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Topic: Ways to keep relationship working
nhej's photo
Thu 04/19/12 01:25 AM
1. love each other
2. dont lie
3. keep communication open
4. stay sweet
5. when you got hurt, just forgive and forget
6. never talk about break up
7. never say "it's ok" even if it is not
8. forget about pride
9. if you say sorry, mean it
10. dont compare your past to your present
11. dont talk about ur EX
12. give and take process
13. beware of his/her feeling
14. when you have a fight, dont let the day pass without being fine
15. dont be the perfect one. but be the right one.

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/19/12 01:43 AM
whatever you were doing when you attracted them,,,keep doing it,,,,

Mesop's photo
Thu 04/19/12 02:45 AM
Avoid argument

oldhippie1952's photo
Thu 04/19/12 02:51 AM
Don't be the right one all the time, let her/him be right too!

Tulareman's photo
Thu 04/19/12 02:58 AM
You must beable to trust

lotusflowerbomb's photo
Thu 04/19/12 03:15 AM
What do you do when a man is addicted to video games and iPods and apps and ********. Always occupyimy his time with usless things and has friend that biy him this **** and enables.him? What do you do when no matter how many times you tell the giy want more time he just bassically blows you off? My God it so difficult.... What should I do? At times he seems like he wanta to be with me most times it seems lime he doesnt want to be bothered with me at all. We barley talk and hangout but we live together.

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 04/19/12 03:37 AM
Make sure everyone in the relationship is working. Freeloaders are the unknown variables to an equation.

joy4gud's photo
Thu 04/19/12 04:00 AM
always give a listening ear.happy

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 04/19/12 04:31 AM

What do you do when a man is addicted to video games and iPods and apps and ********. Always occupyimy his time with usless things and has friend that biy him this **** and enables.him? What do you do when no matter how many times you tell the giy want more time he just bassically blows you off? My God it so difficult.... What should I do? At times he seems like he wanta to be with me most times it seems lime he doesnt want to be bothered with me at all. We barley talk and hangout but we live together.

There comes a time when you just have to take an inventory of your life and decide what to keep and what to throw away. Otherwise you can become a hoarder and the stuff just keeps on building up around you. It is called cleaning up the wreckage of the past. Just had to let go of a van I dearly loved but it just kept breaking down and no matter how much money I put into it and tried to fixed it didn't matter because it got to the state of beyond repair. I salvaged the radio and battery. Gave the radio to a dear friend and the battery went towards my newer van. One of the things to include in a good inventory of your life is the asset of you. If he is a liability and you are an asset then maybe your net worth would be increased by letting him go.:smile:

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 05:21 AM

What do you do when a man is addicted to video games and iPods and apps and ********. Always occupyimy his time with usless things and has friend that biy him this **** and enables.him? What do you do when no matter how many times you tell the giy want more time he just bassically blows you off? My God it so difficult.... What should I do? At times he seems like he wanta to be with me most times it seems lime he doesnt want to be bothered with me at all. We barley talk and hangout but we live together.
Don't EVER allow someone to treat you as a convenience. He is putting you in a corner until he sees fit to spend time with you. If you were important to him, he would never make you feel this do what you want, but I would walk in a heart beat!

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 06:22 AM

What do you do when a man is addicted to video games and iPods and apps and ********. Always occupyimy his time with usless things and has friend that biy him this **** and enables.him? What do you do when no matter how many times you tell the giy want more time he just bassically blows you off? My God it so difficult.... What should I do? At times he seems like he wanta to be with me most times it seems lime he doesnt want to be bothered with me at all. We barley talk and hangout but we live together.
Don't EVER allow someone to treat you as a convenience. He is putting you in a corner until he sees fit to spend time with you. If you were important to him, he would never make you feel this do what you want, but I would walk in a heart beat!

I second that!

ashryn's photo
Thu 04/19/12 03:48 PM
never go to bed angry at each other :)

Totage's photo
Thu 04/19/12 03:53 PM

What do you do when a man is addicted to video games and iPods and apps and ********. Always occupyimy his time with usless things and has friend that biy him this **** and enables.him? What do you do when no matter how many times you tell the giy want more time he just bassically blows you off? My God it so difficult.... What should I do? At times he seems like he wanta to be with me most times it seems lime he doesnt want to be bothered with me at all. We barley talk and hangout but we live together.

That's not a man, that's boy, and you dump his sorry a** and find a man worthy of your love and attention.

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 03:57 PM
Talk, talk, and maybe even talk :)

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 04:02 PM

What do you do when a man is addicted to video games and iPods and apps and ********. Always occupyimy his time with usless things and has friend that biy him this **** and enables.him?

Surgically remove it. ohwell

For me i don't mind men who play video games. Just don't ignore me in favour for one. lol

mthom086's photo
Thu 04/19/12 08:27 PM
the best way?

be yourself; be real; be loving, sensitive, and fun and listen. Communicate and try to read someone's mind.

pyxxie13's photo
Fri 04/20/12 10:29 AM
Be yourself.

Hopefulsoul1's photo
Sun 04/29/12 05:27 PM
Try to understand what the other person is feeling even though it may seem far from reality at the moment by putting yourself in a similar position.Be loyal,set personal relationship goals and stick to them.Love yourself too,enjoy life and happiness will automatically spill over into the relationship and allow it to grow stronger.

no photo
Sun 04/29/12 06:04 PM
Dutch Ovens really pisses off you're mate.....

Just sayin........

sick ill sick


josie68's photo
Sun 04/29/12 06:08 PM

Dutch Ovens really pisses off you're mate.....

Just sayin........

sick ill sick


bummer, well that spoils all the fungrumble

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