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Topic: Rise and Shine - part 12
oldsage's photo
Mon 08/20/12 02:46 PM
Edited by oldsage on Mon 08/20/12 02:46 PM

A. i'll be happy to hand down the title!!

B. That's BS and you know it!!laugh Young, blond and beautiful wins hands down anytime over old, grey and worn out!!

C..Rumor has it.......:wink:

SO...who did give Hippy the fever blister??? Did Carol go through Dallas on her way to Mi????

A. Titles come & go.

B. Age & experience, FREQUENTLY out do youth & exuberance.

C. Rumors are usually only 10% accurate.

Any other information will have to be aquired by water boarding.

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/20/12 03:06 PM

SO...who did give Hippy the fever blister??? Did Carol go through Dallas on her way to Mi????

I think THAT is the rumor we should promote to at LEAST a 50% potential truthful and accurate status! That will teach here to tease us about cool nights for sleeping while in Michigan!
:banana: :banana: :banana:

vivian2981's photo
Mon 08/20/12 03:12 PM

SO...who did give Hippy the fever blister??? Did Carol go through Dallas on her way to Mi????

I think THAT is the rumor we should promote to at LEAST a 50% potential truthful and accurate status! That will teach here to tease us about cool nights for sleeping while in Michigan!
:banana: :banana: :banana:

I can hang with that..:banana: :banana: :banana:

Did she call and tell you that Hippy was.............????

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/20/12 03:19 PM
She didn't call, didn't write, didn't indicate ANYTHING, which for Carol is unusual, so I'm going to assume that the news was SO BIG (Hippie, who knew?) it left her speechless.

Hippie and Carol, sittin' in a tree...
Yeah, you know it!

oldsage's photo
Mon 08/20/12 03:23 PM

She didn't call, didn't write, didn't indicate ANYTHING, which for Carol is unusual, so I'm going to assume that the news was SO BIG (Hippie, who knew?) it left her speechless.

Hippie and Carol, sittin' in a tree...
Yeah, you know it!

I tried to contact her & see if she was passing thru this area.
No answer or reply to message left.

vivian2981's photo
Mon 08/20/12 04:25 PM

She didn't call, didn't write, didn't indicate ANYTHING, which for Carol is unusual, so I'm going to assume that the news was SO BIG (Hippie, who knew?) it left her speechless.

Hippie and Carol, sittin' in a tree...
Yeah, you know it!

I tried to contact her & see if she was passing thru this area.
No answer or reply to message left.

That's because she's spreading fever though out the Midwest!! K.I.S.S......ing!!!!
laugh She's probably out of her cell phone range, or didn't take it with her...she's been known to do that..

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 08/20/12 05:44 PM
Just what the heck is going on here? Leave for a few hours and all whoopie breaks lose....

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/20/12 05:52 PM

Just what the heck is going on here? Leave for a few hours and all whoopie breaks lose....

Ah! True confessions! There WAS "whoopie" with Carol! And here we thought it was just kissing! No WONDER she decided to leave her cell phone at home...and she said it was just because she was out of minutes. HA! Now we know!

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 08/20/12 05:54 PM
Are things escalating rapidly or is it just me? *sweating*

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/20/12 06:00 PM

Are things escalating rapidly or is it just me? *sweating*

Sweating it...meaning you know Carol will blab all once we get her cornered, liquored up and chatty?

Ve have VAYS of making her talk!

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 08/20/12 06:02 PM
Just what I wanted to hear...NOT.

Where's ese and metal when you need 'em? So we can make her have a line-up.

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/20/12 06:04 PM

Just what I wanted to hear...NOT.

Where's ese and metal when you need 'em? So we can make her have a line-up.

And spread the virus? That's just not charitable of you, even under the guise of sharing with the guys!

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 08/20/12 06:06 PM
It will do them good. Honest.

galendgirl's photo
Mon 08/20/12 06:08 PM
Have you been drinking? OMG...cut him off...first his dance ability improved (or so we're told) and now he's sharing Carol!

Hippie! Behave yourself!

vivian2981's photo
Mon 08/20/12 06:38 PM
I knew the truth would come out!spock

metalwing's photo
Mon 08/20/12 07:21 PM

I knew the truth would come out!spock

I thought you said on the other thread that you were naked on this one!!!!grumble

vivian2981's photo
Mon 08/20/12 08:32 PM

I knew the truth would come out!spock

I thought you said on the other thread that you were naked on this one!!!!grumble

NO I did not!tongue2

vivian2981's photo
Tue 08/21/12 04:32 AM
Good morning y'alldrinker

mssilverfox's photo
Tue 08/21/12 05:26 AM
Good morning everybody!! I'm off to get a mani and pedi today...
Have a good one! flowerforyou

galendgirl's photo
Tue 08/21/12 05:37 AM
Happy Tuesday, ladies! Good morning to everyone. Enjoy your mani-pedi!
I'm heading downtown for a day of interviews/lunch meetings. I've got an offer on the table but would really like THIS one, so think positive thoughts!

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