Topic: Does God still take sides in wars here on earth?
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Sat 06/16/12 11:50 AM

Cowboy asked:
Where do you think religion originated from?

The interconnecting Bloodlines of the Reptilian Elite created all the major religions.

(In other words, in the eyes of Christians... that would be Satan) The devil created all the major religions. The reptilian elite are the synagogue of Satan.

The Biggest Secret is the book that launched David Icke into the public eye in the most controversial way possible. It contains a history of the rulling elite from Sumer and Babylon, reptillian entities, ritual magick and much much more.

David Icke reveals in documented detail how interconnecting bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. How they created all the major religions and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge that will set humanity free from its mental and emotional prisons.

Pst, Jeanie. Got a secret for you. I didn't say that. Ladylid2012 said that lol.

You're right she did.

Well, now you know the truth.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:50 AM

I imagine there are some people who need direction from others in how to live their lives but people still need to learn to think for themselves and get out from under the control of cults who might use their power of authority to control them.

When you are brave enough to speak out against what you think is wrong regardless of the opposition, then you are being a free thinker.

Think for yourself. Don't quote scripture and expect others to understand the meaning the same way you do..

For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite.

With any inspirational writing, a person needs to just get out of it what it means to them and hopefully become a better person. No inspired writing ever means the same thing to all people.

The path to enlightenment is an individual and lonely path.

For every verse in the Bible there is probably one that says and means the opposite

Maybe when taken out of context, yes. But in context, no.

And the scriptures aren't given to make you a better person specifically. They are not a moral guidlines in that exact sense. They are what God expects of someone. In my opinion, yes it does make a person a better person. They live for others and not just purely for themself. They are not selfish, they are not greedy, they worry about other's before money or themselves.

Your kidding right?????????????????
So those who don't follow the scriptures are selfish, greedy and care more about money than others???

The catholic church is one of the richest,
largest organizations in the world, and corrupt!

laugh laugh

Did I say they were? No I did not. Why assume things?

And the Catholic church may be, what's that got to do with anything? You can not make a judgement on a belief through the one's that claim to be obeying that belief, because they may in fact not be obeying it. They may be flower coating certain things, or attempting to. And getting away with it through people's ignorance on the subject.

Really cowboy...what does the catholic church have to do with anything???

Where do you think religion originated from?

your absolutely right....people's ignorance is a problem indeed.

I have no idea where any "religion" originated from. Again, I follow no "religion". I follow what God has said, not what man has said about God or claiming to be God. I'm only a "Christian" in the sense I obey Jesus "Christ". I obey my God Jesus Christ, not some religion.

Well, if your going to throw scriptures around and proselytize all the time then maybe YOU should learn where religion, Jesus and the rest of it originated from.

If I'm going to have my life revolve around a concept..I want to know EVERYTHING about said concept.

no photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:51 AM
FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:52 AM

Cowboy asked:
Where do you think religion originated from?

The interconnecting Bloodlines of the Reptilian Elite created all the major religions.

(In other words, in the eyes of Christians... that would be Satan) The devil created all the major religions. The reptilian elite are the synagogue of Satan.

The Biggest Secret is the book that launched David Icke into the public eye in the most controversial way possible. It contains a history of the rulling elite from Sumer and Babylon, reptillian entities, ritual magick and much much more.

David Icke reveals in documented detail how interconnecting bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. How they created all the major religions and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge that will set humanity free from its mental and emotional prisons.

Pst, Jeanie. Got a secret for you. I didn't say that. Ladylid2012 said that lol.

You're right she did.

Well, now you know the truth.

"Religion" came from people that lack the faith there of. They do not believe it to be true, so they place it in a "bracket" where it can be constituted as possibly not true, is only true through believe, ect.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:53 AM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

no photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:54 AM
I have no idea where any "religion" originated from. Again, I follow no "religion". I follow what God has said, not what man has said about God or claiming to be God. I'm only a "Christian" in the sense I obey Jesus "Christ". I obey my God Jesus Christ, not some religion.

To say that you worship Jesus "Christ" means that you do follow a religion.

You can't possibly follow what God has "said." You did not hear God say any of it.

All you know of God is what the Hebrew Bible, written by the Reptilian Elite, says. And it is all fiction.

nativechick63's photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:56 AM
amen to that..cuz its true:)

no photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:56 AM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:57 AM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Sat 06/16/12 11:58 AM
laugh laugh

k, this is gettin fun.

He's asking Jeannie, give it to him.

no photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:57 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Sat 06/16/12 12:04 PM

CeriseRose, it seems as if you have a negative view of what a "free thinker" is. It seems that you see them as rebel-rousers, set out to break current moral standards.

On the contrary, that is not always what a free thinker is. It takes a free thinker to stand up against a corrupt authority. For example:

When everyone is cheering the illegal act of home invasion and assassination of Osama Bin Laden what moral authority was brave enough to speak out and say ... "THIS IS WRONG!"

Not very many.

And it was wrong in so many ways.

Jeanniebean, don't assume that I would put all free-thinkers in the same group.

As I mentioned before, "a free thinker should seek wisdom" and many do...I am one.

I am not in agreement with that assassination.

We have to be careful not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater",

... so we must be careful not to dismantle the moral foundations of America.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 11:58 AM

I have no idea where any "religion" originated from. Again, I follow no "religion". I follow what God has said, not what man has said about God or claiming to be God. I'm only a "Christian" in the sense I obey Jesus "Christ". I obey my God Jesus Christ, not some religion.

To say that you worship Jesus "Christ" means that you do follow a religion.

You can't possibly follow what God has "said." You did not hear God say any of it.

All you know of God is what the Hebrew Bible, written by the Reptilian Elite, says. And it is all fiction.

