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Topic: Length.. - part 26
no photo
Wed 06/27/12 04:34 PM
chelsea, please, just four hundred billion more chances. i'll change by the time i run out i swear

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Thu 06/28/12 06:57 AM
Who's Chelsea?

no photo
Thu 06/28/12 08:40 AM
chelsea is a canadian cupcake who was supposed to come to texas. she was going to learn how to butcher animals for bbq. she used to slaughter ducks in canada and grind them so she could add them to her cupcake batter. i haven't seen her on here in a bit. i hope she didn't have a mishap at one of her aquafit classes

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Thu 06/28/12 11:29 AM
I see, I see....

no photo
Thu 06/28/12 03:34 PM

kc0003's photo
Fri 06/29/12 03:41 PM

well bster, here we are on another exciting part of length. how does it feel

still no B.?



hey, it was just a question....
'maybe i'll organize a search party'

no photo
Fri 06/29/12 07:24 PM
maybe she found a bearded hippy that drives a volkswagon bus and lives in a cabin scared

kc0003's photo
Fri 06/29/12 08:37 PM
but,but we were supposed to move to Canada (America junior) and live in a mingle version of a commune; where mostly, all we would do is chop wood for winter and eat chelsea’s bacon! (or whatever it is they serve as bacon up there...)


HasidicEnforcer's photo
Sun 07/01/12 04:16 PM

no photo
Sun 07/01/12 09:50 PM
hey HE waving

Totage's photo
Sun 07/01/12 09:54 PM
What's happening my brothers and sisters of Mingle to the second power?

no photo
Sun 07/01/12 09:56 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Sun 07/01/12 10:02 PM
toto! nic pic. is it that guy who voiced the robot on mystery science theater 3000?

Totage's photo
Sun 07/01/12 09:58 PM
TY, possibly. I've done a lot of things in the past I don't remember.

no photo
Sun 07/01/12 10:01 PM
awesome! can you do the voice of the robot that would warn will robinson?

no photo
Tue 07/03/12 02:15 PM

no photo
Tue 07/03/12 04:21 PM

maybe she found a bearded hippy that drives a volkswagon bus and lives in a cabin scared

Close, she did see a bearded guy in a truck.

I'm trying to talk her into coming back to Mingle, at first she was just going to take a break, now she may not come back.

kc0003's photo
Tue 07/03/12 04:33 PM

maybe she found a bearded hippy that drives a volkswagon bus and lives in a cabin scared

Close, she did see a bearded guy in a truck.

I'm trying to talk her into coming back to Mingle, at first she was just going to take a break, now she may not come back.

tell the little @#$# to just stop %$#@^&* around and drag her @!# back to this*&^%^$#, %^$#%, *&*^% place before i drive up to that &%^$-hole and smack some %$#@ sense into that *&%&#@@ brain of hers!! $%#@ this has gone on long %&$#@!* enough!....oh and tell her i said hi waving

no photo
Tue 07/03/12 04:35 PM

maybe she found a bearded hippy that drives a volkswagon bus and lives in a cabin scared

Close, she did see a bearded guy in a truck.

I'm trying to talk her into coming back to Mingle, at first she was just going to take a break, now she may not come back.

tell the little @#$# to just stop %$#@^&* around and drag her @!# back to this*&^%^$#, %^$#%, *&*^% place before i drive up to that &%^$-hole and smack some %$#@ sense into that *&%&#@@ brain of hers!! $%#@ this has gone on long %&$#@!* enough!....oh and tell her i said hi waving

I'll let her know word for word. She needs encouragement!

no photo
Tue 07/03/12 04:59 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Tue 07/03/12 05:00 PM
well if the bster isn't coming back, i'm selling my knit cap on ebay

kc0003's photo
Tue 07/03/12 05:01 PM
thank you...

and if you don't mind; would you be so kind as to let her know my "duck" key-chain still works quite nicely.

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