Topic: House passes bill to ban welfare funds at strip clubs | |
Who are we to tell people where to spend the money they earned? Oh wait nevermind. Grant money isn't earned. |
Who are we to tell people where to spend the money they earned? Oh wait nevermind. Grant money isn't earned. Even grant, money, you cannot tell people how to spend it. You cannot track how they spend it, unless you put a body guard on them 24/7..... |
i seen this in the news awhile ago they keep track of the debit cards in West Viginia some don't even bother getting cash and just use it like a credit card.The study showed that most go to strip clubs.
how do they police where people spend money? that should be interesting,,,,,, The money is given via government issued debit cards. Prior to this there was no control on who could accept these card via the typical credit card processing machine. The new law will simple limit who's allowed to accept the card. Since users can get cash it is still possible to use the funds for anything they want, but they have to make more of an effort to do so. As for the comment that "most" of the money goes to strip clubs, that's nonsense, but it is a problem. |
But all the people have to do is go to an ATM no surcharge machine or do a cash advance on the card to get cash. Viola no tracking of jack.
Edited by
Thu 02/02/12 12:41 PM
But all the people have to do is go to an ATM no surcharge machine or do a cash advance on the card to get cash. Viola no tracking of jack. Exactly. The problem is how do you control such things. It's really pretty much impossible and this was just a political "gesture" to quell the media. It's sends a message as well, but it's a pretty weak one. Personally I think there should be far more control on how the money is spent, cash shouldn't really be an option. But then how does someone who's never had to use welfare understand exactly what the needs are in order to control it without causing problems for those on welfare. There is of course the obvious issue this bill addresses but it goes much deeper if you really want to limit the monies use to essentials. And if you refuse cash advances from the cards is the government playing favorites against small business who can't afford the cost of taking credit cards? And even if it was limited they could simply buy things for other people who give them cash for the purchase. It's a really sticky situation with no real solution as long as humans are human. |
Who are we to tell people where to spend the money they earned? Oh wait nevermind. actually, its a good point. A common myth is that those on welfare dont earn it,, when in fact in MANY MANY places they are required to do just that through 'volunteering' a set number of hours per month somewhere they do , in fact 'earn' the money |
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Thu 02/02/12 01:02 PM
Who are we to tell people where to spend the money they earned? Oh wait nevermind. actually, its a good point. A common myth is that those on welfare dont earn it,, when in fact in MANY MANY places they are required to do just that through 'volunteering' a set number of hours per month somewhere they do , in fact 'earn' the money Good point though that would be for State issued welfare. The decision being made was for federally issued welfare, and that money is not earned. It's an excellent point though, perhaps the better solution would be to make federal assistance require such 'volunteering' as well. I sure would not object to that. The question would come when what do you do when the recipient is also disabled? |
What???! No Way! RNC Wants to keep it all for themselves! The "family values" Republican National Committee spent almost $2,000 last month at an erotic, bondage-themed West Hollywood club, where nearly naked women - and men - simulate sex in nets hung from above. The RNC's risque business expense covered a night out at the high-end S&M club Voyeur Feb. 4, Federal Election Commission records filed by the RNC show. One recent patron wrote in an online review: "There are topless 'dancers' acting out S&M scenes throughout the night," adding she was "stopped dead in my tracks to watch two girls simulating oral sex in a glass case." At least one night a week, the dancers are all male, although the RNC hoedown appeared to be a ladies' night. West Hollywood is the heart of the L.A.-area gay community. A recent analysis by found that under Steele, RNC spending on private jets had doubled, limo trips had tripled and meal expenses jumped from $306,000 to $599,000 compared with the same period in 2005. Revelations about the party's latest bills did nothing to help Steele's standing. Prominent GOP officials were relieved to hear Steele was not at the club, but some shook their heads in disbelief that the RNC signed off for the tab at Voyeur. "You would have thought," said a top GOP source, "they would have noticed that before they filed it." hypocrites... and yet, many seem to feel it's acceptable to stipulate what the poor spend their money on with no concern what these bastards are spending their money on. WE also give them money, a hell of a lot more than a welfare check. Because these politicians wear a suit does not mean they are earning the money we give them. Yet, we still target the poor. |
You don't always get the surcharge waived even at the appropriate ATM. I had a debit card issued to me by Unemployment. At first there was a 1 free withdrawal through the appropriate ATM, then it changed. I started getting whacked $3 to make a withdrawal regardless. As far as I'm concerned, banks shouldn't be allowed to do that at all for such cards. POS use doesn't get charged at all. So it became a matter of either feeding money to the bank (which could have bought a gallon of gas), or make it possible for the government to track spending habits.
I would go out once every 2 - 4 weeks to a bar just to see people. Part of it was to see several friends in one fell swoop, and part of it was maintaining job contacts within the network I had built. But that won't show up on the balance sheet. It would just show that I went to 1 or 2 bars on a periodic basis....and given current trends, that might disqualify me from eligibility in the future. Who knows? Maybe it could even lead to profiling people because it will automatically be assumed the money was spent of booze instead of food. In the restaurant/bar business, the best way to get a foot in the door is to hear of job openings by word of mouth from people you know inside the biz, especially managers and owners. Those same people are your references, and expand your network beyond just the people you know. Often I'll get hired on the spot, starting the next day. Now consider this: most, if not all, strippers don't accept cards when they are on-stage. That means Welfare money is either being withdrawn from an onsite ATM, or being used to purchase food and drink. Just because the money is withdrawn there doesn't necessarily mean the money is being spent there either. Consideration number two: Who's on welfare? Is it customers, or is it strippers working under the table for straight tips? If the latter, then why are they on welfare? Why aren't they nailed for fraud instead? No matter what, there is more to the story than what is being revealed which means there's a bunch of spin going usual. We are being given the oversimplified version because it's nothing more than a ruse to appear productive during an election year. How about focusing on some real issues like pork barrel projects, simplifying 1,000 page bills, or price-gauging on government contracts rather than manufacturing issues to incite the populace? |
just saying what the investigation showed it was on wtov channel 9 i think i know should not always believe what news states but thats what they said so sorry i made a comment
I received SSI for my son for about 4 months......I volunteered at his school, church, and took care of my grandmother that can no longer drive. I now have a job thank goodness, but I still volunteer and take care of Nana.......stuff my Uncles should be doing in all actuality. I am trying to light a fire under their *****......
I thought they already had something like this. When I was on food stamps, I had to keep my receipts because they could ask for them at any time, and they could track purchases made on the debit cards whenever they wanted. The gave a pamphlet with a list of items that could not be purchased, this was things such as illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.
Edited by
Thu 02/02/12 03:14 PM
just saying what the investigation showed it was on wtov channel 9 i think i know should not always believe what news states but thats what they said so sorry i made a comment Your comments are most opened it up for thoughts and debate......its a good post....thank you We were just stating how there are ways around that.... |
Who are we to tell people where to spend the money they earned? Oh wait nevermind. actually, its a good point. A common myth is that those on welfare dont earn it,, when in fact in MANY MANY places they are required to do just that through 'volunteering' a set number of hours per month somewhere they do , in fact 'earn' the money Good point though that would be for State issued welfare. The decision being made was for federally issued welfare, and that money is not earned. It's an excellent point though, perhaps the better solution would be to make federal assistance require such 'volunteering' as well. I sure would not object to that. The question would come when what do you do when the recipient is also disabled? welfare is used to describe so many things, its hard to keep up but what I think MOST People complain about are the programs such as TANF and FOOD STAMPS, both of which are FEDERALLY FUNDED but dispersed by the states |
I thought they already had something like this. When I was on food stamps, I had to keep my receipts because they could ask for them at any time, and they could track purchases made on the debit cards whenever they wanted. The gave a pamphlet with a list of items that could not be purchased, this was things such as illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. they now issue debit cards, food can only be purchased with the card and no money can be taken out of the card they also issue , however, the MONETARY assistance on a card, with which people CAN choose to take money out and use the cash instead of swiping the card to purchase things |
just saying what the investigation showed it was on wtov channel 9 i think i know should not always believe what news states but thats what they said so sorry i made a comment I wasn't harping on you, but rather about the government tends to slap dirty band-aids on problems just to maintain appearances. Trust me, it really is about appearances and resumes. I have an idea of how the legislatures work internally, partly from personal experiences, partly from education and research, and partly from people I have known for 20+ years who have served in the State legislature. There's more to it than I cared to explain because I know some of the tricks used by less scrupulous politicians when introducing legislation. Some of it can be downright Machiavellian because it's all about self-promotion, and they cause the whole system to break down around them by wearing down wills and exploiting weaknesses. They think they are being smart when actually they refuse to see the big picture. They are goal-oriented to an extreme with egos to match. Many politicians who wish to serve in the Senate or to become President have this mentality. Those with their eyes on the highest prize often run for Governor as a springboard for Presidential dreams....all because of political history data. FDR realized this nearly 100 years ago, which is why he became Governor of New York. Now it is something studied in political classrooms....a formula for success, if you will. It's like the author who chooses to write dime novels to make a living. Same plot. Same personalities. Same situations. Only the names change. If people want true representation and true change, look for the creative candidate who lacks the cookie-cutter image. Break the formula. Vote for the guy who hasn't made a career out of finding photo opportunities....the steady reliable silent guy. This is partly what has a number of people enraptured with Ron Paul, and why they are willing to look past potential flaws he may have. I'm not endorsing him here - I have my doubts about him - but he is the one person in the public eye in the moment who appears to break the formula. |
House passes bill to ban use of welfare funds for strip clubs, casinos and alcohol Published February 01, 2012 | The House passed legislation Wednesday that would prevent welfare recipients from spending money on adult entertainment, alcohol or gambling. The bill's sponser, Rep. Charles Boustany, (R-LA), said that the measure was in response to reports that people had used welfare funds inappropriately. The Welfare Integrity Now for Children and Families Act of 2011 is part of a package of measures that Republicans want to include in an upcoming agreement to extend the payroll tax cut over the next year. Democrats supported the measure but criticized Republicans for not focusing on larger national problems, such as job creation. The vote was 395 to 26. Read more: Only in America!!! Now where am I supposed to spend my food stamps? |