Topic: Double dippin, just curious | |
right.. ![]() If it was on the Arts and Crafts thread yes....but DD on a Dating and Relationship thread is misleading to say the least. ![]() |
Once someone demands that I choose between them and another, I'll make the choice of the other...
So, I'd be done with girl. Unless my female friends became a**holes. ![]() |
Double Dippin conjures up some funny images for me ![]() |
If insecure to begin with, why be in or looking for a relationship period?
When my son first got involved with his now ex wife...that was the first thing she did...put a stop to his having friends..or family...she needed all his attention she said..she was screwing around on him the whole time and never stopped. It's a dayum shame how people like her work the affections of others. Wow. I am going through that right now with my son and his wife. She has done permenant damage to my sons and my relationship, I fear. We are no longer speaking and there is no contact with his sister. He has no friends except who she approves of. I cannot see this relationship lasting with all the lies and venom going on. So very sad. It breaks my heart. Yes it's a hard situation to be in. I lived pretty far away at the time this was happening, but I did stop going to see him. I would only visit with him while he was at work and with a few phone calls..She and I fought all the time, all it was doing nothing but hurting my son, so I finally backed off..It took him 8 yrs to find out what she really was and he divorced her. When he finally realized what damage she had done to his son, he couldn't believe he had allowed it to happen. Hopefully your son will realize earlier what is happening and will turn around his way of thinking. Just keep loving him and pray for the best. ![]() Thank you. It does help to know I am not the only one dealing with this. ![]() I always told my kids that if anyone was trying to break them away from their family and friends that it was a real personal danger sign for the relationship and their overall right ot be and individual even as a partner. But when one of my son's married a gal that had huge "Mom" issues there were a lot of times I had to just bite the bullet and weather it out. By refuseing to argue, or critisize, or even listen to him complain about her I eventually wore out any objections she could have and my son handled it. And yea it would have been nice if it had happen sooner but I just kind of chalked it up to letting them learn some of lifes lessons from experience. Later on my son thanked me for not putting him in the middle of chooseing between his wife and Mom and apologized. |
As far as the original post question ; anyone want's to try to dictate to me who my friends are is going to bump themself off my friend or dateable list super fast.
For one thing it is and insult to me to suggest that I am doing something inappropriate. Or that my friends are; so doubley insulting. All that said I am respectful enough of my relationships and certainly a mate not to conduct myself in a way that would suggest that someone is anything but a strictly plutonic freind. I would not find a need to have any kind of "private conversations", have meetings in non-public places, or not telling them where I am or what I am doing. I don't see making a mate questions my loyalty to them or have to put up with that insideous crapola that some people like to inflict on other's about the fidelity of their mate. I was married to a soldier for years and anyone who wanted to bust on him just got laughed off because he could pretty much tell them what I was doing 24/7 as I could him and he had every passwoprd and so forth becasue that was the only way I could remember them and he helped me balance my check book lol. Not that he ever even attempted to tell me how to spend the money or run things .. |
Has any friend or love on her ask you to take someone off your friends list? Would you do just on there word that the person was unfit to be a friend?
What do you all think when a new love one don't want u to be talking to your friends of the opposite sex. Is that because they're insecure or because they are jealous because they're Double dippin or both?? I left this in the Anonoymous thread..I guess this about covers,what I think. ![]() I cant help myself..Its really none of my buisness,but you know everybody has an azzhole..I mean opinion.I think it shows alot of insecurity on your part see that your S/O deactivated and gave up friends..*rolls eyes* and I still see your azz here. Just sayin. If one goes..they both should go...or vice versa.....JMO. Has any friend or love on her ask you to take someone off your friends list? Would you do just on there word that the person was unfit to be a friend? No one has ever ask me that..although I did stay off-line for awile when I first joined,because I was seeing someone.but that was a mutual agreement. I would not remove anyone off my friends list,unless they gave me the *creepies*fyi..most of my friend request sit in the hole for awile..anyway..till I feel good about it.I have been known to remove them as well,if they creep me out ..But I would not take them off because someone tried to pressure me into it. |
Same here.
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