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Topic: Who Wants War With Iran?
heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 02/03/12 07:11 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Fri 02/03/12 07:12 PM
Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

~From the Nuremburg Diary (1947)

History repeats itself yet again in this country. The masses never learn. frustrated

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 02/03/12 07:49 PM
"Iran Air Flight 655. When The United States killed 290 of Iran civilians. Maybe they have a reason to hate us?
I think they hate us more for putting the Shaw in power back in 1953 so we could loot the oil."

above reference to Flight 655 is a skewed response to a historical event.

Aircraft was warned repeatedly that it had entered an 'active combat area'.

Aircraft in question had assumed a flight path that emulated a dive-to-bomb path.

Aircraft in question did not respond to any warnings.

Anti-aircraft missle fireball was extremely large (much larger than the warhead of the missle should have provided by itself)...

added to which the bodies that the US managed to pull from the ocean had forensic apearance of death well beyond a few minutes.

Lot more to this story than meets the eye...

or than was reported.

no photo
Fri 02/03/12 08:07 PM

No one wants war with Iran and there will be no war with Iran.
Iran will only have their nuclear development sites bombed out
of existence unless they verifiably cease enrichment activities.

There will be no troops and no fighting. Just a smoking hole where
centrifuges and reactors used to be. But it does not have to be
that way.

All Iran has to do to avoid conflict with the rest of the world is to
give up on having their own centrifuges to enrich nuclear material to
bomb grade.

They have been offered multiple times pre-enriched material as well
as having others re-process for them both much easier and cleaner than
pursing the work themselves. But they clearly want to have the ability
to enrich to bomb grade despite having signed international agreements
that they would not do this.

And they lie and conceal their nuclear bombmaking activities.

All they have to do is stop their nuclear bomb making activities.
If they continue to insist on trying to develop nuclear weapons then
they will certainly be stopped by force. They have known this all
along. I don't feel sorry for them. They have made their own choices.
I do feel sorry for the innocent citizens of Iran who have to live
under the thumb of their idiotic theocratic militant Islamic rulers.


Iran's choice.

flowerforyou I have been around long enough to remember 1978 - 79 & 80 - and actually almost left for Iran about 3 weeks before my departure date our nationals were taken prisoner so I did not go

thank god- I could easily have been in that embassy

no WAY should Iran be permitted to have the capacity for nuclear weapons, no way

I have no sympathy for Iran - it was just too close for comfort...

khan327's photo
Sat 02/04/12 03:05 PM
Terrorist they are products of CIA iran have right to make atomic weapon to protect iran from USA and israel attack

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 02/04/12 03:17 PM

Terrorist they are products of CIA iran have right to make atomic weapon to protect iran from USA and israel attack
I could have sworn that Pakistan was and is supporting the Taliban!

And it is in the World's interest that the Twelvers don't get their hands on Nuclear Devices!

Besides,Iran has just publicly admitted that it is supporting Terrorists!

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 02/04/12 04:28 PM

No one wants war with Iran and there will be no war with Iran.
Iran will only have their nuclear development sites bombed out
of existence unless they verifiably cease enrichment activities.

There will be no troops and no fighting. Just a smoking hole where
centrifuges and reactors used to be. But it does not have to be
that way.

All Iran has to do to avoid conflict with the rest of the world is to
give up on having their own centrifuges to enrich nuclear material to
bomb grade.

They have been offered multiple times pre-enriched material as well
as having others re-process for them both much easier and cleaner than
pursing the work themselves. But they clearly want to have the ability
to enrich to bomb grade despite having signed international agreements
that they would not do this.

And they lie and conceal their nuclear bombmaking activities.

All they have to do is stop their nuclear bomb making activities.
If they continue to insist on trying to develop nuclear weapons then
they will certainly be stopped by force. They have known this all
along. I don't feel sorry for them. They have made their own choices.
I do feel sorry for the innocent citizens of Iran who have to live
under the thumb of their idiotic theocratic militant Islamic rulers.


Iran's choice.

flowerforyou I have been around long enough to remember 1978 - 79 & 80 - and actually almost left for Iran about 3 weeks before my departure date our nationals were taken prisoner so I did not go

thank god- I could easily have been in that embassy

no WAY should Iran be permitted to have the capacity for nuclear weapons, no way

I have no sympathy for Iran - it was just too close for comfort...
I just cant help but think how self centered your view is on this. One has to keep in mind the CIA over threw a democratic government in Iran in 1953 or thereabouts and placed in power the Shaw who was a US puppet and brutalised the Iranian people with the support of the US for decades, people tend to remember those types of things...........

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 02/04/12 05:41 PM

There won't be any war with Iran because they will back down like the ******* I know they are!

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 02/04/12 05:47 PM

There won't be any war with Iran because they will back down like the ******* I know they are!
Absurd realy being they havent done anything.

you can like many people ignore the truth but no one can ignore the consequences of the truth. Those consequences will be gas prices you cant afford dragging down the economy even further and it wont hurt those who are promoteing this war only the class that has to fight it.

Oh yea we will win its what we do attack weaker countries that are no threat to us. The price of victory will be something we cant even imagine.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 02/04/12 06:02 PM

There won't be any war with Iran because they will back down like the ******* I know they are!
Absurd realy being they havent done anything.

you can like many people ignore the truth but no one can ignore the consequences of the truth. Those consequences will be gas prices you cant afford dragging down the economy even further and it wont hurt those who are promoteing this war only the class that has to fight it.

