Topic: Finding the right mate
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Sat 07/28/07 01:20 PM
Are grongles something you can find in the quicksand at the Red River? Wait, don't answer that. I'm sure they are not going to help me find the right mate anyway.

Back to Gyyppsii, where was I, oh yeah, you just need to get out more, ever hike the Red River?

MissBehaving's photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:21 PM
12 Hours a day --- laugh

I don't consider it as time wasted or lost - its an investment in me ...finding out more about what's out there, my likes and dislikes.

Being online helps because its a way to communicate with a lot of people in a non-threatening easy capacity. If it gets too close for comfort or whatever, I can simply log out.

All that being said, I still have a life away from the keyboard - meeting people face to face, having a couple of male "friends" , smiling at strangers (men), you never know.



no photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:24 PM
huh Where the heck is the Red River, filossoffer???laugh

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:28 PM
Ha Ha, now that is some creative spelling.

Red River is between Texas and Oklahoma. Last week I went hiking the area where the river crossed into the Texas panhandle.

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:30 PM
Well the last time I was in was the airport at Dallas/Ft, Worth.......was such a huge airport, I havent had to hike since!!!:wink:

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:30 PM
sounds like fun...i bet it was beautiful

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:39 PM
Last time I flew to DFW the airplane couldn't land for 6 hours and we had to land in Austin twice and wait. When we tried to land in DFW the plane was pitching so the wings would have hit the ground first and they had to take back off. There was lightening all around too and sheets of rain.

It was much more intense than my hike up the Red River.

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:52 PM
been to DFW airport several times, use to live in Fort Worth and the ex worked for Midway Express.
it is busy, however O'Hara in chicago is worse!

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Sat 07/28/07 02:53 PM
Yes Joyce, it was beautiful, but after hiking all around it for hours I came back and people told me you had to be careful of the quicksand. I thought that was a good time to tell me. Now I know why they call it the Red River. I was looking for arrowheads at first, but red sand and interesting rocks were everywhere.

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 07/28/07 02:54 PM
wow- how cool!!!!

no photo
Sat 07/28/07 03:13 PM
There weren't any single women to share creative suggestions with though so the quicksand may still be the winner.

no photo
Sun 07/29/07 05:30 PM
Or the other possibility is come hang out in a a nice forum like this and keep dropping hints. Wait, we're back to that 12 hours a day approach aren't we?


jenndis2002's photo
Sun 07/29/07 06:40 PM
Philospoher, I felt the same way and then when I finally came to the conclusion that I was really fine on my own and stopped looking my serendipity came.... The coincedences, in the same place at the sametime and the the I thought I may have met you before... It can happen I never thought it could and it can... So please do not give up hope.. If it can happen for me it can happen for you to... Just have hope!!!And believe it can happen to you and it will...

oldsage's photo
Sun 07/29/07 06:49 PM
serendipity?, isn't that a 70's folk group?

no photo
Mon 07/30/07 02:02 PM
Hi Jen, your serendipity could have happened a little sooner if you came up to Houston a little more often.

Yeah Serendipity is a cross between saran wrap sex and skinny dipping. I just can't get any girls to wear saran wrap swimsuits and go swimming with me.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 07/30/07 08:02 PM
I'm not going to spend
all my free time looking
for a mate.

I've got my life to live,
and it's too short to
waste it on the wrong

If it happens, good.

If it doesn't, I guess
that's just how the cookie
crumbles. brokenheart

rxBandit311's photo
Mon 07/30/07 08:14 PM
cannot find ANYONE especially from around me, what is wrong with me haha

no photo
Tue 07/31/07 07:59 AM
Current plan for finding the right mate. Baited trap, like deer hunting when you have the automatic corn feeder. After a while the deer come there every evening looking for corn. Can't figure out what women want that will work for bait though. Chick flicks like when Harry met Sally and romance novels come to mind. I'll have to work on packaging though.

Robert1680's photo
Tue 07/31/07 08:42 AM
I am enjoying the ride while waiting for "ms. right" there is some heart aches but mostly valuable lessons to learn along the way.However it wouldn't be fun without being a challenge to make it all worthwhile.I mean that way it makes it more meaningful dontcha think?

andalearriba's photo
Tue 07/31/07 08:51 AM
I've found mine. And I got him when not only was I least expecting it, but I really wasn't even wanting it at the moment. I was introduced to my sweetie from a girl at work. When I first met him I wasn't interested in him at all. But he pursued me. And I decided to give him a chance. Well, here we are. We're living together and planning on buying a house this winter. We want to get married when he finishes school in two years.