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Topic: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
soufiehere's photo
Sat 03/17/12 12:49 PM
I never miss The Kardashians.
I am sure, well pretty sure, that one day
I will see an eyelash out of place.
I can wait..

Bravalady's photo
Sat 03/17/12 01:22 PM

People are into other people's business because they don't have enough of their own.

In a way this is true, it conforms to my theory. You can't learn social fight moves or physical fight moves when you never fight, but knowing them does increase your chances for survival, and therefore you as a human biological social animal do seek out instances from which you can learn, even if you shall never need to use your newfound knowledge.

Well, actually this is why I started watching Survivor, which is the only TV show I watch at all. I wanted to learn social skills, specifically how to fit in with a group. It has actually worked, at least such that I now know the information. It's harder to put it into practice. But I now know (a) don't separate yourself from the group, even physically and (b) once the group doesn't trust you, you will never ever get it back no matter what they pretend.

By now, of course, I'm hooked on it, as Totage pointed out.

wux's photo
Sat 03/17/12 06:25 PM

People are into other people's business because they don't have enough of their own.

In a way this is true, it conforms to my theory. You can't learn social fight moves or physical fight moves when you never fight, but knowing them does increase your chances for survival, and therefore you as a human biological social animal do seek out instances from which you can learn, even if you shall never need to use your newfound knowledge.

Well, actually this is why I started watching Survivor, which is the only TV show I watch at all. I wanted to learn social skills, specifically how to fit in with a group. It has actually worked, at least such that I now know the information. It's harder to put it into practice. But I now know (a) don't separate yourself from the group, even physically and (b) once the group doesn't trust you, you will never ever get it back no matter what they pretend.

By now, of course, I'm hooked on it, as Totage pointed out.


This is the second time today someone agreed with me. On my opinions.

I got so excited about this that I suggest for you to watch National Geographic Survival shows as well, on how to kill a gazelle by grabbing it with your teeth on the back of its neck, and shaking it violently with your mouth.

You must also learn what three basic and essential survival skills you must employ in case you are caught in the rain in a forest at night, and the total all-out global thermonuclear war starts that very moment.

You must also watch some British spoofs, to know how politics really work in the British Parliamentary system, in case you can't avoid the terrible and dangerous trap of being elected Prime Minister of Britain.

I am only being funny because you strike me as a very normal and with-it person, who was trying to be funny. In case your comment here was sincere and true, then I take back my much-too-funny lines, and I relax, let go, and allow myself to feel better for being agreed with. Twice. In one day.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 03/17/12 07:11 PM
Edited by Bravalady on Sat 03/17/12 07:12 PM
Haha, no, sad to say, Wux, I am completely serious about using Survivor to learn social skills. I have never fit into any group my whole life. The closest was the bug club I joined, and yes I'm being serious again. It was better than Mensa, because Mensans don't really go outdoors apparently.

I know how to survive in almost any place in nature. It's people I can't figure out. Appearing normal is a great achievement for me.

wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 11:19 AM

Haha, no, sad to say, Wux, I am completely serious about using Survivor to learn social skills. I have never fit into any group my whole life. The closest was the bug club I joined, and yes I'm being serious again. It was better than Mensa, because Mensans don't really go outdoors apparently.

I know how to survive in almost any place in nature. It's people I can't figure out. Appearing normal is a great achievement for me.

Okay, so you got that one down.

Now please tell me how you manage to appear pretty and attractive. This is the spot where I am due some heavy tuition.


wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 11:26 AM
Edited by wux on Sun 03/18/12 11:27 AM
To be serious: there is a pedagogical theory that states that people learn people skills from well-written novels, such as "War and Peace", "Gone with the Wind", etc.

I hadn't heard this before, but in grade and high schools I was the ace student in analyzing characters, and during recess I was running back-and-forth to the lunch truck to buy lunch for most kids in the class who directed me. I was such a wuss and push-over, yet the smartest kid.

This, now, in retrospect, has solidified into a theory for me that teachers were really full of it, and shcool, beyond the first semester of grade two, was totally worthless. Other than to furhter on my academic studies, nothing I learned beyond halfway throuhg grade two ever helped me in life.

So don't listen to me if you want to learn about life, because I am just basically winging my way through it. My aim is to get good enough in winging to make it to the Parnassus without the use of Pegasus or its lower form of transportation, Pigasus. You know, if it's not absolutely necessary, then try to rely on nobody but yourself to achieve your goals. (And to achieve those goals of others, which they ask you to achieve for them.)

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