Topic: The Attack on the USS Liberty | |
Sorry I will take a sworn affidavit as evidence rather than a wiki page. Hmmmm I wonder wich one would stand in court? ![]() Yeah we know you prefer to believe someone's individual opinion and ignore the official reports, transcripts and all the other real evidence cited in the Wikipedia article which indicates that there were many opportunities for confusion and error on both sides. ![]() Perhaps you simply want to use this tragic accident to try to propagandize against support for Israel even though it is obvious to other people that Israel who values the US as their greatest ally and friend would never intentionally damage that relationship by attacking US troops on purpose... ![]() This must be why Israel attacks the US military so often. ![]() A sworn affidavit is a written statement made by a person who is under oath to tell the truth about the facts and information contained in the statement. Additionally, the person signing the affidavit, called the affiant, attests to his or her identity. Usually, the affidavit must be witnessed and signed by a person who is legally authorized to administer oaths, such as a notary public. The notary is generally required to place a notary seal on the statement. When a person signs a sworn affidavit, he or she is promising that anything contained in the statement is accurate and true. Effectively, it is the same thing as orally presenting testimony in court. If a person lies about the information contained in the statement, he or she could be prosecuted for the crime of perjury, which is lying under oath. If convicted, the person may be ordered to pay significant fines or may even be sentenced to time in jail. check and mate ![]() Just because the witness is telling their experience truthfully that does not negate other conflicting experiences, facts and evidence. See the Wiki info and citations again. There was a lot going on that day and there were plenty of opportunities for an error like this to be made. Everyone there witnessed the attack. But the reason behind the mistake is more complex and likely beyond any single individual's observations. You just grasp at straws to try to prove that Israel is "bad" when a multitude of evidence suggests that they fired on their friends by accident. ![]() It seems to be only a desperate attempt to find Israel lacking in some way as our ally despite their apology, the acceptance of the apology by the US and most of all their longstanding close relationship with us on the friendliest of terms. ![]() To Israel and the United States and their enduring friendship and cooperation! ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 06/08/12 07:57 PM
Neither Israel or American Intelligence are so incredibly inept that a mistake of this kind would ever be made. Ever.
Things like this, and things like all the apparent bungling that they claim happened in regards to the 9/11 attack just don't happen. Pretending to be inept and incompetent (or stupid) to excuse mass murder and a deliberate attack on the Liberty with intent to sink it, is utterly ridiculous. Whatever I believe about the Zionist movement and the European Khazarian Jews, I certainly do not believe for one second that they are stupid or inept. I do believe that it is part of their method of conquest and operation that they lie professedly, kill, bribe and threaten people to get the results they want. It was no accident. And I too believe eye witnesses who were there over any "official" lie or report by any and either side of the incident. And anyone who would would make excuses for, or believe excuses from and and defend any country who would shoot holes in our American Flag, three times over, and murder our people, just seem like traitors to me. |
Sorry I will take a sworn affidavit as evidence rather than a wiki page. Hmmmm I wonder wich one would stand in court? ![]() Yeah we know you prefer to believe someone's individual opinion and ignore the official reports, transcripts and all the other real evidence cited in the Wikipedia article which indicates that there were many opportunities for confusion and error on both sides. ![]() Perhaps you simply want to use this tragic accident to try to propagandize against support for Israel even though it is obvious to other people that Israel who values the US as their greatest ally and friend would never intentionally damage that relationship by attacking US troops on purpose... ![]() This must be why Israel attacks the US military so often. ![]() A sworn affidavit is a written statement made by a person who is under oath to tell the truth about the facts and information contained in the statement. Additionally, the person signing the affidavit, called the affiant, attests to his or her identity. Usually, the affidavit must be witnessed and signed by a person who is legally authorized to administer oaths, such as a notary public. The notary is generally required to place a notary seal on the statement. When a person signs a sworn affidavit, he or she is promising that anything contained in the statement is accurate and true. Effectively, it is the same thing as orally presenting testimony in court. If a person lies about the information contained in the statement, he or she could be prosecuted for the crime of perjury, which is lying under oath. If convicted, the person may be ordered to pay significant fines or may even be sentenced to time in jail. check