Topic: how about radiation class students? | |
give me a so called truth and ill tell you what the facts are. example= the Astrosnots couldent have went to the moon because the radiation would have killed them. so there.
well not really. the Van allen belts are of varying intensity, but all very low according to NASA and also the engineers on the explorer series of satellites, which were used to measure such things. At the average level of radiation, the astros would have been exposed to 1-2 Rem of prompt ionizing radiation. There have been cases where a dose of 60 Rems has caused nausea, and thats all. There are two main types of exposure, chronic, which is a dose over a long time, and prompt, which is a dose over a short time, ie hours. the astros would have been in the danger zone only for an hour or so each way. microscopic amount, not life threatening. If you eat enough salt, it will kill you. |
thats interesting... were you trying to make a point tho?
what about the zodiac ?
the point is that Americans just havent been educated on the truth about radiation,exposure, protection methods ect.
ok class what are the three ways to reduce radiation exposure? |
Really roentgen me out man.
I was just looking for the restroom...
Can there be a discovery channel special about this? It confused me in just plain text lol
the three ways of protection against ionizing radiation are:
1: time. the less time you spend in the radiation field the less exposure 2: distance. radiation intensity decreases very rapidly as you increase your distance from the source. 3: shielding. depending on the type of radiation, placing heavy dense objects between you and the source reduces or eliminates exposure. Alpha particles are completly stopped by a piece of paper or the outer layer of skin, Beta particles travel a little farther byt can be stopped by a few millimeters of anything, such as glass, and Gamma requires about 3-5 feet of concrete to be totally stopped, however any shielding decreases exposure. |
fine ill tell then.
600 rems Is considered a lethal dose as 50 precent of the people exposed will fold. .025 mrm is my reading here for background radiation levels. That level is about 1/2 the national average for this country. a mrm, or millirem is 1/1000 of a rem so you can see how minute that amount is. TODAYS QUESTION: WHATS RADIATION HORMESIS? |
Ok, and the fact that you know this does that pertain to getting a date on this site????
it doesent in any way whatsoever at all even a little bit. so?
do go on I for one find this facinating
hey a fan.
ok radiation hormeses is the throry that very small doses of radiation may actually be helpful or beneficial, and theres a lot of data to back it up: shipyard workers who build nuclear powered ships and nuclear power plant workers have a LOWER incidence of cancer than the General population people who llive in high elevations and other places where the background radiation is higher than average have a LOWER incidence of cancer ect. ect. ect. this seems to turns on its head the older theory that ANY dose is harmful. |
Q- how much radiation in an xray?
A- I dont have a clue anyone know? i did test an Xray machine in my chyropractors office and we got about 50 mrm out of it. there was no leakage anywhere except the shutter that they point and shoot with. i could pick up the radiation from the machine in the lobby when he triggered it. ..... |
yes it does go on
im on the fence with this radiation hormesis issue..... the data seem to indicate that it is true however. Theres lots on the net about it, and also a lot of frauds trying to sell you info about it. ill save you some money and tell you what I have found out. the survivors of nagasaki and hiroshima who were far enough away to recive a small dose have lived longer and have less cancer ect than the general population. reactor workers in ship yards, ditto people who fly a lot and are therefore subject to more bachground radiation, ditto mice in tests... ditto the list goes on and on and on until i got sick of reading the results of the variuous studies. the NRC AND the EPA have not changed thier linear exposure information which states that any dose is harmful. there are a lot of confrences in scientific circles for presenting information on this subject right now. |
ill continue to educate if there is anyone out there who cares.... lol
Ok, I actually did find this interesting, but Ram, you're scaring me, you have an inside line to something???? Are we going to have to teach the kids to duck and hide under their desks again?
very interesting though, thanks. |