Topic: 35 statistics that prove that things have gotten worse in A
Seakolony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 06:22 AM

personaly I think things are improveing was at Red Lobster last night place was packed. My Gf and I even had a conversation along the lines of that when we noticed how many people were out eating at the high end restaraunt.

Granted many people are not doing well but many are. I suspect the riseing gas prices will dampen the recovery being a depression or recession will be the only chance the republicans have to haveing any political relevence.

The oil industry has traditionly been republican dominated and you do not have to be a aluminum foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist to blame the right wing for the riseing gas prices. That and all the chickenhawk war talk over Iran.

The biggest mistake anyone can make is to vote republican and then complain when the economy goes down the tubes after all we did cut taxes to stimulate the economy as prescribed by the neocons and those tax cuts remain largely in effect all we have are reduced services to those in need and a huge defecit.

Lets be intelectualy honest for a change every time we elect republicans to office the rich get richer and the common folks get poorer and it takes a two term democrat to turn it around.

obama isnt perfect but ya know what he is far better than the Mcain/Palin he ran against and he is far better than any of the clowns the republicans are running.

Ummmm, Red Lobster is not a high end Restaurant......It is the McDonald's of Seafood actually!!!

Obama is setting up another depression by instituting a healthcare plan paid for by the government right now sinking this country further into debt for the future.......every added socialistic program sets this country up for a bigger fall with the false economy bubble he is making right now!!!
Ummm its rather expensive I had an eighty dollar bill for two people there are many less expensive options for hungry people. Whats sinking this country into debt are the unfunded wars of choice started by the Bush crime family.

Really, because congress is just as guilty for giving Bush the power to do so. Then following that, the Democrats are just as guilty for keeping it going continuously. They could have withdrawn. Its not the price tag of the foods, but ths flavors and quality of the cuisine. Yes, Red Lobster remains chain food items......I have many an excellent meal coming from a family of chefs. Red Lobster wasn't one of them. PS I have spent way higher than 80.00 for a meal for two. Especially, flambee table side.

Chazster's photo
Sun 03/18/12 09:45 AM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

Chazster's photo
Sun 03/18/12 09:52 AM

personaly I think things are improveing was at Red Lobster last night place was packed. My Gf and I even had a conversation along the lines of that when we noticed how many people were out eating at the high end restaraunt.

Granted many people are not doing well but many are. I suspect the riseing gas prices will dampen the recovery being a depression or recession will be the only chance the republicans have to haveing any political relevence.

The oil industry has traditionly been republican dominated and you do not have to be a aluminum foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist to blame the right wing for the riseing gas prices. That and all the chickenhawk war talk over Iran.

The biggest mistake anyone can make is to vote republican and then complain when the economy goes down the tubes after all we did cut taxes to stimulate the economy as prescribed by the neocons and those tax cuts remain largely in effect all we have are reduced services to those in need and a huge defecit.

Lets be intelectualy honest for a change every time we elect republicans to office the rich get richer and the common folks get poorer and it takes a two term democrat to turn it around.

obama isnt perfect but ya know what he is far better than the Mcain/Palin he ran against and he is far better than any of the clowns the republicans are running.

Ummmm, Red Lobster is not a high end Restaurant......It is the McDonald's of Seafood actually!!!

Obama is setting up another depression by instituting a healthcare plan paid for by the government right now sinking this country further into debt for the future.......every added socialistic program sets this country up for a bigger fall with the false economy bubble he is making right now!!!
Ummm its rather expensive I had an eighty dollar bill for two people there are many less expensive options for hungry people. Whats sinking this country into debt are the unfunded wars of choice started by the Bush crime family.

Paying that much doesn't make it a high end restaurant. You could easily pay that at most steak houses if you got a top cut steak but that doesn't make them high end. Now as far as Chains go I would say Ruth's Chris could be classified as a "higher end" place. There you are looking at about $100 a person and the atmosphere is better. Waiters in tuxes and you should dress up etc. Still its a chain though and I usually don't consider chains to be high end.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:07 AM

personaly I think things are improveing was at Red Lobster last night place was packed. My Gf and I even had a conversation along the lines of that when we noticed how many people were out eating at the high end restaraunt.

Granted many people are not doing well but many are. I suspect the riseing gas prices will dampen the recovery being a depression or recession will be the only chance the republicans have to haveing any political relevence.

The oil industry has traditionly been republican dominated and you do not have to be a aluminum foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist to blame the right wing for the riseing gas prices. That and all the chickenhawk war talk over Iran.