Oh yea we will win its what we do attack weaker countries that are no threat to us. The price of victory will be something we cant even imagine.

Iran as the worlds worst state sponsor of terrorism is clearly one
of the most serious threats to the U.S. and this is why they will
have to be stopped by force if necessary to prevent them from
developing the ability to make nuclear weapons.


Bestinshow's photo
Sat 02/04/12 07:01 PM

There won't be any war with Iran because they will back down like the ******* I know they are!
Absurd realy being they havent done anything.

you can like many people ignore the truth but no one can ignore the consequences of the truth. Those consequences will be gas prices you cant afford dragging down the economy even further and it wont hurt those who are promoteing this war only the class that has to fight it.

Oh yea we will win its what we do attack weaker countries that are no threat to us. The price of victory will be something we cant even imagine.

Iran as the worlds worst state sponsor of terrorism is clearly one
of the most serious threats to the U.S. and this is why they will
have to be stopped by force if necessary to prevent them from
developing the ability to make nuclear weapons.

So what will they do with them besides defend themselves? If they use them on the US or Israel they will be obliterated.

They can only if they are, doing this after seeing what the US has done to Iraq. Self defence isnt against the law in my book.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/04/12 07:46 PM

If I approach you with empty hands but looking about frantically for a stick.

and then I tell you that as soon as I find a stick I am going to bash your head in.

Would you let me continue looking for the stick?

andrewzooms's photo
Sat 02/04/12 08:52 PM

"Iran Air Flight 655. When The United States killed 290 of Iran civilians. Maybe they have a reason to hate us?
I think they hate us more for putting the Shaw in power back in 1953 so we could loot the oil."

above reference to Flight 655 is a skewed response to a historical event.

Aircraft was warned repeatedly that it had entered an 'active combat area'.

Aircraft in question had assumed a flight path that emulated a dive-to-bomb path.

Aircraft in question did not respond to any warnings.

Anti-aircraft missle fireball was extremely large (much larger than the warhead of the missle should have provided by itself)...

added to which the bodies that the US managed to pull from the ocean had forensic apearance of death well beyond a few minutes.

Lot more to this story than meets the eye...

or than was reported.

Um no sorry. Our Navy has no business firing misses half way around the world.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/04/12 09:04 PM

"Iran Air Flight 655. When The United States killed 290 of Iran civilians. Maybe they have a reason to hate us?
I think they hate us more for putting the Shaw in power back in 1953 so we could loot the oil."

above reference to Flight 655 is a skewed response to a historical event.

Aircraft was warned repeatedly that it had entered an 'active combat area'.

Aircraft in question had assumed a flight path that emulated a dive-to-bomb path.

Aircraft in question did not respond to any warnings.

Anti-aircraft missle fireball was extremely large (much larger than the warhead of the missle should have provided by itself)...

added to which the bodies that the US managed to pull from the ocean had forensic apearance of death well beyond a few minutes.

Lot more to this story than meets the eye...

or than was reported.

Um no sorry. Our Navy has no business firing misses half way around the world.

Then why have a Navy?

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/04/12 09:10 PM
When ones travels take one to a point where he must go between two biligerents with teath constantly bared...

One should wear ones teeth also.

else one is rended in the exchange.

When you go not with teath bared in such a place...

Someone always assumes you have none.

and are fair game.

Because we did not go there with ours bared.

We had to use them.

To prove we had them.

Else there would have been no respect.

and Kuwait would belong to Iran (along with most of the Middle East)...

All under the watchfull eyes of the Mullahs that rule the Garden of the Bird. (subject to the constant poision of bigotry and hatred that comes from them).

royalblue599's photo
Sat 02/04/12 09:12 PM
well im in the military so i say no war.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/04/12 09:23 PM
What if it is IRAN that wants war?

Not its people (they are much like us)...

Its government?

They have made many chest thumping statements.

Rattled their sabre several times.

and made much 'war' talk.

One has to start hoping that the people of Iran will feel as you do...

Yet do the People of Iran have any actual say in what their government does?

Do we?

They are much like us.

royalblue599's photo
Sat 02/04/12 09:30 PM
Edited by royalblue599 on Sat 02/04/12 09:33 PM

What if it is IRAN that wants war?

Not its people (they are much like us)...

Its government?

They have made many chest thumping statements.

Rattled their sabre several times.

and made much 'war' talk.

One has to start hoping that the people of Iran will feel as you do...

Yet do the People of Iran have any actual say in what their government does?

Do we?

They are much like us.

s1owhand's photo
Sun 02/05/12 01:30 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 02/05/12 01:33 AM


If I approach you with empty hands but looking about frantically for a stick.

and then I tell you that as soon as I find a stick I am going to bash your head in.

Would you let me continue looking for the stick?

Plus, you have been bashed in the head before by this same guy
and have watched him bash others to death and he is now looking
for a bigger, heavier, stronger stick.


And he says he is going to bash the heads in of anyone who does
not believe in his own version of his religion and he has it
written into his Constitution.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 02/05/12 10:28 PM

are we blameless in this.

War is a series of small steps (most of them stupid).

Truth be told have we not stepped on some toes here also?

Peace is a series of small steps.

Best we be about using truth to start stepping.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 02/06/12 12:35 PM
"In the 1980s capitalism triumphed over communism. In the l990s it triumphed over democracy." -- David Korten,

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