Following Jesus Christ does not constitute it as a "religion" lol. So obeying the laws of the land is a "religion"? Jesus' laws are just as real as the laws you follow when driving down the road going the speed limit, ect. And yes I can follow what God has "said", I may not have heard the words personally, but that doesn't refute their power they have.

And you know not that it's fiction. That is only what you have placed your faith in, as I have placed my faith in it being true. You have no more proof in it being false as I have it being true, again only difference is you choose to believe it's false. And that's all fine and dandy, that's your choice.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 12:01 PM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes.

How did they reproduce then?

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 12:07 PM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes.

How did they reproduce then?

Actually as I'm reading and going through things. It seems all angels seems to be males. Which would make sense, as the angels are God's warriors/messangers.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 06/16/12 12:12 PM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes.

How did they reproduce then?

Actually as I'm reading and going through things. It seems all angels seems to be males. Which would make sense, as the angels are God's warriors/messangers.

oh c'mon now...

That is a sexist comment...god is a sexist?

Male and female do NOT exist in the spiritual realms.

Only a man made religion would claim "angels" to be male.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 12:47 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Sat 06/16/12 12:48 PM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes.

How did they reproduce then?

Actually as I'm reading and going through things. It seems all angels seems to be males. Which would make sense, as the angels are God's warriors/messangers.

oh c'mon now...

That is a sexist comment...god is a sexist?

Male and female do NOT exist in the spiritual realms.

Only a man made religion would claim "angels" to be male.

How is that sexist? No one said males were greater, better, or anything of such. So again, how is that sexist?

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 12:51 PM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes.

How did they reproduce then?

Actually as I'm reading and going through things. It seems all angels seems to be males. Which would make sense, as the angels are God's warriors/messangers.

oh c'mon now...

That is a sexist comment...god is a sexist?

Male and female do NOT exist in the spiritual realms.

Only a man made religion would claim "angels" to be male.

How is that sexist? No one said males were greater, better, or anything of such. So again, how is that sexist?

And there is no "spirit realm". What you see is what you get. These bodies will always be, they will be renewed if one is blessed with eternal life. But we won't be ghosts floating around. This flesh is the housing of our spirits and always will be as long as our spirits are alive. When the dead is resurrected come Judgement Time, our bodies will be resurrected and again renewed.

"Angels" aren't "spirits". When the dead is resurrected come the second coming, they are given a new "body" in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:1-3

5 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:

3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.

2 Corinthians 5:4-5

4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

Philippians 3:21

21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

(think this one hits it the best)

1 Corinthians 15:51-53

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

There are many verses that point to this, but I will stop here.

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 12:53 PM

FYI the statue of Liberty, in truth, represents Lucifer, the light bearer.

May I ask then, why the statue of Liberty isn't a male then?

Because Lucifer (an angel) was neither male or female, but has both sexes.

How did they reproduce then?

Actually as I'm reading and going through things. It seems all angels seems to be males. Which would make sense, as the angels are God's warriors/messangers.

oh c'mon now...

That is a sexist comment...god is a sexist?

Male and female do NOT exist in the spiritual realms.

Only a man made religion would claim "angels" to be male.

How is that sexist? No one said males were greater, better, or anything of such. So again, how is that sexist?

And there is no "spirit realm". What you see is what you get. These bodies will always be, they will be renewed if one is blessed with eternal life. But we won't be ghosts floating around. This flesh is the housing of our spirits and always will be as long as our spirits are alive. When the dead is resurrected come Judgement Time, our bodies will be resurrected and again renewed.

"Angels" aren't "spirits". When the dead is resurrected come the second coming, they are given a new "body" in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:1-3

5 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:

3 If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.

2 Corinthians 5:4-5

4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

Philippians 3:21

21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

(think this one hits it the best)

1 Corinthians 15:51-53

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

There are many verses that point to this, but I will stop here.

We are not "seperated" from God in a sense he's in another "realm" or another "demension" or anything of that. We are only separated from God when we do not walk with him. We do not see him when we do not look. But he is there, he is everywhere if one looks for him.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 06/16/12 12:58 PM

I can not explain to you how your belief that all the angels are male because they are gods warriors is sexist.

Your not believing it is sexist makes that impossible.

Page upon page of scripture...again.

I'm outta here Jeannie, sorry. flowerforyou

Jesally's photo
Sat 06/16/12 01:00 PM

Of course!!

God is a Seattle Seahawk fan
and sides with the righteous...
and the righteous is ALWAYS

God bless america and crush our enemies.

Do you really think the righteous is always America?

Do you really think I think god is a seahawk fan???

It was a joke, calm down. flowerforyou

You said that, not me.

God is not a fan of jokes,i guess you must be knowing that. I implore you next time before you post something like this, please be very careful 'coz someone might take you serious. 'Just sayin':smile:
according to the Bible,He created Humanity!
He must definitely like a good Joke!laugh

Good joke you say? You know there are different kinds of jokes that people make about God(some are clean & light hearted jokes and some are harsh & sensitive to the extent that they can hurt someone ie if they are Christians.

Forinstance God being a seahawk fan might be a good joke but for someone to say that God sides with the righteous and that the righteous is always America is quite sensitive. It might be a joke that makes you laugh but how do you think other people who aren't Americans will feel? Iam sure not many would laugh at such a joke especially if they are Christians. God bless!

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 06/16/12 01:00 PM


I can not explain to you how your belief that all the angels are male because they are gods warriors is sexist.

Your not believing it is sexist makes that impossible.

Page upon page of scripture...again.

I'm outta here Jeannie, sorry. flowerforyou

How is that sexist? Again, I did not say females would do a lesser of a job or say anything foul about women or anything prevaliance about males. Please don't read into more then what's there.