The biggest mistake anyone can make is to vote republican and then complain when the economy goes down the tubes after all we did cut taxes to stimulate the economy as prescribed by the neocons and those tax cuts remain largely in effect all we have are reduced services to those in need and a huge defecit.

Lets be intelectualy honest for a change every time we elect republicans to office the rich get richer and the common folks get poorer and it takes a two term democrat to turn it around.

obama isnt perfect but ya know what he is far better than the Mcain/Palin he ran against and he is far better than any of the clowns the republicans are running.

Ummmm, Red Lobster is not a high end Restaurant......It is the McDonald's of Seafood actually!!!

Obama is setting up another depression by instituting a healthcare plan paid for by the government right now sinking this country further into debt for the future.......every added socialistic program sets this country up for a bigger fall with the false economy bubble he is making right now!!!
Ummm its rather expensive I had an eighty dollar bill for two people there are many less expensive options for hungry people. Whats sinking this country into debt are the unfunded wars of choice started by the Bush crime family.

and the obama crime family isn't helping at all either... lots of crime families in the white house lately... clinton, obama, 2 bushes... when will the crime families stop being presidents? presidents?

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:35 AM
what is a 'crime family?'

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:39 AM

what is a 'crime family?'

presidents, i guess...

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:45 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/18/12 10:46 AM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:49 AM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:51 AM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you.

no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,,

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:58 AM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you.

no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,,

i would argue that... if you cannot see the country is worse now than it was 4 years ago, then your eyes are the job market better or worse? is the oil prices cheaper than 4 years ago?
has the exports gotten bigger? has the housing crisis gotten better?
are people opening new business and beefing up the economy?

show me something that has been done in the last 4 years that helped ... and don't say obamacare, because that is going to break the country, but you don't see that either.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 11:52 AM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you.

no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,,

i would argue that... if you cannot see the country is worse now than it was 4 years ago, then your eyes are the job market better or worse? is the oil prices cheaper than 4 years ago?
has the exports gotten bigger? has the housing crisis gotten better?
are people opening new business and beefing up the economy?

show me something that has been done in the last 4 years that helped ... and don't say obamacare, because that is going to break the country, but you don't see that either.

well, lets pick some details then

from approximately 2007-2010 we were in a RECESSION,

"a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real gross domestic product (GDP), real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales".[1][nb 1]

WHICH MEANS,, four years ago , in march 2008 we were already in a decline,,,during a time where BUSH administration would have input into the us budget and policies (his last budget ended october 2009)

so, the decline from 2008 until 2010 would be fairly indisputable and mostly have nothing to do with the current administration

then, if we compare apples to apples and take the numbers from late 2009 (when this administration would have budget and polic authority)

we would find the following

3.5 % growth thrid quarter 2009, 2% growth third quarter 2010,2.5% growth in third quarter 2011

COMPARE WITH .3% decrease in third quarter of 2008
ANALYSIS: GDP improving

real income

real median income in 2009 was 51,050 and in 2010 was 50,046
COMPARE WITH 52,687 in 2008 and 53,356 in 2009
ANALYSIS: Real income declining

10/09 10.2% unemployment, 10/10 9.6% unemployment 10/11 9.0 unemployment
COMPARE WITH: 6.5 percent unemployment in 2008
ANALYSIS: after a 3.7 percent increase during BUsh final budget
the rate began to decrease for OBamas first two budgets at a fairly stead .6 percent annually

ANALYSIS: Employment rates getting better

industrial production
according to

industrial production declined steadily from 2007-2009 and has been steadily increasing since
ANALYSIS: Industrial production increasing

SO, in comparing these four details (gdp, income, employment, production)

three of the four factors have actually IMPROVED

,,,,a long way to go to further prove how a position can be supported by numbers depending upon how well we choose the factors and numbers to compare,,,

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/18/12 12:07 PM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you.

no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,,

But having read the arguments back and forth all you see is the altruism the Democratic party WANTS you to believe in. The fact here is you do not see the fallacies in the Obama Health Care plan, you do not see where the financial responsibility falls, and you also fail to see the unconstitutional nature of this health care plan. When a plan like this penalizes people for not paying into this "SYSTEM" (Ponzi Scheme actually) especially when they are poor and cannot afford it something is wrong and I am stunned you of all these "Logical" people cannot see this. You are cheer leading for Obama and for all the wrong reasons. Praise performance (which Obama has not done) and not incompetence and selling us out (Which Obama has indeed done with more than one industry).

