Topic: A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words | |
the reliability of Joe Arpaio
this was my ENTIRE point from start ,,,no standard of 'proof' would be enough proof for those who are intent on discrediting his eligibility the reason why we dont negotiate with terrorists, the demands will never stop and never stop increasing,,,, much like adhering to request of 'birthers',,,, |
![]() oh, back to the racist thing again... when all else fails... nope, just another example of refusing to accept the truth of something there are RACISTS in the country who will deny they are even though they display posters and post words which are there are likewise BIRTHERS who will continue to insist upon 'proof' even though 'proof' has been established multiple times,,, I find the second picture offensive to downs syndrome folks. The one in black has the same shape head and expression of many with downs. Extremely, tasteless and I hope the mods review and remove it. |
and didn't we already show that snopes is a liberal biased website with your "Mr. Ed was a zebra" story? didn't seem very true on that little fact... So, because you believe snopes is too liberal, you think the picture you posted is actually real? not because of snopes, but because he did go to Columbia on a foreign student aid payments... and because he is hiding all his information about his past... why would he do that? lol u state that as if you handled his financial aid personally,,, what counts as 'hiding'? is he supposed to go door to door with all his PAST documents and let every citizen 'verify' their authenticity ,,,lol give it a rest guys,,,, ![]() ![]() Yep, nothing to see here, move it along (until it can be fixed like everything else)! "giving it a rest" is what got us into all this mess! No thanks.... ignoring an issue doesn't fix it! giving it a rest allows us to MOVE on to things that need to be addressed once you have an answer to ONE Thing beating it to death distracts from other things the certificate has been validated,, move on,,, Nothing about this person has or can be "validated"! That in itself is reason to impeach or imprison this imposter! good grief!! so, news stories about HANOI JANE passing on information are believable but the STATE DEPARTMENT OF HAWAII is not a valid enough source to believe in the credibility of a STATE DOCUMENT? amazing,,,, there is plenty verifiable , but there is nothing GOOD enough for those intent on finding a way to discredit his eligibility,,, You are comparing apples to oranges! GET REAL! Hanoi Jane is/was a non contested issue as it was NEVER a doubt it happened! The State Of Hawaii is another part of the body govt.... hospitals receive funding from that govt, but the record was not released BY the hospital, but rather by the state....or in other words, other govt officials. guess what? when you apply for ANYTHING requiring proof of citizenship they DONT ACCEPT HOSPITAL RECORDS<, it has to be a GOVERNMENT document with a raised seal so who would be a legitimate enough source of verification? by this logic, if ANY part of the body of government cant verify a government document,, who can? |
MsH, you are very quick to convict people of the very practices you yourself accuse them of! As stated....when all else fails, play the race card! |
| WND EXCLUSIVE Birth-certificate 'surprise' in October? Hawaii source claims forgery of 'original' with 1961 materials Published: 05/29/2012 at 10:03 PM Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?" 010612obama_colb An intelligence source in Hawaii who warned early last year that a forged Obama birth record would be released now says that amid continued doubts about the authenticity of the document posted on the White House website, a forged “original” birth certificate intended to pass forensic inspection by using 1961 materials is being prepared and could be released as an “October surprise.” The source, who has contact with Hawaii government officials, was questioned by Mike Zullo, the head of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse team. Zullo recently returned from a trip to Hawaii to follow up on leads in the posse’s investigation of Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election ballot in Arizona. Arpaio announced March 1 that his team found probable cause that the document posted by the White House April 27, 2011, is a forgery. Zullo told WND today that regardless of whether the Hawaii source’s information pans out, he wants to see the original microfilm record of Obama’s birth. “If they decide to try to produce a document, we’re going to be skeptical,” he said. “We’ve been calling for the microfilm from the beginning.” Sign the petition now to show members of Congress how many Americans demand constitutional integrity. Arpaio has said he wants to see the entire roll of microfilm that contains Obama’s birth record and submit it to court-certified forensic examiners to determine its authenticity. The Hawaii source said ink and paper from 1961 have been secured to create an “original” document that would correspond with the digital copy posted on the White House website. As WND reported one year ago, radical supporters of Barack Obama have openly admitted their role in the forging of a Kenyan Obama birth certificate. The White House released a purported copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate shortly after the Drudge Report prominently leaked details of WND Book’s then-upcoming expose “Where’s the Birth Certificate.” WND reported yesterday that a letter from Hawaii’s Department of Health last week verifying Obama’s birth in Honolulu has actually opened the door to “shocking revelations” the posse is promising to disclose. Zullo has said the sheriff plans to schedule a press conference “at the earliest possible date in June.” This is WND printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 06/11/12 11:11 AM
