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Topic: Why do men only care about their desire?
Helen227's photo
Sun 06/17/12 01:15 AM
Why do men hide under the umbrella of love just to get in a woman's pant?why not just tell her what you want?if she agrees fine and if she dosen't move on.why pretend to get her only to fulfill your desire and dump her?

bb9dan's photo
Sun 06/17/12 01:18 AM
Not just men dear women do it too!

Helen227's photo
Sun 06/17/12 01:24 AM
before a woman approch a man,she most really likes him and want him for keep.

Avecuradi's photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:04 AM
Show me one woman that has vowed to remain faithful and honest to his man and I'l show you a one million and one EVE traits in her, it aint the men faults, once a guy 1st date end in his hrt Bn broken, instantly he vow never to love anymore, so who caused the men to cheat?

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:07 AM
same reason why woman only cares about money and spend it faster then its made.

Queene123's photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:18 AM

same reason why woman only cares about money and spend it faster then its made.

if that was the case.. i would had stuck around this guy
that i met a number of yrs ago
he was nice and we had a great conversation
but i didnt feel a real connection

this guy had money
he drove a dang freaken jag
ok i admit it was nice

but in my true eyes and my heart
i would rather live in a log cabin....

Folsomcub's photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:28 AM
A lot of hurting going on from both sides. That's why we're still single. Hopefully someday we'll all find that person that we're perfect for.

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:28 AM
The sad truth is either sex is immature.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:31 AM
there r exceptions as there are both good men and women who understand the value of true love but due to faults on both sides problems arise. It is true u cannot clap with one hand so these situations arise due to faults of both sides and lack of care and understanding

Joelcool7's photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:33 AM
Sorry I've been on 7 dating sites in the last two weeks. I need to find a girl before my career takes off, I become a movie producer by next year.

I approached only Christian girls who attend church and who say all over their profile they want a genuine relationship not based on sex.

I'm an old school Christian guy who actually is abstinent by choice.

So I contacted the few I could find that appeared to genuinely want a guy like me. Out of the 7,000 or so profiles I filtered and scanned over. I found only 100 or so girls that actually described me in their profiles.

One girls description was so accurate she even said she wanted a guy over feet tall with short brown hair caring blue eyes, not muscular pretty boy but not obese either. Loves dogs and my Pomeranian (I own a Pomeranian myself). She wanted a virgin according to her profile, she said she wanted a guy who was intelligent, a writer possibly (I'm a journalist well was till this month). She wanted a guy who will cuddle her she wanted a guy not from her city who would drive out of his way to see her. A guy who likes to cook and values women as equal partners in the relationship. A guy who is at least 23 (I'm 23).

Anyways her entire description down to her likes in movies and books. Her attendance at church every week, her volunteer work.

I was absolutely everything word for word what she claimed she was looking for. So weird that I showed my friends and they thought I made her account myself to show a girl who actually wanted me.

So I decided to send the girl a rose, I only had two and I wrote on the letter how I was so stunned to see how much her profile described me. I asked her if she could view mine and confirm that she was actually looking for a guy like me.

She opened the letter with the rose, viewed my profile and blocked me.

Blocked me, I don't know why. I only sent one message, was it the rose? I thought that was a good gesture. She wanted a guy like me, she described me word for word.

But she blocked me!!!

Out of the hundred girls who claim they want the abstinent church going Bible reading respectful gentleman.

Not one girl returned a single message. Not one!

But guess who did?

I have on the 7 sites combined gotten roughly 20 girls looking for a gentleman to wine and dine them and then give them an amazing.orgasm.

They want the guy who is amazing with foreplay and will treat them the way they deserve. Apparently they will totally make it worth my while.

So now the problem comes. Why are the girls who want a abstinent good gentleman completely ignoring me? Even on sites with the match making system a girl was 99% match and after viewing her profile it was nearly as much of a match as the girl I sent the rose too.

Did that girl reply to me? Hell no! Who did? A chick with a 22% match!

So I have to ask you, what the **** is wrong with these women?
They all ***** and moan about their horrible ex boyfriends they want a real man. But guess what they don't I fit their description entirely. Even with the match makers I fit their description no lower then a 90% match.