and mate ![]() Just because the witness is telling their experience truthfully that does not negate other conflicting experiences, facts and evidence. See the Wiki info and citations again. There was a lot going on that day and there were plenty of opportunities for an error like this to be made. Everyone there witnessed the attack. But the reason behind the mistake is more complex and likely beyond any single individual's observations. You just grasp at straws to try to prove that Israel is "bad" when a multitude of evidence suggests that they fired on their friends by accident. ![]() It seems to be only a desperate attempt to find Israel lacking in some way as our ally despite their apology, the acceptance of the apology by the US and most of all their longstanding close relationship with us on the friendliest of terms. ![]() To Israel and the United States and their enduring friendship and cooperation! ![]() As mentioned earlier, all the US aid to Israel is spent on US goods and services and it amounts to only a few percent of our Intl Affairs budget. So it is good for American jobs and our relationship with our friends. Israel cooperates with us in every way - militarily of course but also in intelligence, support of freedom and democracy, academic cooperation on research and scholarship, economic cooperation across a wide array of industries and technologies and diplomatically particularly against terrorism. For all the complexity of the alliance, the American position might have been summed up most succinctly by Lyndon Johnson. When Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin asked him why the United States supports Israel when there are 80 million Arabs and only 3 million Jews, the President replied simply, "Because it is right." ![]() |
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Fri 06/08/12 08:44 PM
Neither Israel or American Intelligence are so incredibly inept that a mistake of this kind would ever be made. Ever. Things like this, and things like all the apparent bungling that they claim happened in regards to the 9/11 attack just don't happen. Pretending to be inept and incompetent (or stupid) to excuse mass murder and a deliberate attack on the Liberty with intent to sink it, is utterly ridiculous. Whatever I believe about the Zionist movement and the European Khazarian Jews, I certainly do not believe for one second that they are stupid or inept. I do believe that it is part of their method of conquest and operation that they lie professedly, kill, bribe and threaten people to get the results they want. It was no accident. And I too believe eye witnesses who were there over any "official" lie or report by any and either side of the incident. And anyone who would would make excuses for, or believe excuses from and and defend any country who would shoot holes in our American Flag, three times over, and murder our people, just seem like traitors to me. Oh Yes. Of course. Mistakes never happen particularly in wartime. There have never been any American friendly fire accidents for example. We know this because it could not happen because our military is just too darn good to ever let that happen. Same for the Israelis of course. NEVER could happen in a bazillion years. ![]() I realize that a couple of you think that it is much more likely that the Israelis would intentionally try to hurt their best and only friend and supporter - America by intentionally targeting our sailors even when the Israelis warn and protect Palestinian civilians when the poor Palestinian people are used by terrorists as human shields. ![]() Even as ridiculous as that sounds, you have to try to blame Israel for everything because 1) you HATE Israel with irrational fervor, 2) all you read is anti-Israel propaganda, 3) your primary education on the matter comes from white supremacist websites and Nazi propaganda, 4) you don't believe in genetic research or DNA evidence, 5) you deny the existence of Jews, but if there are Jews then they are illegitimate Jews who don't know the religion of Judaism, 6) it is all a big conspiracy by the Mossad and CIA and most importantly of all 7) because it is impossible that any military error could be made by the U.S. or Israel. ![]() It is so obvious now that you mention it. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/09/12 05:20 AM
Sorry I will take a sworn affidavit as evidence rather than a wiki page. Hmmmm I wonder wich one would stand in court? ![]() Yeah we know you prefer to believe someone's individual opinion and ignore the official reports, transcripts and all the other real evidence cited in the Wikipedia article which indicates that there were many opportunities for confusion and error on both sides. ![]() Perhaps you simply want to use this tragic accident to try to propagandize against support for Israel even though it is obvious to other people that Israel who values the US as their greatest ally and friend would never intentionally damage that relationship by attacking US troops on purpose... ![]() This must be why Israel attacks the US military so often. ![]() A sworn affidavit is a written statement made by a person who is under oath to tell the truth about the facts and information contained in the statement. Additionally, the person signing the affidavit, called the affiant, attests to his or her identity. Usually, the affidavit must be witnessed and signed by a person who is legally authorized to administer