Topic: The Death Penalty | |
i better just keep my dam mouth shut
Don, the story in my family is that my uncle IG (yup, that was his real name)was handcuffed to someone as they always do when they load up the bus to transport the prisoners, and my uncle was a very large, muscular man, so the guy he was handcuffed to was a lil guy in comparison. They asked him, dont you know who you are handcuffed to? Charles Manson! My uncle raised his arm high and had Manson hanging by his cuff and said, so this is the little F**ker than was causing all that sh1t??? He was so pissed, they had to take ol Charlie off him cuz my uncle was gonna kill him. They should have let him, or he should have done it faster!!!!
wow viva?i may not agree with you but thats cool.
Oh, pls........not abortion.....sighhhhhhhhh
And Viva as long as you are nice in here, never keep your mouth shut unless you want to. This what the forums are about and for. Speak your mind, and who cares if anyone disagree's with you
hey fire,
i agree. california has spent so much money on him keeping him in solitaire and moving him from prison to prison that its rediculous. a bullet cost anout 20 cents, cheaper then electricity. shot them get itover quickly and costafectively. |
come on viva, get in here. everyone has a right to speak!!
charles manson has thee best life. he gets whatever he wants, people look up to him like some freakin icon, he writes books, poetry, etc... im pretty sure he has a tv, & fridge in his cell and gets fan mail. then we've got good o' scott peterson who slaughtered his pregnant wife and threw her in the San Fransisco bay. this SOB has girls proposing to him and sending him all kinds of snacks and goodies. GOT TO LOVE CALIFORNIA!!!!
can't blame california. it happens everywhere.
whts wrong with the fans and women that do this ****? why are women still dating OJ? must be the money. they can't feel safe!!!! |
vial is the last non liberal in california i think.
well don, you know what the say about black men! ha ha ha. fire, you are one smart lady!!!
viva, what do you think of the governator? just curious
damn it girl, i'm gonna leave that one alone!!!
I agree viva! He lives better than I do. Gotta love my state, but not every law that they make and what they do..........tie him up and draw and quarter him......this is the exact situation where it waould be warrented!
ok here it is folks: Until 1814, the full punishment for the crime was to be hanged, drawn, and quartered in that the convict would be: Dragged on a hurdle (a wooden frame) to the place of execution. (This is one possible meaning of drawn.) Hanged by the neck for a short time or until almost dead. (hanged). Disembowelled and emasculated, and the genitalia and entrails burned before the condemned's eyes (This is another meaning of drawn. It is often used in cookbooks to denote the disembowelment of chicken or rabbit carcasses before cooking).[2] Beheaded and the body divided into four parts (quartered). |
well that just goes to show how dumb some of us californians are. why would you put a immigrant from austria with that speech impetamant in office? he just sucks and there really is no other way to say it. i dont know what govenor didnt suck here in cali. but i love it here!
agrees w/viva
we have a governor from canada here in the hand state. you wouldent believe some of the stunts shes pulled. now she wants to RAISE taxes again. she just contracted with the canadian waste haulers to use our landfills..... hmmmm
dam, she must talk to arnold on a daily basis.
hell viva, all the idiots talk to each other. thats how they make sure they are spewing the same iditic ideas to us.
they can't keep the lies straight unless they keep telling each otheer over and over. |
Creations, I like the old methods of , you describe and we need to use them now.
A few more methods used in the olden was the rack , the wheel and the iron madane. |