Obama Care is nothing more than "YOU WILL DO THIS OR WE WILL PUNISH YOU" leadership and that unto itself makes me want to take up arms for fear of government reprisals for not having the means to meet their new and ever changing laws.

You are aware many communities had laws that said things like "If you don't have $10 in your pocket we can arrest you for vagrancy?" When are we going to get past all these stupid laws and get some enforcement instead?

No Msharmony, you are praising incompetence and not doing so with any real rational logic or unfallacious reason. The facts are Obama's performance as president has been the worst since Jimmy Carter who was rated by many historians as the worst president EVER in this nation until now. This nation is worst off than had we been in the 1930s and no relief is in sight until Congress stops being a bunch of screw ups and gets some manufacturig back into this nation and end the trade deficit with China. Till then we live in mediocrity and heading quickly into a collapsed economy. When Obama says things are getting better they are not. When I have money in the bank things are not so bad. But I am slowly being bled dry by work falling off from gas prices and having to pay to fuel my work truck. The price of food to feed myself is killing me too. So what, become a ward of the state and suckle at the teat of government like so many others do? That is the thinking of the Poor Complex! That is why I say FUQUE the POOR! I don't want hand outs, I want fair leadership not stuffing discrimination down my throat in the guise of Affirmative Action. Segregation was supposed to have been done away with, not reversed on Whites and Asians.

Oh but since Obama is a Democrat he can't o any wrong I suppose? And we are still in Afghanistan why? We are not putting Iran in place why? Our elected officials want to drag us into Syria why? We have to give food aid to N Korea Why? We have to listen to everything the UN tells us WHY? The UN tells the USA to jump off of a bridge and we are supposed to? Why do we even have to fix the world? We need to fix our own damn home first and Obama is not doing that forcing us to spend more money.

And Michelle Obama is the Amelia Marcos of America! Bet that bugie beyatch has a closet in the White House FILLED with shoes. And another filled with the dead bodies of the servants that she got pissed off at!

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 12:10 PM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you.

no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,,

But having read the arguments back and forth all you see is the altruism the Democratic party WANTS you to believe in. The fact here is you do not see the fallacies in the Obama Health Care plan, you do not see where the financial responsibility falls, and you also fail to see the unconstitutional nature of this health care plan. When a plan like this penalizes people for not paying into this "SYSTEM" (Ponzi Scheme actually) especially when they are poor and cannot afford it something is wrong and I am stunned you of all these "Logical" people cannot see this. You are cheer leading for Obama and for all the wrong reasons. Praise performance (which Obama has not done) and not incompetence and selling us out (Which Obama has indeed done with more than one industry).

Obama Care is nothing more than "YOU WILL DO THIS OR WE WILL PUNISH YOU" leadership and that unto itself makes me want to take up arms for fear of government reprisals for not having the means to meet their new and ever changing laws.

You are aware many communities had laws that said things like "If you don't have $10 in your pocket we can arrest you for vagrancy?" When are we going to get past all these stupid laws and get some enforcement instead?

No Msharmony, you are praising incompetence and not doing so with any real rational logic or unfallacious reason. The facts are Obama's performance as president has been the worst since Jimmy Carter who was rated by many historians as the worst president EVER in this nation until now. This nation is worst off than had we been in the 1930s and no relief is in sight until Congress stops being a bunch of screw ups and gets some manufacturig back into this nation and end the trade deficit with China. Till then we live in mediocrity and heading quickly into a collapsed economy. When Obama says things are getting better they are not. When I have money in the bank things are not so bad. But I am slowly being bled dry by work falling off from gas prices and having to pay to fuel my work truck. The price of food to feed myself is killing me too. So what, become a ward of the state and suckle at the teat of government like so many others do? That is the thinking of the Poor Complex! That is why I say FUQUE the POOR! I don't want hand outs, I want fair leadership not stuffing discrimination down my throat in the guise of Affirmative Action. Segregation was supposed to have been done away with, not reversed on Whites and Asians.

Oh but since Obama is a Democrat he can't o any wrong I suppose? And we are still in Afghanistan why? We are not putting Iran in place why? Our elected officials want to drag us into Syria why? We have to give food aid to N Korea Why? We have to listen to everything the UN tells us WHY? The UN tells the USA to jump off of a bridge and we are supposed to? Why do we even have to fix the world? We need to fix our own damn home first and Obama is not doing that forcing us to spend more money.