But it isn't the girls who say they want a good guy that are contacting me, its the girls wanting to be ravished and to be romances into bed.

Girls are ****ed in the head is what I'm learning. Its been that way my whole life.

Every girl I know claims they want me. Every time they get dumped by their last scum bag boy friend they always show up to cry on my shoulder. My past female friends have called me on the phone and talked for 10+ hours at a time. They come to me every time they need advice they come every time they need a real man.

But guess what, I asked out each of them. Their response I was too perfect they wanted someone with flaws. Then they get dumped again and their back crying on my shoulder asking where this perfect man is, I'm sitting right here are you fricking blind?

Finally they get knocked up and I give up. Guess what a girl I asked out about 8 times now. She's knocked up has a kid and suddenly after like 7 years she wants to go out with me.

Like hell I'm going out with her now! I mean seriously you have me sitting their for seven fricking years and now after you were left with a kid, now you suddenly want the good guy!

F U is all I can say!

I recently ditched all of my female friends. Because all of them were exactly like this.

If I'm the perfect guy, and you want the perfect guy! Why the heck haven't you accepted a dang date yet!

I'm seriously getting sick and freaking tired of this crap, which is why I finally came online. I hoped maybe out of thousands of women I could find a girl who actually means what she says!

But alas none do! They all want another scum bag and the whole thing is just going to repeated itself until the girl is sick with aids or knocked up. Or as one of the girls I knew in foster care killed herself, why did she kill herself? Because according to her note every guy just wanted to **** her. Well I personally know a guy who loved her and she treated him like ****, he is an amazing guy and he cared and he's a church going virgin. When she died it destroyed him!

Well why did she die? Not because all guys wanted to bang and dump her.
she died because she was so freaking blind, so into her mans man scum bag guys. That she failed to see the guy right infringement of her freaking face.

So please I have no sympathy at all for the girls getting screwed and dumped. Their are thousands of great guys that they are ignoring on a daily basis. If you want a good guy go to a church go to a aid organization go to a volunteer job.

Their are good guys all over, all you have to do is open your eyes!

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 02:52 AM

Sorry I've been on 7 dating sites in the last two weeks. I need to find a girl before my career takes off, I become a movie producer by next year.

I approached only Christian girls who attend church and who say all over their profile they want a genuine relationship not based on sex.

I'm an old school Christian guy who actually is abstinent by choice.

So I contacted the few I could find that appeared to genuinely want a guy like me. Out of the 7,000 or so profiles I filtered and scanned over. I found only 100 or so girls that actually described me in their profiles.

One girls description was so accurate she even said she wanted a guy over feet tall with short brown hair caring blue eyes, not muscular pretty boy but not obese either. Loves dogs and my Pomeranian (I own a Pomeranian myself). She wanted a virgin according to her profile, she said she wanted a guy who was intelligent, a writer possibly (I'm a journalist well was till this month). She wanted a guy who will cuddle her she wanted a guy not from her city who would drive out of his way to see her. A guy who likes to cook and values women as equal partners in the relationship. A guy who is at least 23 (I'm 23).

Anyways her entire description down to her likes in movies and books. Her attendance at church every week, her volunteer work.

I was absolutely everything word for word what she claimed she was looking for. So weird that I showed my friends and they thought I made her account myself to show a girl who actually wanted me.

So I decided to send the girl a rose, I only had two and I wrote on the letter how I was so stunned to see how much her profile described me. I asked her if she could view mine and confirm that she was actually looking for a guy like me.

She opened the letter with the rose, viewed my profile and blocked me.

Blocked me, I don't know why. I only sent one message, was it the rose? I thought that was a good gesture. She wanted a guy like me, she described me word for word.

But she blocked me!!!

Out of the hundred girls who claim they want the abstinent church going Bible reading respectful gentleman.

Not one girl returned a single message. Not one!

But guess who did?

I have on the 7 sites combined gotten roughly 20 girls looking for a gentleman to wine and dine them and then give them an amazing.orgasm.