oaths, such as a notary public. The notary is generally required to place a notary seal on the statement. When a person signs a sworn affidavit, he or she is promising that anything contained in the statement is accurate and true. Effectively, it is the same thing as orally presenting testimony in court. If a person lies about the information contained in the statement, he or she could be prosecuted for the crime of perjury, which is lying under oath. If convicted, the person may be ordered to pay significant fines or may even be sentenced to time in jail. check and mate ![]() Just because the witness is telling their experience truthfully that does not negate other conflicting experiences, facts and evidence. See the Wiki info and citations again. There was a lot going on that day and there were plenty of opportunities for an error like this to be made. Everyone there witnessed the attack. But the reason behind the mistake is more complex and likely beyond any single individual's observations. You just grasp at straws to try to prove that Israel is "bad" when a multitude of evidence suggests that they fired on their friends by accident. ![]() It seems to be only a desperate attempt to find Israel lacking in some way as our ally despite their apology, the acceptance of the apology by the US and most of all their longstanding close relationship with us on the friendliest of terms. ![]() To Israel and the United States and their enduring friendship and cooperation! ![]() As mentioned earlier, all the US aid to Israel is spent on US goods and services and it amounts to only a few percent of our Intl Affairs budget. So it is good for American jobs and our relationship with our friends. Israel cooperates with us in every way - militarily of course but also in intelligence, support of freedom and democracy, academic cooperation on research and scholarship, economic cooperation across a wide array of industries and technologies and diplomatically particularly against terrorism. For all the complexity of the alliance, the American position might have been summed up most succinctly by Lyndon Johnson. When Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin asked him why the United States supports Israel when there are 80 million Arabs and only 3 million Jews, the President replied simply, "Because it is right." ![]() A betrayel as huge as this is done by enemies not friends....... Personaly I think its only one case that was exposed like any crime a few are commited untill you are actualy caught. As far as job creation goes thats absurd this country would be far better off if we used the 8. 2 million we give Israel every day to hire teachers or open libraries. The 8.2 million a day I got from Imagine if we gave every town in america 8.2 million one time a year in alphabetical order of course..... good schools and good libraries for sure. |
Neither Israel or American Intelligence are so incredibly inept that a mistake of this kind would ever be made. Ever. Things like this, and things like all the apparent bungling that they claim happened in regards to the 9/11 attack just don't happen. Pretending to be inept and incompetent (or stupid) to excuse mass murder and a deliberate attack on the Liberty with intent to sink it, is utterly ridiculous. Whatever I believe about the Zionist movement and the European Khazarian Jews, I certainly do not believe for one second that they are stupid or inept. I do believe that it is part of their method of conquest and operation that they lie professedly, kill, bribe and threaten people to get the results they want. It was no accident. And I too believe eye witnesses who were there over any "official" lie or report by any and either side of the incident. And anyone who would would make excuses for, or believe excuses from and and defend any country who would shoot holes in our American Flag, three times over, and murder our people, just seem like traitors to me. Oh Yes. Of course. Mistakes never happen particularly in wartime. There have never been any American friendly fire accidents for example. We know this because it could not happen because our military is just too darn good to ever let that happen. Same for the Israelis of course. NEVER could happen in a bazillion years. ![]() I realize that a couple of you think that it is much more likely that the Israelis would intentionally try to hurt their best and only friend and supporter - America by intentionally targeting our sailors even when the Israelis warn and protect Palestinian civilians when the poor Palestinian people are used by terrorists as human shields. ![]() Even as ridiculous as that sounds, you have to try to blame Israel for everything because 1) you HATE Israel with irrational fervor, 2) all you read is anti-Israel propaganda, 3) your primary education on the matter comes from white supremacist websites and Nazi propaganda, 4) you don't believe in genetic research or DNA evidence, 5) you deny the existence of Jews, but if there are Jews then they are illegitimate Jews who don't know the religion of Judaism, 6) it is all a big conspiracy by the Mossad and CIA and most importantly of all 7) because it is impossible that any military error could be made by the U.S. or Israel. ![]() It is so obvious now that you mention it. ![]() It is obvious. Thank you for telling it like it is. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/09/12 07:21 AM
Watching This Video at The Moment.
Just wondering why The Israelis continued attacking a spy ship. At one stage the Israeli command thought it was a destroyer. I must have been pretty obvious that when no fire was returned there was something drastically wrong. That much would have been evident within minutes. At another stage Israeli Pilots and crew were waving to each other. Strange Goings on....False Flags normally are...must be made complicated to cause confusion. |
Sorry I will take a sworn affidavit as evidence rather than a wiki page. Hmmmm I wonder wich one would stand in court? ![]() Yeah we know you prefer to believe someone's individual opinion and ignore the official reports, transcripts and all the other real evidence cited in the Wikipedia article which indicates that there were many opportunities for confusion and error on both sides. ![]() Perhaps you simply want to use this tragic accident to try to propagandize against support for Israel even though it is obvious to other people that Israel who values the US as their greatest ally and friend would never intentionally damage that relationship by attacking US troops on purpose... ![]() This must be why Israel attacks the US military so often. ![]() A sworn affidavit is a written statement made by a person who is under oath to tell the truth about the facts and information contained in the statement. Additionally, the person signing the affidavit, called the affiant, attests to his or her identity. Usually, the affidavit must be witnessed and signed by a person who is legally authorized to administer oaths, such as a notary public. The notary is generally required to place a notary seal on the statement. When a person signs a sworn affidavit, he or she is promising that anything contained in the statement is accurate and true. Effectively, it is the same thing as orally presenting testimony in court. If a person lies about the information contained in the statement, he or she could be prosecuted for the crime of perjury, which is lying under oath. If convicted, the person may be ordered to pay significant fines or may even be sentenced to time in jail. check and mate ![]() Just because the witness is telling their experience truthfully that does not negate other conflicting experiences, facts and evidence. See the Wiki info and citations again. There was a lot going on that day and there were plenty of opportunities for an error like this to be made. Everyone there witnessed the attack. But the reason behind the mistake is more complex and likely beyond any single individual's observations. You just grasp at straws to try to prove that Israel is "bad" when a multitude of evidence suggests that they fired on their friends by accident. ![]() It seems to be only a desperate attempt to find Israel lacking in some way as our ally despite their apology, the acceptance of the apology by the US and most of all their longstanding close relationship with us on the friendliest of terms. ![]() To Israel and the United States and their enduring friendship and cooperation! ![]() As mentioned earlier, all the US aid to Israel is spent on US goods and services and it amounts to only a few percent of our Intl Affairs budget. So it is good for American jobs and our relationship with our friends. Israel cooperates with us in every way - militarily of course but also in intelligence, support of freedom and democracy, academic cooperation on research and scholarship, economic cooperation across a wide array of industries and technologies and diplomatically particularly against terrorism. For all the complexity of the alliance, the American position might have been summed up most succinctly by Lyndon Johnson. When Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin asked him why the United States supports Israel when there are 80 million Arabs and only 3 million Jews, the President replied simply, "Because it is right." ![]() A betrayel as huge as this is done by enemies not friends....... Personaly I think its only one case that was exposed like any crime a few are commited untill you are actualy caught. As far as job creation goes thats absurd this country would be far better off if we used the 8. 2 million we give Israel every day to hire teachers or open libraries. The 8.2 million a day I got from Imagine if we gave every town in america 8.2 million one time a year in alphabetical order of course..... good schools and good libraries for sure. You all need some new material! Your old stuff is getting threadbare,and out of context! Wait,it always was out of context and revisionist! Otherwise you Guys wouldn't have a thing! ![]() |
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Sat 06/09/12 08:00 AM
Why were the Israeli War Planes unmarked?
So Many Questions...No convincing Answers The Doctor on board the Liberty who was wounded,continued to administer his duty for a solid 28 hours. Robert McNamara recalled Aircraft that were on their way to assist the USS Liberty..... Sacrificial Lambs Lions led by Donkeys .....Donkeys being Government |
Even as ridiculous as that sounds, you have to try to blame Israel for everything because 1) you HATE Israel with irrational fervor, 2) all you read is anti-Israel propaganda, 3) your primary education on the matter comes from white supremacist websites and Nazi propaganda, 4) you don't believe in genetic research or DNA evidence, 5) you deny the existence of Jews, but if there are Jews then they are illegitimate Jews who don't know the religion of Judaism, 6) it is all a big conspiracy by the Mossad and CIA and most importantly of all 7) because it is impossible that any military error could be made by the U.S. or Israel. To mistake a ship flying an American Flag, which was shot down three times, is unbelievable, so sorry. I don't believe it was a "mistake." Yes, I blame Israel for the attack on the Liberty. After all, they don't deny they did it. After shooting down three American Flags you still want to call them friends? Innocent? Incompetent? Stupid? Call them whatever makes you feel better, but they are still responsible and they are still to blame. What they did was an act of war. 1)Yes I appose the idea of Zionist Israel who are invaders from European Khazarians who call themselves Jews. 2) What I read is history and news from both sides. It is easy to tell the lies from the truth. 3) Your primary education comes from European Khazarian Zionists. Anyone who calls them self "Jewish" and does not actually practice the religion should not claim that label. Jewish is not a race, it is a religion. Jewish is not a "people" descended from mythical King David either. The "conspiracy" is not the product of the CIA or MOssad. The CIA and Mossad are the products of Zionism. Military errors of that magnitude are very rare. They are "mistakes" MADE ON PURPOSE. People (the public) are stupid if they believe that their military and political leaders are that incompetent. If they are, then they should all be removed from power immediately. |
Lest we forget...
This week is the 45th anniversary of Israel’s air-strikes on the American intelligence ship USS Liberty in international waters off the Sinai Peninsular – a “day of infamy” if ever there was one. The vessel, flying the American flag, was then torpedoed and attacked again by Israeli gunboats. 34 US seamen were killed and 171 wounded. A rescue mission by a US Sixth Fleet carrier was scandalously aborted by the White House, and attempts by Liberty’s survivors afterwards to raise the issue in the media or at any other level were squashed. Have we forgotten how Israel will even knife its best friends in the back? |
Sorry I will take a sworn affidavit as evidence rather than a wiki page. Hmmmm I wonder wich one would stand in court? ![]() Yeah we know you prefer to believe someone's individual opinion and ignore the official reports, transcripts and all the other real evidence cited in the Wikipedia article which indicates that there were many opportunities for confusion and error on both sides. ![]() Perhaps you simply want to use this tragic accident to try to propagandize against support for Israel even though it is obvious to other people that Israel who values the US as their greatest ally and friend would never intentionally damage that relationship by attacking US troops on purpose... ![]() This must be why Israel attacks the US military so often. ![]() A sworn affidavit is a written statement made by a person who is under oath to tell the truth about the facts and information contained in the statement. Additionally, the person signing the affidavit, called the affiant, attests to his or her identity. Usually, the affidavit must be witnessed and signed by a person who is legally authorized to administer oaths, such as a notary public. The notary is generally required to place a notary seal on the statement. When a person signs a sworn affidavit, he or she is promising that anything contained in the statement is accurate and true. Effectively, it is the same thing as orally presenting testimony in court. If a person lies about the information contained in the statement, he or she could be prosecuted for the crime of perjury, which is lying under oath. If convicted, the person may be ordered to pay significant fines or may even be sentenced to time in jail. check and mate ![]() Just because the witness is telling their experience truthfully that does not negate other conflicting experiences, facts and evidence. See the Wiki info and citations again. There was a lot going on that day and there were plenty of opportunities for an error like this to be made. Everyone there witnessed the attack. But the reason behind the mistake is more complex and likely beyond any single individual's observations. You just grasp at straws to try to prove that Israel is "bad" when a multitude of evidence suggests that they fired on their friends by accident. ![]() It seems to be only a desperate attempt to find Israel lacking in some way as our ally despite their apology, the acceptance of the apology by the US and most of all their longstanding close relationship with us on the friendliest of terms. ![]() To Israel and the United States and their enduring friendship and cooperation! ![]() As mentioned earlier, all the US aid to Israel is spent on US goods and services and it amounts to only a few percent of our Intl Affairs budget. So it is good for American jobs and our relationship with our friends. Israel cooperates with us in every way - militarily of course but also in intelligence, support of freedom and democracy, academic cooperation on research and scholarship, economic cooperation across a wide array of industries and technologies and diplomatically particularly against terrorism. For all the complexity of the alliance, the American position might have been summed up most succinctly by Lyndon Johnson. When Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin asked him why the United States supports Israel when there are 80 million Arabs and only 3 million Jews, the President replied simply, "Because it is right." ![]() A betrayel as huge as this is done by enemies not friends....... Personaly I think its only one case that was exposed like any crime a few are commited untill you are actualy caught. As far as job creation goes thats absurd this country would be far better off if we used the 8. 2 million we give Israel every day to hire teachers or open libraries. The 8.2 million a day I got from Imagine if we gave every town in america 8.2 million one time a year in alphabetical order of course..... good schools and good libraries for sure. |
The CIA and Mossad are the products of Zionism. I knew it! ![]() |
The CIA and Mossad are the products of Zionism. I knew it! Did you check out the Video Slo? |
Edited by
Sat 06/09/12 11:20 AM