And Michelle Obama is the Amelia Marcos of America! Bet that bugie beyatch has a closet in the White House FILLED with shoes. And another filled with the dead bodies of the servants that she got pissed off at!

its a well written commentary,

Im sure it does little to change my opinions anymore than my commentaries change yours

but . well written, which is nice to see in these threads,,,

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 12:20 PM

things go up and down, it really depends on what range of years people choose to compare

for instance I may have made 60000 in 2000 40000 in 2005 and make 50000 now,,, in 2012

i could compare now to the year 2000 and say its gotten worse, but I could compare it to 2005 and say its gotten better,,,

No the think is he is looking at the country as a whole and you are looking at yourself.

I can speak from personal experience also as to the huge change after the election year. I graduated in 2008 the year of the election. I graduated in the spring and pretty much everyone got a job. Then in 2009 he took office and pretty much all the EEs that graduated the year after me were jobless for over a year. Some were even emailing me asking if my company was hiring. It wasn't since as soon as he took office he canceled our contracts and we lost 1k people at my facility.

I mean I could look at it as if he didn't do that I never would have went abroad and met my gf. I also am making more money at this new job I just got, but I am not doing what I wanted to do. I was at my old job though. I could actually be working as an engineer overseas by now if I was still at my old job as I told them I wanted to go and they were starting some training to facilitate that. So yea that could have been my only chance to fulfill that dream.

your personal experience is one of millions and it is unfortunate, but not everyones is as unfortunate and some are downright better

I wasnt comparing personal experiences, though

I would gather there are some gm employees who are downright thrilled with some of the choices that were made since 'he took office', who would suggest that things being better for them meant things in general were better,.,,,

I was making the point that numbers out of context and 'raw' can be compared to suggest an improvement or a lack of improvement just by picking and choosing which numbers to use

but those raw numbers are not a clear indication of whether something is better or worse in any general sense, they only imply better or worse as it relates to the two things being compared

i think what you are really saying is that your closing your eyes to what is going on around you, and only see what you want to see as it pertains to you.

no, Im saying my eyes are open to logic, and I see MORE than just one side of what others portray about their perspective,,,,

i would argue that... if you cannot see the country is worse now than it was 4 years ago, then your eyes are the job market better or worse? is the oil prices cheaper than 4 years ago?
has the exports gotten bigger? has the housing crisis gotten better?
are people opening new business and beefing up the economy?

show me something that has been done in the last 4 years that helped ... and don't say obamacare, because that is going to break the country, but you don't see that either.

well, lets pick some details then

from approximately 2007-2010 we were in a RECESSION,

"a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real gross domestic product (GDP), real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales".[1][nb 1]

WHICH MEANS,, four years ago , in march 2008 we were already in a decline,,,during a time where BUSH administration would have input into the us budget and policies (his last budget ended october 2009)

so, the decline from 2008 until 2010 would be fairly indisputable and mostly have nothing to do with the current administration

then, if we compare apples to apples and take the numbers from late 2009 (when this administration would have budget and polic authority)

we would find the following

3.5 % growth thrid quarter 2009, 2% growth third quarter 2010,2.5% growth in third quarter 2011

COMPARE WITH .3% decrease in third quarter of 2008
ANALYSIS: GDP improving

real income

real median income in 2009 was 51,050 and in 2010 was 50,046
COMPARE WITH 52,687 in 2008 and 53,356 in 2009
ANALYSIS: Real income declining

10/09 10.2% unemployment, 10/10 9.6% unemployment 10/11 9.0 unemployment
COMPARE WITH: 6.5 percent unemployment in 2008
ANALYSIS: after a 3.7 percent increase during BUsh final budget
the rate began to decrease for OBamas first two budgets at a fairly stead .6 percent annually

ANALYSIS: Employment rates getting better

industrial production
according to

industrial production declined steadily from 2007-2009 and has been steadily increasing since
ANALYSIS: Industrial production increasing

SO, in comparing these four details (gdp, income, employment, production)

three of the four factors have actually IMPROVED

,,,,a long way to go to further prove how a position can be supported by numbers depending upon how well we choose the factors and numbers to compare,,,

the only industrial production that has improved is our output of refined oil, our biggest export. and our biggest import is crude oil. so, it seems to be more smoke and mirror type thing...

Dragoness's photo
Sun 03/18/12 01:28 PM
Of which not one can be blamed on the sitting president.

