Topic: THe "Wish Granted" Game | |
granted, but it turns to snow
and ice wish i could get some sleep |
granted...but u sleep for 40 years
i wish men weren't such azzholes |
tried to grant it but the wand broke to much to ask for
wish i had another coffee |
granted...but it is cold wish i had 100 wishes |
but ur wish is my command wish I could swim around to school |
granted........ but now your a fish in a school ....... I wish for a day shift job......
granted...but now you work at Mcdonalds
wish my car woul start |
granted but now you don't have any car insurance
i wish i could be with my true love |
granted but you have to live in a bomb shelter
wish i had a maid |
Granted, but she will eat everything in your fridge! I wish Russell Crowe would notice me... |
granted but then u have short term memory loss and cant remember who he is
wish I was a computer |
wish granted, but you have to reboot every two seconds
I had a memory loss
forgot to post a wish I wish I could go to the Bahamas |
Wish granted... but you have to swim there.
I wish I wasn't allergic to animals. |
Wish granted. You are allergic to plants instead.
I wish I had an extra day this week. |
I'm already allergic to plants!
Wish granted. Next week you are short 2 days. I wish my coffee wasn't cold. |
granted, but your wish throws the enitre clockwork of the universe off balance sending the earth careening off its axis into the sun.
we all die i hope your happy. |
wish granted but the extra day never ends and your work day keeps starting over ...
I wish I were a punk rocker with flowers in my hair ... ( Sandi Thom)... |
wish granted,, but you have to stand in line all day at the dmv
wish i was invisable |
Wish granted, but you lose all vision.
I wish I could play guitar. |