Yeah. See the Wikipedia article on the USS Liberty to put it into context. The Israeli military called the attack a "tragic mistake" and then-President Lyndon Johnson agreed it was nothing more. And President Johnson was not exactly an ardent supporter of Israel but he knew what was right. If you read more about it rather than relying on anti-Israel propaganda alone you will see that there were missed orders, confusion about where the Liberty was from their own command and similar issues on the Israeli side. It is obvious to anyone that Israel never had any interest in sinking a US vessel and killing its crew. It's hogwash. Although the pain and suffering is real enough. Like any friendly fire accident it is devastating. But we have moved on. |
Yeah. See the Wikipedia article on the USS Liberty to put it into context. The Israeli military called the attack a "tragic mistake" and then-President Lyndon Johnson agreed it was nothing more. And President Johnson was not exactly an ardent supporter of Israel but he knew what was right. If you read more about it rather than relying on anti-Israel propaganda alone you will see that there were missed orders, confusion about where the Liberty was from their own command and similar issues on the Israeli side. It is obvious to anyone that Israel never had any interest in sinking a US vessel and killing its crew. It's hogwash. Although the pain and suffering is real enough. Like any friendly fire accident it is devastating. But we have moved on. Lets cut the bull shite slo.... Friendly Fire..OMG You did not view that video.... Johnson said more than that if you view the video. Why would any American defend the Murder of Men who put themselves in the firing line to defend people like you. If the liberty was sunk and all its crew with it the Israelis would never have been found out. McNamara recalled rescue Aircraft ..why? Why no marking on Israeli Planes? What were they hiding? So many questions and a few people defending cold bloody murder. |
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Sat 06/09/12 11:40 AM
It's obvious!!
The Israelis clearly had a burning desire to kill as many of their closest allies and friends that they could!! This was calculated to force the US to always support and defend Israel. There is no possibility that it could have been a tragic accident. Anybody can see how it is to the Israeli's advantage to kill American sailors. That's why there have been so many follow-up attacks by Israel on US troops!! ![]() Unless you believe that Wikipedia crap. |
It's obvious!! The Israelis clearly had a burning desire to kill as many of their closest allies and friends that they could!! This was calculated to force the US to always support and defend Israel. There is no possibility that it could have been a tragic accident. Anybody can see how it is to the Israeli's advantage to kill American sailors. That's why there have been so many follow-up attacks by Israel on US troops!! ![]() Unless you believe that Wikipedia crap. A proud American using ROTFL emoticons on a serious thread like this. Unbiased???????????????????????????????????????????????? I rest my case with you as you seem to be very sure of Wikileaks. I will continue not to flog a dead horse as you described it, but continue to try and get answers just like the men of the USS Liberty and those whose lives were shattered. No Emoticons included |
Edited by
Sat 06/09/12 11:57 AM
It's obvious!! The Israelis clearly had a burning desire to kill as many of their closest allies and friends that they could!! This was calculated to force the US to always support and defend Israel. There is no possibility that it could have been a tragic accident. Anybody can see how it is to the Israeli's advantage to kill American sailors. That's why there have been so many follow-up attacks by Israel on US troops!! ![]() Unless you believe that Wikipedia crap. A proud American using ROTFL emoticons on a serious thread like this. Unbiased???????????????????????????????????????????????? I rest my case with you as you seem to be very sure of Wikileaks. I will continue not to flog a dead horse as you described it, but continue to try and get answers just like the men of the USS Liberty and those whose lives were shattered. No Emoticons included The USS Liberty incident was a real tragedy. Israel has apologized profusely immediately after and the US has accepted the apology. No one regrets the incident more than the Israeli's I am sure. Attempting to suggest that it was somehow in Israel's interest to kill Americans and that they did so intentionally is laughable. As a proud American I defend the honor of those who suffered from this tragic friendly fire incident. Their memory will not be tainted with anti-Israel propaganda. |
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Sat 06/09/12 12:12 PM
