Topic: Brand New!
galendgirl's photo
Tue 01/17/12 06:43 PM
What's the BEST thing about starting a new relationship?

no photo
Tue 01/17/12 06:45 PM

skywisper's photo
Wed 01/18/12 03:55 AM
Id have to agree sex.smitten

JamieRawxx's photo
Wed 01/18/12 03:59 AM
The beginning because it is always lovey dovey and holding hands until they "hook" you & everything changes...

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/18/12 07:33 AM
Discovering all the details of the one your with...It is like a treasure hunt some are good and some are bad...but still exciting hearing the adventures of the one your with....bigsmile

galendgirl's photo
Wed 01/18/12 06:36 PM

Discovering all the details of the one your with...It is like a treasure hunt some are good and some are bad...but still exciting hearing the adventures of the one your with....bigsmile

Good answer!

no photo
Wed 01/18/12 07:47 PM

hope for the future

MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 01/18/12 07:51 PM
Kissing him anytime I want. Being in his life. Planning things with him. Playing, sharing, cuddling, knowing he feels it too is enough for me.

justme659's photo
Wed 01/18/12 07:56 PM
The child like joy you feel inside when you think of that person.

no photo
Wed 01/18/12 08:45 PM
The anticipation of not knowing what to expect next. The exploration of each other, and a new world seen through each others eyes. A new relationship is an adventure... both as partners and lovers , and the journey should just grow.

jemare's photo
Thu 01/19/12 12:09 AM
The possibilities of tomorrow that each new day brings:smile: