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Topic: my tears dry on their own.
Optomistic69's photo
Fri 01/27/12 03:25 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Fri 01/27/12 03:26 PM

I'm an introverted extrovert bigsmile

I'm a newbie too, so hi everyone waving

Hi there fellow Irish..welcome to Mingle...drinker

Well hello waving

Loving the photo :laughing:

That was taken in Letterkenny at a CS meeting..drinker waving

oops offtopic sorry

Laceykin's photo
Fri 01/27/12 03:31 PM

I'm an introverted extrovert bigsmile

I'm a newbie too, so hi everyone waving

Hi there fellow Irish..welcome to Mingle...drinker

Well hello waving

Loving the photo :laughing:

That was taken in Letterkenny at a CS meeting..drinker waving

oops offtopic sorry

With my camera :laughing:

I'm chatting with the blue fella, must tell him you said hi

Sorry for the hijack folks, I'll behave from now on oops

no photo
Fri 01/27/12 03:31 PM
extroverts are too cool for mingle.

navygirl's photo
Fri 01/27/12 03:55 PM

extroverts are too cool for mingle.

I am extovert and I am a mingler. So, am I cool or not? spock

BettyB's photo
Fri 01/27/12 03:58 PM

extroverts are too cool for mingle.

I am extovert and I am a mingler. So, am I cool or not? spock

I guess you swing either way.laugh laugh

navygirl's photo
Fri 01/27/12 03:59 PM

extroverts are too cool for mingle.

I am extovert and I am a mingler. So, am I cool or not? spock

I guess you swing either way.laugh laugh

Oh my, don't tell everyone. :laughing:

no photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:00 PM

are you an introvert or an extrovert?
does the other group bother you?
i'm an introvert and can't stand most extroverts.
i know a few and love em and all,
but after being with them for a little while i just want them to ****ing leave.
i wonder if extroverts gets annoyed with introverts too?
do you ever want to smack us?

I'm an Extrovert.........with a


Does that matter???

bigsmile huh bigsmile

no photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:05 PM

I am extovert and I am a mingler. So, am I cool or not? spock

you're just an odd one.

no photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:05 PM

I'm an Extrovert.........with a


Does that matter???

bigsmile huh bigsmile

beard just makes you that much cooler.

no photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:07 PM

I'm an Extrovert.........with a


Does that matter???

bigsmile huh bigsmile

beard just makes you that much cooler.

smokin bigsmile smokin

BettyB's photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:08 PM

extroverts are too cool for mingle.

I am extovert and I am a mingler. So, am I cool or not? spock

I guess you swing either way.laugh laugh

Oh my, don't tell everyone. :laughing:

I won't I promise. nobody will ever know.bigsmile

navygirl's photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:22 PM

extroverts are too cool for mingle.

I am extovert and I am a mingler. So, am I cool or not? spock

I guess you swing either way.laugh laugh

Oh my, don't tell everyone. :laughing:

I won't I promise. nobody will ever know.bigsmile

I don't know whats worse swining either way or being odd? laugh

krupa's photo
Fri 01/27/12 04:47 PM
I am quiet and shy......

HA! Apparently I am full of schitt too!


I actually take extroert to a whole new level. "You will be my friend whether you like it or not" is my approach. I am very good at it to and can pull most everyone from thier shell sooner or later.

The really quiet ones I generally scream at.."SHUT UP! YOU ARE HOGGING THE DAMNED CONVERSATION!" (it always gets a smile out of em)

The ones who absolutely insist on not enjoying themselves...I eventually just blow off....if they insist on being miserable...I ain't gonna waste my time on thier pathetic @$$es. Same holds true for extroverts with negative attitudes.

no photo
Fri 01/27/12 08:07 PM
When I socialize I'm sometimes mistaken for an extrovert, I can really open and friendly and outgoing... but I like my quiet time. I really like my quiet time. I can't stand acquaintances who always need to chatter or engage or have the attention of others.

winterblue56's photo
Fri 01/27/12 08:15 PM

I'm an introverted extrovert bigsmile

I'm a newbie too, so hi everyone waving

Hi Lacy...welcome to Mingles flowerforyou

winterblue56's photo
Fri 01/27/12 08:19 PM
I'm in the middle on this. I like going out and mingling and I find peace at home doing whatever my lil'ol'heart desires drinker

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