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Topic: Las Vegas
Down2earthdebbie's photo
Sun 05/20/12 01:32 AM

I love vegas too but 3 days is plenty... a whole week is too long to be there.

I agree :)
yes, but she has time share. :)

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 05/20/12 01:40 AM

Will you see some shows?

Oh I'm sure we will! I'm just saving up
for it lol ive never been there. (*_*)

You will love it.
The best bargain meals are usually the
casino restaurant Buffets..killer..usually
cheap enough to lure you in.
Fremont Street..all I'm saying.
great you have had quite a Life!
I only eat 1 meal a day......I always have a half a bagel with peanut butter & my coffee then I snack on fruit of protein bars ..... then I have a early dinner, except when I'm in school all day then I tend to eat later ....which btw I got 3 A's last week!!!! Yaaaaaaaaa

Congrats on the A's!!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Sun 05/20/12 07:58 AM

Will you see some shows?

Oh I'm sure we will! I'm just saving up
for it lol ive never been there. (*_*)

You will love it.
The best bargain meals are usually the
casino restaurant Buffets..killer..usually
cheap enough to lure you in.
Fremont Street..all I'm saying.
great you have had quite a Life!
I only eat 1 meal a day......I always have a half a bagel with peanut butter & my coffee then I snack on fruit of protein bars ..... then I have a early dinner, except when I'm in school all day then I tend to eat later ....which btw I got 3 A's last week!!!! Yaaaaaaaaa

Congrats on the A's!!
ooooh yes & I got one more too lol! (Thank You)

mssilverfox's photo
Sun 05/20/12 08:05 AM

You'll have a great time Debbie... Be sure to go downtown(old vegas) to see the overhead lazer show, it's amazing!! I haven't been there since 2001 so I probably wouldn't know the place now.. It changes all the time.. Hotels down and new ones up in very little time.. lol
Make sure you take comfortable walking shoes!!
Misssilverfox..... ill be in heels lol hahaha I'm not sure what were doing, but I am a Hiker & when not working out usually in heels ..... yes evev with a brand new knee! My knee will be a year old on May 29th lol

Wow Debbie, you're brave.. I wore heels the very first time there and ended up with blisters all over my feet...lol

My new knee is now 1 1/2 yrs old and doing well..

TammyA's photo
Sun 05/20/12 08:09 AM
My only experience in Vegas; an ex-boyfriend said "Oh I'm so excited to show Las Vegas to you." This was in early November, and all we did was go to the Christmas sales at the Expos, and to the Rodeo. After the experience, I thought "Really???, is that what it's all about?" Nothing like I expected. I do plan on going back sometime to REALLY experience Vegas. I work with a guy who use to live in Vegas and he said, Freemont Street is the happening place.

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Sun 05/20/12 12:03 PM

My only experience in Vegas; an ex-boyfriend said "Oh I'm so excited to show Las Vegas to you." This was in early November, and all we did was go to the Christmas sales at the Expos, and to the Rodeo. After the experience, I thought "Really???, is that what it's all about?" Nothing like I expected. I do plan on going back sometime to REALLY experience Vegas. I work with a guy who use to live in Vegas and he said, Freemont Street is the happening place.
oh Gees.... that guy sucked!!! Lol

no photo
Sun 05/20/12 12:11 PM
enjoy my town, your going to love it!

soufiehere's photo
Sun 05/20/12 12:23 PM
You have a year to get her heated up about it :-)

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Sun 05/20/12 01:15 PM

You have a year to get her heated up about it :-)
yes & Aldo to save up for doing fun things!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Sun 05/20/12 01:17 PM

enjoy my town, your going to love it!
Thanks Michael ..I'm sure ill have a blast! I'm a country girl ...I'm thinking about moving to S. Lake Tahoe when I'm finished with school. (*_*)

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