IT MAY HAPPEN AGAIN By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor In 1967, an American ship was attacked in daylight in the Eastern Mediterranean. It flew a huge flag, was easily identified but was subjected to bombings, strafings, torpedo attacks and the survivors were machine gunned in the water. There is no question about what happened, none whatsoever. Because this was done by Israel, there was a preliminary attempt to cover it up but the facts are there and no sane person can deny them. Israeli pilots admit taking part, including officers describe the attack in great detail and there nobody can say it was a mistake. We may be late, maybe very late, perhaps even too late, but the lessons we learned from how Israel has dealt with those who deny the holocaust must be applied for exactly the same reasons. I, Ward Boston, Jr. do declare that the following statement is true and complete: For more than 30 years, I have remained silent on the topic of USS Liberty. I am a military man and when orders come in from the Secretary of Defense and President of the United States, I follow them.However, recent attempts to rewrite history compel me to share the truth. In June of 1967, while serving as a Captain in the Judge Advocate General Corps, Department of the Navy, I was assigned as senior legal counsel for the Navy’s Court of Inquiry into the brutal attack on USS Liberty, which had occurred on June 8th. The late Admiral Isaac C. Kidd, president of the Court, and I were given only one week to gather evidence for the Navy’s official investigation into the attack, despite the fact that we both had estimated that a proper Court of Inquiry into an attack of this magnitude would take at least six months to conduct. Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., then Commander-in-chief, Naval Forces Europe (CINCUSNAVEUR), at his headquarters in London, had charged Admiral Kidd (in a letter dated June 10, 1967) to “inquire into all the pertinent facts and circumstances leading to and connected with the armed attack; damage resulting therefrom; and deaths of and injuries to Naval personnel.” Despite the short amount of time we were given, we gathered a vast amount of evidence, including hours of heartbreaking testimony from the young survivors. The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew. Each evening, after hearing testimony all day, we often spoke our private thoughts concerning what we had seen and heard. I recall Admiral Kidd repeatedly referring to the Israeli forces responsible for the attack as “murderous bastards.” It was our shared belief, based on the documentary evidence and testimony we received first hand, that the Israeli attack was planned and deliberate, and could not possibly have been an accident. I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their superiors, who had ordered the attack, were well aware that the ship was American. I saw the flag, which had visibly identified the ship as American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that made it clear that the Israelis intended there be no survivors. 10. Not only did the Israelis attack the ship with napalm, gunfire, and missiles, Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned three lifeboats that had been launched in an attempt by the crew to save the most seriously wounded — a war crime. YouTube - Veterans Today - USS LIBERTY If attacks like this are covered up, it will only lead to more attacks on Americans, more lives lost, perhaps even in the thousands next time. Thus I am requesting that a law be drafted to make it a crime for anyone to deny that the attack on the USS Liberty occurred exactly as described by the survivors: IN JUNE 1967 jet aircraft and motor torpedo boats of the Defense Forces of the State of Israel brutally assaulted the American naval intelligence-gathering ship, USS Liberty, while in international waters off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The attack was preceded by more than six hours of intense lowlevel surveillance by Israeli photo reconnaissance aircraft, which buzzed the ship as low as 200 feet directly overhead. The carefully orchestrated assault that followed was initiated by high performance jet aircraft. This was followed by slower and more maneuverable jets carrying napalm, and was finally turned over to lethal torpedo boats, which blasted a forty-foot hole in the ship’s side. The attack lasted more than two hours, deliberately killing 34 Americans and wounding at least 171 others. Over 821 rocket, cannon and machine gun holes were inflicted. When the Liberty stubbornly remained afloat despite her damage, Israeli forces machine-gunned her life rafts, firefighters, stretcher bearers, and sent troops carrying helicopters to finish the job, no survivors were to be taken. Statements of any other kind should be a criminal act, not only in the United States but any and all decent nations of earth. As with the other “holocaust,” any lawyer representing a violator should be arrested and imprisoned for disputing facts that are undeniable. Israel is right. If a country is allowed to massacre Amercian citizens and get away with it, it will do it again. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. There is a long history to the coverup of the USS Liberty incident. There are no current disagreements on the facts. This is what Captain Ward Boston, USN/JAGC had to say: |