Topic: Java IM and File Server
Mirage4279's photo
Sat 06/09/12 07:38 PM
Edited by Mirage4279 on Sat 06/09/12 07:42 PM
I am a Java programmer... now I know by the time you read this I may be off line and in all likely will be...

I am working on Network programming specifically for chatting and file transfering...

You'd think I'd have someone to bounce this off ... I do not though...feel like I am bothering people asking them to try my software.. so I thought I'd throw it out there for anyone willing to guinea pig for me

care to test it out and critique it for me...RIght this second I am about half way through the file server and the instant messaging is finished ... pretty much runs like a top... though I did have complications once the .jar file was finished... in other words might not run properly unless dropped into a compiler and cannot just double click on it..prolly will run right though

e-mail me if you care to test it for me... Unfortunatly I would need me on the other end as the server is run on my computer...

Totage's photo
Sat 06/09/12 07:47 PM
Have you looked into emulators? Maybe see if you can't find an emulator to test it out on.

Mirage4279's photo
Sat 06/09/12 07:58 PM
No I have not...