They want the guy who is amazing with foreplay and will treat them the way they deserve. Apparently they will totally make it worth my while.

So now the problem comes. Why are the girls who want a abstinent good gentleman completely ignoring me? Even on sites with the match making system a girl was 99% match and after viewing her profile it was nearly as much of a match as the girl I sent the rose too.

Did that girl reply to me? Hell no! Who did? A chick with a 22% match!

So I have to ask you, what the **** is wrong with these women?
They all ***** and moan about their horrible ex boyfriends they want a real man. But guess what they don't I fit their description entirely. Even with the match makers I fit their description no lower then a 90% match.

But it isn't the girls who say they want a good guy that are contacting me, its the girls wanting to be ravished and to be romances into bed.

Girls are ****ed in the head is what I'm learning. Its been that way my whole life.

Every girl I know claims they want me. Every time they get dumped by their last scum bag boy friend they always show up to cry on my shoulder. My past female friends have called me on the phone and talked for 10+ hours at a time. They come to me every time they need advice they come every time they need a real man.

But guess what, I asked out each of them. Their response I was too perfect they wanted someone with flaws. Then they get dumped again and their back crying on my shoulder asking where this perfect man is, I'm sitting right here are you fricking blind?

Finally they get knocked up and I give up. Guess what a girl I asked out about 8 times now. She's knocked up has a kid and suddenly after like 7 years she wants to go out with me.

Like hell I'm going out with her now! I mean seriously you have me sitting their for seven fricking years and now after you were left with a kid, now you suddenly want the good guy!

F U is all I can say!

I recently ditched all of my female friends. Because all of them were exactly like this.

If I'm the perfect guy, and you want the perfect guy! Why the heck haven't you accepted a dang date yet!

I'm seriously getting sick and freaking tired of this crap, which is why I finally came online. I hoped maybe out of thousands of women I could find a girl who actually means what she says!

But alas none do! They all want another scum bag and the whole thing is just going to repeated itself until the girl is sick with aids or knocked up. Or as one of the girls I knew in foster care killed herself, why did she kill herself? Because according to her note every guy just wanted to **** her. Well I personally know a guy who loved her and she treated him like ****, he is an amazing guy and he cared and he's a church going virgin. When she died it destroyed him!

Well why did she die? Not because all guys wanted to bang and dump her.
she died because she was so freaking blind, so into her mans man scum bag guys. That she failed to see the guy right infringement of her freaking face.

So please I have no sympathy at all for the girls getting screwed and dumped. Their are thousands of great guys that they are ignoring on a daily basis. If you want a good guy go to a church go to a aid organization go to a volunteer job.

Their are good guys all over, all you have to do is open your eyes!

beautifully said my friend i could not have said it much better than it is the truth

Helen227's photo
Sun 06/17/12 03:17 AM

same reason why woman only cares about money and spend it faster then its made.

if that was the case.. i would had stuck around this guy
that i met a number of yrs ago
he was nice and we had a great conversation
but i didnt feel a real connection

this guy had money
he drove a dang freaken jag
ok i admit it was nice

but in my true eyes and my heart
i would rather live in a log cabin....
i agree with you there,it is not always about money.what happen to the L word

Folsomcub's photo
Sun 06/17/12 03:24 AM

Sorry I've been on 7 dating sites in the last two weeks. I need to find a girl before my career takes off, I become a movie producer by next year.

I approached only Christian girls who attend church and who say all over their profile they want a genuine relationship not based on sex.

I'm an old school Christian guy who actually is abstinent by choice.

So I contacted the few I could find that appeared to genuinely want a guy like me. Out of the 7,000 or so profiles I filtered and scanned over. I found only 100 or so girls that actually described me in their profiles.

One girls description was so accurate she even said she wanted a guy over feet tall with short brown hair caring blue eyes, not muscular pretty boy but not obese either. Loves dogs and my Pomeranian (I own a Pomeranian myself). She wanted a virgin according to her profile, she said she wanted a guy who was intelligent, a writer possibly (I'm a journalist well was till this month). She wanted a guy who will cuddle her she wanted a guy not from her city who would drive out of his way to see her. A guy who likes to cook and values women as equal partners in the relationship. A guy who is at least 23 (I'm 23).

