Topic: 35 statistics that prove that things have gotten worse in A | |
Of which not one can be blamed on the sitting president. So I guess we are complaining about past presidents who made this all possible? we? no, i live in the present, not the past...whoevers fault it is, obummer has had plenty of time to straighten something out, and he didn't do it. bush might have dropped the ball, but obama kicked it out of bounds. the numbers dont support that some of the things have been getting better and some have been getting worse,,,there is really no general rating system which can be used to define it in absolute terms,,,, i agree, there is none... but my rating system says he flopped out. lol..touche and mine says its amazing what hes done with what little he had to work with,,,, glad i could be of service |
Of which not one can be blamed on the sitting president. So I guess we are complaining about past presidents who made this all possible? we? no, i live in the present, not the past...whoevers fault it is, obummer has had plenty of time to straighten something out, and he didn't do it. bush might have dropped the ball, but obama kicked it out of bounds. the numbers dont support that some of the things have been getting better and some have been getting worse,,,there is really no general rating system which can be used to define it in absolute terms,,,, i agree, there is none... but my rating system says he flopped out. lol..touche and mine says its amazing what hes done with what little he had to work with,,,, glad i could be of service ![]() ![]() ![]() |
things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012 i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,, No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself. I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility. I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream. your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,, I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you. no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,, i would argue that... if you cannot see the country is worse now than it was 4 years ago, then your eyes are the job market better or worse? is the oil prices cheaper than 4 years ago? has the exports gotten bigger? has the housing crisis gotten better? are people opening new business and beefing up the economy? show me something that has been done in the last 4 years that helped ... and don't say obamacare, because that is going to break the country, but you don't see that either. well, lets pick some details then from approximately 2007-2010 we were in a RECESSION, "a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real gross domestic product (GDP), real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales".[1][nb 1] WHICH MEANS,, four years ago , in march 2008 we were already in a decline,,,during a time where BUSH administration would have input into the us budget and policies (his last budget ended october 2009) so, the decline from 2008 until 2010 would be fairly indisputable and mostly have nothing to do with the current administration then, if we compare apples to apples and take the numbers from late 2009 (when this administration would have budget and polic authority) we would find the following gdp 3.5 % growth thrid quarter 2009, 2% growth third quarter 2010,2.5% growth in third quarter 2011 COMPARE WITH .3% decrease in third quarter of 2008 ANALYSIS: GDP improving real income real median income in 2009 was 51,050 and in 2010 was 50,046 COMPARE WITH 52,687 in 2008 and 53,356 in 2009 ANALYSIS: Real income declining employment 10/09 10.2% unemployment, 10/10 9.6% unemployment 10/11 9.0 unemployment COMPARE WITH: 6.5 percent unemployment in 2008 ANALYSIS: after a 3.7 percent increase during BUsh final budget the rate began to decrease for OBamas first two budgets at a fairly stead .6 percent annually ANALYSIS: Employment rates getting better industrial production according to industrial production declined steadily from 2007-2009 and has been steadily increasing since ANALYSIS: Industrial production increasing SO, in comparing these four details (gdp, income, employment, production) three of the four factors have actually IMPROVED ,,,,a long way to go to further prove how a position can be supported by numbers depending upon how well we choose the factors and numbers to compare,,, Ok you can't say the budget causes unemployment. You are saying everything pre 2010 was Bush's fault. I am a prime example of who presidental policies directly relate to lay offs. AT my facility alone in 2009 within 6 months of him taking office 1000 layoffs. Can't blame that on Bush or any budget. He could change what he wanted once he took office in 09 |
things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012 i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,, No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself. I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility. I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream. your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,, I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you. no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,, i would argue that... if you cannot see the country is worse now than it was 4 years ago, then your eyes are the job market better or worse? is the oil prices cheaper than 4 years ago? has the exports gotten bigger? has the housing crisis gotten better? are people opening new business and beefing up the economy? show me something that has been done in the last 4 years that helped ... and don't say obamacare, because that is going to break the country, but you don't see that either. well, lets pick some details then from approximately 2007-2010 we were in a RECESSION, "a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real gross domestic product (GDP), real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales".[1][nb 1] WHICH MEANS,, four years ago , in march 2008 we were already in a decline,,,during a time where BUSH administration would have input into the us budget and policies (his last budget ended october 2009) so, the decline from 2008 until 2010 would be fairly indisputable and mostly have nothing to do with the current administration then, if we compare apples to apples and take the numbers from late 2009 (when this administration would have budget and polic authority) we would find the following gdp 3.5 % growth thrid quarter 2009, 2% growth third quarter 2010,2.5% growth in third quarter 2011 COMPARE WITH .3% decrease in third quarter of 2008 ANALYSIS: GDP improving real income real median income in 2009 was 51,050 and in 2010 was 50,046 COMPARE WITH 52,687 in 2008 and 53,356 in 2009 ANALYSIS: Real income declining employment 10/09 10.2% unemployment, 10/10 9.6% unemployment 10/11 9.0 unemployment COMPARE WITH: 6.5 percent unemployment in 2008 ANALYSIS: after a 3.7 percent increase during BUsh final budget the rate began to decrease for OBamas first two budgets at a fairly stead .6 percent annually ANALYSIS: Employment rates getting better industrial production according to industrial production declined steadily from 2007-2009 and has been steadily increasing since ANALYSIS: Industrial production increasing SO, in comparing these four details (gdp, income, employment, production) three of the four factors have actually IMPROVED ,,,,a long way to go to further prove how a position can be supported by numbers depending upon how well we choose the factors and numbers to compare,,, Ok you can't say the budget causes unemployment. You are saying everything pre 2010 was Bush's fault. I am a prime example of who presidental policies directly relate to lay offs. AT my facility alone in 2009 within 6 months of him taking office 1000 layoffs. Can't blame that on Bush or any budget. He could change what he wanted once he took office in 09 Im not saying fault, that was the point Im actually debating as intellectually ingenuous, especially when several of the things that are claimed to have gotten worse have, in fact, not gotten worse at all,, no, Im saying that one measure of good and bad is a recession or a depression,, and I used the factors commonly compared to define those situations BUsh didnt leave office until 2009, and many of the side effects of the budget he would have entered would affect the economy and therefore jobs as well So I start at the end of the 2009 budget because I Have no other specific date to use in 2009 to measure what would have truly signaled the passing from Bush policies to Obama policies,,and thats not even considering congress who is really in charge but,,,that was the tone of the post I was referring to, placing OBama to blame for some factors which were not supposedly 'as good' as four years ago he hasnt been president four years , so I thought starting at that point was inconsistent,,,,so I started in 2009 |
There are a lot of facts the media and government leave out like people who drop off of unemployment. They don't count CURRENT welfare recipients. They do not take into account that the flow of money in one sector of our economy, ESPECIALLY THE SECTOR OF SPECULATION does NOT mean anything about a healthy economy. The numbers as people see them are subject to a lot of speculation. There is what I see vs. what I hear. I hear a lot of pontification coming from Obama but see no real change or any real effort to really do anything towards the effort of cleaning up this mess. All the cheerful news is nothing but propaganda to keep us from seeing the real issues here, Obama and congress have an organized behind the scenes scheme going on. We are being sold out by everyone in our leadership. People like Obama are just part of the problem. Voters are the other part. Frankly people on Welfare should not be allowed to vote! They only vote for more hand outs. The more of them we get the more the problem grows. America offers WAY too much help and it is sapping the life blood out of the work force that made and makes this country great. Too many parasites consume us from within and without. When the DNC can present a decent candidate that makes sense I will vote for them but until then they are nothing but Chicago Style cronies in need of a good *** whipping.
I cannot see America prospering under Obama for 4 more years. If anything he will kill our economy and dance out of the White House laughing at us at the end of that term! |
is the vote something people must pay for now?
why should income change the right to vote? |
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() |
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() No not really......isn't that what they did with the electorial college? |
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() in a word, no taxes are based upon income, income is no indicator of worth as a citizen and should be used to rank citizens in such a way |
If we are going to have voting equality lets have tax equality. Why should one pay higher percentages because they make more? Like you said we shouldn't be ranked by income.
