Topic: THe "Wish Granted" Game | |
GRantde one is
i wish i got a new outfit everyweek |
wish granted but its too small
wish I had and answer to all my problems |
granted, they just dont be interested at all
wish everyone got along |
granted......but it's a dream
i wish the summer was longer |
granted, but its over 120 degrees everyday
i wish i didnt have to work so much |
Granted,, Now your bored with nothing to do all day so you have to clean your house and no computer access
I wish I had magical powers |
granted but if you use them you will combust
wish I had and answer to all my problems |
wish granted, but i gave you my problems too
I wish I could do good in school this semester |
granted. but you'll have to live in a dorm the rest of your life.
I wish I had a bigger boat! |
HaHa...i like the dorms better than home.
Wish granted, but it has a leak in it I wish I could change my past to where I excercised more as a kid. |
A leak?? Awww.... Yours is granted. But you'll have eat a bigmac for every mile you run. |
i wish Bay would have made a wish.
granted but you have to forfiet your sex organ
I wish I was everymans dream girl |
granted, but you are every womans dream girl as well
I wish I could carry a tune |
grant you have to carry a sign that says a tune, forever on your back
wish I had wonderful life |
granted, but you live in a snow globe...
I wish I was skinnier |
granted your a skeleton
I wish I had alot of friends |
granted, but they are all on the internet
i wish everyday was spring |
Wish granted, but it rains every day.
I wish I had more time off from work. |