| WND EXCLUSIVE Birth-certificate 'surprise' in October? Hawaii source claims forgery of 'original' with 1961 materials Published: 05/29/2012 at 10:03 PM Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?" 010612obama_colb An intelligence source in Hawaii who warned early last year that a forged Obama birth record would be released now says that amid continued doubts about the authenticity of the document posted on the White House website, a forged “original” birth certificate intended to pass forensic inspection by using 1961 materials is being prepared and could be released as an “October surprise.” The source, who has contact with Hawaii government officials, was questioned by Mike Zullo, the head of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse team. Zullo recently returned from a trip to Hawaii to follow up on leads in the posse’s investigation of Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election ballot in Arizona. Arpaio announced March 1 that his team found probable cause that the document posted by the White House April 27, 2011, is a forgery. Zullo told WND today that regardless of whether the Hawaii source’s information pans out, he wants to see the original microfilm record of Obama’s birth. “If they decide to try to produce a document, we’re going to be skeptical,” he said. “We’ve been calling for the microfilm from the beginning.” Sign the petition now to show members of Congress how many Americans demand constitutional integrity. Arpaio has said he wants to see the entire roll of microfilm that contains Obama’s birth record and submit it to court-certified forensic examiners to determine its authenticity. The Hawaii source said ink and paper from 1961 have been secured to create an “original” document that would correspond with the digital copy posted on the White House website. As WND reported one year ago, radical supporters of Barack Obama have openly admitted their role in the forging of a Kenyan Obama birth certificate. The White House released a purported copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate shortly after the Drudge Report prominently leaked details of WND Book’s then-upcoming expose “Where’s the Birth Certificate.” WND reported yesterday that a letter from Hawaii’s Department of Health last week verifying Obama’s birth in Honolulu has actually opened the door to “shocking revelations” the posse is promising to disclose. Zullo has said the sheriff plans to schedule a press conference “at the earliest possible date in June.” This is WND printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit ya know, this really isn't about obama, per say, but more about how the people are losing power to the government. if the people that voted, either for him or not, are saying they want to establish the real identity of the president, and the government says no to the people, that means we have lost power as a people living in the US. that just opens the door for more goverment lies and misdirections for the future. even if barry was born in the US, the refusal to satisfy the people is a grave injustice and should be dealt with by demanding for real proof or get him out of office, just to show the government that the people will not stand for this mistreatment by the government. |
![]() oh, back to the racist thing again... when all else fails... nope, just another example of refusing to accept the truth of something there are RACISTS in the country who will deny they are even though they display posters and post words which are there are likewise BIRTHERS who will continue to insist upon 'proof' even though 'proof' has been established multiple times,,, I find the second picture offensive to downs syndrome folks. The one in black has the same shape head and expression of many with downs. Extremely, tasteless and I hope the mods review and remove it. the pic has nothing to do with downs,,, I see the same depiction of DRUNKS and men slobbering over boobs,,,, which seems more of the CONTEXT of the picture |
MsH, you are very quick to convict people of the very practices you yourself accuse them of! As stated....when all else fails, play the race card! Im not playing any card sojourner? did people continue for FOUR Years to ask that Bushs transcripts be verified, that his housenotes be verified? did they take that documentation at face value? so why the DIFFERENCE with this president concerning his STATE VERIFIED birth certificate? what main difference do you see between the two candidates? and did you answer what STANDARD Would be reliable enough PROOF of the validity of a government document? |
We couldn't get medical help for the child because a BC was NOT valid enough proof of his citizenship to qualify! They needed a notorized certificate of live birth! That's just for assistance to medical needs, NOT for the position of POTUS! |
| WND EXCLUSIVE Birth-certificate 'surprise' in October? Hawaii source claims forgery of 'original' with 1961 materials Published: 05/29/2012 at 10:03 PM Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?" 010612obama_colb An intelligence source in Hawaii who warned early last year that a forged Obama birth record would be released now says that amid continued doubts about the authenticity of the document posted on the White House website, a forged “original” birth certificate intended to pass forensic inspection by using 1961 materials is being prepared and could be released as an “October surprise.” The source, who has contact with Hawaii government officials, was questioned by Mike Zullo, the head of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse team. Zullo recently returned from a trip to Hawaii to follow up on leads in the posse’s investigation of Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 election ballot in Arizona. Arpaio announced March 1 that his team found probable cause that the document posted by the White House April 27, 2011, is a forgery. Zullo told WND today that regardless of whether the Hawaii source’s information pans out, he wants to see the original microfilm record of Obama’s birth. “If they decide to try to produce a document, we’re going to be skeptical,” he said. “We’ve been calling for the microfilm from the beginning.” Sign the petition now to show members of Congress how many Americans demand constitutional integrity. Arpaio has said he wants to see the entire roll of microfilm that contains Obama’s birth record and submit it to court-certified forensic examiners to determine its authenticity. The Hawaii source said ink and paper from 1961 have been secured to create an “original” document that would correspond with the digital copy posted on the White House website. As WND reported one year ago, radical supporters of Barack Obama have openly admitted their role in the forging of a Kenyan Obama birth certificate. The White House released a