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() |
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() Apparently noone can realistic the banana is signifying a joke. Anyway people pretty much vote what's best for me am not the country. The government just does so many things poorly yet people want to give them more and more responsibility. |
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() Apparently noone can realistic the banana is signifying a joke. Anyway people pretty much vote what's best for me am not the country. The government just does so many things poorly yet people want to give them more and more responsibility. The only thing this country does poorly is pick the wars they choose to fight. |
Really? So is this "HOPE and CHANGE"
Top 15 Reasons to vote democrat List That Explains Most Everything The 15 top reasons why we all should vote for Obama and the Democrats and any good Democrat can think of more reasons to vote for Democrats! 1. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't. 2. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. 3. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it or it applies to radical Democrats only! 4. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect myself from murderers and thieves. 5. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. 6. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive. 7. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits paid by American taxpayers. 8. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit. 9. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters. 10. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher. 11. I voted Democrat because while we live in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world, I was promised 'HOPE AND CHANGE'. 12. I vote Democrat because I think unions should be allowed to extort money from everyone to buy Democrat Politicians! 13. I vote Democrat because I believe the federal government can do a much better jobs deciding what medicine and medical treatment I need then me or my Doctor. 14. I vote Democrat because I believe the Invading horde of illegal Aliens, Welfare leeches, Criminals and the Lazy deserve my money more than I do. 15. I vote Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my backside, it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view. |
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() Apparently noone can realistic the banana is signifying a joke. Anyway people pretty much vote what's best for me am not the country. The government just does so many things poorly yet people want to give them more and more responsibility. The only thing this country does poorly is pick the wars they choose to fight. They do a lot more than that poorly hence our debt crisis, illegal immigration problems, lowered credit score, poor disaster relief, wasteful spending, the list goes on and on. |
those jokes are around about both parties, although I dont personally believe any candidate falls squarely and completely in a political box when it comes to what they do or dont support
here is the joke for republicans TOP 12 REASONS TO VOTE REPUBLICAN 1. I don't want my hard-earned tax dollars spent on those in need, like seniors, the homeless, or people without health care. Not when we have wars to fight and people to convert. Those tanks and body bags are expensive, you know. 2. I think we should give up our freedom of speech by passing laws like "The Patriot Act." Every real American should be willing to have their phones tapped as part of their patriotic duty to their "Fatherland." 3. I believe we should stay in Iraq until every last Muslim accepts our democratic (Christian) way of life, even if it takes 100 years. You tell them, Mr. McCain! 4. I believe our bottom-line profits are more important then a few meaningless creatures. If they were important to God, He would have given them guns like us. They don't serve any real purpose anyway! 5. I agree that we should drill for oil offshore and in Alaska. If the fish and wildlife don't like it, we can move them to reservations. 6. Our government has a right to pass anti-abortion laws. Women should understand that the Republicans know what is best for their bodies. It's not like we need to limit our population. But if we did, the Republicans have a great plan. It's called war! So ladies, do your duty and have your babies. We will need them for our future wars. 7. I believe no death row inmate has a right to appeal. (Where is that in our constitution anyway?) If it's good enough for Mr. Bush and Texas, then it's good enough for me! 8. No business should be forced to give any benefits to its workers no matter how much it makes off them. (Let them eat cake!) 9. The Republicans are the only ones that should be allowed to interpret our Constitution because, after all, Lincoln was a Republican. 10. I believe every "American" should own a few guns because if Iraq ever invades us, our nuclear missiles may not be enough to stop them. 11. The Republicans will stop those gay people from making our children gay. 12. And finally, I am voting Republican in November because in the past month gas dropped to under $4 per gallon. Vote Republican in November. Keep the status quo. P.S. God help us all. I mean, God bless America! |
Awesome, I was hoping someone would post this, Thanks msharmony. I like your opening statement!
I do think both parties "larger" issues for the other, are among these lists, though exaggerated. |
Awesome, I was hoping someone would post this, Thanks msharmony. I like your opening statement! I do think both parties "larger" issues for the other, are among these lists, though exaggerated. ![]() |
Really? So is this "HOPE and CHANGE" Top 15 Reasons to vote democrat List That Explains Most Everything The 15 top reasons why we all should vote for Obama and the Democrats and any good Democrat can think of more reasons to vote for Democrats! 1. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't. 2. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. 3. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it or it applies to radical Democrats only! 4. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect myself from murderers and thieves. 5. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. 6. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive. 7. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits paid by American taxpayers. 8. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit. 9. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters. 10. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher. 11. I voted Democrat because while we live in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world, I was promised 'HOPE AND CHANGE'. 12. I vote Democrat because I think unions should be allowed to extort money from everyone to buy Democrat Politicians! 13. I vote Democrat because I believe the federal government can do a much better jobs deciding what medicine and medical treatment I need then me or my Doctor. 14. I vote Democrat because I believe the Invading horde of illegal Aliens, Welfare leeches, Criminals and the Lazy deserve my money more than I do. 15. I vote Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my backside, it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
is the vote something people must pay for now? why should income change the right to vote? I have an answer, why not treat voting in government like voting in a corporation. The more you pay in taxes is like the more stocks you own. The more you have invested the more you have to say about what is done. That sounds fair. Shouldn't the person who pays 10,000 in taxes have more a say in how those tax dollars are spent than the person who pays 1000? ![]() Apparently noone can realistic the banana is signifying a joke. Anyway people pretty much vote what's best for me am not the country. The government just does so many things poorly yet people want to give them more and more responsibility. |