Anyways her entire description down to her likes in movies and books. Her attendance at church every week, her volunteer work.

I was absolutely everything word for word what she claimed she was looking for. So weird that I showed my friends and they thought I made her account myself to show a girl who actually wanted me.

So I decided to send the girl a rose, I only had two and I wrote on the letter how I was so stunned to see how much her profile described me. I asked her if she could view mine and confirm that she was actually looking for a guy like me.

She opened the letter with the rose, viewed my profile and blocked me.

Blocked me, I don't know why. I only sent one message, was it the rose? I thought that was a good gesture. She wanted a guy like me, she described me word for word.

But she blocked me!!!

Out of the hundred girls who claim they want the abstinent church going Bible reading respectful gentleman.

Not one girl returned a single message. Not one!

But guess who did?

I have on the 7 sites combined gotten roughly 20 girls looking for a gentleman to wine and dine them and then give them an amazing.orgasm.

They want the guy who is amazing with foreplay and will treat them the way they deserve. Apparently they will totally make it worth my while.

So now the problem comes. Why are the girls who want a abstinent good gentleman completely ignoring me? Even on sites with the match making system a girl was 99% match and after viewing her profile it was nearly as much of a match as the girl I sent the rose too.

Did that girl reply to me? Hell no! Who did? A chick with a 22% match!

So I have to ask you, what the **** is wrong with these women?
They all ***** and moan about their horrible ex boyfriends they want a real man. But guess what they don't I fit their description entirely. Even with the match makers I fit their description no lower then a 90% match.

But it isn't the girls who say they want a good guy that are contacting me, its the girls wanting to be ravished and to be romances into bed.

Girls are ****ed in the head is what I'm learning. Its been that way my whole life.

Every girl I know claims they want me. Every time they get dumped by their last scum bag boy friend they always show up to cry on my shoulder. My past female friends have called me on the phone and talked for 10+ hours at a time. They come to me every time they need advice they come every time they need a real man.

But guess what, I asked out each of them. Their response I was too perfect they wanted someone with flaws. Then they get dumped again and their back crying on my shoulder asking where this perfect man is, I'm sitting right here are you fricking blind?

Finally they get knocked up and I give up. Guess what a girl I asked out about 8 times now. She's knocked up has a kid and suddenly after like 7 years she wants to go out with me.

Like hell I'm going out with her now! I mean seriously you have me sitting their for seven fricking years and now after you were left with a kid, now you suddenly want the good guy!

F U is all I can say!

I recently ditched all of my female friends. Because all of them were exactly like this.

If I'm the perfect guy, and you want the perfect guy! Why the heck haven't you accepted a dang date yet!

I'm seriously getting sick and freaking tired of this crap, which is why I finally came online. I hoped maybe out of thousands of women I could find a girl who actually means what she says!

But alas none do! They all want another scum bag and the whole thing is just going to repeated itself until the girl is sick with aids or knocked up. Or as one of the girls I knew in foster care killed herself, why did she kill herself? Because according to her note every guy just wanted to **** her. Well I personally know a guy who loved her and she treated him like ****, he is an amazing guy and he cared and he's a church going virgin. When she died it destroyed him!

Well why did she die? Not because all guys wanted to bang and dump her.
she died because she was so freaking blind, so into her mans man scum bag guys. That she failed to see the guy right infringement of her freaking face.

So please I have no sympathy at all for the girls getting screwed and dumped. Their are thousands of great guys that they are ignoring on a daily basis. If you want a good guy go to a church go to a aid organization go to a volunteer job.

Their are good guys all over, all you have to do is open your eyes!

Not to be rude but maybe you came on too strong for that woman. I agree that women say one thing but do another (for the most part). But there also has to be an attraction between both people. It's not always about computers matching statistics.

soufiehere's photo
Sun 06/17/12 03:58 AM

Sorry I've been on 7 dating sites in the last two weeks. I need to find a girl before my career takes off, I become a movie producer by next year.

I approached only Christian girls who attend church and who say all over their profile they want a genuine relationship not based on sex.

