPID! We had no resistance then. But then of course, we were also the ones who trained the Taliban to fight off the Communist Russianswhen they tried to take Afghanistan. We are being met with the same tactics taught to them that we learned from the Viet Nam War! Go figure! |
Or should I say, "Tactics used 'against us' in the Viet Nam War!"
lets ask congress why we're there. they saw the intel and voted to go in.
as for '91, was in the area also and if you recall we went in under the sanctions/rules set up by the UN. they didn't call for the over throw of iraq, just getting them out of kuwait. so, had we not played by the rules everyone would have been screaming that bush was taking the coutry over without the authority to do so. he stopped the military before they violated the rules set up by the UN which we had agreed to. ask hillary why we are in iraq, she voted for it and had more info on why we should or should not go there then i. thats right she changed her mind now. i'm quite certain the intel reports they read that we will never see still say the same things she read that got her to think we needed to go in. |
Basicly, we taught them how to fight us!
How frikkin' ironic! |
IB2 (Idiot Bush 2) went in without the sanctions of the U.N.! We had no business there!
Intel has already proved that Saddam's own administration were planning to take him out! Why get our own people killed for someone who has NEVER been a threat to us? |
we have been teaching other groups/countries to fight for many years going back beyond vietnam based on the situation at the time. thers no crystal ball out there that can tell you what you teach me today, i will or will not use against you tomorrow or 10 years from now.
And by the way: Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama, Georgie Jessell, or Alphalfa from the 'Little Rascals' are NOT point plots of this thread!
by passed the fact that congress appoved going into iraq again.
what part of bush had support from them to do this is hard to grasp?? OUR government made the decision, not one person. as for the UN, screw them is my opinion and has been my opinion for many years, but if you make an agreement with a country or organization like the UN you need to abide by that agreement. its time to go i'll check this later and se whats up. thanks everyone for making me have to think this early. it should be a good day in the office now that my brain is working!! have a good day. |
As I said before: Learn from your mistakes!History simply repeats it's self when you have IDIOTS in charge!
Thank you for the stimulating conversation! Have a great day my friend! |
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! EXACTLY what i have been saying!!! this has been going on for DECADES!!!! you ROCK shugar!!!!
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Are you responding to me or Don?
I am responding to Don. You rock shugar!!!!
![]() by far saddam proved to be the biggest idiot. After all his own folk hung him by the neck until dead. ![]() |
Congress saw intel, all right. Doctored intel. They thought it was legit at the time. They couldn't comprehend the Bush administration would sink to the level it did just to get us over there. In all fairness, though, Hillary and co. have has plenty of chances to admit they were misled and apologize to the American people for getting our country involved in a never-ending quagmire. Most haven't. It's called being too arrogant to admit you made a mistake. Barbie... Can you honestly sit there and say the fact Saddam's own people hung him has made all this worthwhile? Thousands of U.S. soldiers dead. Many more permeantly disabled. Their lives never to be the same. Then, upon their return, they find out that a couple of years ago, the Bush Administration signs orders to cut veteran's benefits, including health care. We end up, not unlike Vietnam, with countless veterans living in poverty, and worse, living on the streets. But this is fine with you, because, BAH GAWD, Saddam was hung by his own people, and we'd rather fight them over there than over here! I often wonder about the "logic" used when trying to justify the U.S. military still over there smack-dab in the middle of civil war. But it's all worth it. We saw Saddam hung by his own people. Brilliant. |