So I guess we are complaining about past presidents who made this all possible?

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/18/12 03:01 PM

personaly I think things are improveing was at Red Lobster last night place was packed. My Gf and I even had a conversation along the lines of that when we noticed how many people were out eating at the high end restaraunt.

Granted many people are not doing well but many are. I suspect the riseing gas prices will dampen the recovery being a depression or recession will be the only chance the republicans have to haveing any political relevence.

The oil industry has traditionly been republican dominated and you do not have to be a aluminum foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist to blame the right wing for the riseing gas prices. That and all the chickenhawk war talk over Iran.

The biggest mistake anyone can make is to vote republican and then complain when the economy goes down the tubes after all we did cut taxes to stimulate the economy as prescribed by the neocons and those tax cuts remain largely in effect all we have are reduced services to those in need and a huge defecit.

Lets be intelectualy honest for a change every time we elect republicans to office the rich get richer and the common folks get poorer and it takes a two term democrat to turn it around.

obama isnt perfect but ya know what he is far better than the Mcain/Palin he ran against and he is far better than any of the clowns the republicans are running.

Ummmm, Red Lobster is not a high end Restaurant......It is the McDonald's of Seafood actually!!!

Obama is setting up another depression by instituting a healthcare plan paid for by the government right now sinking this country further into debt for the future.......every added socialistic program sets this country up for a bigger fall with the false economy bubble he is making right now!!!
Ummm its rather expensive I had an eighty dollar bill for two people there are many less expensive options for hungry people. Whats sinking this country into debt are the unfunded wars of choice started by the Bush crime family.

Paying that much doesn't make it a high end restaurant. You could easily pay that at most steak houses if you got a top cut steak but that doesn't make them high end. Now as far as Chains go I would say Ruth's Chris could be classified as a "higher end" place. There you are looking at about $100 a person and the atmosphere is better. Waiters in tuxes and you should dress up etc. Still its a chain though and I usually don't consider chains to be high end.
Blah blah the point I was makeing is that it is not a cheap eat as far as the middle class goes but leave it to some folks to claim its no better than Mcdonaldslaugh I dont know anyones class but for me its the solid middle and Red lobster is a treat. My point was it was packed to the gills(no pun intended) I see people out confidently spending money with out to much worry about the economy.

It is of course in the best interests of the republicans that things get bad economicly so they can have any chance at all of being politicly relevent.

Not saying Obama is the second mesiah he is however far better than the clowns the rethuglicans are running.

We need to move beyond the right wing form of politics of scare tacticts and fear mongering and hate speaches.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 04:28 PM

Of which not one can be blamed on the sitting president.

So I guess we are complaining about past presidents who made this all possible?

we? no, i live in the present, not the past...whoevers fault it is, obummer has had plenty of time to straighten something out, and he didn't do it. bush might have dropped the ball, but obama kicked it out of bounds.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 05:15 PM

Of which not one can be blamed on the sitting president.

So I guess we are complaining about past presidents who made this all possible?

we? no, i live in the present, not the past...whoevers fault it is, obummer has had plenty of time to straighten something out, and he didn't do it. bush might have dropped the ball, but obama kicked it out of bounds.

the numbers dont support that

some of the things have been getting better and some have been getting worse,,,there is really no general rating system which can be used to define it in absolute terms,,,,

mightymoe's photo
Sun 03/18/12 05:19 PM

Of which not one can be blamed on the sitting president.

So I guess we are complaining about past presidents who made this all possible?

we? no, i live in the present, not the past...whoevers fault it is, obummer has had plenty of time to straighten something out, and he didn't do it. bush might have dropped the ball, but obama kicked it out of bounds.

the numbers dont support that

some of the things have been getting better and some have been getting worse,,,there is really no general rating system which can be used to define it in absolute terms,,,,

i agree, there is none... but my rating system says he flopped out.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/18/12 05:21 PM

Of which not one can be blamed on the sitting president.

So I guess we are complaining about past presidents who made this all possible?

we? no, i live in the present, not the past...whoevers fault it is, obummer has had plenty of time to straighten something out, and he didn't do it. bush might have dropped the ball, but obama kicked it out of bounds.

the numbers dont support that

some of the things have been getting better and some have been getting worse,,,there is really no general rating system which can be used to define it in absolute terms,,,,

i agree, there is none... but my rating system says he flopped out.


and mine says its amazing what hes done with what little he had to work with,,,,