I'm an old school Christian guy who actually is abstinent by choice.

So I contacted the few I could find that appeared to genuinely want a guy like me. Out of the 7,000 or so profiles I filtered and scanned over. I found only 100 or so girls that actually described me in their profiles.

One girls description was so accurate she even said she wanted a guy over feet tall with short brown hair caring blue eyes, not muscular pretty boy but not obese either. Loves dogs and my Pomeranian (I own a Pomeranian myself). She wanted a virgin according to her profile, she said she wanted a guy who was intelligent, a writer possibly (I'm a journalist well was till this month). She wanted a guy who will cuddle her she wanted a guy not from her city who would drive out of his way to see her. A guy who likes to cook and values women as equal partners in the relationship. A guy who is at least 23 (I'm 23).

Anyways her entire description down to her likes in movies and books. Her attendance at church every week, her volunteer work.

I was absolutely everything word for word what she claimed she was looking for. So weird that I showed my friends and they thought I made her account myself to show a girl who actually wanted me.

So I decided to send the girl a rose, I only had two and I wrote on the letter how I was so stunned to see how much her profile described me. I asked her if she could view mine and confirm that she was actually looking for a guy like me.

She opened the letter with the rose, viewed my profile and blocked me.

Blocked me, I don't know why. I only sent one message, was it the rose? I thought that was a good gesture. She wanted a guy like me, she described me word for word.

But she blocked me!!!

Out of the hundred girls who claim they want the abstinent church going Bible reading respectful gentleman.

Not one girl returned a single message. Not one!

But guess who did?

I have on the 7 sites combined gotten roughly 20 girls looking for a gentleman to wine and dine them and then give them an amazing.orgasm.

They want the guy who is amazing with foreplay and will treat them the way they deserve. Apparently they will totally make it worth my while.

So now the problem comes. Why are the girls who want a abstinent good gentleman completely ignoring me? Even on sites with the match making system a girl was 99% match and after viewing her profile it was nearly as much of a match as the girl I sent the rose too.

Did that girl reply to me? Hell no! Who did? A chick with a 22% match!

So I have to ask you, what the **** is wrong with these women?
They all ***** and moan about their horrible ex boyfriends they want a real man. But guess what they don't I fit their description entirely. Even with the match makers I fit their description no lower then a 90% match.

But it isn't the girls who say they want a good guy that are contacting me, its the girls wanting to be ravished and to be romances into bed.

Girls are ****ed in the head is what I'm learning. Its been that way my whole life.

Every girl I know claims they want me. Every time they get dumped by their last scum bag boy friend they always show up to cry on my shoulder. My past female friends have called me on the phone and talked for 10+ hours at a time. They come to me every time they need advice they come every time they need a real man.

But guess what, I asked out each of them. Their response I was too perfect they wanted someone with flaws. Then they get dumped again and their back crying on my shoulder asking where this perfect man is, I'm sitting right here are you fricking blind?

Finally they get knocked up and I give up. Guess what a girl I asked out about 8 times now. She's knocked up has a kid and suddenly after like 7 years she wants to go out with me.

Like hell I'm going out with her now! I mean seriously you have me sitting their for seven fricking years and now after you were left with a kid, now you suddenly want the good guy!

F U is all I can say!

I recently ditched all of my female friends. Because all of them were exactly like this.

If I'm the perfect guy, and you want the perfect guy! Why the heck haven't you accepted a dang date yet!

I'm seriously getting sick and freaking tired of this crap, which is why I finally came online. I hoped maybe out of thousands of women I could find a girl who actually means what she says!

But alas none do! They all want another scum bag and the whole thing is just going to repeated itself until the girl is sick with aids or knocked up. Or as one of the girls I knew in foster care killed herself, why did she kill herself? Because according to her note every guy just wanted to **** her. Well I personally know a guy who loved her and she treated him like ****, he is an amazing guy and he cared and he's a church going virgin. When she died it destroyed him!

Well why did she die? Not because all guys wanted to bang and dump her.
she died because she was so freaking blind, so into her mans man scum bag guys. That she failed to see the guy right infringement of her freaking face.