purported copy of Obama’s long-form birth certificate shortly after the Drudge Report prominently leaked details of WND Book’s then-upcoming expose “Where’s the Birth Certificate.” WND reported yesterday that a letter from Hawaii’s Department of Health last week verifying Obama’s birth in Honolulu has actually opened the door to “shocking revelations” the posse is promising to disclose. Zullo has said the sheriff plans to schedule a press conference “at the earliest possible date in June.” This is WND printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit ya know, this really isn't about obama, per say, but more about how the people are losing power to the government. if the people that voted, either for him or not, are saying they want to establish the real identity of the president, and the government says no to the people, that means we have lost power as a people living in the US. that just opens the door for more goverment lies and misdirections for the future. even if barry was born in the US, the refusal to satisfy the people is a grave injustice and should be dealt with by demanding for real proof or get him out of office, just to show the government that the people will not stand for this mistreatment by the government. its a minority that 'arent' satisfied there is nothing any president does that 'satisfies' EVERY CITIZEN there is no mistreatment where the certificate is concerned, except maybe mistreatment of a citizen who became president,,,, |
MsH, you are very quick to convict people of the very practices you yourself accuse them of! As stated....when all else fails, play the race card! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
MsH, you are very quick to convict people of the very practices you yourself accuse them of! As stated....when all else fails, play the race card! Im not playing any card sojourner? did people continue for FOUR Years to ask that Bushs transcripts be verified, that his housenotes be verified? did they take that documentation at face value? so why the DIFFERENCE with this president concerning his STATE VERIFIED birth certificate? what main difference do you see between the two candidates? and did you answer what STANDARD Would be reliable enough PROOF of the validity of a government document? BECAUSE HE WASN'T BORN IN THE USA! |
MsH, you are very quick to convict people of the very practices you yourself accuse them of! As stated....when all else fails, play the race card! Im not playing any card sojourner? did people continue for FOUR Years to ask that Bushs transcripts be verified, that his housenotes be verified? did they take that documentation at face value? so why the DIFFERENCE with this president concerning his STATE VERIFIED birth certificate? what main difference do you see between the two candidates? and did you answer what STANDARD Would be reliable enough PROOF of the validity of a government document? it wasn't an issue with bush, and he would have showed them if asked... when did bush live in Indonesia? When did bush go to a muslim school? when did bush change his name? When did bush go to school on a foreign aid program? bush's family can be traced back in america for hundreds of years, can barry's? |
We couldn't get medical help for the child because a BC was NOT valid enough proof of his citizenship to qualify! They needed a notorized certificate of live birth! That's just for assistance to medical needs, NOT for the position of POTUS! assistance for a CHILD, has a different standard because it is still a CHILD,,not easily searchable yet in most systems, not having much of a record the same is true in the government office where I volunteer, when a new child is added, yes, the certificate must be notarized,, it is usually within ONE Year of the childs birth,,, not FORTY years later,,,,when a notarization would be pointless notarization just validates a signature,,,its usually done in the presence of the one who is SIGNING the document,,,, in any case, maybe they can amend the almighty constitution to reflect that,, until then no such REQUIREMENT exists when I got my american passport, my birth certificate was the same short form (they dont send long forms through the mail) and sufficed as proof of citizenship |
MsH, you are very quick to convict people of the very practices you yourself accuse them of! As stated....when all else fails, play the race card! Im not playing any card sojourner? did people continue for FOUR Years to ask that Bushs transcripts be verified, that his housenotes be verified? did they take that documentation at face value? so why the DIFFERENCE with this president concerning his STATE VERIFIED birth certificate? what main difference do you see between the two candidates? and did you answer what STANDARD Would be reliable enough PROOF of the validity of a government document? BECAUSE HE WASN'T BORN IN THE USA! yep,, because all government officials cant be trusted,, unless they claim he wasnt born here except maybe Joe Arpaio,,, historical mass incompetence,, I Swear,,, |
![]() the exposure to this much hypocritical conspiracy theory/birther nonsense is going to make my head explode,,,, ![]() |
MsH, you are very quick to convict people of the very practices you yourself accuse them of! As stated....when all else fails, play the race card! Im not playing any card sojourner? did people continue for FOUR Years to ask that Bushs transcripts be verified, that his housenotes be verified? did they take that documentation at face value? so why the DIFFERENCE with this president concerning his STATE VERIFIED birth certificate? what main difference do you see between the two candidates? and did you answer what STANDARD Would be reliable enough PROOF of the validity of a government document? BECAUSE HE WASN'T BORN IN THE USA! yep,, because all government officials cant be trusted,, unless they claim he wasnt born here except maybe Joe Arpaio,,, historical mass incompetence,, I Swear,,, The argument might be "on whose part"? |
![]() the exposure to this much hypocritical conspiracy theory/birther nonsense is going to make my head explode,,,, ![]() Yep, I've always heard "the truth hurts". ![]() |
![]() the exposure to this much hypocritical conspiracy theory/birther nonsense is going to make my head explode,,,, ![]() Poor girl. It's hard to defend liberal ideology when confronted with facts. The truth sure hurts sometimes. |