So please I have no sympathy at all for the girls getting screwed and dumped. Their are thousands of great guys that they are ignoring on a daily basis. If you want a good guy go to a church go to a aid organization go to a volunteer job.

Their are good guys all over, all you have to do is open your eyes!

Hmmmm, let's see.
It is either all the women in the whole
world who are..inadequate.
Or it is you.
I think we get the picture.

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 06/17/12 05:14 AM
I agree with soufie.

Joelcool7's photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:54 AM
How are all the women inadequate? My only standard is I'm a virgin and she needs to respect that! Of the now 25 girls who emailed me even though they don't share my beliefs I did give each of them a chance. I replied to each one, I did to most of them say "If you want a real gentleman I'm totally interested, but I am abstinent till marriage and if you are looking for a sexual relationship I'm not interested. I want a girl who wants a real relationship and if you can respect my beliefs I would be happy to get to know you".

The reason I don't just contact all 7,000 is because I'm not interested in a sexual relationship. I want a real relationship built on emotional and spiritual connection not sex.

Is that so much to ask? You obviously think it is!
Look if you live nearby and I find you at all attractive and you are willing to respect my beliefs. I'm interested.

But if you aren't and you don't want a guy who isn't looking to get in your pants then I'm not.

Which is why I don't approach any girl not looking for a guy like me.

I've had many good Christian guy friends who dated girls who wanted sexual relationships.

They finally screwed the girl and were dumped. The girl didn't want a gentleman and she didn't respect their beliefs. They were idiots to have thought a girl who didn't say shed respect their beliefs actually didn't!

So no Sophie maybe you just don't see me as good enough for you!

Also I have had no shortage of girls who I have tried to start relationships with over the years. They do almost all come around after years and years like the one who is now knocked up.

I would date her today if it wasn't for the fact that she ignored me for 7 years.
Right now I'm seriously considering just going with a hottest who's after a career and money. My starting wage next year is 150,000$ and I'm going to be handling over 20 million dollars. That's just to start.

I think Ill just do what everyone else in the industry does, find an actress or a model who wants me for my career. Or find a girl who wants me for my money! It saves me from going through all this bull ****!

Joelcool7's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:01 AM
Ill put this bluntly. If you say you want a gentleman but won't date a virgin, your a lair. Plain and simple your a liar because if you did want a gentleman you wouldn't care in fact you'd probably be turned on!

Jtevans's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:06 AM
cause we was born with a weenie and we don't want it to rust smokin

Joelcool7's photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:00 AM

cause we was born with a weenie and we don't want it to rust smokin

That's what marriage is for lol! Not promoting a life of celibacy here just promoting self control and respect. I'm a guy I'm not blind and yes I would love to screw like a million girls, but I want something more then screwing girls I want to have a girl I love and care about. I am more then willing to put aside my carnal need to screw a girls brains out to earn the love and respect of a girl. Plus in reality I would much rather have sex with a girl that I love and respect who loves and respects me then a thousand super models.

Sex is something that binds two people together it is intimate and it should mean something. Its not like I haven't had ample opportunity to get laid, heck I'm pretty sure if I didn't tell the 20 or so women who messaged me that I was and intended to remain a virgin. Pretty sure I could gotten laid pretty quickly.

Thing is I don't want to get laid, well I do just not with just anyone. I want a girl I love first!

So that's where the issue is, heck once married I'd be up for anything she wanted lol. I'm not that conservative minded. What I am however is a gentleman and a gentleman waits and respects the women he dates!

PS, according to Zoosk I'm a Tiger lol. Said I'm a dominant hormone heavy sex addict, now it is wrong in many of the assumptions but trust me I'm not against sex.

I just think sex is something that is special and that a guy should respect a women and a women should respect a guy. If a guy cant respect a women who wants to wait any period of time till marriage and a women cant respect a guy who wants to wait any amount of time till marriage.

Then both should ask themselves who they actually want? Because if they truly wanted a loving and caring partner they would respect their beliefs.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:30 AM
They are programmed to do that. Us women are hard-wired differently to that. Doesn't make much sense. We might aswell all be gay :)

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